Blowjob on the Job


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His hand was bigger than hers, and his grip was tighter than hers, and the difference in how hard their cocks got was pretty apparent by the way hers was able to be squeezed a little more than his. His stroke was a bit more energetic, too, and she blushed when she realized she was leaning into his touch the same way he had into hers. Thrusting ever so gently into his hand.

She could see the wheels turning in his head, so although it occurred to her to prod him, maybe a little playfully, into going further, she instead let him work at his own pace. He was staring pretty hard at her cock, much more so than his own. For her part, Alexis was enjoying the whole thing, the combination of two nice cocks, being touched by someone new.

"Just so you know," she said, finding just the right words at just the right moment and feeling very proud of herself, "you're not too big to deepthroat."

He looked up at her, blinking his big blue eyes, and she gave him a little half shrug and a nod. This was, seemingly, the straw that broke the camel's back.

It started slow. His grip slackened. He licked his lips. He made a sound, a little happy sound, and slowly dropped down to one knee. His lips were moving, tiny formations that might have been words, but all Alexis could hear was the sound of her own heart pounding away. She ran a hand behind her ear, tucking her brown hair safely back and out of the way so it wouldn't impede her view, and bit her lip hard.

He grabbed her by the root, hand forming a fist, and guided her head until it rested against his cheek. And then against his upper lip. And then he took a deep breath, in through his nostrils, and Alexis just about collapsed from the sudden feeling of weakness in her knees.

She wanted him.

She wanted him so bad that it was brushing up against her naturally cool demeanor, and her reserved nature. It was very un-hip to be so enthusiastic about anything, and she was very suddenly enthusiastic about having a lot of her inside of him.

She kept it under control, though. She reached back to brace herself against the work bench behind her, and let out a long, low sound that, in the back of her head, she knew was a little too loud for the projection booth on any night that wasn't porn night. It might even be too loud for porn night. It might be loud enough to yield some complaints from the audience, and it might be loud enough to get her fired.

Thoughts of the audience vanished when he took her head into his mouth.

He didn't take her very deep. Not at first. He used both hands, gripping her shaft tightly. One fist pressed tightly against the other, with the rest of her in his mouth. His eyes were closed, and when his tongue swooped and explored her, his expression was one of wonder and reverence.

After a long moment, Toby opened his eyes and looked up at her. The look of admiration in his eyes was adorable, and combined with rosey patches on his cheeks and her thick shaft stretching his mouth into a great wide 'o', he was beautiful. Alexis glanced down between their bodies, and noticed Toby's cock was as rigid as ever. A drop of precum glistened on the head, which looked almost purple in its eager arousal.

Guess you really do like sucking cock, Alexis thought, but before she had a chance to vocalize it, Toby went for the kill. He kept his grip on her base, but released the other hand, and nodded forward with determination. The following wet immersion felt amazing, for about one second, and then Toby gagged. His face turned bright red, from his forehead all the way down to his throat. He withdrew, trying to cough quietly, hands held over his mouth. Alexis cussed silently and scrambled for her purse, and the bottle of water therein.

Toby kneeled on the floor, dick still pointing straight out, and shuddered with the heaving of his chest. For a while Alexis was afraid he'd throw up, but then he managed to sip on the water. He made a few weird noises, most of them thankfully quiet and most of them thankfully covered by an action-filled scene out in the theater, and then he blew out a big breath and settled down. He wiped his eyes and they shared a look. He seemed sheepish.

"Toby, my man," Alexis half-whispered and half-hissed, trying not to laugh. "You're going to get both of us fired! You can't just go for it like that! You need to go little at a time."

"But I did pretty well, didn't I? Did I have you almost all the way?"

Toby looked up at her with pride and pleading. Alexis considered lying, but had a suspicion that the cocksucker enthusiast Toby was sure to become would not appreciate a lie.

"No, no you didn't. Maybe about... here?" She pointed at approximately halfway down her shaft, a teeny bit closer to her crotch than the spit left by his mouth should have warranted, and he looked horrified.

"What? No!" He leaned closer, examining the wet half of her cock with his fingertips. "Huh... I swear, it felt like... huh." He looked up at her and looked like a petulant little boy. "I think you're fucking with me," he said. "There's no way a cock this big can be deepthroated."

"Baby steps, my young padawan. Start small, you know." Then, hands extended, she added, "And I don't mean small cocks. Just... just do the tip. Make me cum, and see how you like that."

Toby glanced up at her again, briefly, but his focus was back on her cock. He fisted it again, jerking slowly and thoughtfully, measuring it up with his eyes. Then he started licking and sucking on her head, and she fell into the feeling.

Absent-mindedly, she took a hold of Toby's thick, curly hair. She knew enough not to fuck his face, but she liked the mental image of doing just that. She liked it a lot, and couldn't keep that fantasy from her mind as she squeezed her glutes and popped her hips forward in shallow little thrusts. She stroked his hair, scratched his scalp, and was rewarded with another misty-eyed look from around her cock.

Alexis was quite sure that none of her earlier male partners had ever been this enthralled with her cock. Some of them seemed weirded out to be interacting with a penis, some seemed to rationalize it into some kind of weird looking, oversized clit. She hadn't had anyone refuse to go down on her, and most had had some natural talent being able to do what they themselves enjoyed receiving, but Toby was in a league of his own. He was enthusiastic and focused, and the way his cheeks filled with color was unbelievable.

"I'm close," she warned, feeling that first little twinge in her core, and was surprised at how unsteady her whisper was. Either it had been longer since she'd had sex than she remembered, or this was all working for her way more than she'd realized.

Toby looked up at her, briefly, before closing his eyes again, which Alexis took as permission. Which only served to make her cum that much faster. She felt the wave rising, fast and hot, and if anything, Toby doubled his efforts. Her knees wobbled as she crashed over the edge, jetting stream after stream into Toby's eager mouth, doubling forward over him with both hands firmly gripping his scalp. He kept his two-fisted grip on her cock, but she pushed and pushed anyway out of sheer, mindless need.

For a moment neither talked. Alexis fell back against the table, panting as quietly as she could. Toby kneeled in front of her and lovingly licked the last few drops off the tip of her shrinking cock.

After a minute, he let go of her dick and sat back. She had the impression he was waiting for her to tease him. The faintest look of embarrassment. Instead, as sincerely as she could, she said, "Holy fuck. That was..."

Toby smiled, the quick wide smile lighting up his face. "Yeah, it was," he said.

He bit his lip and watched Alexis' cock, which still dangled out of her pants. Alexis felt the urge to tuck it away, but didn't. She rocked her hips slightly from side to side, causing it to sway back and forth, and the way his gaze followed it was incredible.

Toby looked down at his own cock, still hard and full, and then back up at her. "I still don't believe that you can deepthroat something this big. I mean, yeah, I've seen the videos, but maybe that's just some kind of cinematic trick. There's just no way."

She felt her smile growing extremely lopsided. "Want me to show you?"

Alexis hadn't planned on reciprocating, but the awed, greedy look on Toby's face encouraged her. He didn't say anything, seemingly too excited to grasp for words, so Alexis just launched into action. She checked the film, which was still doing fine, and as far as she could tell in the dark none of the audience was looking back into the projector hole. Not that she really cared, as long as they weren't interrupted just yet. She tucked in her cock, and gestured for Toby to take her place against the table. Toby stood up, eyes big and round, and obeyed.

Alexis kneeled in front of him and took a firm two-hand grip of his cock. It was hot and hard, throbbing under her palms, and she noted again how turned on sucking cock was making him. She wondered idly if he was secretly full blown gay, or only bi, then discarded the thought as irrelevant. Maybe he just had a thing for chicks with dicks? All the better for her and, really, none of her business.

This, on the other hand, was her business. She stroked him, eyeing him up much the way he had done just a moment ago. Alexis was no stranger to blowjobs, but she didn't know if she'd ever attempted to deepthroat anyone this big. It looked even bigger up close, and she had a moment of admiration to the two ladies who'd managed to deepthroat her.

She was going to swallow him. Her competitiveness had kicked in, and she was going to succeed or die trying.

She suppressed a giggle, imagining what kind of trouble the theater would be in if she was found dead in the projector booth. Suffocated on cock. She didn't want to stop to explain to Toby what she was laughing about, and so she just kissed the tip of his cock to give her lips something to do other than smile. He twitched, already very wound up, and she suspected she wouldn't have long until he came. She relaxed her jaw, working her whole upper body to move closer and then away again, getting accustomed to his girth and his presence in her mouth. Toby let out a whimper and his hands, gripping the edge of the work bench on the edges of Alexis' vision, tightened until his knuckles turned white.

Alexis breathed, long and decidedly, and then leaned in. She didn't make it all the way at first. She was still a little ways from taking him all the way, but she could do it once she relaxed a little more. He didn't give her the chance, though. His cock pulsed and throbbed, and his whole body tensed when he entered her throat. When she swallowed around him, he let out a gurgling sound and came. The whole thing had taken ten seconds, tops.

Alexis took the first spurt down her throat, a jet that she felt but never tasted, then withdrew to suckle the rest. Toby's thighs were quivering, and Alexis had to let him go when he started crumpling toward the floor. She helped him down, trying to minimize the noise, and the situation dawned on her again: the two of them having a cock sucking competition at their workplace. Toby smiled, looking dazed but very happy, and for a while they laughed, voicelessly, at the ridiculousness of it all.

"That was fucking amazing," said Toby, flat on his back on the projector booth floor. "I can't believe how good that felt! Can you teach me how to do that?"

Alexis grinned. "You want me to give you deepthroating lessons? We'd need someone else to practice on, so I could get right down there next to you and give you pointers. It's kind of hard to do that when I'm the one getting practiced on, but I can definitely teach you. I mean, I took you."

Toby laughed silently again. Then he said, with an impish smile, "I don't know if that really qualifies, though."

Alexis raised her eyebrows.

Toby gestured to his dick, which was still somewhat hard, and they both examined the lipstick line. "I definitely was in your throat," he admitted, "and it was super fucking hot, but it wasn't all the way."

Alexis clucked her tongue. "You came in like three seconds. I hadn't even started to warm up."

"Yeah, but I was already super turned on!" he shot back. "Next time, you gotta go first."

"Next time, huh?"

Alexis examined Toby's cock. The lipstick traces were smudged and uneven, but there was no denying that there was still some shaft left before getting to the pubes: maybe an inch or more, taking into account how he was now shrinking. They shared a look.

"I bet I can take all of you, though," she said.

"I bet I can take all of you, once I get to practice some more."

Alexis narrowed her eyes. "It's a deal."


Alexis checked the movie. It was just fine, as expected. She turned on the volume a little louder than usual. In the last few months she had experimented with the sound and knew exactly what she could get away with. She was humming with anticipation, and when there was a knock on the door she hurried across the booth.

"Come, come!" she said in a hushed voice, letting Toby in and closing the door behind him.

"Oh, I'm planning on it," Toby responded. They both smirked.

"Who's turn it is to go first?" Alexis asked. "I think I did the last time."

"Yeah, yeah, okay," Toby said. "And I swear, this time I'm gonna do it. I've been practicing."

"Oh? Have you been seeing other cocks beside me?"

"Not telling! I'm not giving away my competitive advantage!"

Despite his defiance, Toby blushed, and Alexis still found it adorable. They giggled silently. Alexis adjusted her pants. Knowing what was going to happen had her turned on for most of the day. She leaned against the table, and Toby kneeled before her, opening her jeans. He caressed her ass, casting a playful look up at her. "Do you think we could sometimes, I mean, after we've settled this deepthroating thing, maybe..."

"Anal?" Alexis asked, patting Toby on the nose with her cock. "I'll let you in my ass right after you let me in yours."

Toby's eyes widened. He looked like he was going to answer, but the sight of Alexis' cock swaying before him distracted him. He gripped it, greedily and with familiar touch, and eyed the line they had drawn around her shaft a few days previously and which Alexis had faithfully re-drawn every day since. His own shaft sported a similar goal line. Toby looked up at her, eyes shining, and whispered, like he always did, "Today is the day!"

Alexis winked at him, and then gasped as Toby swallowed her.

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

This is so good. I can't stop myself from reading this over and over.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I really loved this fun and whimsical, and very hot story!!!! Perfectly written five stars 😍

LipstickonmydickLipstickonmydickover 1 year ago

An enviable situation he found for himself. I'm waiting for just such an opportunity. Great story and thank you for sharing it here.

crittergirlcrittergirlabout 2 years ago

This was so sweet and delightful. Also hot.

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunabout 2 years ago

You write so well, I thoroughly enjoyed this. The dialogue was perfect, and so was the sex, especially with how gently she handled the situation. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep writing!

ShortyMacShortyMacabout 2 years ago

Ok first things first. I loved the whole storyline. So hot! Second I loved how Toby was so cute in asking to give Alexis a blowjob. Next is for Lovecraft-Lore I use to be a projectionist and in small theaters they still use projectors. They are very rare though. Now last but not least. I totally loved the story and I hope you continue with the storyline. PLEASE I’d love to see where you take this ‘love story’ 10 stars…


MigbirdMigbirdabout 2 years ago

Both characters are so richly crafted, so believable, the storyline delightfully humorous, and the dialogue perfect. Would love to follow Alexis like a fly on the wall. The two of you are so talented alone and together — the sum is not greater than the parts, just equally creative. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Excellent brief work, hope to see more from you.

WibblyWobblySexyWexyWibblyWobblySexyWexyabout 2 years ago

Alexis and Toby are wonderful and hot. I hope we get to meet them again!

EarlyMorningLightEarlyMorningLightabout 2 years ago

This is cute and fun, but also, thank you for a story that specifically explores queerness. It’s not a word that you see very often in the stories here.

Lovecraft_LoreLovecraft_Loreabout 2 years ago

5 stars

I didn't know they even have projection machines anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I sincerely hope this has a follow-up. It was equally sexy and adorable and I'm curious about where the character development will go!

stejarnstejarnabout 2 years ago

Fantastic - enjoyed that. Thanks.

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