Blurred Lines Pt. 01


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I'm sweaty all over, so I wipe down with paper towels, and I have to take off my bra to get it back on right. And then, my pussy is dripping my juices and his semen. I wipe it a few times with toilet paper - too bad most of it is falling out, and not helping get me knocked up. Finally, after almost five minutes, I'm ready to head out into public without totally looking like I was just screwed hard and fast.

I walk out of the bathroom, on somewhat shaky legs (the damn heels aren't doing me any favors), and head back to the bar area. I'm barely out of there, when I see a guy with wavy dark brown hair, black frame glasses, a maroon polo and light gray slacks walking towards me.

"Audrey, where have you been? I've been looking for you for almost half an hour. The band is about to start." Clearly Greg's voice.

"But, the bathroom, I, you ..." Uh oh. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit what have I just done? I swoon with panic, and start to lose my balance. Greg catches me.

"Are you OK?"

"No, a bit of vertigo. I can't focus, and the alcohol, I, ..."

"I think we should go home. You're not well."

"Yes, please. Sorry, let's go." Greg walks me to the car, very concerned, very loving, and I feel like a complete shit, with what must be some stranger's cum dripping out of my pussy. Oh god, I hope he doesn't smell my arousal in the car. We get there, he helps me in and buckles my seat belt. I pass out before I hear him get into the car.

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GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppyover 1 year ago

I gave it five stars.

A darkly lit bar combined with a woman with serious vision issues is a plausible scenario for mistaken identity.

I wish you had given my story a chance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
It wasn’t boring

It was plain stupid

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Lighten up people its just a story. Not a true story. Get over it.

@sbrooks103x, Oh yes sir mr brooks oh yes sir mr brooks anything you say mr brooks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Remember back a few decades ago in the big happening clubs of the city with coed bathrooms . So many married moms now think back at what a whore pig some guy was lucky to use . Many dicks sucked and girls fucking every time in the bathrooms and in various spots of the club. I remember two came back to where we were staying. They were from conn., two best friends one married and the other was getting married in two months. There cheating asses were fucked every way possible until the next afternoon. Two of my friends continued to hook up with them and even went to the wedding. Poor hubby’s married two friends who were never faithful from day one . Also yes they both got with them that night believe it or not the bride had two different strangers loads in her . One down her throat and the other up her ass. How sweet of her to keep her whore pussy fresh for her husband on there wedding night

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Time for the morning after pill--quickly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Stupid bitch couldn't tell the guy wasn't her husband? If she was that blind, how did she find a bathroom? I don't buy that bullshit and sounds like she could be a slut. Better take a morning after pill...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well... that happened

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
If her husband is that plain and average then what difference does it make who knocked her up?

Velveeta cheese parents beget Velveeta cheese children.

Actually it was a very contrived and juvenile plot. To explain all the reasons why a wife of some years probably knows whether or not she's fucking her husband, even with her eyes closed, would accept the presumption that such a mix up is conceivable.

Childish and silly. Hope your middle school friends enjoyed it.

Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hard to credit

that she didn't check the voice...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
very good...

I forgot it wasn't going to not be Greg for a good while.

Of course, Plan B FOR SURE the next day. Case closed...

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Ridiculously stupid.

Shes such a dumb ass of her husband ran her over with his car (after testing positive for an STD) the police would simply state he did the world a favor.

kiteareskitearesover 3 years ago

IRL? Time to confess ASAP

In LW? Don't say a word, sit on it, pretend the off spring is his, until it all blows up 15 years later...

Nice bit of fun thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You got your name right, was so bored by the end of the first paragraph I gave up, who gives a shit that the door got stuck?

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Last one

Your previous story was very good, but you let someone else finish it. This one ends with a wife cheating. Will you finish this one?

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 3 years ago
Good job

Crazy but creative. It poses the question "what would you do if a hot lady comes on to you in a bar?" Thanks.

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