Bound By Blackmail Ch. 03

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Dafni struggles to free herself and flee her nightmare motel.
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Part 3 of the 27 part series

Updated 05/10/2024
Created 08/30/2022
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Hello readers. This story is part three in the series and you may want to read the previous parts if you haven't already done so. This series has aspects of Forced Feminization, Sissification, Master/Slave relationship, BDSM, and other similar areas. If you don't not care for those type of stories, you may want to exit back and find another story/series. I do appreciate your feedback and please feel free to comment about how you are liking the series so far and how you think the story is going.

I could feel the cold breeze from the opened door. My abuser seemed to have vanished and left me to the wolves. Maybe it was a good thing he left the door open. Maybe someone passing by could help me. Then I got to thinking, 'what if he was right'? What if some drunk or crazy passer-by wanted to come in and try to have their way with me? Even if they wanted to help me, I'd have to operate under the illusion that I was this sissy whore that liked being treated like this. I couldn't take that chance. He'd left the keys for me to get out on my own and maybe I could do so without any more humiliation.

I wiggled and squirmed as much as I could around the bed. I already knew that I couldn't just roll myself off of it. The drop was a short one, but since I couldn't catch myself and I'd most likely land in an awkward manner, I'd likely injure myself. The only thing I could do was try to get a pillow on the floor to cushion my fall.

I inched my way towards the top of the bed. With each movement, I couldn't help but feel the plug in my ass. With that, I couldn't help but feel sick at the thought of what it was holding in. Once I got free, I'd definitely have to deal with that.

I was able to crawl enough to the top of the bed where I could grab ahold of a pillow in my hand. I then rolled over and inched my way to the bed's edge. I released the pillow and heard it hit the floor with a soft thud. That was going to have to be good enough. I didn't want to waste any time.

Taking a deep breath, I rolled myself off the edge. Just like I thought, I landed awkwardly; striking my left shoulder. I hit the pillow, but it still caused a shooting pain up my arm. My knee also impacted the bed rail which caused me to squeal into the gag. Despite the blows, I fumbled my way to the end of the bed. My arm hurt! My leg hurt! My wrists and ankles were in agony from pulling at their restraints! Maneuvering was slow-go. How the hell was I going to get out of this!

After I concluded that I'd reached the bed's end, I had a choice; to either go left towards the rear of the room where the bathroom and keys were, or to go right towards the front door and shut it before any would-be creeps came in to further inflict shameful acts upon me.

I decided to go right! I had to avoid anyone finding me like this!

My body flailed; twisting and turning as it tried to find the optimal way to maneuver without injuring or harming myself further. Had I not had a rubber ball locked in my mouth, my teeth would have been chattering at the icy, cold breeze filtering in through the door and completing invading the room. The dainty bit of clothing I was clad in did nothing to help either.

Along with the howl of the wind, I heard something else. There was a door that I heard close followed by the sound of laughter. It sounded like a couple of guys going on and on about something. Their voices were getting louder, which meant they were getting closer.

I feverishly moved towards the door. How far I was from it, I couldn't exactly tell. My head was out front and I was using that to feel around for it. The guys sounded so close. It was difficult to tell, but I thought I heard three different voices. What if they found me? Would they try to help me or hurt me? I'd already decided that I couldn't risk it and tried to move as quickly as possible.

My head finally impacted what I took to be the corner of the door. I moved my head around and discovered something interesting; the pigtail, which was humiliating both in ascetic and practical use during my fucking, turned out to be a saving grace. It was tall enough to grab the edge of the door. With a flick of my head, I felt the door swing shut. To my relief, I heard the heavy door click closed just before I heard those voices pass by. I hoped they didn't know what lay on the floor just behind that door.

For a few moments, all I could do was lay there and catch my breath. That was difficult in itself considering my main airway was clogged. I was beyond exhausted trying to worm my way around the room. Outside the door, I thought I heard more people pass by. Even though I was sure the door was shut, I couldn't help but fear that someone would enter and pick up where the man who called himself my owner left off. That helped to spur me back into action. Blindly, I turned a one-eighty and began heading back towards the bathroom.

Working towards the rear of the room, I bounded into the foot of the bed. Moving back to my right, I discovered yet another obstacle; a dresser drawer from the feel of it. It had been pulled out and gave little room between it and the bed. The bastard knew I'd have to crawl this way to get to the keys and had opened it to slow me down! I knew I hadn't left it open. The task of closing it was much harder than swinging the door closed. The furniture wasn't very good and the fact that I was trying to nudge it in with my head from one corner was causing it to bind up.

"Aaarrrrhhhh!" I screamed through the gag. I had to twist myself back around with my legs now facing towards the bathroom. Somehow, I wiggled my body where the flats of my feet landed squarely on the drawer. I was able to kick it in, little by little, until there was enough room for me to pass. This process wore me down again and I had to take a few moments to catch my breath. I hoped there were no more obstacles that I would have to endure.

I was able to navigate my way into the bathroom with no other issues other than my restraints. I wiggled around to where my back was faced inwards with my hands and feet patting the floor for the set of keys. The only things in the room were the toilet and shower. I knew that if he had tossed the keys behind the toilet, they would be difficult for me to retrieve. If he tossed them in the tub, that would be next to impossible! Considering how devious and cruel he'd shown himself to be, I couldn't overrule it.

After a few grueling minutes of groping the floor, I was beginning to lose hope. I replayed the sound of the keys striking what I thought to be the floor. They had to be there somewhere, right? Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe the bastard had really tossed them in the tub or had not actually left any keys at all. He could have just wanted me to flail about with false hopes of getting loose.

My brain had begun to surrender to the thought of having to lie there all night and wait for one of the maids to find me. Then, once I was freed, I'd have to explain what had happened to me. If I told the truth, the video would be in my employer's hands in no time.

I somehow got my feet around the side of the toilet, between it and the shower, and I felt the right one land on something. It moved just a bit and made a scratching sound across the tiled floor. My heart jumped! I was at an awkward angle and I was close to losing it. My legs got a cramp as I lowered my ankle as much as I could to keep the keys between it and the floor. My hands groped, trying to reach them. They were close, but I couldn't quite get them. Taking a breath, and a chance, I flicked the keys back as hard as I could with my foot. They landed just at the edge of my fingertips. Trying to go just beyond the limits of my cuffs, I finally took hold of them in my right hand.

Feeling relieved and anxious to get free of all the stuff locked on me, I wiggled myself back to give myself some room to work. My fingers ran over the set of keys to identify them. The first thing I noticed was there were only two keys; both small with one feeling like it had tiny, jagged teeth. The other was smooth, slender, and cylindrical. I felt a square tip on the end and immediately knew that this was the cuff keys. I'd seen enough cop shows to know that.

Again, going on nothing but touch, my fingers traced around the cuff in search of the key hole. I stumbled upon one that was on my left ankle. After some fumbling around, I felt the key slip into the hole. The first time I spun it the wrong way. I turned it the opposite and to my relief the cuff opened up and my ankle was free! Not only that, I was able to slip it through my wrist cuffs and I was able to stand. My vision was still impaired, but somehow standing I seemed to have a better grasp on getting my arms undone.

I quickly found a keyhole for my left wrist. It was still awkward, but I was able to get the key in and release myself. As soon as it was free, my arms rushed to my front side. Though my joints ached and throbbed, it still felt great to be able to have my extremities to have free range of movement.

I stumbled over to the toilet and took a seat on the lid. That reminded me of the plug in my ass that I would have to attend to after freeing myself of everything else. After blindly finding the holes for the right wrist and ankle cuffs, I was finally free of those dreadful things.

Now it was time to shed myself of the hood and gag.

I found the next key, which was the jagged one, and fumbled around with the locks over my eye lids. The key slipped in the left one and the lock popped open. I did the same to the right and it popped open as well. I lifted the lids and allowed light to rush in. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust, even in the crappy dim light of the room.

With the flaps snapped back to the brow of the hood, I turned my attention to the two locks holding the gag and hood in place. My face was all sweaty underneath and my jaw was in pure agony from being forced full and opened. It was going to be a relief to get those things off.

The locks were similar to the ones shielding my eyes. I reached around and slid the key into the lock for the gag. It slid in like butter. However, when I went to turn it to pop the lock open, it didn't budge. I jiggled it a few times, took it out and reinserted it, all with no luck. My heart sped up as I went to the lock for the hood. The exact same thing happened; the key slid in but wouldn't open it!

Frantic, I studied the keys through the two, small eye holes in the hood. Just like I'd felt, there were only two on the keyring; one handcuff and one padlock key. I knew it was pointless, but I fell to the floor and looked all around the toilet and shower for another key. Maybe, just maybe, one had fallen off when he tossed them. My heart knew this wouldn't be true, but I was panicked.

"Mmmmmaaaapppphhhhh!" I garbled in frustration and rage. I could see and move again, but he looked to have basically left me trapped in these hellish devices.

It was difficult to see anything out of the hood I was in, but I went to the mirror and pulled down my thong to try and get a look at the other devices that had been locked on me. First I checked out what was attached to my cock. It was a pink, hard-plastic sheath on the shaft connected to a ring around the base and my balls. A small padlock held the two together. It brought back the horrid memory of it clacking away while I was being fucked.

While I didn't want that device locked on at all, I turned my attention to the plug in my ass. I think I wanted it off and out of me more than anything! It was quite concealed by my cheeks that I was trying to spread to get a better look. There seemed to be a key slot on the end of it. Obviously, he had not left a key for that either. I tried to pull the plug as well as push it out of me. With it expanded inside, I couldn't remove it without harming myself.

More good news! I yelled again in a muffled rage.

Already pissed off, I pulled my thong back up and went back into the main room. On the table by the TV, I saw what he had left for me. It was a cellphone, but not my phone that he'd retrieved while I was being cleaned out. This one was held in a pink case with rhinestones decorating it. Across the back were elegant, white letters that read 'Sissy Girl'. Unlike my phone, this one wasn't locked. When I clicked it on, my face flushed in embarrassment as the home screen was a picture of me on the bed in my frilly nightie and pink thong. My legs were locked behind me and the hood and gag were in place. The man must have used this phone and had taken a picture of me when he first entered.

The son-of-a-bitch!

I noticed that there was a text message from a contact listed only as 'Master'. I opened it up to see what it read.

'Thanks for the great time, sweetie. You sure are a good fuck. I bet all the guys take a liking to you. After our little session, it occured to me that I might have accidentally taken the keys for the hood and gag. Silly me! But you liked wearing them so much that it must have just slipped my mind. I also think your clothes got mixed up in my things. Good thing you've already got something on to get you home. Since you were sweet enough to give me your house key, in case you wanted a midnight fucking no doubt, I'll drop those keys off at your house. Of course, you don't have to use them if you don't want to. See you soon!'

The long text ended. He made it sound like I had set all this up and that I had instigated everything. I assumed for the purpose if anyone else found the phone before me. He was full of shit! That bastard had intentionally taken my clothes and the keys to these locks. My house was forty-five minutes from here. I had to somehow make it to my car and avoid being pulled over or spotted in the ridiculous get-up I was in.

"Aaaaagggggrrrrrhhhh!" I screamed through the gag again. I slammed my fists down on the table in anger and rage. As pissed off as I was, it caused me to calm down a bit as I didn't need to attract attention to the room or myself. There was nothing I could do about it just standing there. The best thing I could do was get home and hopefully find the keys I needed to free myself like the text message said.

Along with the cell phone was my car key minus my house key. He had indeed taken it along with the box containing my clothes. I was going to be forced to drive home in the skimpy nightie and thong in thirty degree weather.

I went around the room and collected the cuffs and other items so there would be nothing left. Once I was out the door, I had to make a B-line for my car. Hopefully, everyone would be in their room for the night and I wouldn't be spotted.

The first thing I did was scout out the window. I saw nothing on the walkway on my left and right. The parking lot was partially obscured by the walkway and some columns, but it too also seemed abandoned. My ears didn't pick up the guys that had walked by earlier. Hopefully they had returned to their room while I was struggling with my cuffs on the bathroom floor.

Next, I cracked the door open and stuck my hooded head out to take a peek and listen. I was quickly met with another chill from the whipping wind. Besides that, all seemed quiet with no one in sight. I could see the top of my car where I'd backed it into the spot at the back of the lot. There was a stairwell at the end of the walkway. I'd have to walk past about four rooms before descending down to the first level. Then I'd have to book it barefoot across the lot to my car. Not ideal but I'd have to deal with it.

It was go time.

I made sure I had a hold of everything and prepared to make a run for it. I made sure my thong was pulled all the way up to conceal my trapped cock and plugged ass. Sadly, it was the only thing to give me any modesty. With the other items in my hands, I whipped the door open and took off.

I hurried out of the room, moving swiftly along the walkway and made it to the stairwell in about five steps it seemed. Now all I had to do was descend and head for the car. Before I could even take the first step, I heard the sound of some guys from the lower level. We're they the same ones? I wasn't sure and it really didn't matter. I wanted no one to catch me like this.

"Did you see that fucking hooker across the road?" One of them said.

"Yeah, what about her? Not like you could handle a girl like that?" One of his buddies replied.

"He couldn't even afford someone like that. I mean, she did look like a five dollar whore," another voice said.

They sounded like they were right near the stairwell themselves. Then I heard the sounds of ascending footsteps. They were coming upstairs! The way the stairs were designed, with a landing midway up, none of them had spotted me.

Their playful banter continued as they made their climb. Quickly, I turned tail and sailed back towards the room. To my horror, I found the door to room 218 to be closed. In my haste to exit, I must have swung it shut. I frantically tried the door handle only to find the door locked. My so-called owner had taken the card keys so I had no way back inside.

The guys were about to round the one-eighty and make their way to the second floor. Where could I go? There was a cut through to the other side of the motel but it was just past the stairs. If I waited any longer, I risked being spotted. However, that was the only thing I could think to do. I dashed towards the cut through. Just as I passed the stairs, I saw three guys as they turned the corner to finish making their way up. Luckily, they were lost in their own conversation. I couldn't help but notice that each of them held a beer in their hand. I definitely wanted to steer clear of them.

In the cut through, there was an ice machine on one side and some vending machines on the other. I didn't stop. Instead, I ran to the other side, stopping just short to peak around the corner to see if I could escape down that flight of stairs. I found an older guy who was standing outside smoking. He was leaned against the rail but his head was tilted more towards my direction. If I stepped out, he would spot me.

Back on the other side, I heard the guys as they made their way on the second floor. There were only a couple of options about where they would go; either a room on the other end or they would use the cut through to access the side I was on. Either way, I risked being spotted. With them on one side and the old man on the other, I was trapped.

Quickly, I did the only thing I could think of and squeezed myself between two of the vending machines. Luckily, the area was dimly lit. If the guys just continued through, they may just pass by without noticing me. If one of them stopped for a soda or a snack, I would be done for.

The cut through was basically a wind tunnel. Goosebumps swelled over my entire hairless body. The concrete floor felt so cold that had my feet had any moisture on them, they may have just froze to it. I couldn't stay out in those conditions for long. I had to get to my car!

As the guys approached, I did my best to meld into the wall behind me. I could hear them snickering and joking with each other. Their voices were loud and echoed throughout the cut-through. I watched, wide-eyed, as they passed by. They came so close that I think the one closest to me grazed their jacket on the soda machine. The middle one had been mid-swig of his beer when they passed and the third, heart-stopping, had his head turned my way. I felt like his eyes had landed right on me but thankfully enough he didn't seem to notice me. Either he'd been too drunk or too caught up in his conversation to take notice; probably a mixture of the two. Either way, they continued on through to the other side of the motel.

When it sounded like they'd rounded the corner, I peeked my head out to see the cut-through clear. Now was my chance. I was frozen to the bone and desperately needed to get out of the bitter cold. I stepped out of my hiding spot and turned towards the side my car was parked on. I had to readjust the items in my hands. It would have been nice to have pockets. I had my car key in hand, ready to unlock my door.