Bound By Blackmail Ch. 11

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Dafni tends to her master and heads to the office.
7.5k words

Part 11 of the 27 part series

Updated 05/10/2024
Created 08/30/2022
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This is the eleventh chapter in the series. By now, you should know the basis of the story and if you haven't read any previous chapters, please do so. If this isn't your type of story, please feel free to find another series to read. These are fictional characters and ideas that are meant for entertainment. As always, I would like your feedback into how you feel the story is progressing. Please leave a comment and rate if you would.

That first night was an absolutely terrible fucking night! I was panicked, cold, hungry, and terrified of what would be yet to come. My basement had truly become like a dungeon; a sissified dungeon. I had no idea how much sleep I actually got. Whatever I had gotten wasn't worthwhile. The tiny bed was nowhere near as comfortable as the king bed Brady had commandeered. It caused me to toss and turn all night.

The-little-heater-that-could, as I've come to call it, did make the room tolerable. The only problem was it took all night. Though I was underground, away from the wind, you could still feel the cold trying to seep in through the concrete.

After my sissy phone alarm sounded, signaling the start to my hellish morning, I drug myself out of the tiny, uncomfortable bed. My feet felt like ice on the cold, hard floor; so much so that I almost considered a pair of heels just to get something on my feet. Almost!

It didn't take long to get ready to head upstairs. I carelessly tossed on my wig. Considering I didn't take the time to pin it down, since I was only going to wear it until Brady left for work, it didn't look quite as exquisite as when Eve had fitted it on me. It, coupled with a smearing of red lipstick, and I again looked like nothing more than a guy in drag. I didn't really care! I'd accomplished Brady's requirements for getting ready. That is to say with one exception.

I stared at the black case and white pill bottle; both containing hormones that were supposed to further feminize me. Brady had told me that I was to take both doses in the mornings and again in the evenings. Just like the previous night when I'd been forced to take them, I was feeling apprehensive about those strange chemicals being introduced to my system. Now I had the decision to make on whether to follow orders or see what consequences would come from disobeying.

When Brady had been standing right in front of me the night before. I was too nervous to try and deceive him then. He was many things, but an idiot wasn't one of them. I would have gotten caught easily. While I didn't exactly know how well he could tell my actions on camera or how closely he would look, it was my best chance at trying to slide something by him.

Taking the pill bottle, I pretended to dump one out into my cupped hand and then swatted the imaginary capsule into my mouth. After a sip of water from the fridge I moved on to the black case. Again, pretending to set a dosage, I lifted my nightie, which was quite helpful to conceal what I was actually doing, and only brought the needle right next to my skin. Giving the top a push for affect, I dumped the needle and returned everything back where it was.

Would my deception work? Only time would tell. Normally his threats were enough to make me submit and obey. However, this wasn't some sissy outfit to put on or some horrid chore to complete; I was going to be putting chemicals in my body that weren't supposed to be there. I had to at least try to get away from taking them; even if it was only a few doses.

I had another dilemma that was fairly pressing; the door had not yet unlocked and I had to pee pretty badly. In the corner sat my bathroom that was nothing more than a sissified camping toilet. While I stood with my legs crossed, the urge had still not gotten to the point where I'd use that thing. It was demeaning and I'd sooner piss on myself than be made to use it. That being said, my urge to pee greatly intensified and I seriously wondered if I was actually going to have to make that decision. Thankfully, the door opened a minute later and I quickly bolted out of the room. Even in my haste, I could feel the vast temperature difference between my room and the cage room.

On the second floor in my guest bath, I rushed in to relieve myself. As I stepped up to the toilet, like I would have done any other time, I lifted the lid and stood in front of it to pee. A couple of things stopped me. First, my nightie was a quick reminder that, in Brady's eyes, I was now a girl and was supposed to do things like a girl. My chastity would also make it more difficult to simply pee with the way it was designed. Also, there would be no hiding from the cameras and no way to deceive them like I had with my hormones.

Hoping to avoid trouble, I spun around, dropped my panties, and took a seat. I felt foolish since all I had to do was pee. It turned out to be a good thing since Brady had been right; my chastity was spraying pee all over the bowl. Whether that was intentional or merely a design flaw, I didn't know. Had I been standing, my urine would be all over the place.

I stopped by Brady's door, my door, when I left the bathroom. Behind it, there was the most atrocious snoring that I think I'd ever heard. It sounded garbled and wheezy; like phlegm was being expelled with each exhale. I could just imagine the odor and disgust that was seeping into my mattress. That was just another thing to fuel my rage, but I couldn't do much more at that point than turn and walk away.

I had been in far too much of a rush getting to the bathroom to notice the note left for me to read. Brady had placed it on the kitchen island to relay his instructions.

'Good morning, sissy! I'm sure you slept well in your new, cozy quarters, and know you're quite excited to again cater to your owner. I hope you did remember what we discussed to do before leaving your room.'

Right from the start, he was being a smartass! The rest had to be referring to my hair, lipstick, and hormones. With any amount of luck, he'd assume I'd done all three.

'Here is what I want for breakfast;

Two eggs scrambled

Five strips of bacon, crispy

Buttered toast and jam

Coffee with just a hint of cream and one t-spoon of sugar

Tall glass of orange juice

I had to admit that sounded like a great breakfast. My stomach groaned at the thought of all that wonderful food filling it. Of course Brady had to add one final note that truly angered me.

'I hope you got the message last night about your diet. As much as I'm sure you'd love it, I don't have time to keep a gag in your cock-sucker every time there's food around. So, I leave you with this; eat one little crumb that I don't authorize; I'll beat your ass and you can diet in your cage for a few days. Then we can see if you're ready to adhere to my orders.'

I felt like fucking screaming at the top of my lungs. Why was he being so cruel as to basically make me starve and at the same time have me prepare these delicious meals for him to consume alone. I still didn't understand how he could treat another person so badly.

After I somewhat calmed down and stood idly by at the stove tending to his breakfast, pure exhaustion started to set in. I felt like a fucking zombie! I'd gotten nowhere near enough sleep. Amazing how a restless night locked in a cold basement will do that do you. A cup of coffee would have been great, but I figured that was probably a no-no as well.

I was having trouble holding my eyes open. That agony was only challenged by my sheer hunger. The aroma of his bacon and eggs cooking was twisting my stomach in knots. Oh, how I just wanted to devour every morsel of it. In a weird, self-preservation kind of way, I almost wished I had been gagged. That would ensure I wouldn't give in and likely earn myself time in solitary confinement.

At least with my mouth unencumbered, I could drink water. I downed four tall glasses to try and curb my immense appetite. Though I still had a desire for a good meal, the water did help; but only just. I found myself still tempted to take a bite; which may have been Brady's sick plan all along, the bastard!

When I had the food ready, I headed back upstairs where I heard the same, disgusting noises from behind the door. I wondered how the hell he could actually sleep. Oh, how I wished I could have waken him with a smack to the head, preferably with a heavy, solid object. Instead, I gave a few hardy knocks to the door I should have been sound asleep behind.

"Master," I called out loudly and in my high-pitched voice. "I have your breakfast ready."

From behind the door, I heard some stirring along with his infamous smokers cough. It almost sounded like he was hacking up a lung in there.

"Who is it?" He asked sarcastically in his gravely tone.

'You know who the fuck it is,' I screamed in my head. What I really said was, "It's Dafni, Master. I have your breakfast ready for you."

"I'll be down in a few minutes. Keep it warm for me."

Glaring at the door, I headed downstairs and put his plate in the oven. The aroma of the freshly cooked meal hung heavy in the air and was making me salivate. The water I was using to fill the void was starting to wane. To try and keep my mind off it, I worked to finish cleaning up the kitchen. I was busy wiping down the counters when he entered and couldn't believe what I saw as he did.

"Good morning, sissy!" He said with a smile.

He was completely naked! As if it were nothing at all, he strode into my kitchen bearing nothing more than his birthday suit. Well, besides his usual cigarette that seemed to ever be attached to his lip. His skin matched his face; old and yellowy. And not that I was trying to notice, but his cock was rock-hard again. Either from having morning wood or just seeing me slaving away for him.

He took a seat at the table, and I couldn't help but stop and stare; simply aghast at what was transpiring. Brady took notice and seemed amused at my reaction.

"I'm sure seeing your master like this just gets you all horny. I'm sorry that I got your motor running this morning, you little whore," he mocked. "The fact is, it got a little chilly last night, and I had to cut up the furnace. You didn't mind, did you?"

I already knew he had. From my pink prison, I could hear my furnace running away. I'd become quite aware of how toasty he made it when I came upstairs after being released. It was quite a bit warmer than I'd normally keep it myself. Of course, I got no benefit from it downstairs, and I already knew he didn't give a shit if I had any complaints about it.

"Then when I got my wakeup call, I was quite warm. So I decided I needed to shed a few clothes and here I am. Aren't you a lucky sissy?"

I didn't want to respond and thankfully he wasn't really waiting for one. Brady demanded his food and I retrieved his plate from the oven. He was again at the head of the table and I placed it in front of him. I also poured him both coffee and orange juice like his note requested.

Stepping back, I watched Brady survey everything and then he looked up at me. The bastard grinned ear to ear with his cigarette poking out the left side of his mouth.

"Another mighty fine job, Dafni. You're making your master quite proud of you," he said. I didn't respond since I felt like nothing more than a dog being patronized.

Brady's eyes stayed on me for a moment before they looked downwards. My eyes betrayed me and followed. They went to the one place I really didn't want to look.

"I know you'd hate to let this go to waste," Brady said, lifting his head back up and smashing his cigarette out in one of the many ashtrays he strewn all over my house. "Why don't you get down here and help yourself while I eat this fine meal. Hell, I think you've earned it." He grinned and then scooped a mouthful of eggs into his mouth.

My blood started to boil! It wasn't some prize for me to blow him! Plus he had to know I was starving and he was just going to sit there eating while I pleasured him. Having to suck him off the day before was horrible. The sight of him sitting there sickened me. His incredible stench was loathsome. I shook my head and took a step backwards.

Brady wasn't amused.

"Dafni, it's much too early to play hard-to-get. You've done well this morning. Don't start fucking up now."

Clearly his reward to me for behaving like a good sissy-slave wasn't a voluntary one. I was going to have to give him another blowjob or suffer some sort of consequence. Feeling low and defeated, I trudged back over and lowered down on my knees. His still erect cock stood tall, waiting for something or someone to make it climax.

"Sir, please, could I get a pass this time. I'm so hungry and so tired! I also have to start getting ready for work," I pleaded.

"I'm trying to give you a little protein, you dumb whore," he scoffed. "And you're supposed to be tired. Sleep and rest are a privilege for a sissy-slave. But before long, you'll adapt and will be too concerned with keeping me happy and making me money; which to your benefit will be loads and loads of cum," he laughed.

"Sir, I...I..." I was at a loss for words.

"I already told you not to start acting up. You've come quite a long way in the past couple of days. Don't forget why you so humbly asked to be my slave."

I hadn't forgotten; that damn video he had on me. I'd seen the evidence of what happened to those who took from the Brothers. I had a daily reminder on the wall of my new bedroom. As bad as my situation was, that would be worse. So, wiping the tears away and brushing the hair from my wig back over my shoulders, I sat up on my knees and prepared to give my second blowjob.

Brady sat sideways in his chair so I could easily get to his member. I eased up to him and opened wide; taking him into my mouth. My head bobbed up and down and my tongue glided along the bottom of his shaft. Amid all my slobbering and choking, I could hear him smacking away at his food. All of it utterly repulsed me!

With his sac hanging off the edge of the chair. I brought a hand up and worked his balls over, hoping to just get it over with. His free hand found the back of my head and tried to manipulate me into either going faster or just holding me down on it. This went on for a few, grueling minutes. My jaw was starting to hurt and my eyes were watering from a combination of my gag reflex and his stench wafting up my nose.

When he started to grunt, I knew what was coming and tried to back off. I was held firmly and a moment later my mouth began filling with his cum. He also pulled out in enough time to shoot a little on my lips and chin

"Not bad, slut. Be a good girl and swallow your master's load," he said gleefully.

The cum was just as vile as it had been the previous day, but I choked the thick goo down. My stomach gnarled and garbled as if it were taking it as nourishment. That was enough for me to lose my appetite again.

"That's the way to start out the day! Perhaps we should make this a morning ritual. Wouldn't you like that?"

"You know I wouldn't," I said, winded and nauseous. Brady chuckled and continued with his breakfast.

I stood to leave; to go anywhere that wasn't in the personal space of that demented man. Before I could even get off my knees, he cleared his throat in an authoritative manner and signaled for me to ease back down on the floor.

"You just stay right there while I finish up."

It was beyond awkward to just be sitting on my kitchen floor in a woman's nightie, having cum on my face from a guy I just blew and having him solely eat a breakfast I prepared. I was forced to watch bite after bite. If that wasn't enough, I had to hear his disgusting smacking and those 'yum' noises to insinuate just how delectable his meal was.

I thought all that was bad, but he was about to do something even more loathsome.

"You've been quite a good bitch this morning," he said as he took his last strip of bacon from his plate. Brady put about three-quarters of it in his mouth and then brought his yellowing teeth down, severing it and causing little bacon crumbs to spew each direction. More obnoxious chewing ensued before he said, "And good bitches get rewarded from time to time. So, I suppose you could use another treat."

With that, he took the small piece of bacon that was left and tossed it on the floor next to me; a piece of table scrap like an owner would give a dog. That enraged me to the point I could feel the heat in my face. As I looked down at the tiny bit of food with some of his spit still on it and then back up at his humorous grin, I couldn't stop my mouth.

"Fuck you!" I said. There was a surprised look on his face, but only for a split second. Brady had been pushing me hard and had just discovered a line that he stepped over. That didn't stop the slap to my face. The sound echoed around the kitchen as it was hard enough to topple me to the floor.

"That wasn't a very smart; but now your jaw can smart," he said. I raised myself back up and rubbed my cheek. "I try to give you another reward for making such a fine meal and then taking my cock like a good girl, and this is the response I get? 'Fuck you'?"

"I've done nothing but what you've asked!" I argued. "You don't have to treat me like dirt!"

"You're absolutely right. I don't have to treat you like dirt." He actually agreed with me! Of course he wasn't done. He leaned forward in his chair and down towards my level. " But I'm going to treat you this way. See, a sissy is substandard in stature and must always know her place. Dirt is actually a very good comparison."

More fear shot through me. Was this really the way I was going to be treated by him?

"What I just gave you was a treat, a reward. If you want to take it another way, fine with me." With that, he brought the heel of his foot down on the crispy piece of bacon, breaking it into tiny little pieces and all but destroying it. "I was going to give you a little breakfast this morning, but clearly you're not hungry if you want to get bitchy about a treat I've generously given to you. My cum will just have to tide you over till lunch." He then gave a sly smirk. "Or was that your plan all along?"

At his words, my stomach began to groan again. It would be hours before I would be offered anything else, and there was no telling what that may be from this unbalanced man.

"Now get this mess cleaned up and then come up to my room and make the bed. Don't drag you feet either. I'll have to leave for work soon."

I remained on the floor a few moments after he'd walked away, feeling battered and beaten. Brady was wearing me down quickly and his claimed ownership over me had just started. Using the table to help, I pulled myself off the floor. Before clearing his spot, I took a napkin and wiped the cum that was still plastered to my face.

Standing at the sink washing his dishes, I found myself crying the more my mind wandered. It was almost like I was a fucking housewife whose husband had just knocked the shit out of her for doing something the husband deemed inappropriate or wrong. That was a very bizarre thought that I tried to shake immediately.

"Dafni!" I heard Brady call from upstairs. A buzz at my chastity also came through to make sure to get my attention. "Get your ass up here and make my bed. I'm about to have to lock up my room."

I trudged up the stairs and into the master that now reeked of stale cigarette smoke and his pungent stench. Brady stood in the doorway of the ensuite bath while he zipped up his signature coveralls. He had just showered again. I was thankful I wasn't beckoned to dry him off.

"Hurry up and get my bed made; and I hope you can listen and work at the same time," he mocked.

While I moved back and forth around the bed, he informed me that he was about to leave, which meant I'd soon be getting ready for work. To his word, thankfully enough, there was a pair of my work clothes inside the foyer closet that I would be allowed to wear.