Bound By Blackmail Ch. 12


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My plaid skirt was almost identical as well; with the exception that mine was pink and white; much brighter and more girly colors. It was barely long enough to conceal the thong beneath. I had a feeling the bottom of my ass was on the verge of sticking out below it. The white shirt, if you could actually call it a shirt, was the same. Alyssa helped to tie it in front of me. It was tight, which I'm sure was the point. My boobs also pressed together, fighting against the shirt and showing off ample cleavage.

A pair of white stockings were pulled up my legs and then my feet were fitted with a pair of black Mary-Janes. Of course, they weren't standard Mary-Janes. These had been strippered-up with about a five inch spike in the back. Not quite as tall as my maid heels, but still something I didn't want to strut around in.

"You look stunning," Alyssa complimented as I took a few short steps in my cramped quarters. I looked at myself in the mirror and then looked back at her. We were almost twins except for her skirt and stockings being a darker color.

"I look ridiculous!"

"You look hot," she said, trying to instill some bit of confidence in me.

"Alyssa, you seem so content with all this." I couldn't help but ask the question, "Are you really okay being know?" I asked, unable to actually get the term 'sissy-slave' out if my mouth.

Alyssa looked down a moment and then back at me. "You have to make the best of your situation; and that's anywhere in life. Sometimes we find ourselves places we never saw ourselves going. But we wound up there anyways, and all you can do is make the best of it."

I was aghast at her mindset. To hear her talk, she sounded like a caged lion who just accepted its fate. I wondered what exactly had happened to Alyssa, or really the guy she used to be. Was she captured against her will? Did Roger hold some sort of blackmail over her like Brady was doing to me? Was she ever going to be set free or try to leave on her own accord? Had she ever tried to leave before?

"But don't you..," I started, hoping to perhaps find out a little more about her, before I was cut off by a voice upstairs.

"Enough girl talk. Time to get your asses up here."

It was Eve. She had been listening to us! She had to have been. No way were we talking loud enough for our voices to carry across the basement and up the stairs. The look on Alyssa's face told me she wasn't surprised. Was she used to being spied on all the time as I was? None of my questions really got any answers, but her face seemed to tell a story that I picked up on. There seemed to be a ping of longing for something she'd lost; a sadness of something that only existed now in her memory.

"Yes, Mistress Eve!" Alyssa called up. She looked at me, put her game face back on, and said, "Alright, Dafni, let's go do this."

We trained upstairs where there was a little more open space as well as being warmer. I had a feeling that was for the benefit of Eve and not us sissy-slaves. Though she was the one there to train me, Eve turned out to be more of a supervisor. She was in charge of Alyssa who was in charge of me.

"Start with walking, Alyssa...Show her how to swing her hips...Demonstrate how to land on her heels...Explain the proper posture."

"Yes, Mistress Eve," she would say each time. I would watch her walk, listen to her instruction, and then try to duplicate. Her movements were so sensual that I again forgot that she wasn't a full-fledged girl. I caught myself staring at her ass as it swayed; reminding me that I'd had the same thoughts at their shop.

I probably walked up and down my hallway a hundred times. The first half was rocky to say the least. I'm sure I looked hideous and stumbled quite a few times. Brady watched me from the kitchen table with his cigarettes and a bottle of beer. I heard him snickering at my clear lack of elegance. It infuriated me and I wanted to tell him to strap on a pair of these heels and fucking try it himself. That would have gone over real well.

By the last couple of practice runs, I felt like I was gliding along with a bit more femininity and grace instead of a clunky strut perpetrated by a guy in drag; though I tried to keep telling myself that's exactly what I was. I didn't want to end up like Alyssa and accept this hand dealt to me.

"Well, that wasn't too bad for a first day's lesson. You did quite well, sissy," Eve congratulated. I offered a meek thank you but nothing further. She gave a scoff and shook her head. "Clearly you'll need more than just strutting lessons. We'll get around to altering that attitude. You can expect me each afternoon this week. Your owner must have some pretty high hopes to go through all this trouble."

"Like I said before, I've only had her for a few days and look at how far along she's come," Brady spoke up. "I have no doubt she'll be ready for a go as early as this weekend."

I dreaded to think of what hell he was planning for me. Not that I enjoyed having to pleasure him and walk around my own home in those ridiculous outfits, but at least it was just the two of us here. Would he actually go through with pimping me out to other demented sex fiends?

"There is some potential, I'll give you that. We'll see how she progresses." Eve walked over to Alyssa and stood next to her borrowed slave. She toyed with one of her pigtails while Alyssa stood with her hands behind her back, staring at the floor. I stood a few feet away and Eve glanced back and forth between us a few times, ultimately getting a very mischievous look that told me she had an idea.

"Before we leave for the day," she began to address Alyssa. "How about giving Dafni here a little example of proper tongue techniques."

I watched them both, nervous as to what that was going to entail. Alyssa looked up at me and then back to her Mistress. Clearly she had not anticipated this part of the curriculum. Eve gave her a smirk and a nod my direction. There was no argument nor did she look as if she wanted to give one. She gave Eve a smile and a curtsy to acknowledge the order given to her.

Alyssa turned towards me and her eyes locked on mine. There was a fierceness to them as she sauntered to where I stood. Those hips that hormones helped curve swayed and her skirt whipped back and forth with each step. I must have had some look on my face as Eve tried to put me at ease.

"Don't look so frantic, Dafni," she said with a stifled chuckle. "It's just a little lesbian, girl on girl action."

Alyssa stepped directly in front if me; so close that our tits touched. I couldn't help for my gaze to fall to her cleavage that fought hard against her own tied shirt. When I peered up, her eyes were still locked on me. I felt such intensity behind them; it caused a chill to run down my body and made my stomach do a flip.

She briefly looked down at my lips and then back up to my eyes. I noticed her begin to lean in. Though I was still locked on her, I noticed out of the corners of my eyes her hands come up and she laid them atop my shoulders. The intensity grew at her sheer touch. It was quite clear to me what she was moving in for and I couldn't imagine what it would be like when her luscious painted lips touched my own.

The smell of her perfume wafted up my nose and caused an elated feeling in my brain. The sweet aroma was almost hypnotic. Her head tilted to the side as she neared me. I felt entranced. It was like I almost couldn't tell who I was or, really, what I was. My mind was so conflicted. Deep at the root of it all, I knew a guy stood in front of me. And yet, so much of that guy had been taken away that there was really only this knock-out girl who was about to stick her tongue down my throat.

I closed my eyes and felt her soft, petite hands grasp me harder. Her tug was gentle; it didn't have to be any harder as I felt myself go in willingly. I felt her plush lips finally make contact and I parted mine to allow her inside. Her tongue pushed against my own with her painted lips skating over mine in a slippery lust.

I felt her hands slide around to grasp the nape of my neck. Almost instinctively, I reached out and grabbed her sides. She gave a soft moan that caused another elated response in my brain. That, coupled with her gentle neck massage and the action going on in my mouth, was enough to cause something to happen beneath my skirt. I felt my imprisoned cock begin to strain against its cage.

I was genuinely turned on by this!

For a few, short moments, I wasn't some sissy-slave for a deranged man; at least my brain was tricked into thinking that. I was merely standing in my own home lip-locked with a sweet-smelling, young, hot, petite girl. Even if it was all fake, I just wanted to be encompassed by that feeling.

And then that bubble we were in was abruptly popped.

"Alright! Well done, Alyssa," Eve said, breaking the trance and pulling me back to reality.

I felt her pull away; but in that moment I didn't want her to. That was the most I'd felt like a man since this thing with Brady; maybe even longer than that. That feeling persisted despite me knowing beyond it all, the two of us were just a couple of guys in drag.

What kind of fucked-up feeling was this?

"Damn, that was pretty hot!" Brady said. Somehow I'd forgotten there was an audience.

"Yes it was. Your little slut here looked like she rather enjoyed that," Eve said. She walked over and nudged Alyssa out of the way. Without saying anything else, she lifted my skirt and pulled down my panties to reveal my cock as it throbbed desperately to be released.

"Her clitty is just aching in its cage!" Eve made sure to point out. I looked over at Alyssa who had her eyes cut down towards my crotch. The knowledge of what she had just done to it caused a halfway smile to splay across her smeared lips.

"I bet the two of you together, having a girl on girl show, would really drive the boys wild," Brady pointed out.

"No..I..That's not..." I couldn't quite gather my thoughts.

"I just hope you got more out of that than just a cheap thrill," Eve said. "We are here to learn first." She grabbed my aching balls and gave them a squeeze. They were already in agony, wanting release. "I just want that to be completely understood, slut."

"Yes..ahhh..Miss..," I said, unable to finish.

"She knows," Brady chuckled. "Besides, her real passion in sucking cock. I know that makes her little clitty really hard." Eve released me and I shot him a loathsome look that he just snickered at.

"Your Master has your homework assignments for the evening," Eve told me. I'm sure the surprised look on my face made her elaborate. "Yes, Dafni, even sissy school has homework. You can expect a small assignment each night." She then turned back to her borrowed sub. "Tell your little girlfriend goodbye, Alyssa. I've got to get you returned to your master," she said, reattaching her leash.

"Bye, Dafni," Alyssa said meekly. She had her head still tilted down but her eyes cut up to mine. Her coy smile persisted.

"Bye...Alyssa," I said in an even fainter tone as she was lead away. And then I was left with an elated master with a pitched tent, my cock straining against its bondage, and mounds of confused feelings I didn't know how to deal with.

What the fuck had just happened?

Brady walked up to me, after seeing them out, and raised his hand to my face. Like a battered dog, I was nervous at what he was reaching out for. His right palm rested against my cheek and he used his thumb to rub up and down my lips. I could smell and almost taste the cigarette odor on them. It was a far cry from the sweet smell that Alyssa exuded.

"Those lips and tongue got quite a workout, didn't they?"

"I suppose they did, Master."

He gently patted my cheek a few times before releasing me. "Well, I'm sure deep down you didn't actually enjoy that. I mean, how could you like that more than having a huge cock for your mouth to play with. If you're good, I'll let you play with mine to get that taste out of your mouth."

I was quite sure I would be doing so regardless of my behavior.

Brady positioned himself next to me. The soft touch he laid upon my cheek was replaced with a firm grip around the back of my neck; no where near the gentle touch of Alyssa that I could still feel. I could tell something was wrong and any elated feeling that were still floating around inside of me was about to be replaced with an all too familiar ping of fear.

"Tell me, sissy, did you remember to take your hormones this morning?"

My stomach did a flip, my eyes widened, and a cold chill shot through me. I didn't have to look at Brady to judge what he was thinking. His tone and grip on my neck told me, at the very least, he was suspicious. My dilemma became do I come clean and confess or try to sell the lie? Quickly my brain raced to consider my options, but I came to the same conclusions on both ends of the deal. Either one would likely yield a punishment if he found out. At least I could try to get out of it.

"Sir, I did," I pleaded, trying to sound sincere.

"Are you sure?" He asked with an amused tone.

"Yes, sir. I did just like you asked."

"Well, I hate to doubt you," he said in a most condescending tone. The pressure from his grasp increased and decreased; up and down, up and down. "I'm sure you wouldn't lie to your master who just happens to know how many pills are in that bottle and how many doses are in your pen. Surely you wouldn't be airheaded enough to think you could try to trick me into thinking you took them."

He knew! There was no denying it. I felt like a small child who'd just gotten caught in a fib; and just like a child, my ruse was very impulsive and poorly executed. I'm sure I turned white and he had to feel the goosebumps on the back of my neck. Why hadn't I considered that? I was so concerned with making it look plausible on camera that I didn't think he may actually, physically check those items. Maybe I was as airheaded as he kept making me out to be.

"Wanna try again?"

"I'm sorry, Master," I began to plead. "I'm worried about putting those chemicals in my body. Please don't make me do it."

"Didn't you see how well your little girlfriend turned out?" He asked. "Those hormones are going to help shape you into a fine sissy-girl."

Alyssa did look good and seemed content with that lifestyle, if only on the surface. I didn't want it and this all wasn't supposed to be permanent in the first place. Once I had enough to pay back my debt, I was going to get Brady and this hell he'd brought upon me out of my life.

That didn't stop what was going on in the present.

"I think our little talk in the bathroom today helped curb any intentions on not wearing what you're told to wear or using certain bathroom facilities. Maybe we need to have another little chat about taking your hormones."

His words and tone told me that he wasn't referring to having a verbal conversation. It also wasn't a suggestion and he began leading me into the living room by my neck. His grip was quite firm and I knew he meant business. There was no second guessing what he had in mind. I was about to be disciplined for the second time that day. I was about to be spanked!

to be continued....

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

New chapter soon?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm loving your story and hope you will continue it soon! :)



Brady018Brady018about 1 year agoAuthor

I've got more written and coming. Been working on other projects, but still thinking about this one. Thanks for the support. More to come soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just read all of it. Please tell me you are making more!?!?!

kenjom69kenjom69about 1 year ago

great read, please keep up with more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is some great stuff! Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just a great story, one that just makes one wish it in reality! Keep up the great work! Looking forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm loving your story! Please. keep writing!

Cal_369369Cal_369369over 1 year ago

Loving this story so much! Keep up the great work!

BriannaPrincessBriannaPrincessover 1 year ago

This story is amazing :). I'm saddened not to have any more chapters to read. I hope the next part comes out sooner than later :). It's a good thing Dafni has the firm hands of Master Brady and Eve leading the way. She's a tough little cookie to crack.

Cammy22Cammy22over 1 year ago

Love this story, you don't need to change a thing imo. Its perfect as it is and I like where its going. I only hope that Dafni will at some point be going to work in a sexy skirt, blouse pantyhose panties bra and 5 inch heels ;)

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