Bound By Blackmail Ch. 15


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"Oh fuck, that felt great!" He said in a winded tone. He remained propped on my back like I was a damn table while he caught his breath. Finally, he slid out of me and I could do little more than lay there helpless and ashamed.

"Did you enjoy that?" He asked me as he got himself in order.

Again, I wanted to yell 'Fuck No!'. I wanted to tell him off and call him a sick, demented pervert. I wanted to take something hard and knock him upside the head with it. I wanted to kick him in the balls and dig my spiked heel into them to implement some of the pain and suffering like he'd just made me endure. I wanted to do many things, but I could only do one thing.

"I loved it, sir. You definitely taught my pussy a lesson," I said. That was another bit of my training, stroking their egos among other things. "Thank you for your cum," I was sure to add.

The forty-five minute window he'd purchased still had some time left on the clock unfortunately. I wish he would have done like Mr. Shy after he nutted and just left. Not this guy! He paid for play time and he was going to get every penny's worth.

Instead of releasing me from my bonds, he found a small cattle-rod like device that he humorously used one me. With each shock, I would yelp and jump; at least as much as my restraints would let me. Then, with his last few minutes, he gave me a few hardy spanks with his opened palm. It caused my ass to sting horribly from its earlier punishment.

"I'm sure you've got someone to let you out," he said as he readied himself to leave. "Either that, or the next guy will be thankful to meet you like this."

He was going to leave me in my fucking restraints!

"Don't leave me like this! Please!" I begged him.

"Dafni, play the victim with the next guy. I know you love being in such a vulnerable position. That just entices guys to come have some fun with you, and that just drives you wild!"

Whether he believed that crock of shit or not seemed irrelevant. He either bought all that listed on my ad or he was toying with me like Brady would do.

"I had fun," he told me after walking up next to me and giving my cheek a rough pinch. "Maybe we can play another time."

With that, he turned and exited the room; leaving me alone and restrained on the bed. The door wasn't closed all the way since I clearly couldn't jump up and answer it for the next guy. I could feel the crisp, cool air seep though the small crack. The skirt was still flipped up on my already tiny dress and goosebumps quickly formed on my exposed skin. With no real means to warm myself up or to be released from my bonds, I did the only thing I could.

"Master? Master, are you still listening?" I called out. I heard nothing from the next room and I didn't feel anything from my chastity. The chilly air continued to waft in and I started to tremble both from that and my incredibly vulnerable and uncomfortable position. "Master, please! I'm freezing!"

I laid in that frigid state for a few minutes before Brady decided to come to my rescue. Either that or he'd come to mock me and tease me some more. Knowing Brady, I had a feeling which one it would be.

"Well done, Dafni!" My master congratulated me. "That was quite the session. Mind you, there were a few parts in there that I needed to give you a little persuasion to get back on track, but you were a very good sissy-slut."

"Master, can I please be let out of these?" I asked, pulling at my restraints.

Brady chuckled. "Like your last client said, I know you love being locked that way for some guy to come along and use you. You don't fool me," he laughed again, ending in a few coughs. "But I'm going to have to grant your fake plea. You've got to get yourself fixed back up before your next appointment."

The next guy! I'd only been through two and already I was spent! The last guy had been enough for a lifetime. My ass hurt, my pussy hurt, and I was becoming achy from my bondage. There had been nothing enjoyable about any of my experience as the slum motel's slut.

"Sir, I can't endure much more of this," I said as he unlocked me from my shackles. Surely he caught sight of my abused ass while he was down there.

"You're just not used to it is all. You've really only had me up to this point and I've been quite easy on you," he said, helping to somewhat fix my hair as I sat up. "Being a sissy-slut is just like anything else; you've got to crawl before you can walk. In time, you'll be able to take as much punishment as any guy can throw at you. That, of course, includes using either of your holes as a cum dumpster."

That term I absolutely loathed. His words of wisdom did little to fill me with confidence or ease my depressed mood. I did find comfort in being able to stretch again. My joints creaked as I worked them out. I stood from the bed, grabbing my thong to pull it back into place for some reason. I was stopped, not by Brady who was watching me intently, but because of the sensation of cum oozing out of me. This prick had not plugged me like all the times Brady had. His load dribbled out of me and began running down my leg.

"I already told you, slut, that you'd have to keep yourself clean," Brady said, already knowing what was happening without me saying anything. "Get in the bathroom, clean up your pussy, then get back out here and fix your hair and makeup. You've got another client in twenty minutes."

"Sir, I ca...I can't," I started to say in a shaky voice.

"Yes, you can," Brady said, grabbing me by the shoulders. "I already told you that it just takes time. You'll quickly get used to being treated like the sex object you are. Plus, you don't have much of a fucking choice anymore, so I suggest you come to terms real quick."

Brady was done hearing my complaints. In fact, he was done for the evening.

"Now, I'm getting the hell out of here. A few hours in this flea-bag motel has made me start feeling icky," he said, making sure to shoot me a smile. "But you should feel right at home. A cheap motel and a cheap whore go hand in hand."

Brady headed for the door. I was about to be left alone with the big thug, Dimitri, and a bunch of depraved men lined up to use me. Before leaving, I was given a stern warning.

"I expect you to behave. If I get a call from Dimitri and I have to bring my ass back out here to straighten you out, you're going to regret being disobedient." I couldn't help but notice him massaging the hand he used to spank me with his other. Then he added, "And once I'm done with you, then you'll have to answer to Miss Eve. I think you'd much rather deal with me than her."

I didn't want to deal with either one of them or their punishments. That was enough to dwell on as Brady took his leave. I watched from the window as he descended the stairs, marched across the parking lot, got in his car, and then high-tailed it towards my house. In that moment, I didn't think I could loathe him more.

The rest of that evening was sheer hell at its best. Time seemed to be a blur; only measurable in how many loads I'd taken. The only sense of peace I found were the short windows of time between clients. Most of them were spent alone, getting cleaned up and back to neutral for the next guy to come use and abuse me.

Dimitri, like Brady, was never far away. He too used my chastity to give me little jolts to remind me to act or behave a certain way. He also had to come over to my room a few times to either help me get into a new outfit or costume before my next client. There were also a couple of occasions where I was chained to the bed. One of those times, I was blindfolded and never saw who it was that was having their way with me. It all-to-much reminded me of the first day I became Dafni with Brady.

I probably had close to a dozen more guys show up for me to satisfy in some sick fantasy. I was bound, whipped, flogged, spanked, pinched, poked, and not to mention having either my face or my pussy fucked over and over again. With each new guy, I had to act inviting and eager to have them use me as their sexual toy. Some were easier on me than others, but none of them left without giving me a load in one of my holes.

At close to three o'clock in the morning, I was practically dead! I was to the point of exhaustion and I could barley keep my eyes open. I laid on the bed naked from my last visitor since he'd stripped off the pink dress I'd started the evening out in so he could paddle my stomach. My hands were cuffed behind my back and I had been lovingly left that way by him; so I really couldn't get dressed if I wanted to. Before departing though, and after his fun with the paddle, my legs were bent up and I was thoroughly fucked again. When he was done, I wasn't even sure I thanked him, I was so out of it.

There I laid, too tired to find the key to remove my restraints and get myself cleaned up. The next guy would just have to have sloppy seconds; or really sloppy dozens. Though there had been no beep from my sissy phone to alert me to my next customer, I heard someone at the door. Perhaps I had dozed and hadn't realized it. Tears started to fall from my eyes as I didn't think I could bare another customer. I couldn't put up the facade anymore that I loved what was happening to me and thank them for treating me like trash.

"We're done for the evening, slut; or should I say morning."

It was Dimitri. I had sucked and fucked into the wee hours of Saturday morning. At first, I thought he was playing some sick, mind game; like I really wasn't through and there was another line of guys waiting to have their way with me. I couldn't help but bawl at that thought.

"I know you're upset that we're done for the night, but I've got to get some sleep, bitch. You'll just have to get more cum later."

We were actually done! I couldn't believe it. Somehow I'd made it through a very grueling first night. My ass hurt from the multiple spankings and fuckings. My joints hurt from being restrained in may different fashions. My jaw was sore from being jacked opened with many cocks shoved inside. What was hurt the worse was my mental psyche. I would likely carry what happened to me that night for life.

"You've had quite the night, huh?" He chuckled as he used a key and removed my restraints. "Sorry to cut you off. Trust me when I say I had to turn customers away. You're quite the little attraction."

I didn't have much to say. Whether he was toying with me or telling the truth, I was just glad to he done; if only for awhile.

"Get cleaned up and get some sleep," he barked once I was freed. "Your owner will be back in just a few hours to see how you did. You'll want to be perky and responsive for him."

"Yes, sir," I said in a horse, weakened tone.

Dimitri didn't leave immediately. I had already concluded that they didn't have means to visually keep tabs on me. Since I was done having visitors for the rest of the night, Dimitri attached multiple cameras to the walls. It made the room look much like it did the week prior.

"Just for your protection," Dimitri said when he saw me watching him through my groggy eyes.

"Protection from what?" I asked in a sarcastically, horse voice. Just what would he protect me from that hadn't already been done to me?

"Protection from me," he said firmly. "Because if you try anything foolish, you and I are going to have problems."

Through my foggy mind, I wondered just what he would expect I'd try to do. Would I try to run? The thought was quite intriguing, but not without its pitfalls. I looked like some cheap hooker and probably wouldn't make it a block before either getting picked up by another sex-fiend or perhaps the police. Then I'd have to try and explain my situation to them that just sounded insane. Even if I actually planned on escaping on foot, that was rendered moot by Dimitri's next comment.

"Since I'm not going to stay up to constantly keep an eye on your ass, your owner has your chastity linked to my phone. There is a proximity setting that basically acts like an invisible dog fence; which is quite fitting for a bitch like you. Stray too far and you'll get a nice little jolt."

That was terrifying enough, but there was more to what would happen if I broke the invisible barrier.

"It'll also alert me with an alarm and you don't want that. So I suggest you be a good sissy, stay in your room, and get some sleep. Got it!" That last part was more rhetorical than an actual question, but I responded anyways.

"Yes, sir," I meekly replied; exhausted and terrified.

I couldn't say I was surprised that such measures were put in place. Brady was completely overbearing in his monitoring of me. It made sense that he entrusted Dimitri with the means and equipment to do the same.

Dimitri didn't say anything else. He exited my room, shutting the door behind him with some vigor. A few seconds later and I heard his door close. I was fearful of just how far the proximity field stretched. Would it go off if I stood on the other side of the room, or perhaps tried to make it to the bathroom? I was probably given just enough of an intangible tether to avoid that, but only just.

Before slumping my way back to bed, I walked over and bolted the door. I hoped that would keep any more creeps lurking outside away. It would also keep Dimitri and Brady at bay until I was ready to let them in. I would likely incur some sort of punishment if it came to that, but I'd rather have that than some unknown perv busting in on me for a little playtime.

Feeling as secure as I could make myself, I slunk back to the lumpy bed where I'd been sexually assaulted multiple times throughout the evening. On my way back, I kicked my dress and shoes harshly out of my way to keep from tripping over them and flopped face down on the bed. Though I was naked, all of my affects were left on. The hair from my wig was strewn across my face in a tangled, cum-matted mess. My tits lay under me in a most uncomfortable fashion. The room reeked of sex and cum and just utter filth. Under me were sheets and pillows that were soiled and quite disgusting. Part of me wanted to check the laundry for clean ones, but I was much too tired to really give a shit anymore and I wasn't sure my invisible leash would even reach that far.

None of it mattered. I felt much dirtier than anything else in that room. It was a shameful feeling. I couldn't help but let the sad truth run through my mind that this was just the start of the weekend. There would still be two full days that I had no idea what Brady would have in store for me. Amid those depressing notions, I drifted off to sleep almost immediately. The last thing I remembered before passing out was the feeling of my last customer's cum slowly seeping out of me.

To be continued....

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is boring. He thinks all these mean, nasty, angry thoughts, and says or does nothing. There's nothing forced here. Anyone else in his position would be hoarding weapons, short circulating or removing the cage, leaving bites and scratches on the freaks visiting. Hell, he only has to kill Brady, call the police and claim the missing money was a setup to blackmail and abuse him. He could give police info on the freaks who trained him and live happily ever after with their sissy. But this, I hate him or I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but instead said, yes master, is getting old

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

An even better idea Cammy22 is to make her an on-demand sissy maid service where no act is too demeaning or degrading where she takes the bus to her customers' house wearing a slutty maids uniform and locked into stiletto heels to do laundry, iron and clean

Cammy22Cammy2211 months ago

Love it ;) Im checking on new parts every other day lol. Worth the wait. Maybe Dafni could be forced to find a "normal" job as a sissy :) maybe a secretary going to work in hose and heels every day and being a sissy slut on the weekends. Please more 5 inch heels, stockings and pantyhose <3

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story keep it up! Just a few suggestions to add depravity: rough customers who slap her face, forcing her to drink piss and swallow spit, etc. Groups who film the deprave acts on their phones to add to the humiliation. Talk about how the stale/ icky air caused by poor ventilation adds to her predicament/discomfot making her feel sick.

Nasty56Nasty5611 months ago

Wrong category, this is non-consent.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Loving it! Keep up the good work!

Renee_BRenee_B11 months ago

Such depravity, I love it!

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