Bound By Blackmail Ch. 18

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Dafni works to earn her master's trust back.
7.8k words

Part 18 of the 27 part series

Updated 05/10/2024
Created 08/30/2022
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Hello readers! Here is the eighteenth chapter of the series. Thank you to those that follow and enjoy my writings. Feel free to comment and/or rate if you like.

I didn't get much rest in my cage. As drained as I was, it was too uncomfortable and I was in too much despair. Furthermore, I was forced to consider Brady's final words to me. My jumping off the deep end with him had put me in a precarious position. I was practically like a beloved dog that one day decided to bite. Sure, the dog had been very good up till that point, but all that owner is going to wonder is if that dog is going to bite again.

While Brady would probably appreciate the comparison of myself to a dog, I tried to remind myself that I was far from one. Everyone has a breaking point, even sissy-slaves, and Brady had been pushing until he found mine. I was pushed to the point of exhaustion and yet he wanted me to go beyond that; and for what? So he didn't have to lift a finger to do anything for himself? Did he really expect me to just continue and take it all until my body would finally just give out?

As wrong as it was, that was the situation I was in. Push-back, even just a tiny amount, would cause me even more problems. I tried to consider things logically in the fact that Brady had gone through a lot of effort to get me in a well-suited position beneath his thumb. My whored-out body was his bread and butter and one outburst on my part wasn't going to make him give all that up so quickly. That being said, my continued defiance would push him closer towards that particular avenue and washing his hands of me.

Considering that conclusion, I knew I had to try and keep my calm and composure. Blowing up wasn't the answer. This lifestyle was hell, but it wouldn't last forever. It couldn't! Brady would have to give me the money to pay back the safe or he'd be in just as much hot water when the Brothers returned. I highly doubted they'd appreciate him using me and their stolen money in a ploy to make loads of it for himself. And once the money was returned, he'd have nothing on me. I would tell him to go pound sand and get the fuck out of my life!

At least those were the theories I came up with while I sat in solitude.

It was roughly two hours later when the sound of the basement door opening snapped me out of one of my nodding-off moments. I had quite a few of those in that time but with no real rest. Brady descended the stairs and I kept my eyes glued to the cage floor. His cruddy boots marched across the cold, hard floor and stopped at the front of my cage. He didn't moved to unlock the door. We first had to have our little talk.

"I hope the time inside your cage has calmed you down, Dafni," he started. "Before I let you out of there, we need to make sure we're on the same page."

Brady walked over on the right side of the cage and then plopped his butt down on top. It gave a few metallic creaks but it's sturdy construction easily held him. The shadow of his ass landed upon me from the basement light above. He pulled one of his cigarettes from his pack and proceeded to light it.

"I gotta tell you, Dafni, that I'm not happy about this shit at all! I know you're still somewhat new to this, but I really thought we had an understanding; you and me."

Brady took a heavy hit from his cigarette. Putrid smoke bellowed out of his mouth as he flicked his ash over the top of the cage next to him. The spent tobacco cascaded down with little place for me to go.

"Have you had time in there to consider what you did?"

I sat there not moving or speaking. It sounded like he wanted my response, but he was also sadistic enough to hold my words against me and make me stay cooped up inside the cage for speaking. He looked down at my from his perch and I simply nodded my head.

"Cute, but I want to hear it from your cunt mouth. I'll allow you to speak as long as you keep that tone respectful and girly like it's supposed to be."

"Yes, Master," I said in my girl voice that seemed to come out of me more naturally.

"I'm glad you've had time to think in there. I've also had time to consider things upstairs as well." After taking another long draw from his cigarette, he said, "While I would love for you to truly find out what would be in store for you should I turn you in, that would not be beneficial to my own wallet."

I had been right on that theory.

"However, I do have an alternative solution that I think would be better suited for this situation." I sat there in that brief moment not knowing exactly what he was referring to. "After discussing the issue with Miss Eve, she has informed me of a strict obedience course she runs for unruly sissy-slaves."

The Idea of that put a sharp ping in my stomach. Eve was quite intimidating as is. Having to endure such a course would likely be sheer hell!

"She tells me the course is quite demanding and will take up a good deal of time you already don't have. You think you're fucking tired now? Wait till you have to fit her course into your routine."

"No, Master! Please, no," I pleaded loudly.

"Oh, that doesn't sound appealing to you? I guarantee she'd have you walking a very fine line in those heels and any words coming out of that painted mouth would be nothing but soft, submissive responses."

I had a feeling he was probably right and I didn't want to find out first-hand.

"No, Master. I swear I don't need that. I just lost my head."

"Yeah, you lost something. Your little temper tantrum upstairs was way out of line. I think we both agree on that."

"Yes, Master."

"I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. After all, girls are known to have fits from time to time," he joked. "That still gives you no right to act the way you did. Now I have to figure out what needs to be done so it doesn't happen again."

"Sir, please!" I started. My daily routine was full enough as is. I had to hope that I could convince him that I wouldn't step out of line again.

I began repositioning myself in the cramped cage. Brady, seeing me move, got up from his perch and walked back to the front to watch me. I was able to work myself around to where I was on my knees; a slaves proper place in the presence of their owner.

"Please, Master. I was given an order and I should have complied without any hesitation or argument. For that, I am truly sorry, sir."

That was the biggest crock of shit, but I hoped it would help ease his mood towards me.

"Really! That's it? That's the best you've got for me? I think that course would do you wonders and get you acting right. Neither of us truly have time for it, but if it'll be for the best..."

"Master, no. Please!" I said with a bit more desperation. "Your slave was way out of line. Please, Master, please! I promise to keep my attitude in line." I lowered my gaze back to the floor and awaited his response. He stood there a moment scratching his scruffy face.

"I want you to tell me who you are and what you are to me," he said, taking another drag from his cigarette.

"I am Dafni, Master. I am your slave and your property to do with as you see fit."

"Is that right?" He said with a curious condescension. "And as my slave and property, you understand that my word is law without question or argument?"

"Yes, Master."

"Very well then," he said.

For the briefest of moments, I thought that my pleas had bought my way out of my cage. I was hoping that I had also been convincing enough from Brady to forgo any further training from Eve. Once I got out, I would have to make sure I acted like the proper sissy-slave to hopefully ensure that.

But Brady made no move to unlock my door.

"Since you know my word is law, I know you won't have a problem with me extending your cage time for a few more hours; just to get the message across."

I felt that familiar feeling of my face flushing with rage. My legs hurt, my back hurt, my body had gone numb in places. I wanted to kick, and scream, and yell, and to tell him off. He couldn't fucking do this to me! He saw how submissive I was being and he just wanted to take it even further!

Brady watched me curiously; the cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. I could tell he was eager for my reaction. If I blew up, which I had every fucking right to, then I would just as well call my cage home for the night. Not only that, but his first call would be to Eve to confirm my place in the obedience course. Neither of those I wanted to do.

Trying to take slow, deep breaths, I calmed myself before my mouth would seal my fate. I cupped my cuffed hands in front of me and squeezed; imagining that his neck was between them. That helped slightly. He seemed to have a rather pleased look on his face; as if he actually didn't expect me to be able to remain calm.

"I understand, Master. I have been a very bad girl," I said. I hoped that little extra at the end would show my understanding. Would that be enough for him to suspend my sentence inside?

"Yes, you have," he said.

After raking the cherry off the end of his cigarette over the top of my cage, he tossed the expended butt inside. I had to slide back as far as I could to keep the still hot embers away from me. Giving me a smirk, he began ascending the stairs. My heart sank and the rage began to build again. Was he really going to hold me another few hours? Why, WHY was he doing this to me?

Taking a few, calming breaths, I leaned back against the cold bars and tried to make my mind go somewhere as big as all outdoors. That would last only a few fleeting seconds before I would snap myself back to the reality of my cramped space. Having to endure another two hours inside would push me to the brink of insanity. I had to fight back the tears and mental anguish of my situation; knowing I was at his mercy.

"Well, I actually expected to see my little naughty girl blow up in there!"

It was Brady! My master had only been gone for a couple of minutes, thankfully, and not a couple of hours. "Perhaps you've learned your lesson after all." Pulling a set of keys from his pocket, that made my heart skip a beat, he said finally, "We'll see."

When the door opened, I crawled out slowly. I didn't try to stand for a couple of reasons; my joints were too achy and, worst of all, I wanted to remain submissive to him. While he had granted me freedom from my confinement, he still wielded a threat that I wanted no part of. Once completely out of the cage, I knelt down at his feet.

"Thank you, Master," I said, making sure I showed my gratitude.

"You are welcome, slave." Brady leaned down, not to where we were eye level like equals, but just enough to where I could cut my eyes up at him. He stared coldly down at me. Though his glare looked menacing, there was a tiny gleam of lust. He seemed proud of the position he had forced me in. That being said, he also bore a disgusted scowl.

"I'm still quite displeased with you, Dafni. A few apologetic words isn't going to be enough to convince me you're ready to keep in line. I've still got some options to think over."

I decided that I was not only going to have to show him my submissive side, but also my slutty side. That would have to make a positive impression on him. My eyes drifted down slightly to his crotch region. As it always seemed to be while disciplining me, there was a partial tent pitched. The last thing I wanted to do was take him willingly in my mouth, but it may be the one act that would save me from further training from Eve.

"Please, Master, let your sissy take care of that for you," I said as I reached my cuffed hands up towards his crotch. That got his attention, but not in the way I thought it would.

"Un-uh," Brady tisked as he grabbed the center of my cuffs to stop my advances. While holding them, he took his keys and proceeded to remove them. "You think you're going to get off that easily? I don't think so. I think right now you've got a uniform to put on and duties to attend to while I decide what course of action to take with you."

Brady tossed the cuffs on top of my cage and retreated upstairs. I was baffled that he had turned down a willing blowjob from me. Was he just messing with me? Would I have a chance to prove that I didn't need obedience training, or was I simply doomed?

Battling through fatigue, depression, humiliation, and agony, I went about my house, Brady's house, in my sissy maid uniform. My feet hurt, but I continued to trot about in my ridiculously high heels. My hands and arms hurt from being bound all weekend and being cooped up in my cage, but I used them to cook and clean. My ass hurt, both from the spankings and the fuckings that I'd received all throughout the weekend; and yet I shamefully tried to use it to entice Brady. In no way did I desire to be fucked, but I hoped that if he did take me, that would help to cool off his anger.

One of the Sassi videos discussed making sure that you looked appropriate for your owner and to display yourself to them quite often. I was trying to do just that. As I moved about the house, I tried to walk seductively like Alyssa taught me how to do. I tried to make my skirt sway with my stride; especially when I was in view of Brady. I even tried to adjust my faux chest to make my tits stand out a little more.

Brady sat in my recliner with a broodish glare about him. He didn't seem to be overly paying attention to me; which was quite odd. In his hand was his phone that he was typing away at. I imagined he was texting with someone and I couldn't help but wonder if it were Eve and how that conversation may be going.

Hoping to curb any more of those potentially threatening texts that may pertain to me, I tried to further tempt him by bending at the waist while plugging in the vacuum and staying there longer than necessary before raising back up. I could feel my skirt lifting up and I knew he could easily see my ass; if he were even looking at all.

Not only was I shamefully trying to look enticing for him, I tried to be attentive to his needs even before being barked an order; another training point that Sassi taught through one of her lessons. When he was close to finishing a beer, I'd grab him another and take it to him. I fucking hated that he was smoking in the house, and yet I found myself lighting his cigarettes when he'd pull one from his pack and put it to his lips. He would recline his chair back with his legs up, like he'd had a hard, grueling day, and I found myself on the floor in front of him massaging his disgusting feet. It was revolting to me, but I hoped my efforts were working.

After a few minutes of that, he kicked my hands away and told me to quit being lazy and get back to work. He was making it very hard to stay completely submissive towards him, but I tried to continue the act.

After I'd cleaned up the kitchen, picked up all his trash from the weekend, vacuumed and swept the floors, cooked him a small dinner, only to have to reclean the kitchen again, I was spent and I just wanted to collapse! Though all my efforts, he had not taken the bait. There was still one more task I had to take care of and my final chance for the evening to make a good impression. I still had to help him get ready for bed.

Upstairs, standing just outside the shower stall where Brady tried to bathe off as much of his stink as he could, I waited with his towel in hand. I was going to have to do as usual and dry him off; all of him. That would, of course, give me access to his cock. Surely he would stiffen up as he always did. He had already declined a blowjob from me, but with him naked and me being close to him, I figured I could easily get my mouth around him. Perhaps acting like a cock-hungry slut would make the difference.

The water turned off and the door opened, letting out a plume of steam. Brady stepped out on the bath mat, dripping wet. This would normally be where I'd start toweling him off, but this time was different. Before I could move, he reached out and took the towel from my grasp. He wiped his face free from water and then looked at me.

"Go get my bed ready, Dafni," he demanded harshly.

"Master, I've already gotten your sheets turned down. Won't you allow me to finish drying you off?"

"I know why you want to towel me off, cunt," he said sternly, then moving down to dry his half-hard cock. That was a statement I'd heard in one form or another. It was usually his way of putting me down; only this time it was true.

"I'm just trying to be a good sissy-slave."

"You're just trying to get to my cock is what you're doing. You think me nutting down your throat is going to make things alright if you're the one asking for it? I'm in no mood for that shit tonight." Brady then wrapped the towel around him, concealing his private region. "Now, get the fuck out of my room!"

I curtsied and began trudging my way towards the door. Brady, if anything, was a complete mind-fuck! When I would be resistant, he would call me a slut playing hard-to-get. When I was actually willing to suck him off of my own free-will, then he wanted nothing to do with me. It was like his compass had no true north. As odd as the emotion felt, I was pissed off that my advances hadn't worked; probably because I feared what may happen to me beyond them.

Stopping just shy of the door, I felt like I couldn't just throw in the towel. There was obviously still a great deal of friction between Brady and myself. For all I knew, he'd already set it up for my additional training and there was nothing further for me to do. In the chance that he hadn't though, I felt the need to try once more to be as convincing as I could be to show how sorry I was; even if it was all a boldface lie.

"Master," I said, turning on my heel and walking back over to him. He stood there, watching me curiously. I held eye contact with him for a brief moment before sulking down to my knees. "Master, please. I would just like to show you that I'm sincerely sorry about my transgressions when I arrived home. Would you allow me, please, the privilege of giving you a blowjob to prove it to you?"

He rubbed his chin and studied me curiously. "And do you really want to give me a blowjob?"

The true answer to that question was 'Fuck No'! Nothing would have made me happier than to be free and never have to see or touch another man's privates for the rest of my days. But that wasn't really the question I should have been answering; so I decided to answer it as truthfully as I could.

"I want to make you happy with me, sir. Your needs and desires are to be my only focus."

My answer must have done something for that ego of his. The towel still wrapped around his waist began pitching out in the groin region. He looked down upon me with a look of satisfaction. My paddling and my cage imprisonment had done what he wanted done; at least on the surface. As long as I acted like the submissive, obedient sissy-slave with no push-back, it really didn't matter what the true feelings were deep down inside where Evan tried to hide from it all.

"It sounds like you're finally learning. For that, I'll allow you this privilege."

Brady unfolded the towel and it dropped to the floor. He stood naked before me with his cock twitching as it continued to harden. It wasn't my mouth doing it but rather my submission. He had me well under his thumb. Without hesitation, I opened wide and took him into my mouth where I sucked him to completion.

While it seemed my efforts helped me to escape the fate of Eve's further trainings, that didn't save me from a small amount of backlash from her. I could tell I was going to be in some kind of trouble with her when she and Alyssa arrived that Monday afternoon.

"A sissy who thinks she has the right to lose her cool definitely requires immediate attention," Eve told me, standing tall in front of me with all her intimidation. Cowering, I held my hands in front of me with my gaze to the floor. "If you were mine, your punishment would be far more than a couple of paddle strikes. Pity your owner wants to forgo my obedience class. You would gain so much from it."