Bound Friends Pt. 13


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"Hey, I just felt a shock," Leota said, hoping it was just a malfunction.

"Sorry, should have warned you, struggle too much and it is programmed to shock you. Just comply and you should be fine." Marian said, as she examined how the whole package fit together. Leota's head was just past the edge of the main body, but a plank had been extended for her head to rest on. Her legs were well spread, and her pussy lay just at the edge of the machine. "Run through the rest of the test," she called out to one of the techs.

Suddenly Leota felt the board her head was resting on fold down, causing her head to begin to fall before she realized it was gone. She felt and heard more things move as drawers at the side of the platform opened and closed. The drawers were large but currently empty as they tested everything. The head platform raised back up, before the whole device began to move around. It seemed able to move in all directions and spin, something that was not nearly as disorienting as she thought it might be. Out of the corner of her eye she saw two of the techs, one man one woman, kneel down and attempt to push the machine manually. They seemed to be straining heavily and yet the platform did not move.

Shortly after they left, Leota felt her legs released from the machine and she instantly placed them down on the ground in front of her. She watched helplessly as the bar began tilting up, lifting her back to a sitting position. When she tried pulling away however she found the bar was still very much attached to the machine, which gave her a mild shock for what it interpreted as a struggle. A few moments passed silently as she sat at attention, she was about to say something but was interrupted by another robotic command. "Stand," was all it said. Leota tried once again to stand and this time found it had released her. Once on her feet she noticed the tether to her collar was still attached and so she simply stood, waiting for further instruction.

"Now was any of that painful? I mean other than the shocks of course.." One of the techs asked. Leota shook her head which seemed to give the people some relief.

"There is one more part to all this," Marian said as she walked up and put a hand on Leota's shoulder. For some people this may be too much, but frankly your choice is to try or to go back to the dungeon. Of course remember, I reward obedience and those who prove to be valuable. I need someone to do this and I'd prefer someone marked like you," she said as she tapped on the SLAVE tattoo on Leota's forehead. "I also know you wear glasses, did you ever wear contacts?" she asked.

"Yes, I did for a few years before going back to glasses."

"Well, you're going back to contacts again for a little while. Except these are blackout contacts. You won't be able to see anything while you are paired with the Meshbot. I'm also going to be putting some plugs in your ears. They'll have little speakers so you can hear, but it will only tell you what the machine wants to tell you. Which will not happen often. You will be, for all real intents and purposes, mostly deaf and fully blind. Now, contacts are a little hard to do if you don't cooperate, so I'll give you this chance to back out if you want, the dungeon is still an option."

Leota shook her head. She wasn't sure this would be much better, but on principle she wanted to be cooperative. She knew good assignments are given to good workers, and she desperately did not want to stay with bad assignments her whole time here.

"Good, well then I shall leave you in capable hands," Marian said as she looked up and back at everyone.

Leota watched briefly as Marian left before she saw someone else walk into sight with a pale white contact lens on his finger. "Kind of eerie look'n huh? It'll be like you have no pupil at all," he said as he made sure she got a close look. Leota swallowed nervously as she watched him gently get the lense into place. She blinked frantically to get it situated and found it disorienting to have lost sight. She took a deep breath and then opened her other eye wide to watch as the last shreds of light were eclipsed before once again blinking to get it situated.

When she had been blind in the dungeon it was a blindfold, she had always felt it, it was always an explanation, a reason why opening her eyes did nothing. Now there was no such reminder and she suddenly felt very alone. She tried walking away but felt the pull from the tether. She even tried pulling hard but the machine may as well have been welded to the floor. It at least seemed to be off and didn't zap her for her momentary panic.

"You going to be ok?" the man said as he put both hands on her arms. It was calming. The touch seemed to be enough. She knew the ears would be next and she nodded her head telling them she was ready. They felt strange going in, a little slimy even. Pressure stayed in place as the slime seemed to harden somewhat, once she couldn't feel any more moisture the pressure removed but the plugs seemed firmly in place.

"Testing, testing nod if you can hear" came a voice through the speakers. The sound quality was tinny, but it came through clear enough and she nodded her head. "Good, now once I turn this on, the shock will start happening again if you struggle or resist. That will also include talking when you shouldn't be. So just follow what it tells you and try to act nice and helpless for the guests."

With that, silence. She had a laugh to herself at the warning, "act." She didn't feel she needed to really act that much, she already felt pretty damn helpless. She waited for what seemed like an overly long time. The staff were putting finishing touches on, and filling the empty drawers with an assortment of toys, but Leota was oblivious to all of that. She simply stood waiting for a command to finally come. "Forward," came the cold metallic voice of the machine through her earpiece. Leota simply began to dutifully follow as the machine rode out of the room with her close in tow.


Sophia woke up smiling and laughed at that realization. She found it odd, nothing about her situation had changed. She still wore the same slave collar she had been wearing for some time now. Of course there was the addition that it activated her NESIC now, but she was sure that wasn't what was making her smile. She didn't feel any closer to escape, she wasn't given better assignments, she just found it hard not to be more positive. She felt like she had her secret network of supporters helping her out now. Rob was there and Zainab seemed to be banking him.

It was an optimism that got the better of her three days ago when she was rented out to a client, who was actually a client and not simply Rob. She had let herself get her hopes up only to see a fat man in a polo shirt waddle in. It made the whippings hurt a little more, and the sex seem a little more demeaning, but by the next day it was forgotten.

Now she was once again laying naked on a bed, chained to the headboard and being teased by her chip. She told her mind to temper her optimism, to not be caught surprised again, but she simply couldn't bring herself to do that. It had already been a long day for her, and when she heard she was being rented for the night she couldn't help but presume that it was Rob and her friends coming through for her again.

Her smile grew a mile wide when the door opened and Rob walked in with a small suitcase. It was the same suitcase they had bought over Thanksgiving to keep her clothes in. Since she could not keep them herself, they were technically Rob's, but it was in name only. Rob gave her an awkward wave before he rushed over to retrieve the key to unlock her collar.

"First, turn this damn thing off would you?" she said as he approached her on the bed, pointing to the buttons at the side of the collar. He quickly turned them off before reaching back to remove the collar. She then moved in for a hug and a light kiss before kneeling back down on the bed and covering her breasts with one arm. "I assume that's my stuff I can change into?" she asked as she pointed to the suitcase with her eyes.

"Oh, yeah.." he said as he lifted the suitcase onto the bed and opened it. He pulled out a few gift wrapped boxes that sat at the top which immediately caught Sophia's attention.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Sophia asked as her eyes went to packages. "Is it the 5th already?"

"Yes it is, happy birthday." He said with a grin. "You're rented out until tomorrow late morning, and since you've already worked today there's no restrictions on you at all. Your friends sent up some gifts as well."

"I so don't deserve you," she said as she scooted forward and kissed him.

"Are you kidding? I'm the one way out of my league," he muttered as Sophia pulled back away. "But there's one present' I've been wanting to show you for a while now," he said as he started to remove his pants.

"Already? Ok, sure.. I guess," Sophia said slid down to the floor in front of Rob and onto her knees.

"No, no I think you have the wrong idea," Rob said as he pulled away.

"What I don't take offence. You're a guy, it's ok I get why you're always in such a rush to get it out," she said looking up at him.

"No, this isn't that. I know you've commented about that before, so I thought I'd give you something else," he said as she struggled to take his shoes off with his pants already around his ankles. "You remember a few days ago, when I had you put your thumb on that small pad?" he said as he reached for the sides of his boxers. "Well, maybe I should just show you."

As he pulled down his boxers and then removed his t-shirt Sophia was surprised to say the least. He wore a metal chastity belt that looked very similar to the kind she used to wear. It went around his hips with indentations to lock things to, looked to be a perfect fit of brushed metal. Of course there was the major difference that as it passed his penis there were two small cage protrusions. His balls were pushed to either side of his cock cage, while his cock cage bent around keeping the whole thing low profile. The cages were made of thin metal bars held closely together like a ridged metal fishing net. As the chastity belt circled around she saw a wide opening around his asshole, suggesting this could be worn rather long term. The last difference was that just above the penis was a small black panel which looked like what she had touched her thumb to the other day.

"This isn't the first time you've accused me of wanting to jump right to sex, and sure.. I kind of do that a lot. But I'm.. I don't want you to think I'm some perv and that's all I care about. I'm trying to be a nice guy, and a good slave. And thanks to the thumbprint thing, only you can unlock me from my chastity belt. I want you to know that you dictate the terms here Mistress. If you choose, this will never come off and I'll just be a chastity slave forever. It's also my way of showing that I trust you as well as letting you know that you're not powerless here in the casino cause.. you have a lot of power over me at least," he quickly rambled as Sophia walked around, unsure of what kind of reaction it was causing.

"But this is something you like too I assume?" she asked as she stood in front of him.

"I.. I mean yes, yeah it's something I've had a lot of interest in. I've never had a belt this secure or anyone to be a keyholder, but it's always kind of been a fantasy," he replied nervously. "But this wasn't just about me. I thought you'd like it too.. do you.. like it?" he asked.

Sophia paced around, examining him, trying to decide what to say. "So I'm assuming if you try to get hard it'll hurt right?" she asked, to which Rob simply nodded his head. "So if I did this?" Sophia asked as she pulled herself close to him, pressing her naked body against his. "Or maybe some of this?" she whispered as on hand reached down for his ass while another grabbed the back of his head

Rob winced and moaned as he began to nod his head. Sophia smiled. "Then you like the strain it causes? Feeling turned on but knowing there's nothing you can do about it?" she whispered gently into his ear. He gasped and nodded his head. "Good, then I think I'll get dressed and you can just stare and watch as I try out which underwear I'd prefer. And don't you dare look away," she said as she turned to go look through the suitcase to see what she had to try on.

Rob breathed heavily but stood perfectly still. "Yes Mistress," he replied.


Leota walked forward through the silent blackness. She saw nothing, heard nothing, but continued on all the same. She still darted her head around when she thought she heard a noise or maybe hoping that this time she'd get a view of something. But nothing. The floor changed from the cheap linoleum of the hallway to a buffed smooth surface. She could not tell where, but she knew she was once again in public.

"Stop," a cold metallic voice commanded. Without the movement, she was all of a sudden much more aware of her bondage. She tried jostling her arms but nothing budged. She imagined thousands of eyes could be on her, she felt utterly exposed. She gasped as she felt something turn on her NESIC, turning it up high. She had noticed a pattern in the dungeon that moments before her use someone would turn it on very high but briefly, just long enough to get her sex crazed hormones into drive.

She began panting as she waited for.. well she wasn't sure what to expect but she was sure it would happen soon. A firm hand grabbed her breast, making her look down instinctively expecting to see some clue as to who just grabbed her there. He moved his thumb up to play with her nipple piercing. Soon another hand was on her ass, and before long a third hand was feeling the stud piercing that still sat at her clit.

Leota moved her head about but continued to see and hear absolutely nothing as the hands jostled around. She moaned at the sensations, there were certainly plenty of them and no image to attach them to.

She tried to picture who these three, and she was sure it was three separate people from the angles of the hands, but she had difficulty. She pictured herself, hands locked behind her in a totally black void. Light illuminated her, but if there was anything else the light did not show it. She pictured the hands, three of them, unattached to people. Just three hands roaming around by magic, exploring her helpless body as it stayed trapped in this void space.

"Say, 'I do whatever my robot master wishes,'" came instructions through her ear. She repeated the words in a sultry, eager tone. She hadn't heard the conversation leading up to that phrase, but she was sure it was meant to be a sincere sounding admission of helplessness, of servitude to this mechanical thing.

She knew she was not alone but still the image of standing in an empty void was hard to shake. As she felt a body press up against her, the disorientation began to feel overwhelming. She struggled again with hands, visibly distressed and suddenly feeling like she needed to get out of there. Her pulling only seemed to bring in more attention. She started breathing heavy, trying to calm herself down.

"You have been asked, why are you struggling so hard? That it Doesn't look like you'll be going anywhere. Answer the guest," The robot voice requested. It gave Leota a stark realization. If the robot was to always be a middle man, then what was in the black void and more importantly who was in it would be entirely her creation. She was not creative enough to envision herself anywhere else but the casino, but as she was about to answer this unknown, unseen guest, she could make that person anyone. And why not the same woman that had gotten her through the dungeon? The grey eyed woman, Vera.

"This slave is simply new, and is simply feeling overwhelmed by so much attention," Leota answered flirtatiously. She saw Vera smile and felt Vera's eyes on her as Vera directed her friends to tease her poor slave. Leota felt the man pressing against her back reach down and take out his cock. He bent her over slightly as he positioned himself.

Leota looked ahead imagining Vera nearly cackling at the humiliation she was inflicting on her. "I hope you enjoy them, I will enjoy watching you pleasure them," she said in this imagined world. Leota felt the very real cock press deep into her pussy, causing her to moan and bite her lower lip.

She felt someone else grab her by the chin and tilt her head up, placing a kiss on her lips. The person had no beard and as far as Leota could picture was one of Vera's female friends looking on. The person pulled away before she felt a hand on the back of her head. She was brought down to someone's waiting and throbbing cock.

Leota began to suck eagerly. The thick circumcised cock was salty and pungent as it pressed on towards the back of her throat. Leota felt so humiliated, being made to do this thing she finds so revolting, all to please this maniacal woman. She felt the cock swell and stiffen as she continued to bob her head, going to great effort to debase herself and be an obedient slave to her Mistress. It was strenuous work, all while remaining bent and pounded from behind. She did the best she could. And when that wasn't good enough, she felt an encouraging hand push her head lower, push it deeper, causing her to gag more than a few times.

With some final thrusts, the man behind her erupted, pulling out to shoot his cum across her back. As he pulled away, the man that had been using her throat decided to take the other man's place behind her. He grabbed her by the hips and began to thrust, at least allowing her the ability to straighten up somewhat. He thrusted considerably faster, finally rushing her past orgasm without stopping or even slowing. She tried to limit her moan of pleasure but was sure it was rather loud. After reaching a second orgasm in only minutes, he tightly grabbed her and shot his load deep inside her. He held onto her for some time as they both caught their breaths.

"The guest wants to know if you liked it," the robotic voice asked. She watched as she imagined Vera cocking an eyebrow eagerly awaiting her response. "This slave enjoyed being used, thank you," she said, causing Vera to nod her head in approval. Sophia nearly jumped as she felt a quick slap to her ass, causing her heart to race again. She looked around, trying to guess if everyone had left or if they were still all there. She didn't know, but she at least felt that Vera was still there with her.


"So, should I be expecting any more surprises?" Sophia asked as the two sat quietly at their table. "Like, no one's going to be waiting in the room or anything when we get back right?"

"No, it's just me.. They sent greetings and all that but it's a weeknight and.. and there's still the gifts, back in the room," Rob replied after finishing his last bight.

"Right, I almost forgot about those.." she said as she took another sip of red wine. "And speaking of.. I gotta ask.. isn't that thing.. annoying?" she asked pointing down towards his crotch.

"You'd probably be surprised. I put it on yesterday to get a feel before I put the thumbprint lock on.."

"Wait, you've already been wearing it a day?" Sophia chuckled.

"Well.. to make sure it fit and stuff. I really only notice it when I bend all the way over for something and even then it's not that bad. You wore something like this long term didn't you?"

"Well, yes I did. But I don't have anything that sticks out or grows or anything like that," she said as she blushed slightly.

"Yeah, when it tries to get hard it's uncomfortable, but then it goes away. Your friend gave me a bunch of money and said to get something to hang on to that will show you you're important to me. And I.. hoped that might fit the bill. Did I mess up?" he said nervously.