Boyfriend Test


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Joellen's tears started to flow. "Oh Bryan," she said. "You've done nothing wrong. I was just happy you were holding me. Don't do this to yourself. Everything will be okay."

"I doubt it," Bryan responded. "I'm sure when I tell Wendy what has happened she'll dump me on the spot. I guess I deserve it. I'm so sorry to get you involved in this. I don't deserve her love or your friendship. I'm sorry."

Joellen couldn't believe where this was going. She could sense the finality in Bryan's words. She felt so guilty. She realized the best outcome would be to make sure Bryan was happy. She'd report back to Wendy that he was a complete gentleman and this stupid game would be over. She was sad that Bryan would be out of her life, but that would have to be the price to pay for her guilt.

"Bryan," she said. "Let me talk to Wendy first. She will need to hear from me anyway. Please let me speak to her before you see her next."

Bryan just nodded his head slowly. He turned and began to pack the rest of the equipment so they could leave.


Joellen's eyes opened as she heard the banging on her dorm's front door. She was an emotional wreck after getting back home from the campsite so she had gone back to bed, hoping to forget about the whole sordid affair.

The banging continued. "Just a minute!" Joellen shouted out as she pulled herself from her bed. She jammed her feet into her slippers and made her way to the door.

"About time!" shouted Wendy as Joellen cracked open the door. Wendy pushed her way through before Joellen could even object. "Bryan's been calling and texting me all morning! I've been ignoring him until I could speak to you. What the hell happened last night?"

Joellen froze. Her mind started to race when she realized she had control over the outcome. She realized she could lie and tell Wendy that Bryan had indeed cheated on her. Wendy would break up with him and she could swoop in to console him. She was actually considering it, but then she realized that she would be just as guilty as Wendy with this web of lies. She knew in her heart she wouldn't be able to live with the guilt.

"Wendy," she said as she looked into her eyes. "Bryan was a complete gentleman the whole time."

"Really?" asked Wendy. "Even when you were sleeping together in the tent? Come on...I've slept with him...he has wandering hands!"

"Wendy!" yelled Joellen. "He didn't come on to me! What more do you need to know? He had every opportunity and he didn't cheat!"

"Did you even try to get him to go after you?" Wendy asked incredulously. "I had him pretty hyped up before I left. He had to be hot to trot!"

"God Dammit, Wendy!" screamed Joellen. "He's innocent! You know what? You don't deserve him! I hate myself for even agreeing to be a part of this lie and I hate you for doing this to Bryan! Get out of here! Neither of us deserve such a wonderful man!"

Wendy was shocked at the level of vitriol coming from Joellen. "Well, I guess you still have earned the lead in the next play!" she said as she began to back out of the dorm room.

"I don't want it!" screamed Joellen. "Get out! I don't want to ever hear from you again! Go live your 'happily ever after'! Just leave me alone!" and with that Joellen pushed Wendy out into the hall and slammed the door shut. She ran back to her bed and buried her face in her pillow, sobbing uncontrollably.

On her way back to her dorm, Wendy messaged Bryan: "I've just talked to Joellen, I know we need to talk. Can I meet you at your apartment at 1:30?"

"Yes, that would be good." was his response.


Bryan looked at the picture of his friend group dancing under Rainbow Falls at Watkins Glen State Park. He remembered it as a beautiful day. He also remembered it as the day that he and Wendy had their first kiss. He was all smiles in the picture. Why not? Surrounded by friends and his arm around his new girlfriend. Everyone in the picture was either smiling or laughing. He looked at each face, wondering about those that have gone their separate ways. When he came to Joellen's face he began to lose his smile. He looked at the picture a little closer. She wasn't smiling. She seemed to be frowning and looking directly at him and Wendy. Bryan shook his head as he threw the picture back down at his desk.

He knew this would be a hard conversation and that the outcome would probably hurt, but he was resolved to tell the truth. If Wendy was going to break up with him then so be it. He felt he deserved what was coming. He heard a knock on the door. He sighed as he went to unlock the door to let her in.

"Hi Bryan!" said Wendy as she leaned into him for a hug.

"Hello, Wendy. Please come in. Let's have a seat here on the couch," he said as he led her by the hand into the living room.

Bryan tried to take the initiative on the conversation. "Wendy, I just want to start by saying I never wanted to hurt you in any way..."

Wendy wouldn't let him finish. She jumped into his lap and pulled his head to her's. "Kiss me!" she said and she pressed her lips to his.

Bryan began a tentative kiss, but that wasn't enough for Wendy. She pushed him back so that his head and back were fully up against the couch. She kissed him passionately. Bryan began to relent to this romantic onslaught and slowly relaxed. He put his arms around his girlfriend and brought her in closer. Their mouths opened and Wendy's tongue danced around in Bryan's mouth. He sucked on her lips and tongue. He was almost crying as he broke the kiss.

"Wendy, I..." began Bryan.

"It's okay," Wendy interrupted. "Joellen told me everything. I know you can be trusted. Please, don't say another word. Just make love to me!"

Bryan just looked up at her. He couldn't believe what she was saying. He thought for sure she'd be mad, but that wasn't the case. "Oh, Wendy!" he cried as he pulled her into a strong embrace.

Wendy kissed the top of his head as she reached behind her back, unsnapping her bra. She pulled back from Bryan and with a seductive grin, pulled her top and bra off in one motion. Her perky breasts were at eye level. She pushed her chest into Bryan's face.

Bryan instinctively pulled her left breast into his mouth. She cooed as she wrapped her arms around his head. He sucked and rolled her nipple with his lips as he tried to push down his tears. Wendy let out a low moan, grinding herself back and forth on his now erect member under his shorts.

"Take me to bed, Bryan," she said as she reached down to kiss him full on the lips.

Bryan picked her up and carried her to his bedroom. He was so relieved to know that things were going to be okay. He didn't understand why he was back in Wendy's good graces, but he wasn't going to argue. He laid her down on the bed and began to kiss and nip his way down her sensitive skin.

"Oh...God...please!" shouted Wendy. "It's been too long! I need you! I need it now!"

Bryan playfully removed Wendy's pants and panties. He sighed as he looked at her enticing form. He resolved to give her an orgasm she wouldn't soon forget. He traced his tongue down her hip and across her thigh. Wendy giggled from the tickling sensation. Her giggles turned to moans as his tongue traveled to her more sensitive areas.

Bryan licked up and down her slit. Wendy was already dripping from her desire. The scent of her musk drove all rational thought from his mind. She was a delectable morsel and he would savor every last inch of her. When his tongue finally flicked her clit she let out a gasp and grabbed the back of his head.

Bryan reached up and placed his hands on either side of her moist outer lips and spread them gently but firmly. Wendy squealed as his tongue dove for her deepest recesses. She always loved it when he would hold her open this way. She knew that bliss would overtake her soon.

Bryan's tongue was relentless on her pussy. She rolled and bucked, squirmed and squealed as he brought her to one of the most forceful and lengthy orgasms she'd ever had. Her eyes rolled back and she thrust her hips as her orgasm crashed into her. "Oh God! Yes! YES! YEEESSSSS!" she yelled as she lost all control of her body.

Bryan held her down. His face was dripping as she came all over him and his tongue. Bryan continued to lick and suck, endeavoring to make her orgasm last forever. "Don't stop! Don't stop! YES!" she screamed as a second orgasm washed over the first.

"Oh my God!" Wendy finally exhaled as she returned from her state of bliss. "Please! Please take me! I'm yours!" she exhaled.

Bryan pulled himself up between her legs. He yanked down his shorts and began to run his erection up and down Wendy's sopping wet pussy.

"Oh! God! I'm too sensitive! Put it in me! Please!" she screamed.

Bryan lifted his hips and fulfilled both her wish and her pussy. "Oh Wendy! Oh Fuck!" He let out. Her pussy was hot, wet and oh so tight. He buried himself into her, basking in the pleasure of their union.

His thrusts picked up speed at Wendy's constant urging. "Harder! Faster!" She pleaded. Bryan heeded her calls. He felt the familiar tightening in his balls as he plowed her depths. "Oh God Baby! I'm going to cum!" he breathed.

"Yes! Yes! Do it! Cum in me!" she pleaded.

The sound of their forceful coupling filled their ears. Wendy could feel him get harder still as his thrusts forced her open. "My God! You're so big! Give it to me!" she screamed.

"Uh...Uh...God...Yes...I'm Cummming!" grunted Bryan as his load spewed forth into her waiting pussy. Stream after stream erupted from the head of his cock, filling her to overflowing. He collapsed next to her, completely spent from the height of their passion.

Wendy rolled over to get out of the bed and make her way to the bathroom. "Oh my god! I can't believe how much is dripping out of me!" Bryan could only smile as she waddled to the bathroom.

After she had cleaned up, Wendy rolled back into bed with Bryan. They snuggled in a spooning pose and soon they both fell asleep in this warm embrace.


Bryan smiled as he went to the kitchen to make them both a cup of hot tea. He was happy that things were back to normal, although it sure was a weird and frustrating week for him. He didn't understand why Wendy seemed so pleased with him, but who was he to argue? Whatever it was, it sure made her a tiger in bed. He had to laugh to himself when she said she only needed a cup of tea before they could get started on 'round 2'.

Bryan brought the two cups of tea back and handed one to Wendy as she sat up in bed. "Here you go sweetie! I'm so glad you're not mad at me about that argument about living in the city."

"What?" asked Wendy.

"You know," said Bryan as he blew into his cup to cool the liquid. "The argument about working on Broadway."

"Oh...that...yeah," said Wendy. "I had forgotten about that."

"Forgotten?" questioned Bryan. "You seemed awfully upset then. You stormed out of the campsite. You've never left me like that before. I was really worried!"

"You don't need to worry, Bryan," explained Wendy. "I don't care where we end up. I know I can trust you passed."

"Passed? What are you talking about?" asked Bryan.

"Oh, it's nothing," replied Wendy. "Come to bed!"

"No...wait...what did I pass? What's going on?" asked Bryan suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter," said Wendy in an annoyed tone. "You passed. You get me. That's all that matters."

"I don't understand," said Bryan. "You need to tell me what's going on. Something's not right."

Wendy reluctantly related the whole story. As she explained the scheme that she and Joellen undertook to test his credibility, Bryan became more and more incensed. He just couldn't believe what he was hearing. After all this time she had to go to this length to confirm his trustworthiness? He looked at Wendy but couldn't hold back his disgust. He felt completely betrayed. Both by Wendy and even Joellen. He had been played.

"I can't believe you did this to me," said Bryan, gritting his teeth.

"I had to be sure, Bryan," replied Wendy. "I didn't want to end up like Joellen."

That statement raised his ire even more. "So it was better to humiliate me than to take the risk in trusting me to be faithful?" said Bryan. "Wendy, I think you'd better go."

"What? Wait! No! I don't understand," pleaded Wendy. "You passed. Why are you mad?"

"Stop saying that! Nobody passed anything! You've made me feel like a fool! I want you to leave!" yelled Bryan.

"Fine!" screamed Wendy in reply as she finished getting dressed. "God, first Joellen threw me out and now you! I don't understand. I just wanted to be sure. You should be happy!"

"I'm not," said Bryan as he hung his head. "Please go!"

"I'll go," stated Wendy. "But when you realize that I'm justified and come crawling back to me, you'd better make sure it's a damn good apology!"

"Don't hold your breath!" yelled Bryan. "Get out!"

Wendy turned around with a "Harrumph" and went out the front door slamming it behind her.

Bryan turned to take his cup to the kitchen. It shattered as he dropped it down into the sink too hard. "Shit! Dammit!" he yelled as he realized he'd cut the side of his ring finger. The blood ran down to his wrist.

It all hit him as he ran the cold water over his finger to stop the bleeding. He broke down as he waited for the wound to coagulate. As he applied the bandaid he thought about how he didn't have a big enough bandaid to cover the hole in his heart.


It had rained for three straight days before Bryan could make it back to Taughannock Falls. The rivers and creeks were all swollen to capacity. The roar at the bottom of the falls was more intense than anytime Bryan could remember. He fingered the ring in his pocket.

"That's right Chief, looks like we're both pretty mad," he said to himself. The angry swirls of mist looked as if they would venture out and swallow him up at any minute. Bryan watched the fury of the creek water as it seemed to be impatient with its trip down the falls.

"You're's time," said Bryan. He pulled the ring from his coat pocket. He looked down at it in his hand. A tear joined the thousands of droplets blowing in the rush of water. Bryan could only shake his head when he realized just how close he had come to slipping the ring on Wendy's dainty hand. He couldn't even slip it over his own pinky finger. He looked up, reared back, and flung the ring toward the plunge pool.

He watched it skip three times before it disappeared into the turbulent water. "It's all yours Chief," he said as he turned to walk back up the canyon path.


Weeks passed before Bryan heard from Wendy, but her texts did nothing to console him. They vacillated between anger for not contacting her and questions about when he wanted to come and apologize. He was done with her games and ignored each request. It wasn't long before she finally gave him an ultimatum to either contact her or things would be over between them. He let his silence do the talking.

He was haunted by all that had transpired during those fateful days. Something that Wendy had said during their last argument bothered him. "Joellen had thrown her out." What did that mean? Why would she be mad unless her emotions were caught up in this too?

He replayed his and Joellen's interactions during the walk around the Farmer's Market and the campsite. He realized each rendezvous was a setup, but he felt so good when he was with her. He knew there was no way she was faking when it came to the 8th grade math competition. That had to be real. Or was it? Maybe he was just hoping too much that Joellen may still have feelings for him.

Bryan tried to bury those thoughts. She was a part of the whole grand scheme. His trust was shattered.


Bryan locked the car door. He was happy to see there weren't any other cars in the parking lot at the trail head for the hike to Taughannock Falls. It was later than he usually made it to the falls, but he had somehow felt the call to get back and visit.

He had his head down for the entire walk. Even though it had been several weeks since he and Wendy had broken things off, he still felt conflicted about the entire affair. "Did I overreact?", "Should I try to make amends?", "Should I try to contact Wendy? Joellen? Both?" They were all questions he wanted to ask the Chief.

It was a lot of questions, and he probably wouldn't have time to think about them all once he made it to the plunge pool. You could set your watch by the inevitable flow of tourists.

The water was calmer, that's for sure. There wasn't much rain at all in the past few weeks. The water seemed to flow at a much more leisurely pace. Wildlife scurried to hide as he passed by, but mostly reappeared when it could be determined he was no threat. The peaceful scenes of the creek below the falls picked up his mood as he continued with his quest.

He made the last bend before the plunge pool would come into sight. He sighed as he realized there was a lone figure standing in front of the falls. He thought that his answers would have to wait for another day.

As he closed the distance to the lip of the plunge pool, he recognized that the figure was a woman. She was obviously distraught as he could hear her sobs above the crashing of the waterfall. He approached only to ensure that she wasn't hurt or needed any assistance.

She turned as she heard his footfalls on the rocks. Their eyes locked. Bryan instantly recognized Joellen's face, although her eyes were puffy and red from crying. He approached her.

"Are you okay, Joellen," he asked.

"No," she responded. "I've ruined everything! I hurt you. It was the one thing I knew I shouldn't do, but I did it anyway. And for what? A stupid part in a stupid play that I didn't even take in the end! I can't forgive myself. I tried to fix it by telling Wendy you were a total gentleman, but it all blew up in our faces. You deserve to be happy. Neither Wendy nor I deserve a good man like you." Joellen returned to sobbing as she broke down in front of Bryan.

Bryan came up behind Joellen and hugged her from behind, trying to console her. "Joellen, I have to ask. Was it all fake? The interactions we had seemed real to me. I need to know."

"They weren't fake," cried Joellen. "I loved every minute of it. I confess that there was a part of me that wanted you to stray and be with me, but I realized that's not who you are. I curse the day that Wendy thought up this stupid plan."

Bryan just held her close for a moment. "Shhh," he said in her ear as she continued to sob.

Bryan looked into the water as it crashed down from its heights. The swirling wind and relentless flow locked in its infinite embrace. He closed his eyes and smiled.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"I don't know," replied Joellen. "Sometimes I come to the falls to think. When I woke up this morning I felt like I needed to be here. I can't explain why."

He hugged her even tighter. "Joellen, back in eighth grade, I didn't know how to comfort you," he said.

She spun in his arms to face him. They stared into each other's watering eyes. "Yes?" she said as her eyes darted back and forth.

"I know how to now," he said as he pulled her into an embrace.

"I wish we could go back in time, back to eighth grade," she said. "Back before all of this. Back before this stupid test!"

"Joellen, it's okay," said Bryan. "This wasn't a test we were meant to pass, but I'm okay with that. As long as it means I get to hold you, I'm okay with that."

"Really? Do you forgive me?" she asked.

"I do," he replied. "Maybe this was the way things were supposed to end up."

Joellen pulled him in for a kiss. She tried to smile through her tears. "How do you know that?" she asked.

"I don't," said Bryan as he motioned back toward the waterfall. "But I think the Chief here does."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Good, fun story! I was expecting Wendy to let 'You passed the test' slip BEFORE they had sex. Perhaps it would have come out when they're in bed during foreplay, leaving her frustrated and unfulfilled when he kicks her out. The story could have been a bit longer and described the interaction when Wendy finds out.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Similar to others who've commented, I thought the ring might be spotted at the foot of the falls before the story ended.

The sex was also indicative of Wendy's character, taking his attention to her needs first (selfish) as her due.

A short but masterful story, well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yes, sweet and substantial. My main critique would be to make sure you balance the sex out. It seemed all skewed towards the woman who he ultimately rejected, so we as the readers don't get much of a "payoff" when the story turns.

Davester37Davester37about 1 year ago

This is a sweet story, well told. That’s a lot of what I want to read here. Thank you for writing and thank you for sharing your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Works for me. Pretty darn good story, even though there was really only one way it could end. A little more story would’ve been nice. Especially the part where Wendy finds out Bryan and Joellen are “together”.

mac1729mac1729over 1 year ago

What fixer said

Thanks for writing

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Needs a better ending, still 5/5

fixer43fixer43over 1 year ago

I'm not even going to go there about Wendy and her insecurity and behavior.

I think you could add a couple more lines though.

"They walked to the water's edge and spotted something shiny there, half buried in the mud. It was Bryan's ring..."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sweet, I liked the ending. Wish it was longer and really got into it, perhaps had more than Joellen trying to test him. Just feels like a set up for something more grandiose.

IbeSteveIbeSteveover 1 year ago

beautiful story. Loved It

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Sometimes it's not just the men who are foolish!


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