Brandi and Kelly Ch. 01


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In class she could hardly concentrate, wanting to finger them. They itched a little but that wasn't it. At break time she would have to search out Kevin. Several times she had to shake off the feeling of being locked up by him.

When she asked a question of the lecturer, the little word, 'Sir' slithered from her lips. It had such a different meaning now. Or, did it? Wasn't it just a form of deferment, a way of showing respect? It was having an effect on her anyway.

She tried to pass off the warmth in her belly as being from last night, but knew it was from saying that little word and the earrings too. She kept her head down, wondering if anyone noticed a change in her.


"Sorry, I haven't been back to the club. I've been writing up my notes and researching," he said.

Brandi slammed the phone down. Not a great decision as she needed the damn key. Two days she had tried to get a hold of him. It sounded like an excuse and when he said to meet him at the club she knew it was. Well, she could wait until Friday.

Kelly too had kept out of the way but at last Kelly answered the phone. "Are you going to the club Friday? Good I need your protection. No! It's just to get the damn key. Stop laughing bitch! It's your fault. OK! OK! Great trick, it's no big deal," Brand lied. She looked forward to this next visit and would scheme a fitting revenge over the next few days.


Brandi changed into the lewd outfit examining it in the mirror.

She looked the part but then unzipped the legs of the leather one-piece and stowed them in a locker with the rest of her clothes.

She nervously checked herself out in the mirror looking at her bare ass. "It's time to kick ass and it won't be mine," she said quietly. With head held high she marched to the piercing guy. He didn't have a spare key but that was alright for she had a plan.

Nervously she entered the main room. If she saw the lesbian again she was in the mood to deal with her. "Hi Kelly! Kevin isn't here yet. Her friend was dressed in her lewd outfit though it didn't seem so bad now. Neither did hers, so maybe she was becoming immune to it all.

"I was thinking about another piercing."

"You what? I was right you did enjoy it!" She laughed with head thrown back. "Here, I'll lead the way," she said, taking a hold of the leash attached to Brandi's collar.

Brandi smiled behind her friends back not minding being led as it was her friend who was being led into a trap. They walked back to the piercing guy with a little skip to their step, both for different reasons though.

"You first!" Brandi said, feigning last minute nerves.

Kelly looked at her then glanced at they guy. He held a gun that would clamp a fake ring to her ear. She laughed and sat in the chair. "I knew it. You're not that brave yet. OK! Go ahead."

Brandi moved in close examining her ear as though curious. Kelly closed her eyes for even the fake piercing hurt as it pinched a sensitive part of the ear.

Brandi grabbed her tongue at the same time the guy grabbed the piercing gun from under the seat.

"Wha! Nooo!" Kelly yelled and kicked out at both of them.

It happened like clockwork; mouth open to speak, tongue grabbed, piercing machine went snap!

"Thit! Whaa uuu doth. Coow!" Kelly mumbled and grumbled.

The guy looked to make sure her tongue didn't swell too much. "That's the end of it! No more tricks." He pronounced.

Brandi was pleased with the result and thought the sacrifice had been worth it. She had made up to the guy swinging her hips at him and showing off her bare ass only to find he was gay.

They had both laughed and started talking and eventually he had agreed to help her exact revenge.

"Thanks sooo much, revenge is sweet." Brandi laughed.

"You two bugger off and don't come back." He scowled.

Brandi reached up to him and kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair. When his cheeks coloured in embarrassment she gave him a big smile. 'He's so cute what a pity he's gay.' It was good job she didn't voice the thought otherwise he would have jibed at the typical remark.

Pulling her friend away from the mirror by a chain they trooped back into the main room. They made their way to the booth hoping to see Kevin.

"You bitch! What am I going to tell my parents," Kelly complained.

"You seemed to enjoy it. You spent enough time in front of the mirror," she countered. "You'll just have to keep your mouth shut for a change," she laughed.

"Leth's go to the westwoom," Kelly said, slowly. "I need to check it out. It had better be a good one!"

Brandi was surprised her friend was taking it so well but then she was into this, what ever it was called. Kevin had described it as a counter-culture or sub-culture.

Kelly pointed to the chains on Brandi's costume and helped her clip them in place. Still on a high Brandi let her while trying hard not to laugh every time her friend spoke. Revenge had been exacted so all that remained was to collect the key and she would be free of the place.

She let Kelly lead her by the leash needing her protection. It was a surprise how easily she slipped into the role of a collared submissive on a leash.

Kelly stepped to one side and before she could stop Brandi fell over a padded bar set at waist height. Kelly pulled the leash down sharply and tied it to a solid ring bolt mounted in the floor. Brandi was bent over with head almost touching the floor. Opening her mouth to shout a ball was shoved into her mouth and fastened around the back of her head.

It had happened so quick she just lay there stunned. Recovering slowly, she was about to kick out but too late. Kelly deftly secured one ankle then the other.

"Thow! Dam you! So! Wha yo thin o' thith? Who's got their mouth shut now?" Kelly crowed in delight. She was getting used to the stud in her tongue and if she annunciate carefully she didn't lisp.

Brandi thought her friend might laugh like a mad professor from a cheap movie, but she didn't. She stopped struggling realising it was just wiggling her ass about. It felt so vulnerable and inviting being ass up with bare cheeks on display. Inviting what though? She shuddered and lay still breathing heavily.

The gag was doing something to her too. She tried to suck on it but saliva dribbled past the red ball. She tried to spit the awful thing out again but it was firmly in place and worse, it was useless trying to reason with her friend. The words were a garbled mess worse than Kelly's lisp.

A crowd gathered round to watch the show. An agony of embarrassment made her pull at the chain at her throat but she quickly gave it up from choking. Damn the collar, damn the chains. She pulled her legs together but that was useless too.

She knew only too well the view they had of her leather cupped lips. 'Shit! No!' She could feel her lips swelling. With her legs spread they might slip out of the little purse of leather holding them.

The humiliation was working on her in an unexpected way. Rather than helping keep under control it was driving her on, stoking her up.

"The bad slave gyrl needs punishing," Kelly announced.

'Have I been demoted to slave?' she wondered with a touch of hysteria threatening to overwhelm her.

Kelly slapped a bare cheek. They both yelped in unison, one of them spraying spittle the other lisping. The crowd laughed.

The embarrassment deepened. Her lips became wetter and fuller.

Brandi was revealing a shocking newly discovered secret about herself. This abuse was turning her on. Was it the gag? She remembered the dentist and groaned. Was it being so vulnerable? She squirmed over the padded bar. Surely it couldn't be the exhibitionism.

She felt like a bad slave gyrl now, a very naughty disgusting little slave gyrl behaving like a bitch on heat to all those dogs watching her. Did they want to mount her? Did they lust over her? Did they want her cute little ass?

The thoughts shocked her more than the next slap upon her virgin bottom. Not even her parents had chastised her like this. Like this? Like this? Tied down, ass up before strangers, how could she even contemplate such a thing?

Her best friend was spanking her like a naughty little girl and in public too. 'I'm twenty-one I can't be dishonoured like this.'

"No!" She bleated repeatedly despite the word being a useless meaningless noise.

Someone had passed Kelly a cane to save her soft hand. She too was a beginner and was given expert advice. Brandi hardly heard the conversation for she was lost in her own little world of agonising doubts. She didn't want to accept what her body was telling her.

A couple more swipes of the cane and an orgasm took over whipping away all reservations. A deep orgasm rocked her body flooding her mind with emotions. The leather cupping her sex gave up its protection to display her lewdly swollen lips.

Her little brown puckered asshole was flexing, gripped tight then loosened, offering up everything to them. She pointed her bare bottom up at her tormentor as though needing more.

Driven on and on the orgasm flooded her senses washing all resistance away. There was no more pretending, she was hooked on humiliation, on being helpless, on flaunting her aroused body. At least for that moment all thought melted to a bundle of raw nerve endings assaulted by the basest feelings.

If they had been dogs they would have mounted her one after another according to their social position in the pack. Instead the crowd cheered their appreciation of someone letting go their innermost inhibitions; celebrating someone brave enough to show they were just a wanton bitch in heat.

Kelly cooled down realising she had gone too far. She quickly unstrapped her friend's ankles and untied the leash. She was too heavy for the light framed Kelly to carry. "Shit! Sorry!" she whispered in the motionless young woman's ear.

Kevin came bustling up to them and carried Brandi away to the changing room. He tried to pour a Brandy down her throat but she just spluttered for it to spill over her heaving chest. He stripped off the leather and fumbled getting her dressed.

"It's OK! Thanks. I can handle it from here," she said, her voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper.

"Are you sure? To the regulars that was quite a thing but you are just a novice. I'll drive you home, you're in no fit state," he told her.

He drove her home. This time there was no teasing repartee at all. She slid from the seat wincing at the sting of her bottom and flashed him a wane smile. So overcome with guilt at the exhibition she forgot to ask about the key.


In the apartment she had a lot to think about. Fortunately it was early and her roommate hadn't returned. She showered wondering about the orgasm and at the same time not wanting to. The hot water splashed between her legs and she opened up. Reaching down she hesitated then changed her mind.

Her best friend had whipped her bare ass in front of strangers and the orgasm had been mind-blowing. It had been so humiliating but just thinking about it was stoking her. The other evening she had a nice comfortable cum but earlier, that was awe-inspiring. Again she wondered what they were doing to her.

She lay on the bed twiddling with the earrings and fingered the collar. A feeling of regret that it hadn't been Kevin caning her occurred and she considered that too. It was all too much too soon.

Reaching to the floor for her backpack she rummaged around to find a rule.

She turned over on the bed almost in the same position as earlier and separated her legs. She slapped her bottom with the rule imagining it was Kevin; just as an experiment. She slapped harder. Kevin was her master spanking her for being a naughty little whore exhibiting herself to strangers in the club.

The hand moved between her legs finding her lips swollen and hot. She easily found a hard swollen bud, surprisingly extended and so ready. She worked on it in a frenzy of fingering, but could only produce a disappointing superficial orgasm.

It was enough though. Snuggling into bed she pulled the comforter up over her head and was soon snoring grandly.


She hadn't spoken to either Kelly or Kevin for a few days getting some space to sort her head out. Brandi was unsure if the feelings she had were from the assault on her senses at the club or had they released something dark from within.

"Hi! Kevin! Yea, I'm fine. Really!" she lied. I was thinking about the stable. John invited us over last Friday. I do, it would be interesting. Only if Kelly agrees to it. OK. Friday." She put the phone down and picked it up again.

"Hi Kelly. Yea! OK! Sorry. Well I'm sorry too. Look, Kevin invited me to the stable. John's stable. I'm not sure what it is but he needs me to go to help him with his work. Will you be my protector? Of course I do. You forgive me for the piercing? I'm not sure I want to talk about what you did yet, perhaps Friday? OK! Yea, yea, yea, gotta go," she smirked.


The three of them arrived at the stable. It was a large solitary old house in the hills way past Thousand Oaks. There were horses in a paddock and just visible past the side of the house were stables. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as though it was just a wealthy mans home.

Brandi was both relieved and a little disappointed. She had been confident of carrying out her plan but here and now there were doubts. The whole idea had been to teach her friend not to mess with her but could she convince John.

They sipped chilled drinks over casual conversations until the subject turned to the club. While the group of eight guests carried on chatting about what they liked and disliked in the world of bondage Brandi sidled off with John. Kevin was enthralled not noticing her absence and Kelly was in the bathroom.


"OK!" John said in a large booming voice commanding attention. "Let's have some fun." The regulars filed out behind him with the three following.

"Just a minute," Brandi said, taking a hold of Kevin's arm. "John said we could take a look at the dungeon," seeing him hesitate she added. "I'm not interested in watching them change. We can catch up with them later. It's this way come on."

Kelly wasn't interested in Pony-Girls either but enjoyed the spectacle. As soon as they entered the stable one of the women sank to her knees taking a submissive pose with hands behind her neck thrusting out her breasts and knees spread.

Kelly looked around at the equipment and was impressed. She watched the woman strip off to get changed into a tight leather costume with two men helping her into it.

The large powerful one of the two, Evan, went into a stall leaving the other to complete the task.

"Come over here and take a look at some of the equipment," John said, his voice sounding like a command every time he spoke.

As Kelly walked in they grabbed her arms pulling them up to cuff the wrists to a chain hanging from the ceiling. She yelled and cursed them until a bit was put between her teeth. She continued to struggle but the words were garbled.

They methodically striped her with apparent ease from experience. Kelly looked around for her friends, eyes wide with fear still babbling incoherently. The men pulled a one-piece black leather suit onto a leg, then the other, to pull it up her body.

Loosening one arm after the other they managed to wrap her body in the pony suit. A hood was added with the blinkers in place blocking her vision. They held her bent over a bar for John to unzip the back of the suit. When he slathered grease up her backside she kicked out.

He was ready for her having completed this task many times before.

Kelly was petrified thinking they were going to rape her ass. There was no way with her arms tied over the bar she was going anywhere but that didn't stop her fighting. For a moment she remembered Brandi being in the same position at the club.

A probe at her asshole brought her round to the present. She shrieked then relaxed finding it wasn't a cock up her ass. Still it was bad enough. What the hell were they doing to her? She felt the suit zipped up keeping it fixed in position. It was also shaped so it couldn't be expelled.

"What a fine filly! Swish your tail Pony-girl," he told her. She didn't understand so he slapped her ass and pulled on the butt plug. Kerry swore loudly and fervently at the same time trying to push the damn butt plug out. Trying to shake it free she wiggled her bottom swishing a fine horse hair tail. It was buried in her ass and tied up to the back of the suit so it stood proud behind her.

Feeling it swing she realised what they had done to her. 'Damn the bastards. Why the hell have they picked on me?' Then she wondered if Brandi was in the next stall. Breathing heavily from the exertion she tried to calm down. There was no use in fighting.

They fitted her with boots shaped like horse's hooves and reins to the bit in her mouth. While Evan held onto the reins John arranged her breasts where they stuck out of the suit. A few more adjustments and they were ready to join the others.

Hesitantly she took a step. There was no way she was going to run away. They kept a hold of her so she didn't fall. If she did it would hurt for her wrists were cuffed to the suits waist meaning she wouldn't be able to break the fall with her hands.

With every careful step the tail bounced reminding her of the butt plug moving around in her ass. They tied her reins to a fence post to watch another more experienced Pony-girl put through her paces.

Kelly gripped the bit between her teeth but it was no good there was no way to bite through it or spit it out. She continued to curse them under her breath. She was completely helpless and there was no sign of her friends.

At least it seemed she wasn't going to be used unless this counted as being a sex object. She wondered why it was so popular whereas to her it seemed ridiculous. Watching the woman out there in the corral she still couldn't fathom it.

The woman was trotting around in a circle while a man stood in the middle holding onto reins in one hand and a whip in the other. Whenever she made a mistake the whip would flick out stinging her rump.

Kelly had an awful feeling she might me expected to perform out there next. A shudder rippled through her body. She concentrated on how the woman lifted her legs in a pony trotting exercise. Occasionally she even lifted her head snorting like one.

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tallandtrainabletallandtrainableabout 4 years ago
This series is just one long protracted drawn out rape

It's one of those unbelievable stories where at every turn the naive waif puts up a fight, but is over matched by her tormentors. At some point any real person would pitch a fit consequences be damned in front of everyone. It's like reading some penny dreadful about little Polly Trueheart being led down the garden path to her ruin. She just keeps on making the same mistakes and never learns. I've never read 50 Shades, but this is how I imagine it must have read.

Kevin is clearly some sort of narcissistic asshole. Using someone as a human lab rat? His research would be rejected and he'd be black-balled. That's the kind of stain that doesn't wash off in the sciences. Yeah, you can cheat on your wife, fuck students, beat your kids or call other scientists fucknuts and shit-for-brains and still keep your academic reputation, but if you experiment on unwilling, uninformed people it's the end of your career. And any accurate telling of his experiences with Brandi and Kelly would tell everyone how guilty he was of that. Gloss over that, and it would have been less effort and expense to have just made it all up like some researchers do. John also seems to clearly tell him that a D/s relationship has to be discussed and negotiated, but he completely ignores that and at almost every turn forces her to go further. Not just pushes her limits (of which she's never informed she's allowed to set), but coerces her while she's vulnerable and de facto imprisoned.

John seems to be either an idiot or working with Thomas on the sly. I'm leaning toward both. Why would you let someone into your circle who does what you think he does? You give his activities a sheen of legitimacy to others who don't know what the real story is, taint yourself associating with him, or both. You can bet a scumbag like that would name drop you in other circles to gain whatever advantage he was seeking. What John should be doing is taking his suspicions to law enforcement not playing Nancy Drew. He advises Kevin, but then never follows up and finds out what exactly is going on with Brandi. Have one of your subs sidle up to her and find out what's going through her head and if Kevin is listening.

Yes, I know this is non-consent/reluctance and it's just a story. I've read and stuck with hard-core stories about kidnap and forced permanent sex slavery. I've even been really turned on by such stories at times. It is fantasy for titillation and it's only fantasy. The rapey coercive elements aren't what bother me.

This series is well written and the dialog is good, but the plot elements and pathetic, idiotic and craven characters in sum leave me cold. As a short story on it's own the BDSM club part (part 1 of the series) would have been pretty good if a little unrealistic. By itself I would have probably given it a 4 or 5 (leaning toward 5 to bump the average up). In total I'm giving the whole series a 3. For me it's one of those frustrating stories where the more you read, the more you want to reach into your computer and slap the protagonist silly yelling "Wake up!" over and over. Also, I just can't let go of how many of the other characters are idiots or scumbags. Reading that kind of story isn't entertaining to me through a multi-part series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Far fetched

It’s all to far fetched and unbelievable, BDSM, when practiced properly relies heavily on consent. How we’re supposed to believe that who earns a living from tattooing and piercing would agree to pierce someone against their will is laughable. The same applies to any activities inside a BDSM club. Further chapter headings indicate auctions and selling the girls as slaves, unless this is actually a human trafficking operation none of it makes any sense. ANY legitimate club would respect their right to refuse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I love ponygirl stories...

...thank you for writing one. Can't enough of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
pretty good beginning

Not too hot, not to cold, just like the little bear's porridge; not too fast, leaving out interesting detail except the hurt and the glow of getting her ass spanked and then Caned. More physical and emotional response is called for here, and the mechanics of baring her bottom for the spanking are a little bit sketchy and not nearly traumatizing enough; not too slow and overall very good.

PS. Did she wear her collar at home and how did that make her feel? Thanks for the story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Wirecutters? Hello?

Who needs a blasted key? Just get a pair of wirecutters for gosh sakes, & cut the stupid earrings off!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Dumber than a stump?

Can't believe anyone is that dumb. Which made the rest of the story unbelievable. And there's no sense in reading further. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Loved it more please

I look forward to continuing reading this story and the future parts you provide us with. Thanks

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07about 14 years agoAuthor
your right

I have never been to a BDSM club but would it be more interesting like the one in the story? Is MC an author? Oh! You mean a club. Living in North Wales is a bit out of the way. You may be glad to know the stories get more heavy as they go along, thanks for the comment. You could alwsy email me with info about a real club.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
interesting story

I can however, tell you don't frequent BDSM clubs very often if at all.

I like the way you write but like the MC stories better than this one

I will still read the next chapter though :)

jkimjkimabout 14 years ago
soooooooo fun

luv the way you write! it seems so real!!

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