Bread and Butter


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"But John, you're," and he interrupted, "Yes and men are hardwired this way, so ignore it. You stay here for as long as you like, and then sleep in your bed."

"I'm familiar with the hard-wired biological realities, and especially when I can feel it. Are you sure?"

Yes, I'm sure."

"I knew you'd understand when I told you" and she snuggled closer.

Spring had turned to autumn, and John's ankle was well on the way to being completely healed. After months of searching and interviews, Rachel found what she considered to be the perfect job working with Dr. Anna Lamb. The two women were of the same temperament, and the Pediatric practice was a pleasant change from Rachael's years in Trauma Centers. The herb garden and perennial flower gardens surrounding the house were flourishing under Rachael's loving care.

In John's mind, the old farmhouse was now more like a home and full of life again. They bought furniture together, and as long as it was functional and comfortable, he agreed to the colors she chose, including the colors for the new draperies and shades.

Rachel felt at home on the McCord farm. She was delighted with the summers there, which were less hot and oppressive than Savannah, plus there were acres and acres of land to explore, mostly groves of glorious hardwoods, and they were peaceful; shady and cool. She was charmed by a small spring-fed pond to cool off and swim in when the weather got hot, and the wealth of orange daylilies surrounding much of it.

They brought home bushels, and bushes of walnuts from the trees behind the large barn, much to the displeasure of the squirrels who scolded them from up top.

One late, sunny afternoon, that autumn, he took her to the highest elevation on the property. He told her, we're going on a quest." John was sure-footed and confidant as he led the way. To get there, they had to navigate through a section basalt rock outcroppings, poison sumac, and nettle, the prominent plant growth there.

Then they had gone through a maze of young trees growing close together fighting for the sunlight. It was slow going, and they had to step carefully so not to trip while moving tree branches out of the way. Finally, they came to a straight path through a stand of white birch trees, with bee sage growing between the birches. The tall birches reminded Rachael of tall, white knights in battle-scarred armor standing side-by-side, swords raised, guarding the way.

The path led to a large clearing surrounded by old and stately hard maple trees where the forest floor was a thick carpet of leaves old and new. The trees and their intertwining branches formed an outdoor canopy; like the dome ceiling of a grand cathedral. The colors of the leaves were at their peak in shades of orange, yellow and red. Rachael looked up at the sunlight shining through the backlit autumn colors; it was breathtaking.

As John held her hand, he quietly said, "The morns are meeker than they were, the nuts are getting brown. The berry's cheek is plumper; the rose is out of town. The maple wears a gayer scarf, The field a scarlet gown. Lest I be old-fashioned, I'll put a trinket down."

Fighting back her tears, Rachel turned to him. She placed her hand on his chest, over his heart, closing her eyes, and said a silent prayer always to keep him safe, as she hugged him.

That night, as they cuddled in bed, "Johnny."

"Johnny, Bunny?

"May, I call you Johnny, Johnny? If I'm your Bunny, it stands to reason, you're my Johnny," and she put her hand over his heart. It's such a little request."

Fine, I'll allow it," he sighed, stroking her hair.

"Johnny?" "Yes," he answered.

"When did you find the Cathedral in the woods?"

"I didn't find it. My grandmother took me there. I didn't know it existed while growing up. I stayed away from that section of the property because of the poison sumac and stinging nettle. It's odd that regardless of what direction you approach it, there are patches of poison sumac or nettles. We took the way of least resistance.

"Grandma took me there on a day like today, and two days before I left for boot camp. It was as breathtakingly beautiful then as it is today.

My Grandmother didn't want me to join the Marines. She told me I was joining for all the wrong reasons. I refused to listen. I was stubborn, and I was angry at the world. I thought I was a tough guy. I thought I was invincible, and I didn't need anybody.

"What did she say to you," Rachel asked,

"Grandma said, 'I know your mind is made up, and I can't stop you, but I will have my say. You're a hard head, McCord, like most McCord men before you. I love you, grandson, and I know your heart is hurting now, but that will fade in time. Never harden your heart, Johnny, bitterness is a poison that rots the soul.

You will suffer more pain in your life. It will be terrible, wrenching, excruciating pain, and you will be afraid. It will temper you and make you stronger. You will survive and thrive, and then return here to your roots. When you do, share it with the one you love."

After that day, he slowly let his guard down to her and shared more of his private thoughts; as did Rachel with him. She can truly be herself with him.

He doesn't mind that she calls him Johnny, something only his sister is allowed. All others are first politely warned and corrected. Males of appropriate age have been known to experience a painful correction if they persist with that familiarity.

They sometimes don't agree, so they agree to disagree and not dwell on it. At those times, he will crush her to him gently and try to kiss her. Rachel will half-heartedly struggle and look away. She then relents though to let him kiss her. She then vigorously messes up his hair and says, Bread and butter as she hugs him tight because she loves him more than she imagined possible.

John hadn't made love to her yet, keeping his promise, although every night they cuddle and talk and share a story or experience from their childhood. The last words they say to each other before Rachel goes to her bedroom are "bread and butter."

"Johnny?" she said, handing him, his first cup of morning coffee, "I have two wonderful surprises for you."

"Let me guess; your homemade from scratch corned beef hash with fried hot peppers and topped with soft poached eggs for breakfast?"

"Oh, you and your hot peppers, and no, better than that. We're going to a Masquerade Charity Gala for the Children's Cancer Hospital, and I'm a co-chairperson with Ann on the planning committee. I've already made our costumes, which is the best surprise of all!"

"When? Your corned beef hash rates right up there, and what kind of costumes?"

"We couldn't get a date this October. It will be the second weekend in November on a Saturday. We're going as Raggedy Ann and Andy. I've already purchased our tickets to get things rolling. We're giving prizes for the best costume and the best-dressed couples in theme costumes. There's going to be a live DJ and dancing. We're serving gourmet appetizers, plus there's an open bar."

"Your corned beef hash is fabulous. Sunsets are awesome, and your warm hugs and sweet kisses are better than fabulous and awesome. Adults dressing up as stuffed toys are plain silly!"

"We're not going as stuffed toys! We're going to be Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy."

"I see. You want us to attend a highfalutin Halloween Masquerade Gala, not on Halloween. You want us to go as animated cotton stuffed rags dolls with yarn hair. I should be thankful you didn't choose the Camel with the Wrinkled Knees from that trio on your bed. I'd likely be bringing up the rear."

"Johnny, I'm serious. Will you go with me?" "Are we negotiating, Bunny?" "Yes, negotiating and compromising, handsome."

I'll tell you what; you give me a high and tight, just like the old days. I'll wear my dress uniform, sword and all," and John put his cup on the table, "See we just compromised. I agree to go."

"Don't you dare even suggest I cut your hair like that," she warned as she ran her fingers through his thick and full blonde hair. It was perfect; thick and full, and just the way she likes it. Rachel now was cutting and trimming it for him in the kitchen, another of her many skills. "I've seen pictures of you with a high and tight haircut, and you're handsome regardless, but I adore you with a full head of hair."

"Fine, forget the high and tight, and I'll leave my sword home."

It's such a little request. There's nothing to be embarrassed about; you being a big tough Marine. It will be fun. I'll personally see to it they have roasted hot peppers just for you. Bread and butter sweetheart, are you going to kiss me good morning, Johnny?"

"I'll think about it," he said frowning while putting his knuckles under his chin and turning away as if deep in thought. Rachael playfully gave his hair a gentle tug, and the vigorously messed it up. John laughed as he turned and gently crushed her to him. He kissed her lips long and deep, knowing he will give in to her because he loved her deeply; more deeply than the depths of the oceans.

He still desperately wanted to make love to her. John subdued hard-wired sexual needs and desires with hundreds of sit-ups and pushups, plus taking on the task of repairing the stone fences bordering his property.

"Do you want to try on your costume now, Johnny?" she teased, pushing his hair back in place.

"No, I'm sure my dress uniform still fits." he teased in return. "If I go as cotton stuffed rag dolly, I'll want a small concession in return."

"What do want, Johnny?" she asked as if she didn't know.

"We'll see when we return home from the Charity Gala," he replied while playing with her thick and silky, little red auburn ponytail. "It really might be a wish comes true," he added.

Due to Rachael's organizational skills, and enhanced by her Southern charm, the event quickly sold out. To say John loves her is an understatement akin to saying the sun is merely warm.

John portraying Raggedy Andy did nothing to detract from his rugged good looks or ever-present virile manliness beneath the knee-high bib overalls and red and white striped socks. They both wore white sailor hats with red-orange yarn hair attached inside. She looked as cute and sweet as a button, and Johnny was her man, and nothing in the infinite void between heaven and hell, including demons or angels, will ever come between them or their love for each other.

John proudly introduced Rachel to his friends and neighbors. He was establishing his claim on her, and silently warning the single men or any man to trespass at their peril. A few of the local women attending were old classmates, divorced or otherwise on the make for eligible men. Much to Rachael's annoyance, one classmate, in particular, a striking raven-haired beauty, Megan McCallister, continued to flirt and brush up against him through much of the evening.

She had moved home a few days prior and made a sizable donation to get a ticket. Megan was wearing a realistic, and expensive custom made Wonder Woman costume. With her long and thick waist-length ebony black hair, and Megan looked ravishing and incredibly sexy.

The most noticeable stain in the rug that evening was a young man dressed as Batman, who as it turned out, crashed the event. John was across the room talking to Brad Green, while Rachel was talking to Dr. Lamb, who was dressed as little Bo-Peep when Batman asked Rachael to dance. She politely declined and explained, "No, thank you. My escort has all my dances reserved for the evening. You can't miss our matching costumes. We go together, like bread and butter."

"You mean the sissy with the striped socks." Batman replied, grabbing her wrist, "Don't waste your time with that sap when you can have a real man, me! Kiss me, pretty dolly?"

"Don't touch me!" Rachael announced, loudly enough for people to stop and look in their direction, "Let go of me, now!"

"Make me, "the Batman said, smirking.

Before the fraudulent caped crusader could blink, Rachel-Raggedy-Ann had him flat on his back on the floor. She was off to the side and had full control of his large callused hand, his wrist bent painfully, in both her small hands. The defeated dork knight's arm was straight up in the air. She had him completely immobilized and thoroughly humiliated.

In the second blink of an eye, his sailor hat left behind, John was at her side, glaring menacingly at the super-zero hero on the floor. People gathered in a rough circle to watch, while the DJ took the opportunity to announce, "Raggedy Ann just knocked the stuffing out of Batman, folks," adding, "Oh what a fight, smash, bash, kapow."

While the DJ continued to narrate, Rachel warned the insipid imposter on the floor, "All it takes now is a quick twist to destroy your wrist joint," she said sweetly. "However, I'm going to give you a chance at redemption, sinner," she mocked, quite pleased with herself. "You will apologize, or it's snap, crackle, pop, and I'll have you arrested for assault. But first, take off your mask."

The mask came off, followed by a stream of apologies while John scowled menacingly and then realized, "Damn, the resemblance is uncanny! You must be Jacob Yoder's boy," John said surprised, "Let him up. I'll handle things from here. I know his father. The Yoder's are our Amish neighbors."

When the daft, defeated, dunderhead, dork, dunce knight slowly got up from the floor, John barked, "Stand up straight and look at me. "Has he apologized to your satisfaction, Rachael?"

"Kick his ass, John," Brad Green called out, and John ignored him.

"Yes, sweetheart, I believe he has learned his lesson."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No, Johnny, I'm fine. I'll let you and his father handle things from here."

"Are you Jacob's son?" John asked.

"Yes, Mr. McCord," he replied, looking down, realizing who he just disrespected.

"How old are you, boy, and what's your name?"

"I'm nineteen, Mr. McCord, and my name is Mark."

"Come on, McCord, kick his ass, just like in the old days," somebody else called out.

The man, a classmate, not a good friend, more of a sometimes acquaintance, and a former rival was a first-hand witness. He watched John, who was seventeen at the time, take on three men, road construction workers who tried to grope his then-girlfriend in a local diner, now long closed.

His girlfriend evened the odds slightly in John's favor by kicking one of the construction workers, the foreman, and the loud-mouth ringleader, forcefully and squarely in the nuts, to put him temporarily out of commission. John knocked the other still in the restaurant unconscious by banging the man's head on a door frame, once, and then twice for good measure. He then dislocated and tore ligaments on the last construction workers right kneecap with a well-placed kick, after this coward returned with a large hammer.

"Look at me," John ordered, and Mark met his eyes, "the only reason you're leaving here without a beating from me is that I respect your father." He leased out several hayfields and pastures to the young man's father.

The show is over folks, and there's nothing more to see. Let's go, junior," John said, cuffing him in the back of the head, and giving him a shove towards the door, "You must be doing that Rumspringa thing. You and I are going outside to have a private talk. Tomorrow I'll talk to your father."

Rachel made light of the situation, modestly dismissing the praise and accolades from many of the people attending. She also talked to the firsthand witness who observed John's legendary fight with three construction workers to protect Megan McCallister from their unwanted attention; the construction workers not knowing Megan's tenacity for never backing down.

Frustrated, with her failed attempts to win John over, Megan left the Gala before Rachel cleaned the carpet with the bumbling, browbeaten Batman.

Rachael may have imbibed too many gin and tonics. John switched from Rye whiskey on the rocks to plain club soda for the rest of the evening as he was driving. He held her close when they danced. He told Rachael he loved her and Rachael told him the same, and they danced, and they danced, and they danced. She was pleased and charmed he was such a fine dancer, an Officer, and a gentleman. She was his Bunny and little Spartan, and these thoughts pleased her.

When they returned home, Rachael's hands were all over him. She tried to undress him as he was unlocking the back door saying, "I'm so damn horny, Johnny, I want you to make love to me."

"No, not tonight," he replied, opening the door for her. "We had a great time at the Masquerade Gala, and you did a tremendous job of making it a huge success. I'm proud of the way you handled the Yoder boy, and we did win the honorary prize from the DJ for a cotton stuffed kick-ass couple. I have our pictures to prove it. We've waited this long and tomorrow, or the day after is time enough to make love when you have a clearer head."

"But I'm ready to fuck you now! Don't you want me, Johnny?" she asked, incredulous and very frustrated he was turning her down.

"I want you very much, Bunny" he answered honestly, starting to waiver, and surprised to hear profanity coming out of her mouth "but you've had a little too much to drink, and we'll leave it at that."

"Well, so have you, so we're even!" she exclaimed as she put her arms around his neck to kiss his lips, but first, she kicked the door shut with a bang. "I love you, Johnny, and not because I'm a little tipsy."

John kissed and hugged her and said, "I love you too, and I must be crazier than a kangaroo in a minefield to turn you down. I'm going to bed to sleep, and so should you," and he took her arms from his neck and went upstairs to the bathroom to take a cold shower, second-guessing his decision to turn her down.

Afterward, he found Rachel naked sprawled diagonally across their bed asleep. She didn't protest as he shifted her and put her under the covers, or when he gently placed a pillow under her head.

He was thinking, 'The gin and tonic finally caught up with her.' He gently pushed her hair away from her face and kissed her cheek. He then got into bed next to her and talked softly so as not to wake her, "Bunny, you have no idea how much I love you or how much I want you right now.

I'm trying to do the right thing, and I love you so much. I started loving you the morning after you arrived. I looked out our bedroom window, and it was snowing. I saw you in a daydream, and you were standing in the sunlight on a summer's day wearing a pale sea-green summer dress with white lace. You were in the herb garden where you were gathering lavender. You looked up at me watching you from the window. You smiled and blew me a kiss. Then all I saw was snow.

You're a reasonable woman and tomorrow we can spend the day making love if you like," he said smiling, "Perhaps we can have a special candlelight dinner, or a picnic, or anything you want. Bread and Butter, Bunny," and he slowly drifted off to sleep, snuggled up to her and looking forward to making love to her the next day.

Rachel was gone when he woke up, and she didn't leave him a note, which is not like her. She didn't answer her cell phone or return his texts. John concluded she was angry with him, and if so, there wasn't much he could do about it until she returned home. It could very well be their first big fight when she returned.

After he had dressed, John picked up his cat and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Well, what do you think, Buddy?" John asked, sitting down and stroking his cat from head to tail, "It appears she isn't happy with me right now. Yes, you're right; I'm in a no-win situation. I'm sure she'll get over it. What did you say?