Breaking Lucy Pt. 02


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'Heaven help me!' Lucy thought. 'This is so fucking exciting.' She blushed scarlet as she realized where her thoughts were leading. Is it possible she was fighting with him because it was getting her off?

Stuart had kicked off his shoes, and climbed onto the bed, trapping her beneath him. As she pushed at him, he pinned her wrists back on either side of her head. Her chest was heaving. He looked down and admired the way her breasts were shown off to advantage by the stretched, fine cotton of her camisole.

Looking devilishly into her eyes, he leaned down and caught one erect nipple between his teeth. The pressure of his jaws increased slowly until she cried out and arched her back. He smiled, then sucked the nipple back into his mouth, his tongue teasing it through the now soaked and transparent fabric.

"Like that?" He purred. "Want me to do the other one?" He leaned back down, never breaking eye contact, and repeated the procedure on the other breast. He shifted them a little to hold both of her wrists with one hand, and pulled her top up, exposing her bare skin.

He swooped down and suckled the first nipple again. This time Lucy moaned aloud. She squeezed her eyes shut in frustration. He sat up, his thighs straddling her body. Releasing her wrists, he pulled her arms out of her robe, pulled her top all the way off, and proceeded to unbutton and remove his own shirt.

She let her arms remain where he'd left them, and lay panting beneath him, an almost hostile expression on her face. But her eyes were huge, pupils dilated, and she unconsciously licked her lips when his naked chest came into view.

"Do you want me to eat your pussy first, or fuck you?" When she didn't answer, he continued: "Or is it my choice?" Using his arms to support his weight, he shifted his body again to lay back down on top of her.

"I love looking at you from this angle." He said softly, almost as if to himself. When he'd settle back on top of her, distributing some of his body weight to the thigh he'd forced between hers, he brushed her hair back from her face. It was all she could do to stop herself from pressing her cheek into his palm. Their torsos were now skin-to-skin, and she broke out in tiny goosebumps from arousal.

She didn't realize it yet, but the angry expression had left her face, and she simply looked vulnerable. And to Stuart, incredibly sexy.

He leaned forward slowly, and brushed his lips across hers. It wasn't exactly a kiss; it was more the promise of one.

"Why are you still so mad at me?" he asked, his voice sounded strangely young. Lucy inhaled and slowly let it out, a tear trickled down her temple from her right eye.

"I don't know." She whispered. He kissed the wet spot made by that tear. And then he kissed her lips. She could taste the salt. She allowed her lips to open to his. He moaned, and deepened the kiss. He held her head with his hands, kissing her carefully, sensually, tenderly. More tears were flowing now, she felt a tremor, like a dam was about to break.

His tongue moved gently inside her mouth, forcing it to open more, and he teased her tongue with his, probing deeper. He sucked her lower lip into his mouth, biting down gently. He moved one arm under her, cradling her neck, as he plundered her mouth more intensely.

His other hand moved down her body, shaping and lifting her left breast, his fingers pinching and rolling the nipple.

It had been welling up - the explosion of feeling. She finally let go and poured forth a sob that seemed to come from deep inside her. She wound her arms around him and began to kiss him back, her body shaking as she cried.

Stuart groaned, lifting his head to look down at her briefly, wonder on his face. He wound his arms around her fully and crushed her back into the mattress, kissing her with abandon.

Before she'd even realized it, her bottoms were off and he was removing the rest of his clothes. Too impatient for any more foreplay, he moved between her legs, pulling them open, placed the head of his cock at her entrance, and forced his way in. He roared, slamming in deep, his hands holding her arms above her head. She cried out, partly in surprise and partly in arousal.

He fucked her hard. His mouth came down on hers and his pelvis slapped against hers as he pounded into her, barely pulling out half way before he plunged back in, making a groaning noise each time he bottomed out. He let go of her arms and hooked one of her knees, drawing it up to change the way he penetrated her. He leaned down and sucked a deep pink areola into his mouth, his tongue fellating the tip.

Now she was losing control, too. Her arms wrapped around him, her nails raking down his back leaving deep welts. He inhaled through his teeth, making a hissing sound. He bit down on her breast, sucking hard, marking her. She howled a little, running her fingers through his hair and tugging a little, trying to make him stop. The pain/pleasure of it was making her almost violent.

He released her breast and immediately crushed her lips in a brutal kiss. She moaned into his mouth, sinking her teeth into his lower lip. He growled, grabbing a fistful of her hair, pushing his tongue deep into her mouth, slid a hand down the back of her thigh and slapped her ass. She shouted into his mouth as the sharp sting of it spread outward. He felt a rush of lubricant inside her and laughed darkly. Lifting his head to look at her, he ground out "So Lucy likes to be spanked, yeah?"

Her eyes went wide. She only had time to utter "Fuck!" as he pulled his hand back and smacked her ass a second time. She cried out in a high-pitched tone, but then, much to his surprise, she immediately began to laugh. It was the same thing that happened before the first time they'd kissed, when she slammed into his office door - inappropriate laughter in response to pain.

Not only did it feel wonderful that she was laughing while he was inside her, since her vaginal muscles contracted exquisitely around his cock, her laughter was infectious for him. He was soon laughing along with her, and the violent edge to their lovemaking toned down. He stroked her cheeks, brushing the hair away from her face, his kisses gentling. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself up to him as the laughter slowly subsided.

Their movements slowed down and became more sensual. As they looked at each other, they became more serious. More tender.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked sincerely, his hand smoothing along her reddened ass. He could still feel the heat emanating from her inflamed skin. It turned him on as much as it made him feel guilty.

"Yes, you fucker." She answered, but she was smiling when she said it. After a second, she asked him: "Did I hurt you?"

"Yes. Bitch." He was also smiling affectionately. They kissed softly for a moment. She looked up at him, and seemed to be considering something.

"Then maybe we're even." She offered up, pulling his head back down to kiss him again.

Lucy wasn't fighting anymore.

Does that mean she was "broken" or "fixed"?

It doesn't really matter what you call it. She was happy.


Epilogue: Two weeks later, Thursday, 10:35 AM - CEO's Office on the 28th Floor

She could hardly believe it was happening. She watched Stuart as he walked around the conference table in her CEO, Bob's, office. The last twenty minutes had been completely surreal. Stuart proposed that the company implement three of Lucy's ideas, and he gave her one hundred percent of the credit for them.

He even went so far as to chastise Bob for not paying closer attention to the talent and ingenuity under his own roof.

Now, he was pressuring him and the CFO, David, to provide Lucy with a budget for the series of her strategic plans, and an allocation of full time support staff.

Bob sheepishly apologized to Lucy for not paying closer attention, and thanked Stuart for making them appreciate what they had in house.

Then Stuart went on to recommend a series of initiatives of his own design, most of which provided support to the major acquisition that was one of the cornerstones of Lucy's strategy.

They were brilliant, and Lucy realized that had he not pointed a few of them out, she'd have had trouble implementing a major component of her plan. He was making her ideas more likely to succeed.

Lucy joined the discussion, adding more concrete next steps, particularly with regard to the acquisition. She'd run through some preliminary numbers and offered to send them in more detail to the CFO for review.

Bob was smiling madly, and about to rise from the table, when Stuart put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"I just have one more thing I need to share with you all. While it will likely embarrass her, I think I really need to do this while Lucy is here." His voice was very serious.

Lucy's stomach clenched. What was this?

"It's only fair that I tell you that I want Lucy for myself." Stuart let this point hang in the air for several moments.

Lucy thought she might faint. What the HELL was he doing?

"Bob, David - if you are smart, you'll give her the promotion - and raise - she deserves for the incredible contribution she's making to the long term success of this firm. But let me warn you - if you don't make the offer meaningful enough, I'm going to steal her away and bring her into my firm. This combination of vision and astute business acumen doesn't come along every day. So be on notice - if you don't value this talent sufficiently, someone else will - starting with me. Especially me."

So that just happened. How awkward.

How incredibly marvelous.

"Let me just add this one final point." Stuart was merciless. Bob actually blanched. Lucy felt a little bit drunk.

"This firm's diversity ratio is shameful. And if I were in your shoes, I'd want to work on correcting this situation starting now. Lucy's ideas would have been heard, and she would most certainly have been promoted already had she been a man. Let's not bullshit each other. You know this is true."

Lucy flushed scarlet. Bob and David looked shocked that he would put them in such a compromising position. He'd pretty much accused them of discrimination, right in front of an object of the offense. They were basically being forced right there and then to either commit to giving her a big promotion, or else imply that she was up for grabs, along with the firm's expansion prospects.

Lucy pushed back her chair, beyond uncomfortable. She secretly completely agreed with what Stuart was saying, but in all honesty, she was thunderstruck that he would do such a thing - with no warning - while she was in the room. She wanted to give Bob and David the ability to save face, and discuss this without such incredible emotional blackmail.

"Stuart, I can't tell you how much your strong support means to me. But let's not force Bob and David to make hasty decisions right this moment..." She rose, gathering up her portfolio and other things, preparing to leave.

Bob reached out, putting his hand on her arm to detain her.

"No, Lucy - I don't need more time to consider this. I don't agree with Stuart's implications of bias," He shot an annoyed look at the consultant. "But he's right that you are a major contributor and that this needs to be recognized and rewarded. I'll talk with Len and we'll come back to you with a proposal regarding this new strategic role. Is that fair?"

Len was head of HR. Holy shit. This was really happening. Lucy nodded. Then, remembering to breathe, she added. "Thank you, Bob. That would be great."

Bob was rising now, and looking pointedly at his watch.

"So let's put another meeting in the calendar to talk about next steps - I'm flying to Chicago tomorrow, so let's target Monday. I'm sorry to cut this short, but I've got a make a conference call with the London office before their close of business."

David, Stuart and Lucy all left his office, and the CFO stopped to shake Lucy's hand, grinning at her as he congratulated her, before heading down the hall to his offices in Finance.

Stuart's eyes were on Lucy as she turned to look at him. Smirking, he took her elbow and said: "Come back to my office and let's compare notes." Lucy glanced down at Marianne, Bob's Executive Assistant, who was pretending to not be soaking in the entire scene. She allowed Stuart to lead her away without a word. She was lost for them, anyway.

They made the short walk to his office in silence. The tension between them was palpable. He opened the door for her, and then followed her in, shutting it decisively. Lucy walked numbly to the credenza, hugging her portfolio to her chest. Looking out the windows, she put her things on top of the cabinet and leaned forward, pressing her palms flat on the surface. She exhaled through pursed lips, trying to slow her insane heartbeat.

Stuart hadn't moved from his position by the closed door. He was observing her acutely. He felt strangely exuberant for having done this for Lucy. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that it was the right thing, and that she deserved it. The company would only benefit, as well.

She turned to look at him leaning back against the credenza for support. "Did you mean everything you said in there?" She asked quietly. Her voice had a tiny shake, and she dropped a register in an attempt to steady it.

Lucy couldn't have known what an effect her deep, throaty voice had on him.

"I meant every word, and then some." He confirmed, his expression unreadable to her.

"Why did you do it?" She shook her head incredulously.

"Because it was the right thing and you deserve it." Stuart smiled as he voiced the thought he'd just had moments ago.

"Why didn't you tell me you planned to do that?" She asked, running her hand through her hair. "I was totally unprepared."

"That's what I wanted - if you'd been in on it, you would either have tried to talk me out of it, or would have looked totally guilty." She nodded, because his logic was pretty sound. She would never have agreed to that tactic. It was like a professional hit. She laughed a little, completely bemused. Then her face grew more serious.

She looked at Stuart, just appreciating him for a moment. His insane good looks, his powerful brain and business sense, his strength and goodness, and his almost limitless sexuality.

"So, what happens now?" She asked breathlessly.

He walked toward her, throwing his notepad down on his desk. "Well, when Len comes back to you with a proposal, I think you need to consider your title, and not just salary but also some kind of bonus tied to performance and some deferred equity..." He began.

"No! I don't mean the promotion... I can handle that." She looked up at him nervously. "I mean - what happens with us? Your assignment here will be ending soon, won't it?"

"Oh, that. Yes, my contract is almost finished here. But as far as you and I are concerned..." He drew her into his arms, his lips resting in her hair. He inhaled appreciatively. She wrapped her arms around his waist, sneaking a look toward his door to make sure it was securely closed.

He rocked her a little as he continued: "Well, I'm thinking about a merger..."

She laughed into his chest, a smile lighting up her pretty face. Looking up at him, she grinned playfully. "Hmm. I might be receptive to an offer. What are the terms?"

He leaned down and captured her mouth in a kiss that was full of promise.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Absolutely lovely..

Thank you author

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great story!

Your writing is so good. Perfect combination of romance, erotica and a dash of reluctance. You really should consider turning it into a book.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story, great style

There is so much I like about these 2 parts, besides the perfect mix of seduction & reluctance. I love the way you narrate and show inner thoughts. Regardless of "Elements of Style" I have always struggled with how to present inner thoughts. (double/single quotes, italics, etc) To present inner thoughts in a way that the reader "gets it" without confusion. You did this perfectly. You also switched from between Lucy's and Stuart's thoughts seamlessly. I love the humor (Fucker) as well lol. I really enjoyed this (and your other works)

Keep writing. :)


ShannonBlackwaterShannonBlackwaterover 7 years ago

I have to say, thank you for the superb lack of stereotypical BS that usually accompanies such stories. Wonderful. Girl power! 👊

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great Story!

This is a great story -- erotic and romantic! The characters were very well developed. The writing was excellent - easy to follow and completely enjoyable. I would also like to see this story continued.

Have you thought of expanding this story and self-publishing it on Amazon Kindle? The story, the writing and the editing are far superior to many books on Amazon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
It's a great story!

Do what you do best -- write! This is a great story. You could have placed it under Romance or Erotic Couplings. I understand why you put it under Reluctance. No matter where the story was placed, it was well written. Thank you. I would love to read another chapter, just to see how this couple would move on together with their work situation being what it is. Also, they had unprotected sex. Is there an unexpected baby on the way?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Loved how she was an amazing strong woman and he only empowered her with their union.

Do another please!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Love it


dreamer3366dreamer3366over 7 years ago

I like the fact she is a strong person and enjoying a sensual encounter. I would like to read more of Stuart and Lucy. Thank you for the enjoyable read...the stuff daydreams are all about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Have to say

I actually really enjoyed this story xx please let's have a 3rd chapter x

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