Breaking Out Bk. 02 Ch. 13


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When the meeting was over Greg went up to the pool and sat with his legs in the water. What he had heard scared him. He had known from the time Helen had told him that she wanted to break out of her old life that he was going to be in for one hell of a ride and he had managed to hold on so far ... but would he hold on in the months ahead?

He hadn't bothered to bring his phone with him for he knew what Helen and Ellie had planned and they wouldn't be answering, or making, any phone calls tonight ... damn! He wanted to hold them both ... he wanted to feel their smooth skin pressed against his.

And their arms around him ... and he could almost feel their breasts pressed into his back. Someone's lips were on the side of his neck and when he turned her lips were on his and he welcomed her tongue as it slid into his mouth.

"It's been so long Greg," she whispered

"It's been too long Carrie."

"Oh god Greg ... it's insane out there. That company ... I still can't believe what a mess they're in and somehow they expect us to fix it all for them."

Helen had almost run through the doors of the charter office and leapt into his truck and she was in full debrief mode from the moment she slipped into the passenger seat.

"How long is Ellie going to be? I need to get back to the office ... didn't you have a file for me with the name of a local consulting business we should be looking at buying so we can get more staff? Shit ... I want to call the tour off ... that's two weeks of my time that I could use to do other things."

"Whoa, babe ... slow down ... take a deep breath," it had been a long time since Greg had seen Helen this wound up, "Ellie is just finishing the paperwork with the plane hire people and I do have a file for you. It's one that Diane came across and I'll get it for you as soon as we get home."

"As for the tour ... aren't you committed? What sort of message will it send to potential clients if you fail to turn up?

"You know that we have got to be looking to the future while we're working through the challenges we're facing right now and we shouldn't be hoping for immediate work out this trip. What we should be looking at is the potential of work in the future.

"And besides we can do this ... so take deep breaths ... and tell me what's happening at PSC."

"PSC is a disaster waiting to happen and the responsibility starts at the top and continues down to the bottom rung of middle level management.

"There are so many security fails Greg ... like you wouldn't believe. Everyone from the office boy up to the CEO can bring a USB stick onsite and plug it into their work station ... right into the front of the box.

"People are downloading porn, funny someone like me getting upset about that, but they shouldn't be able to in that environment. No one has ever run a simple audit to identify each computer that's connected to the server and some of those desktop machines can access the Internet directly as well as access the server.

"I think that the guys in the IT room did nothing but surf porn and wank themselves. They certainly didn't look happy when the FBI marched them all out the door.

"I don't know where Roger got them from but last night he had Ellie, Diane, and me running around with little plastic oblongs and a tube of Superglue and we were sticking those plastic thingies over every front-mounted USB port we could find.

"It took hours and plant security weren't happy about unlocking doors for us because Roger had already blocked off all their USB ports."

"Ah ... what about all the USB ports on the back of each computer?" Greg asked.

"Roger, Bog and some of his guys followed along behind doing something to disable most of those rear-facing USB ports and making sure that the ports that were in use for keyboards and mice couldn't be accessed by removing the plugs for the required USB peripherals.

"And while I was running around like a bee in a bottle I've had the CEO alternately throwing money at me to get me to fix his problems and telling me that it's always been his secret desire to fuck a pornstar.

"Oh ... and at 6pm you, Ellie, Byron and I are having drinks and then dinner with the guy from The Syndicate who has a shit-ton of money invested in PSC."

Ellie slipped into the back seat and leaned over and kissed Greg on the cheek, "Hi handsome man, I would have missed you but I was too busy defacing desktop computers with Superglue and bits of plastic."

Greg laughed, "So I hear ... how many did you actually do?"

"I have no idea Greg but it seemed like hundreds and I'm sure that there were some very pissed off people around the plant and in the admin building when they came to work this morning and found that they couldn't use their USB port.

"And don't forget what that Australian friend of Roger's was doing," Helen laughed.

"Oh yeah," Ellie laughed, "he said something about pushing an update to all the computers on the network that would block Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram and Twitter as well as all the porn sites they were visiting. It makes you wonder how much work they actually go done there."

"So what are we doing about replacing the IT staff?" Greg swung the truck onto the highway and pointed it towards home.

"Roger and I have a Zoom meeting tomorrow with some industry-specialist head-hunters and now that Byron is offering us money, we're going to want them to find two of everyone. Roger thinks that after we solve this mess we can attract a lot more business by offering contract IT workers to replace, or supplement, any businesses' IT team.

"According to Roger there are a lot of businesses out there that hire IT staff but never invest in ongoing training so the guys aren't up to date with the latest threats and dangers and then disaster strikes.

"He believe that some businesses would be prepared to hire teams from us and let us worry about training ... it not only means that they get better qualified staff but they also save some money along the way."

Greg thought about it for a while ... would he have thought of swapping out his yard crew for a crew provided by a staffing business? Probably not but then, maybe comparing a yard crew for a lumber yard with a bunch of IT professionals was a little far-fetched.

Once Helen was back in her home office she went to work on the brief report Diane had prepared on Far View, the consultancy business that Diane had marked as a possible target for a takeover by HGEB.

There were notes about the partners who had owned the business, and how Dextor Bradley had come to be the only partner left alive. There were also some notes about Far View's finances and a few bits of information about some of the staff.

Far View's main focus was engineering but a couple of the staff had training in other areas too and Helen had to agree that Far View did look a far better option than any of the others that she had been interested in.

HGEB had only one engineering consultant on staff and members of The Syndicate had a number of jobs lined up for the partnership that needed consultants with an engineering background. While those members had indicated that they were happy to wait till Helen had some staff for their jobs but she knew that they wouldn't wait forever.

So, she took a deep breath and phoned Dexter Bradley to invite him to lunch the next day.

Helen's next step was to go next door and discuss facts and figures with Byron but first she needed a shower ... Byron liked his pussy to smell clean and fresh and he was definitely going to get some pussy sometime in the next hour or so.

Helen wasn't dumb ... and while Greg might not have noticed that their own funds were now fully committed ... Helen knew that she was going to need a lot more if she were to buy Far View ... and The Syndicate had the money ... all she had to do was convince Byron to let her borrow some more of it.

Greg had his nose buried in some projected economic figures when his phone buzzed, 'Off to see Byron about buying Far View ... would you like sloppy thirds or fourths and maybe perhaps some ass as well?"

'Home delivered well-fucked pussy? I'll take as much of it as I can get!'

She laughed and told him that she would send him photos and then she was gone and after that Greg had trouble concentrating on anything.

It took him an hour but he was just getting back into knowing what he was actually doing when his phone buzzed with a message from Helen ... no words, just a photo of a thick stream of cum dribbling out of her pussy.

30 minutes later there was another photo ... again no words, just a photo of a cum dribbling out of her well-fucked ass that was still gaping.

30 minutes after that there was a third photo -- again there were no words, just a photo of Helen's beautiful face blasted with a load of cum. A rope of it was laid from above her right eye, down across the bridge of her nose and onto her left cheek.

There was more cum dripping into her left eye while another smaller rope seemed to start on the tip of her nose and run down over her mouth and onto her chin.

He was still staring at the photo when another message arrived ... this time it was from Byron and it included a photo. Helen's face was still covered in cum but she now had a leather collar around her throat and what looked like a dog leash attached to the collar.

'Your slut has served me well but now you must take her home and punish her for her sins. You will find her by the back door ... do not remove the leash or the collar until she is inside your house.'

Greg got up and almost ran to the door. From there he could look across to Byron's back door and, sure enough, there was Helen standing completely naked by his back door and the leash appeared to be hooked around something high on the wall that she couldn't reach.

He beckoned to Ellie, Carrie and Shanti and led them out onto the landing, making sure that the office door was shut behind him. Then he showed them the three photos and the message from Byron.

As soon as they read the message their gaze went straight to Byron's back door, and they began to giggle.

"I thought that you three would appreciate that but now, would you all mind standing here while I get her into the house? I don't think she would appreciate it if her other staff saw her dressed like that."

All three agreed to keep the door shut and the rest of the staff trapped inside till Helen was safely in the house so Greg walked calmly across to where Helen was standing.

Greg reached up and unhitched the leash, "It looks as though you've had some fun ... but how many guys did you have to fuck?"

Helen giggled, "Just Byron ... but when I pretended to beg him for his help he became this wild animal that fucked my brains out and filled me with more cum than I thought possible."

"So you begged him for the money?" Greg didn't like the sound of that.

"No honey, I'll explain when we're back in the house ... and let's hope that our new housekeeper doesn't see me like this"

"OK," Greg was already packing a monster of a hardon and he couldn't wait to get back to the house ... but he had to check something first. "Do you have to crawl ... or can you walk?"

"He didn't say ... I would love to crawl and maybe have a few guys fuck me on the way ... but, seeing that there is only you, I'll walk because that will get us into the house faster and then I'm going to let you reclaim every hole."

Becky Gramus, the housekeeper did see them but didn't say anything. She had seen enough of Helen's videos to know that this woman had few limits and she looked so well fucked that Becky wondered if she could get some of what Helen was obviously getting.

Sean also saw them when the passed through the living room. She still had cum all over her face although it was drying now and it looked as though she had one eye glued shut.

He had appeared in enough porn videos that there wasn't much that got him excited ... at least not without a little stimulation but seeing this beautiful naked woman with cum all over her face, cum tracks down her thighs and wearing nothing but a collar and chain made his cock throb.

It got even harder when she stopped and kissed him while she gently massaged the bulge in his shorts.

In the shower Greg started with her face and when she could finally see out of both eyes he returned the conversation to the question of begging.

"Honey, we talked business for the first 20 minutes ... and I certainly did not have to beg. The Syndicate are prepared to bankroll our purchase of Far View. They are ecstatic with the way we have been able to save the group money with our pre-investment reports.

"They are also ecstatic about the way we have been able to find the faults at PSC and the provide the solutions and they want more work like that from us so Byron and I have worked out what is a reasonable figure to offer Dexter Bradley at when we have lunch tomorrow.

"This evening the member of The Syndicate that we're seeing wants a full report on everything we know about PSC at this point. He is the spokesperson for a group that make up the largest block of shareholders in the company and I understand that they are going to ask us go over every part of the business and find ... and help them fix ... all the problem areas.

"He, and the other shareholders in his group, know that PSC is riddled with corruption, graft, theft and a whole lot more and they are prepared to bring in new management, a new board and a new way of doing business.

"And we are going to be the new broom that sweeps it clean for them. There's at least two years' worth of work in that ... and then there is a little project that The Syndicate wants you, me, Serge and Adele to deal with."

Greg looked up at her from where he was kneeling as he washed her legs, "Serge and Adele? How did they get into this?"

"My darling, Alex has finally sold his share of Kalya. He hasn't really been well ever since that new starlet he was seeing at the time took to him with an iron bar because he had told her that it was over.

"Evidently my dear Alex hadn't actually seen who attacked him but assumed that it had been me trying to get him to stop harassing me ... and the cops had tried very hard to put me in the frame ... but you just can't argue with old California money.

"Byron spoke to the Commissioner who spoke to that goon who thought it was me and they finally went back to looking for the real culprit. They would never have caught her but her ex informed on her when she told him that she was leaving him because she had caught him fucking around.

"Funny isn't it ... it was OK for her to have all the fun but when he tried to have some it was definitely wrong ... at least I never tried that one on you my love.

"Anyway, she's now in prison and Alex is really a shadow of his former self. He has brain damage and couldn't manage a concession stand let alone something as big as Kalya.

"I genuinely do not know how anyone from The Syndicate found out that half of Kalya was for sale but they did so they approached me and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. They did the same to Adele too and she couldn't refuse either.

"So we pulled Serge onto the team and he approached Alex on behalf of KaylNominees LLC and now they own half the business and we four manage it for them."

"Hey, wait a minute, no one asked me!" Greg said as he stood up. "And how the fuck are you going to manage our consulting business and the porn business as well?"

"For a start Lover, no one asked you because we all knew that you would jump at the chance ... because if you didn't ... Adele, Amy and I are going to fuck you to death."

She said it in such a matter-of-fact tone that Greg was shocked and then he burst out laughing, "You're probably going to do that anyway ... even if I do agree to help run it."

"You are so perceptive Greg," she laughed and kissed me. She must have taken some in her mouth too because he could taste Byron in there.

"You also asked about what time I would have to manage both ... and the short answer is that I don't have to manage both. My thinking is that we put Ellie in to manage Kalya while you and I go on working together running the HGEB."

"Could Ellie really do that ... I mean there's a lot of stuff that a manager has to deal with at Kalya and Ellie has no expertise in that sort of business."

"Rubbish Greg ... she managed and grew a business in the logistics industry ... granted that has little to do with porn but then she is not going to be down there working at the coalface ... there are people in Kalya who will be doing that for her.

"And don't forget, she has said that she wants to do porn ... so she will learn a bit more about the business from that perspective too.

"Serge ... and sometimes Alex ... did fuck in front of the camera as well as manage the company but there is no rule that says that you have to be performer to be a good manager of a porn company. In fact, I think that it's time for a more hands-off approach to managing this company ... and besides we won't be far away if she needs help."

Greg started to say something but then stopped when Helen held up her hand, "Yeah, I know, it's as if we have come full circle and we're right back where we started ... but think of our journey as climbing up a spiral ... not going round and round in circles.

"We are so much further along that what we were when we started to break out of the mould we had set ourselves in ... and the real fun is just beginning."

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fishgetterfishgetterover 1 year ago

I could not read this tale, if the tags are an indication of the contents, then it is not one for me. Thanks for your effort, none the less.

Flar1958Flar1958about 2 years ago
A little confusing in the last 3 parts

Too big jumps in time , so please rewrite these parts to give a better understanding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Author, include comments to your story "Every Person has His Limits" The people have something to say to you, slug. Scared of the truth, cocksucker?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No matter how good a story is - it sucks when it isn't completed!! Lazy writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I certainly hope the author has enough respect for his reader to at least publish one more chapter to finish the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Are you kidding!! This is the end. Way too many loose ends - Fuck

tinfoilhattinfoilhatover 2 years ago

Wonderful story. Another story left hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really enjoyed this story - but there is just such a glaring feeling that it is incomplete. Hopefully a Book 3 in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Reading the authors bios it appears this is the end of the story.

I wish the author would read what he had already written because there are a bunch of inconsistencies in the story.

I read Ray's story.

In BK 1 Ch 2 Helen's tits are described as perfect 36C's. In Rays story 38D's. This changes the mental image of Helen. The story Helen told Greg is BK2 Ch 1 about how she got connected to Byron and the Syndicate is exactly opposite of the story Bryon and Ellie told. Greg never questions this. Greg also never questioned where all of the clothes Helen brought out of Kalya came from after she resigned though that was a big reason he thought she was seeing Alex behind his back. In Bk 2 Ch 6 Ray is described as late 50's and slightly overweight but in Ray's story he is 45 and fit. I can't imagine how the fact of the fire at the marina and Ray getting wacked didn't make it into the main story. At least what happened to Alex is dealt with. There are a lot of lose ends in the story. Does Greg ever hook up with Marsha? Do Greg Helen and Ellie make a commitment to each other. Where does Byron fit into all of this? The author starts down a lot of paths and never seems to finish the thought.

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