Breaking the Rules Pt. 01


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Nuru put on the ring, and felt a slightly unsettling sensation but otherwise couldn't tell anything else was different.


Dayo was waiting outside.

"Ace not back yet?" Nuru asked.

"Not yet."

"What do you think? Thieves," Dayo muttered derisively. "Never care about anyone else's time, unless they're paid to."

"I'm standing right here, you know," Ace said indignantly.

"Gah! Don't do that!" Nuru said.

"Oh. Had my sneaking skills on again. Old habit," Ace grinned. "Gets people to tell you exactly what they think of you!"

"Yeah, sorry, I thought-" Dayo said, blushing with embarrassment.

"And proves their suspicions about thieves right, sometimes," Nuru said, glaring.

"Err... yeah. That was rude of me. Sorry," Ace said.

"Get what you needed?" Dayo asked.

Nuru held up his other hand that now had a ring, to match the minus-1-to-MP-cost ring on the other side. "At least I'm symmetrical."

"Until you put your drum back on," Ace said. "I can't believe you lug this giant thing around with you everywhere."

"You're right, I need something for my other side," Nuru said.

"Can your encumbrance take that?" Dayo asked, looking at him doubtfully.

Nuru grinned. "Not well. I'll figure something out though."

"So, you've made it to the big town before the big city. What are you going to do now?" Ace said.

"Pound a drum," Nuru said.

"Uh..." Ace stared at him.

"Slap that skin."

"..." Ace's eye started to twitch.

"Make a new friend, and make some... music. Honestly, you sure you want to know the answer to that question?"

"I meant in the, um, medium-term, not in the next five minutes," Ace said hastily.

"Yeah, I'm having trouble thinking that far ahead. How did it go at the library? Should I go see her after all?" Nuru said.

"I wouldn't risk it. Some goons totally threw me through the gateway; they knew enough to plug their ears immediately. I think I've convinced them the game is up, but I don't know if... our friend can leave their post while on shift. Unless I miss my guess, they're part of the reason you're frustrated. You sure that's a good idea?" Ace deadpanned.

"Not at all sure," Nuru sighed. "I guess I'll see if I can pick up some provisions for the road and pick out a new destination. I'm not nearly far enough away from the Gate yet for my comfort."

"Meet in front of the library in an hour?"



There was really only one place to go, for everything he was after.

"Time to blow my meager savings!" Nuru announced as he entered the lounge.

"Wooahhoah! Do I spy a fresh Level Eleven?!" the dwarven barkeep said.

"You do, my good man!" Nuru bellowed across the room.

"One round on me," a man in the corner said.

"That's the spirit!" the barkeep said, filling glasses.

"And a few cheap bites to eat, if you don't mind," Nuru said. "And some to go."

He took his plate over to the corner table, past the cheers of the other patrons, who seemed more interested in the alcohol than Nuru himself.

"I'll stick around until you make your decision, but I've got some things I need to take care of," Dayo said. "Worse comes to worst, give Tusa a note and have him drop it by the hut. I can meet you somewhere in a day or two if you really need me."

The valkyrie took a table in a dark corner and got comfortable to watch the proceedings.

"Hey thanks for that," Nuru said.

"Ah, it was nothin'," the man replied.

"No seriously, this freedom is sweet and I can't imagine much else that could make the moment better," Nuru continued.

"Look, not to break your buzz, but it's literally nothing. The loot I bring in on a given day, this is less than a rounding error."

"Well, I still appreciate it. Say, aren't you Talib?"

"Eh? Sure, that's my name, how'd you-?"

"We met in Home Town! I had that tutorial quest or whatever it's officially called."

"Oh yeahhhh, I remember you now. Nuru, right? Still chasing nymphs now that you've broken out of kiddie prison?"

"Well, maybe as a side quest. I've got a few things to look into more urgently."

"That's life for ya. Think you know what you want and end up adult-questing like the rest of us. What faction you end up with?"

"Take a guess."

"Well, now..." the ranger said, giving Nuru a full up-and-down inspection.

"And where's Dakarai?" Nuru said.

"At home with the kids. It's his wife's turn to go hunt griffins or whatever the daily is."

"Oh. Well, what do you think?" Nuru said, raising his eyebrows. "Shall we have a contest here in the lounge, to see who can guess my faction? Winner gets a prize?"

"What class did you take again?"


"That's right. Quite unusual- sure, why not. Hey everybody!"

Talib, as the man who'd ordered the last round, got all eyes on him quickly.

"So, here's a contest! This young bard just made Level Eleven. One more round for everybody if we can collectively guess his faction!"

Cheers, and most of the patrons gathered around.

"So let's have a few questions and answers, to make it sporting, and then we'll take a vote. By the way, direct your questions to me, and I'll approve them, since I'm the one paying. Right, first question. What's your offensive strategy?"

"Ah... group buffs, I suppose you could say," Nuru said.

"Of course, of course. So, who's got another question?" Talib said.

"What's your favorite quest so far?" a barbarian asked.

"Hey now, that's not fair," Talib said, "Too many distinctive questlines-"

"Rescuing the blacksmith's daughter from the wolves," Nuru butted in.

Laughter broke out. "Not the noobest quest of all!"

"True story folks, I met this young lad the day he classed, before he'd completed a single quest, and the tutorial guy ran up to him right in front of me. And now look how he's grown!" Talib said. "Next question."

"What's your favorite color?" a healer put in.

"We've got a shrewd one," Talib said. "Maybe he prefers something faction-related, maybe he doesn't... what's your answer?"

"Right now it's blue," Nuru said, looking the healer up and down.

Her eyes flicked down to her dress, which was blue, and then back up to him. He winked, and she scowled at him, but perhaps she exaggerated to hide a smile.

"Make of that what you will, folks. Who's next?"

"What faction is, or was, your father?"

"My father was a craftsman. Well, a handyman, but primarily a carpenter that specialized in antique repairs. He never joined a faction before his death, but he was working with Blue Sun on a few restoration projects, in the hopes they would let him join as an exclusive tradesman."

"What about your mom?"

"Mom was a housewife. She never mentioned a preference one way or another."

"OK, I think that'll give us a few clues to work with. Who's got a guess?" Talib said.

"Tumelo's Chosen," a thief said.

"Who's chosen?" a barbarian said. "And for what?"

"That's the faction name. Tumelo's Chosen," the thief replied. "I heard a rumor about some guy named Nuru making a bit of a fuss a couple weeks ago. Bard, I think it was, too. He found this old chaos cult that's been on the outs, and they let him level up after he got kicked out of the High Faction temple, and started taking quests from them, and it turns out they're actually a legit faction. I figure, the bit about the animal sacrifices and hellhounds and all are exaggerated - but there's a grain of truth in most rumors, I've found. I say, that's what he is."

Most of the others looked skeptical.

"That one, there!" the barbarian insisted, pointing at Dayo. "She, I think that's a 'she'- looks just like a Chosen that's been spotted around Home Town recently. Arriving here with a new recruit, are we? I saw you come in together."

"Quite a story you've got there. But he's just a friend," Dayo said.

"Bluff check pass," a ranger said.

"But aren't the Chosen taking new recruits?" the barbarian asked, looking up with sudden inspiration.

"Not officially. Looking to defect?" Dayo taunted.

"Bah. Not if I have to wear a frumpy getup like yours. Manly wolf pelts and bear teeth all the way!" he said, showing off his trophy jewelry. "Nuru looks like he might fall for it though. Girly bard man."

"Hey, hey. Keep it civil, or the round doesn't include you," Talib said.

"I say Blue Sun," a young paladin said. A chorus of voices piped up in agreement.

"Alright, we've got one for this Tumelo's Chosen, several for Blue Sun. Anyone else?"

"Masters of D'shemil," a ranger said.

"Why so?" a paladin asked.

"I see the look in his eyes. He's determined, and smart. He'll do what it takes to reach the top of his craft - drumming, in this case, I believe," the ranger said, eyeing Nuru unconsciously tapping the table with his fingers rhythmically. "Masters of D'shemil like that kind of dedication. He'd have a good life among us, if not the most glorious."

"Oh, very good guesses, very good," Talib said. "Anyone else?"

"Legba's followers!" another thief said. "The, uh, what're they called, the 'Goof Troupe'?"

"Ooh," a paladin said. "The jesters. Fitting for a bard, maybe. He hasn't got any face paint on, though."

"Alright, four guesses isn't unreasonable for twelve choices. Place your bets, if you will!" Talib said.

He gave them a minute to discuss it, then stamped his foot.

"Time! Tell us, were any of these correct?" Talib said.

Nuru looked around dramatically for a moment, gauging who had chosen which answer.

"No," he finally announced, glaring at the barbarian who had called Dayo frumpy.

The small crowd groaned and laughed.

"Somebody bluff check him!" the barbarian said, slamming his fist on the table in protest.

"Bluff check pass," Talib answered.

"What is it then, tell us, tell us!"

"Maybe I'll come back and let you try it again," Nuru said, declining a direct response. "So who knows where the juiciest loot is around here?"

"Thieves guild house!" a paladin called out.

"Hardest to nab though," a thief replied, challenging him.

"In coin, or in riches of the mind?" another barbarian directed to Nuru.

"Er, what?" Nuru said, sitting down at the table with him. "Tell me about these riches of the mind."

"There are those that gain material profit - and those who have rich lives of a... different sort. Which are you?"

"An interesting question. I am not a wealthy man by material measures. I guess I must answer that I am not sure? I think I may be the latter. Not that I turn down good money."

"My tribe mates are going on a spirit quest to the Black Mountain. Will you join us?"

"I think I would like that."

"It will be hot, and cold, at different times, so be ready. And there are many sharp edges. Bring a pair of gloves, and be prepared to replace your shoes when you return. We leave in the morning. I will meet you outside the entrance at dawn, there."

He pointed at the door.

"Thank you," Nuru said. "What's your name?"

"Oh yes, how silly of me, I knew your name and felt like we'd been introduced. I'm Bongani."


"How did it go?" Dayo said. "I couldn't hear from my seat and I didn't want to intrude."

"Splendid. I've got a quest, and a party."

"Oh yeah? What are you hunting?"

"Answers. Well, questions, actually."

Dayo's eyes furrowed in concern. "What answers? What questions?"

"Seems to me... I need to know the questions, first, before seeking the answers: the burning questions of the spirit within."

"How do you know there are questions?"

"How did you know you wanted to be 'they' and 'them'?"

"Interesting. Shame I don't have time to come with you."

"It really is."

"But I do have time for one thing before you go, if you don't mind maybe being late to the library," Dayo said. "Follow me."

They went out to a quiet garden area outside, with benches spread far between and a meandering path lined with thick vegetation. Dayo led him down the path and then down a side trail to a lonely bench facing a tree in a small clearing, with a birdhouse hanging from one of the large branches, where birds were flying in and out with purpose.

"Have a seat," Dayo said, patting the bench as they sat down.

"Nice place," Nuru said.

"Yeah, I wandered a little bit while I was waiting for you and saw it. I, uhm, started getting ideas."

"What sort of ideas?" Nuru said, not quite sure they meant what he was hoping.

(Did you slip her a compulsion when I wasn't looking?), Nuru sent to Sanaa.

/Ooh, should I?/

(Let's not do that to actual friends. Katlego is a, what do you call it, 'frienemy' and we do what we must. Don't do something that might jeopardize an actual friendship. It is, technically, an attack, right?)

/It most certainly is. I will defer to your judgment here./

Dayo turned towards him, leaned over, and put one arm behind his neck on the back of the bench and the other hand slipped across his chest.

"I thought we could have a little fun," they said quietly, blushing and smiling nervously. "That is, if you're interested."

"I certainly am. You're not worried about what Mesi will think though? I know you'll tell her, and I don't to cause any trouble for you, I feel like I've already done enough of that."

"It occurred to me, while I was steaming about what that knucklehead said back there," Dayo murmered, laying their head on his shoulder and continuing to touch his chest, "Mesi said she was OK with this kind of thing. She wants me to go after what I want. I think, maybe, I'd rather do something little, something very simple, with someone she and I both know and trust. That way she can get more used to the idea in a... safer way, if that makes sense."

"I think I understand. What do you mean by 'little', though? I'm not sure you'll find that with me."

Dayo slapped his chest playfully. "You know what I mean. Not... full sex. Something that maybe doesn't count, or it's a gray area. Something that lets me feel sexy. Like this."

They reached down and squeezed his groin, which was starting to become uncomfortably tight.

"Ah. What's a little handjob between friends, eh?"

Dayo blushed, but kept kneading him gently. "That's about it. I don't hear you objecting. What do you think?"

"I think it works better if you take it out."

Dayo glared at him and grabbed him tighter, but not so tight as to cause actual discomfort. "Watch it mister, I've got you literally by the balls here."

"Alright, do it the hard way, I guess."

Dayo untied his pants and slipped him free into the air. They tugged up and down experimentally, clumsily.

"Here, can I show you something?" Nuru said.

"Am I doing it wrong?" Dayo said, pulling back.

"No, no, come back here, I do like it. It's not bad - but it could be better. Look, don't stretch the skin too much, at the bottom or the top. Grab it right here. There you go - mm, I like that. Now, if you stroke it, don't go any higher than, say, right about here. And then on the way down, don't pull it any further than... there."

"Like this?"

"Oh, gods below, that feels good."

"Should I go faster?"

"I'll tell you what. You keep going just like that, and I'll tell you when I'm getting close. You can speed up to finish me off."

Dayo's eyes flicked up to his just for an instant, then turned back to their work. "I feel like I've been doing this wrong since the beginning."

"Well, it's not like you get a lot of practice, right? Mesi doesn't have the parts for this."

"No, but... my clients..."

"The souls you collect, that sometimes only have a male lower half to animate for their last wishes?"

"Right. They have it sometimes. But I wonder if they would know how to tell me if I was doing it wrong."

"They may not know so much about it, considering they haven't had it very long."

"Yeah. And I had a few boyfriends a while back, but... they all wanted to jump straight to the penetration."

"You ask me real nice, I'll let you practice some more," Nuru said, grinning.

"I may take you up on that someday. Or I might have other ideas of what I want to do with it."

"I'm happy to discuss it when the time comes."

"You're a true friend."

"Nah, just a man-slut. Or so I hear."

"Are you really? Or is that maybe a little redundant to say?"

"Mm, good questions. I guess maybe it's not. Ace isn't a slut, and he's a man. But then again, I feel like most men are super into sex the way I am, and he's really the exception that needs to be explained. I think I agree with you, saying man-slut is kinda repeating myself."

"But are you really? You'll have sex with anyone? I think I might be concerned about catching something gross from you if you really are, especially if we're ever going to do more later."

"That's a good point. I don't want anything gross either. Where's the line of slut-or-not? Is it the same as being reckless?"

"I don't know. I guess neither of us has the answer. Can we ponder quietly now?"

"Of course. You have got me by the balls, after all."

"I do, don't I?" Dayo blushed a little, tilted their head a bit to watch what they were doing, biting their lip.

Minutes passed, not entirely quietly as Nuru grunted and sighed happily. The valkyrie went out of their way to keep him making those noises, sometimes stopping and starting again, slowing down and speeding up, as if circling the point of orgasm like a predator approaching an exhausted prey.

"You're so hard," Dayo whispered.

"And ready to burst," Nuru said, clenching his hands on the back of the bench.

"Don't hold back on my account," Dayo whispered.

On cue, Nuru had thick gel appear at the end of his dick, which immediately shot free out into the air.

"Better?" Dayo said, after he stopped twitching and spurting, and sighed happily.

"Gods below, I needed that."

"I hoped I'd at least be able to take the edge off for you."

"You're an angel."

"Hmph." Dayo frowned.

"Of death, or whatever you want."

"OK, I'll accept that."

"Sorry, I forgot angels are High Faction aligned creatures for a second."

"I don't have a problem with them, if they don't have a problem with me. Sadly it doesn't happen that way very often."

"But you're not big on demons either?"

"I dunno, I might be taking a shine to your succubus. I'm still trying to decide. What did she get out of this just now?"

/Ten digits of EXP, and a missed Plant Suggestion opportunity./

(Be nice, Sanaa. This is how we get invited back gently.)

/Who says I want it gentle? Nice girls rarely make history./

(I want it gentle, sometimes. Don't you get points for variety? Or is that only within a single session?)

/You're right, I do. It's just easier to vocalize and pull in voyeurs if it's heavy and rough. More fun to watch, too./

(How many times have I had someone watching besides you?)

/There's always someone watching./

"What? Right now?"

Dayo looked up at him, confused. "What is it?"

"Oh... thinking out loud, sorry. One second."

(Who's watching?! Where?)

/I'm afraid I couldn't say. How is it that monsters get their class EXP immediately, and can level up without an altar? There are some theories, and some rumors, how that works. No secret hides forever - you know those quests with the ancient tombs and all that?/

(I've heard of them, yes.)

/How is it that the secret always happens to be revealed for adventurers to find the way in? Sometimes, it's the gods, planting the seeds of a questline during an Expansion. But not all of those can be accounted for this way./

(We're getting off topic here. What did you just get from me spending some time with my friend Dayo?)

/Ten digits, like I said. Not bad for a freebie./

(You used two whole hands?)

/No, no... I was enjoying it, sure, but only with one hand. What I mean though, is EXP as a ten-digit number. Per minute, so really, it was more like eleven digits overall. I can get the exact number if you really want it, but I don't see the point./