Breaking the Rules Pt. 18


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"I'm visiting a friend. It's urgent."

"Pah, they've a travel service."

"Curse," Nuru countered, waving the ring.

"Tha'll do it," the dwarf nodded. "Well, then. Best be movin' on before the overload really gets goin'. Urgent, you said."

"Yeah, but I just have to get there today. I can spare a few minutes to ask stupid questions."

"Wot ye be wantin' ta knoe?"

"How do you know these lovely ladies?" Nuru said. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Nay, 'tis no secret. Ye could call us adopted by 'em. Like a pet."

"Ah," Nuru said, fighting a wave of disappointment that he hadn't met a fellow orphan, which he'd suddenly had a pang of hope for at the word 'adopted'. "What does that mean, exactly?"

"We're not partied, if tha's wot ye're gettin' at. Not in The Rules, for shame. Wings is automatic disqual'fication from t' adventurers club."

"But you understand them, right? They can't speak like you and I do, exactly?"

"Not as such. They's more... melodic. Tugs at the heart, for good or ill. When they's happy, we's happy, mos'times. When they's not... eh, but they's ta be quite happy in a hot second, an' tha's not ta say you's gonna be happy wit' th' proceedin's. Dun say we dinna warn ye; start runnin' now, ye might make it."

"They're not evil, right?"

The dwarf threw back his head and laughed. "Weeelll now, tha's a question ta worry like a werewolf wit' a bone for days. For our part, we say nay. But, ye've got a different measurin' stick fer such things, we reckon."

"So I'm not *really* in danger, right?"

"Hee hee! Not a virgin, are ye sonny?"

"Uh, no."

"Then nay, nothin's gonna hurt ya tha' a little whisky an' time can't cure, of yer digni'y."

"Sounds like they know how to party, even if they can't sign the agreement."

"Hmph. Heard 'a you, now'n we think of it. Nuru, y'said, an' we may 'ave misheard ye. The same silly tall-legger wot pacted wit' a sex demon at Home Town, aye? Ye'll be olroight. An' wit' tha', it's time for me nap to resume. G'day mate."

The dwarf wandered off and flopped over under a tree, apparently not concerned about a comfortable position. In moments, a heavy snoring rose from that direction, and Nuru turned back to look at the pixies getting up and stretching. They looked a bit like human children, except quite obviously well into their sexual maturity; women, the size of children. They had shorter hair in wild colors, which contributed to their youthfulness.

/Damn, talk about being the center of attention, that was my best house party yet. Oh, you really should run though./

(That bad?)

/Oh, no. You won't make it now, it'll just be more fun that way./


Nuru squared his shoulders, and took off at a steady jog. He ignored the sleepy cries of the pixies around him and headed not towards the road, but directly for the city.

/Come on, make it sporting. I've got a bit of MP to spare now./

"!Kafa Mara Nauyi!"

Once again it seemed that he'd be alone and free to go about his business. But after a minute he heard a buzz, and found himself lifted free of the ground.

"Oh crap that's a bush TURN TURN TURN AAAAUGH!"


He struggled to fight his way free of the undergrowth and got to where he was mostly out, but his pack was caught and he was leaning out awkwardly.

"!Iyuan Aram Afak!" His weight returned in full, and he collapsed to the ground, pulling his pack out with him.


The pixies around the bush were now in stitches, holding onto each other for support or rolling on the ground with laughter.

"I all but walked right into that one, didn't I?" Nuru chuckled. "I'd have thought you'd be tired of me by now, though."

♫ youUuU said we could play a game ♫

Nuru turned to look at this new singer, jaw dropping open.

"Gods above, you're pretty. But- wait, who are you, are you... their mother!?"

The naked human-sized pixie burst out laughing.

Nombeko: ♫ i am Nombeko and wEeEe have a special gift - shall we show him? ♫

The smaller pixies all sang something, grabbed hands with each other in threes, and spun in circles. After a moment, the trios stopped and pulled outwards. Their flesh rippled and stretched, and their souls came free, except for one of the three; the bodies all whirled and reformed and after Nuru blinked and focused on them again, there was one much larger pixie where the three had been, and two ethereal pixies of the original size floating around her. He noticed that their hair was swirled multiple colors, fading from the color of one small pixie's hair on one side, to that of another on the other, and yet another in back.

"Wow, you can lend your flesh to each other and become larger!? That's incredible! You are all quite the body builders."

Nala: ♫ i am Nala and i want to play a game ♫

Nia: ♫ i am Nia and so do iIiIiIi ♫

Nkirika: ♫ meEeE too ♫

There were now four pixies, completely naked, and tugging at him expectantly, singing over each other.

"Well alright, what would you like to play? Scavenger hunt for some human-sized clothes?"

Nala: ♫ nOoOo we outnumber you - you should get naked instead ♫

Nkirika: ♫ yeah no fair makin' us do all the work ♫

"You ladies make a great point, but I'm not sure that's a good idea," Nuru gulped.

As usual his dick had a mind of its own, and as much as he didn't want to offend them, he was dazzled by their attitudes and well-groomed bodies, and had gotten hard.

Nala: ♫ don't be shy - you're a good-looking guy ♫

Nia: ♫ foOoOor he's a jolly good- wait no ♫

Nombeko: ♫ fooor he's a good-lookin' fellow - for heeee's a good-lookin' fellow- ♫

"I'm just concerned I'm going to get myself in trouble."

Nala: ♫ of course you are trouble is what we dOoOo ♫

They got impatient and yanked him out of all of his clothing.

Nkirika: ♫ come now dance with us dance with- OH! ♫

They all fell silent, staring at Nuru's cock bobbing freely out in the air.

"So um... I meant to tell you-" Nuru started.

Nkirika: ♫ do my eyes deceive which one of you cut in line? ♫

Nia: ♫ none - we've all just been here ♫

Nala: ♫ but he's hard already ♫

Nkirika: ♫ it's been months since Kwame got that hard without a warm-up ♫

Nombeko: ♫ i know what i want to play ♫

Nia: ♫ will you play hide-and-seek with us? ♫

"Hide and seek? I feel like I'm going to lose terribly."

Nala: ♫ but you don't even know how to play ♫

Nombeko: ♫ let me explain it to you ♫

Nkirika: ♫ no me ♫

Nia: ♫ no me first ♫

Nombeko: ♫ only one of us needs to explain it ♫

"Ladies, ladies, relax. I've played hide-and-seek before. I hide and you all try to find me, or the other way around."

Nia: ♫ no no you hide the PENIS and try to find us an ORGASM ♫

The pixies all fell over laughing at the explicit words.

"I have definitely played that game before," Nuru said, reminded of the Home Town Mayor's wife, and the scavenger hunt he'd given her for almost the same thing. "And I am the BEST."

Nkirika: ♫ yay we don't have to teach you ♫

Nia: ♫ i want to hide the PENIS in me ♫

Nala: ♫ no meEeEeE ♫

Nombeko: ♫ don't push you'll get your turn ♫

Nkirika: ♫ i have an idea why don't you make yourself light again ♫

Nala: ♫ yeah that's new - Kwame doesn't know how to do that ♫

Nkirika: ♫ see it was my idea i should go first ♫

Nia: ♫ hurry up then i want my turn ♫

The pixies grabbed onto him wherever they could, under the armpits and around his waist and both knees, and lifted. Their wings thrummed, but they couldn't leave the ground.

"!Kafa Mara Nauyi!"

/Hmm. Question for you. Does consent only matter when you're the one asking?/

(Of course not.)

/So where's your consent, here? Is it enough to simply fail to protest? Because that's a loophole I can shove an orc dick through. Just wondering./

(You make a very good, very inconvenient point.)

"Uh, ladies, before we go any further..."

Nombeko: ♫ have some BOOBIES ♫

She flew above his head, reaching behind to hold the weight of it, while leaning over him to put her breasts on either side of his face.

"MMPH!" he said.

Nombeko: ♫ look he likes that ♫

Nkirika: ♫ he's so hard it's twitchiiiiing ♫

Nala: ♫ ooh can i suck it - let me suck it ♫

Nia: ♫ you're just hungry - let's skip to the riding ♫

Nombeko: ♫ you couldn't fit that in your mouth anyway ♫

Nala: ♫ could too you BiIiIiIiITCH ♫

Nombeko: ♫ you said a naughty word - you don't get a turn ♫

"Buhhh... ladies, there's enough of me to go around, there's no need to fight-" Nuru started.

Nkirika: ♫ if you weren't so big i wouldn't have to FIIIiiiIIIiiiiIIIGHT ♫

Nkirika was gripping his thighs with her legs, trying to hold him up off the ground and insert him into her tight snatch at the same time, and was having some trouble with it. Her eyes were pinched closed hard.

Nala: ♫ see this is why i want to suck it ♫

Nombeko: ♫ oh yeah we do get wet don't we ♫

Nia: ♫ we should have done groups of four instead of three then it might fit ♫

Nkirika: ♫ too late now - the ritual is done ♫

Nombeko: ♫ let us down 'n we'll make it work ♫

The pixies lowered Nuru to the ground, where he cancelled the Weightless Foot again in preparation. Nala latched onto his cock and was stroking with her hand and slurping wetly on it with her mouth, while Nombeko was going down on Nia, who had been trying to fit him, and Nkirika took advantage of the opportunity to present her own breasts to lick and suck on, which he happily did as she rubbed and fingered herself.

Nkirika: ♫ in you go ♫

Nia: ♫ hold on tiIiIight ♫

Nombeko: ♫ you're so bAaAaAd ♫

Nuru felt the hot tightness of the pixie slipping one inch, pulling back, then pushing down another inch.

Nkirika: ♫ OhHh GoOoDS it's so big ♫

Nala: ♫ quit braggin' i'm already jealous ♫

Nkirika: ♫ shut up i can't wait to see you try to fit this thing hOlyyyYyy FuUuUUUuCK ♫

Nia: ♫ did you hear her she never swears she mus' be serious ♫

Nombeko: ♫ now i really can't wait to try ♫

Nia: ♫ find that ORGASM girl hurry upppppp ♫

Nia walked over to give Nkirika a swat on the ass, making her yelp and her legs to spasm, lifting her up and dropping her perhaps harder than she'd intended, shoving her a few inches deeper and making her squirm uncomfortably.

Nala: ♫ our sister is in need - let us help her ♫

Nombeko: ♫ make yourself light and we will lend a hand ♫

"!Kafa Mara Nauyi!"

A pixie on each side took a hand and a leg of his each, and lifted him up with the other pixie riding him on top. The fourth pixie positioned herself between his legs and reached forward to pull the straining labia apart, reducing the friction a bit and letting him slide the first several inches more easily.

Nia: ♫ up 'n down ♫

Nombeko: ♫ swirl your hips ♫

Nala: ♫ all 'round ♫

/Hmm, maybe I do like pixies after all./

(It's the dirty rhymes, isn't it?)

/Someone's got them all worked up, but unsatisfied./

(This dwarf doesn't quite give as good as he gets, apparently.)

/A dwarf? Interesting, I'd have expected an elf, they're more into the plants and all that like pixies are. Where's he now?/


/No demon pact, then. A Setangarayu would never let him sit out a good show like this./

(It's even better from the inside.)

/You forget, I get to feel what you feel. And I bet all of them are just as-/

"Tight- fuck me, you're so tight," Nuru finished her thought.

Nkirika jerked and quivered to a stop, squeezing so hard she popped right off of Nuru and fell over, twisting uncontrollably in the air as she climaxed, spraying a fine mist into the air.

/There we go! Just think how good a wing-woman I'll be when I have actual wings./

"I can't fucking wait."

One of the other pixies took that as her cue.

Nombeko: ♫ my tUuUuUrn ♫

She flipped over from pushing her breasts into his face and holding up his shoulders and sat, rubbed herself forward and backwards on him, not actually getting any penetration but instead grinding her clit against the sensitive parts on the underside of his dick in an almost-cowgirl position. Her wings thrummed, holding up most of her weight, making them both easy to hold up together.

Nombeko: ♫ you're right this peepee is huge ♫

Nia: ♫ can we interest you in staying with us ♫

Nombeko: ♫ i love Kwame you're not getting rid of him ♫

Nia: ♫ no just adding to the fam'ly ♫

Nuru took the opportunity to try to get back onto the subject Sanaa had brought up.

"Shouldn't, uh, we talk with him before-"

Nombeko: ♫ time for that later ♫

Nia: ♫ an' i want a turn firs' ♫

The thoughts flew right out of Nuru's head as Nala lifted his shoulders and hit him with a kiss on the neck, followed by slathering his neck with her tongue, and Nia bit him sensually on the thigh. Nkirika had recovered and joined hands with Nia from the other side, and together they bounced him up and down as Nala gave him a quick peck of a kiss every time he lifted up. He stayed just as wet from the outside of Nombeko's slit as he would have by being inside; Nkirika and Nia took wide grips to avoid the fluids dripping from him. Nombeko clenched her thighs together around Nuru and seized up, gripping her thighs also with her hands, and arching her back as a high-pitch squeal tore out of her throat again and again.

Nala: ♫ hey that's two no fair skipping a turn ♫

/Three, actually. But don't tell them that!/

Nombeko's fingers slipped and she fell off of Nuru, flopping and buzzing against the ground like an injured housefly.

Nia: ♫ up in the air let's gOoOoOo ♫

Nia vaulted up onto Nuru's lap and laid her head against his chest, sliding down him to hook her feet under his knees and leaving Nkirika to hold up his legs, and Nala to hold up his shoulders as she attempted to slide him inside. Nkirika and Nala shared a look of some kind, and Nuru opened his mouth to ask about it, but then could only yell out in alarm as a surge of strength propelled him with Nia high into the air. Nia giggled with some flash of insight and let go of him, and he began falling towards the ground again.

"Ohhh fuck fuck what are you doing you crazy AIIIIGH!"

Nuru was caught by three sets of arms strong enough to stop him from dashing his brains out on the ground in his lightened state, and cancelled the spell as he noticed he was getting close to expiration.

Nala: ♫ uh oh looks like somebody can't get it up ♫

Sanaa giggled in Nuru's head.

(Oh, real funny.)

/It is, actually./

"Ladies, you just need to give me a minute. I've got the juice, I just need a breather."

Nia: ♫ ok but it's still my turn ♫

The pixie descended lightly and sat on his face, where he finally noticed that all of them were naturally quite bushy, though not overgrown. His hands instinctively grasped her buttocks and lifted and lowered her to give his tongue room to probe her lower lips with gusto. He lost himself in her labia, not noticing the moment when cooldown expired and he could cast again, until after Nia crawled forward away from Nuru and carefully finished herself with a finger on her very sensitive clit.

"Oh. Is that your turn, then...?"

Nala: ♫ you're mine now misteRrRrRr and last had better not mean least ♫

Nuru obliged by activating Weightless Foot again, and Nia, Nkirika, and Nombeko all lifted him and tossed him up into the air, where Nala was waiting. She kissed him and whacked his erection with an open hand, squealing with delight at the sway of it in the air as he fell. Next time up, though, she intercepted him and jammed the head of his cock into her love canal, managing to get four thrusts out of him before disengaging and letting him fall away with a grunt of disapproval. She landed and tried again, launching herself on an intercept course, and letting her fellow pixies hurl him up to meet her. After a couple misses and timing mishaps, they started getting the exact timing figured out, and Nuru was able to grab onto Nala and give her eight or ten full strokes, and he was getting most of the way inside her each time. From that moment on, she angled to get a different position in the air; first grappled onto him as if riding him on top, then facing away as if he was taking her from behind as she lay on her side, and then a few normally-impossible angles where she wrapped her leg around one of his, and her other leg folded against his belly while she faced away and her arms hung onto his other leg which he had to stick straight out in front of him to give her the right angle to pull up and down to thrust him deep inside her like a man-sized fuck doll. After a few times in the same position, with her voice rising higher and more desperate, she clung to him the whole way down and stopped beating her wings as the three other pixies caught him; he let his Weightless Foot expire once more as she finally got the climax she was looking for.

Nuru had been so caught up in the pleasure of his new playmates that he hadn't given much thought to his own, and it felt like they all realized at the same time that he was the only one who hadn't had an orgasm.

Nkirika: ♫ he's been such a good sport ♫

Nala: ♫ we should reward him ♫

Nia: ♫ and maybe we can take advantage of him again soon ♫

Nombeko: ♫ but it will be the others' turn to wear the flesh ♫

Nala: ♫ and we'll be there in spirit ♫

Nuru was all but mindlessly drooling, but took one last stab at his conversational objective.

"I don't... need that... I just want you... to... to... talk about..."

Nombeko: ♫ it's ok we're all having feelings right now ♫

Nala: ♫ just shout it to the world like we do ♫

Nia: ♫ it feels better than holding it in ♫

Nala: ♫ Kwame learned it the hard way ♫

Nkirika: ♫ here we can help you let it out ♫

Nkirika plastered herself to Nuru and kissed him hard; the rest let his feet down and pressed in from all sides, licking, kissing, and biting his shoulders and neck. Nuru relaxed into it, eyes rolling back in his head as he let them mob him with their naked bodies grinding and fondling him everywhere. He started returning Nkirika's kisses, and opened his eyes to discover they were floating up off the ground, turning slowly to the left and surrounded by ethereal pixies swirling around and leaving little ghostly trails behind them. Nkirika shifted a bit to latch onto his left leg, and Nia slipped around to grip his right leg, her right hand sliding down to grip his cock. Nkirika's left hand did the same, and they both wrestled a bit to determine who would get the tip and who would get the base of him, but Nkirika claimed the head after a bit of fumbling, and they both started stroking together.

"Ugghh, gods above," Nuru groaned, his whole body saturated with stimulation from every angle.

Nombeko: ♫ we're not goddesses ♫

Nia: ♫ speak for yourseEeEeElf ♫

Nala: ♫ we got Kwame to agree the other day remember ♫

Nkirika: ♫ but he belongs to Samba not to us ♫

Nia: ♫ I heard this one is not aligned we could make him ours ♫

Nombeko: ♫ what kind of goddesses have to share a follower anywayYyYyY ♫

Nala: ♫ the kind that want only the best priest and acolytes ♫

Nia: ♫ we can share the mantle you think? ♫

Nkirika: ♫ let's show him how good joining with us can be ♫

Nia: ♫ and share a little with our silent sisters ♫

Nuru lost all muscle control, twitching and thrashing in the middle of a ball of naked pixies that all held each others' arms and pulled in tight, pressing their wet skin and wrapping him up like a vulva encapsulating his entire body, holding him up under his arms and around his legs as the world whirled around him slowly. Nuru tensed up, digging his fingers into the lower backs of Nkirika and Nia, below their wings, and Nia moved down to firmly grip his scrotum as he started spurting out into the air. The ethereal pixies darted in, staying in the path of his sperm just long enough to take a single spray, and then fled backwards erratically as if being tickled, only to be replaced by others who took the next pulse of jizz and repeating the process.