Breeding Experiment

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Anne and Tom receive help for their fertility problems.
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Anne gripped her husband's arm closely. Her eyes stung as she struggled not to cry. She forced herself to stand up straight, maintaining some semblance of dignity as she left the doctor's office. She took a short, sharp breath and opened her mouth as if to speak.

"Don't," said Tom.

"Don't what?" Anne replied.

"I know what you're going to say."

"Maybe if you hadn't waited so long."

"It's not my fault you're--" Tom cut himself off.

"Say it," Anne said. Her throat was getting sore and her nose was getting stuffy.

Tom held his tongue, Anne sniffed and the tears began to run more freely. "Maybe we should get your swimmers checked too."

"What difference would that make?"

"Then you'd know how it felt."

"I know what it feels like to not be able to have kids. I was just there with you when we found out."

"I mean what it feels to not be a man."

"So you're saying I'm not a man?"

Anne opened her mouth but was cut off by an approaching physician. "Anne?"


"Is this a bad time," Juliet asked?

"No, no, it's just been so long."

"Who is this?" asked Tom.

"We went to the same college. How have you been?" asked Juliet.

"Well..." Anne started.

"Listen," Juliet interrupted. "I couldn't help but overhear. Would you mind stepping into my office and we can talk about it there?"

"Of course," Anne said rubbing tears away from her eyes.

The couple followed Juliet down the twisting hospital hallways and into her office.

"I'll cut right to the chase," Juliet said, sitting down. "I'm going to assume you two are having fertility problems?"

"It's complicated, I wouldn't exactly--" Tom started.

"Yes," Anne said firmly, cutting off her husband.

"I'm involved in a trial that might be able to help you," Juliet said. She opened a drawer in her desk and began shuffling through the papers in it.

"You don't know about our specific situation, how do you know you'd be able to fix it?"

"Before we continue," Juliet said, sliding two pieces of paper across her desk, "I'd like you to sign these NDAs. They're pretty standard and limited only to the trial itself. I'll explain more once you've signed them."

Anne scribbled her name on it. Tom lifted the sheet off the desk and checked the back. He put it back down on the table. He removed his glasses and cleaned them with his shirt, and began reading the document. "Well let me see--"

Anne kicked his foot with her own. "Just sign the document," she hissed quietly. Juliet's chair creaked as she leaned back in it.

"I just want to know what I'm signing."

"For the love of God, just sign the fucking document."

"Alright, alright, jeez," Tom said as he signed it.

"Thank you," Juliet said as she slid the pages back across the desk and filed them in her cabinet.

"What I'm about to say remains between us. You can't tell your neighbors, friends, co-workers, parents, siblings, etc. One day this guy made an appointment with me. He was having a problem."

"Excuse me," Tom said. "I don't think you're allowed to talk about your patients like that."

Juliet stared at Tom, "That's what the NDAs are for."

"Those don't absolve you from the HIPPA act."

"Tom, I know you're not a lawyer. Are you sure you want to test that little theory of yours about what I can and can't do?"

"No, sorry, sorry," Tom mumbled.

"Smart choice. Anyway, this guy was complaining that even with a condom on, every woman he had sex with got pregnant."

"So you're saying his sperm can get through a condom?" Tom asked.

"That's not what I said, Tom. And that isn't even my leading theory. May I continue or are you going to keep interrupting me?"

"Sorry, sorry," Tom mumbled.

"So I had a thought. I asked if he'd be willing to have sex with one of my friends who was having similar problems to you. He agreed, and long story short, she's now pregnant. Twins. And not only that, fertility testing shows her vagina and womb are now hospitable again. She could probably have another child with a different man if she so chose."

"Are you suggesting I let another man fuck my wife?"

"That's not how I'd put it, but essentially yes. If my theory is correct, your wife can have an abortion, and then you can have a child of your own. Assuming you don't have any fertility problems of your own Tom. Now it's too late to get you added to the official trial, but I can give you his phone number, and you can set something up independently if you want.

"Okay, give us his number," Anne said.

"Wait, Anne, you're not seriously considering this are you?"

"No, of course not. But it couldn't hurt to just have the phone number. Just in case."

Juliet scribbled the number on a piece of paper and slid it over. Anne grabbed it and copied it into her phone.

"Thank you so much, Juliet," Anne said.

"My pleasure. And if you do decide to call him, let me know how it goes. We can't include your data in the trial, but it would help my curiosity."

Anne and Tom stepped out of Juliet's office and headed to the elevator.

"Anne, you actually want to do this?"

"It couldn't hurt to try. And I can still get an abortion. We can have kids like we've always wanted."

"Okay," Tom sighed, "just let me think about it."


"He's coming tonight?"

"In a few hours actually," Anne said, wiping down the counter.

"I thought it was next week."

"Well, you thought wrong. Help me put these dishes away."

Tom grunted as he lifted the pile of dishes off the counter.

"Don't be such a baby, they're just dishes."

"They're still heavy," Tom said, "And why do we have to keep them so high up, out of reach."

"Not my fault you're short."

"Did you do your makeup?" Tom asked. "Are you trying to impress him?"

"I always look this good. You just never notice."

There was a loud banging on the front door. Anne practically bounced her way over to answer it.

"Does he know we have a doorbell?" Tom asked.

Anne ignored the question, adjusted her hair, took a deep breath, and opened the door. Outside was the largest man Tom had ever seen. He was young and clean-shaven. He wore a white tank top. His bulging arms were almost as big as Tom's scrawny torso. His shelf-like pecs cast a shadow over the rest of his body.

"You Anne?" he grunted, his voice like gravel.

"Yeah," Anne bit her lip and she craned her neck back to look up at him. "Welcome, welcome, come on in."

"Name's Curt," he said pushing past her. "Nice place."

He glanced at Tom who barely came up to his chest. Then Curt nodded to him, "Hey squirt."

Tom nodded back.

"Got beer?" Curt asked.

"In the refrigerator," Anne replied.

Curt reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a beer which looked small in his giant hand. He pried off the top with his hand. "Where's the bed?"

"First door on the right," Anne said.

Curt lumbered off towards the bedroom chugging his beer.

"Did you see his pants?" Anne whispered to Tom.

"No, I was busy with Mr. Monosyllable's ridiculous arms. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just thought I saw something. Something big."

"You always said you liked my size. That it was perfect for you."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Yours is perfect. I'm not doing this for fun. I'm doing this for us. You don't have to watch if you don't want to. You can just put on some TV."

"No, I want to make sure that meathead doesn't do anything to you."

"And what'll you do if he does?" Anne asked, taking a step closer to Tom.

"Call the police," Tom said simply.

"Hmm," Anne said, slightly dejected. "Well, no sense waiting." With that, she too headed to the bedroom. Tom followed.

Curt was already naked when they got there. His vast body took up most of the queen-sized bed. Anne began undressing.

"Jesus, that thing is huge," Tom exclaimed. Curt's flaccid penis hung half-way down his tree trunk-sized thigh. "Are you sure that will fit, honey?"

"Oh, it fits," said Curt. "Trust me."

"Everything's fine Tom, just take a seat," Anne said, discarding her last piece of clothing. Her DD-cup breasts jiggled slightly as she walked over to the bed.

"You like?" Anne asked Curt.

"Not bad," Curt smiled. "Small bed, not much space."

"Guess I'll have to get on top of you then."

Curt grabbed Anne by her hips and swung her onto his chest. He grabbed one of her large breasts with his massive hand and began playing with it. He grabbed her head with his other hand and brought her down for a kiss.

"Hey," Tom exclaimed, "No kissing. Just do your...thing."

"This is my thing," Curt said briefly breaking his kiss.

"If you want to help get this over with more quickly, maybe you can help Curt get hard here?" Anne suggested.

"No fucking way," Tom said.

"Why not? You think it'll turn you gay?"

"Hey," Curt said grabbing Anne's head again. He returned to making out with her.

Anne grabbed Curt's cock with her hands and began stroking it. She started to moan.

"What are you doing?" Tom shouted, standing up.

"Someone had to do it," Anne replied.

"Can't Curt do it?"

"You want me to rub my own dick? When this bitch here will do it?"

"Don't call my wife a bitch."

"I call 'em like I see 'em."

"It's fine Tom, I don't mind doing it," Anne said.

"Obviously you don't mind."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Hey," boomed Curt. "Do I need to break you two up?"

Tom fell silent.

"Now sit down shrimp," said Curt. He mashed his face into Anne's again. Anne began moaning softly.

Tom glowered as he watched Curt's penis grow hard. Anne broke her makeout session. "You feel ready. Are you ready?"

Curt nodded and took his penis in his own hand.

"Go slowly for me please," Anne pleaded.

Curt brushed his thick cock against Anne's opening, and then roughly shoved in the tip.

"Ahhhhh," Anne exclaimed.

"What is he doing. Is he hurting you?" Tom asked, standing up again.

"It's--ah--it's fine Tom. Sit down." Anne was taking short, shallow breaths. "Ahhhhhhh, oh my Gaaaaaaahhhh," Anne moaned as Curt slid more inches into her. "Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhdd," Anne screamed as Curt continued feeding his penis to her and finally bottoming out.

"Not bad, bitch," Curt said. "You took more than most." Curt slid the length almost all the way out and slammed it back in. He repeated this faster and faster. Anne was screaming the whole time.

"Enough," Tom said at last. "You're hurting her."

"She'd say if I were. You hurt, bitch?"

Anne just continued screaming.

"See, she's fine."

"That's my wife. I promised I'd protect her." Tom ran towards Curt and grabbed his wrist. Tom's small hands barely wrapped around Curt's immense wrist. His skinny forearms combined were less than half the size of Curt's single one.

Curt slammed Anne down on his cock as if skewering a piece of meat with a fork. Then he let go. Anne was held aloft and in place with only the strength of Curt's erect penis. Her screaming died down, replaced with little breaths. "Ah, ah, ah, ah," Anne repeated as she swayed back and forth, impaled on Curt's penis.

Tom let go of Curt's forearm. "See? That's better. Now if you only listened--"

Curt smacked Tom with the back of his hand as if shooing away a fly. Tom was knocked off his feet and fell over.

"Don't fuck with me while I fuck my bitch."

"She's my bitch!"

"Ah, ah, ah, Tom--ah, ah--did you--ah, ah--just call me--"

Curt placed his hands back on Anne's waist and resumed fucking her causing Anne to start screaming again.

"I think you bruised my fucking ribs," Tom yelled.

"You want to find out what I could have done to you?" Curt grunted.

"Is that a threat?"

Curt didn't reply. Tom sat back down in his chair. "How much longer?"


"Five what? Minutes?"


Tom set his watch, then stared intently at it. Tapping his foot impatiently. He stood up and paced around the room. Then he sat back down again. Finally, the watch beeped. "That's five minutes. You said you'd be done."

"Oh yeah. Thanks." Curt pulled Anne off his penis and stood up off the bed, still holding Anne in his hands.

"Well finally. It's about time. Sex shouldn't take so--"

Then Curt tossed Anne back onto the bed, face down. He shifted his immense body over her and began fucking her again. Anne resumed screaming.

"What the fuck? You said you'd be done in five minutes!"

"Yeah. With that. Now I do this."

"How long until you're finished with everything?"

"You talk too much, shrimp. Sit the fuck down."

Tom obeyed. He sat, stewing in his chair for a few more minutes. Suddenly Anne shouted, "Oh God Curt, right there!"

"That's it," Tom shouted, jumping up from his chair. "You're getting off my wife." Tom walked over to Curt and threw his body against Curt's pistoning shoulders to no effect.

"What the fuck did I say squirt? Don't fuck with me while I fuck my bitch."

"Did you just learn the f-word?"

Curt grabbed Tom with one hand almost wrapping half-way around his ribcage. Curt lifted Tom and slammed him onto the bed. "You're in luck shrimp. I'm close." Curt began to thrust harder and faster.

"What are you doing?" Tom shouted. "Let go! That hurts!"

Curt ignored Tom's pleas as his grip became tighter and his thrusts became faster. Curt let out a roar and made one last full thrust. Tom was in excruciating pain until suddenly he felt a rib snap. Then another. Curt orgasmed for almost a full minute, shooting thick ropes of cum into Anne's womb. So much so that it almost began to inflate.

Curt slid his penis almost all the way out, leaving only the tip in. "Lift your hips, and keep your legs shut. Don't let my cum out."

Anne nodded and slowly stroked her bloated abdomen as she lifted her hips. Curt slid a pillow under them. "Cross your legs. Tight." Anne obeyed. Curt released his grip on Tom and got off the bed.

"Do I--do I have to abort it? Or can I keep it?"

Tom moaned feebly.

"Do what you want slut. I don't care."

Anne looked down at her stomach and began to rub it with both hands. She smiled blissfully.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

Loved the concept!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It was not a bad was terrible! *

tralan69ertralan69erover 3 years ago


When will we see this draft from Juliet?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just an idea

I think you should have made this into a dream sequence of a larger story. It’s soo over the top and plays into insecurities so much that it doesn’t even seem erotic at all. Just saying...

Impo_64Impo_64over 3 years ago

Better you stay with "Sci-Fi & Fantasy"...1* (where are te REAL negative ratings when we need them?)

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 3 years ago

Very poor. What about artificial insemination? Considering how Curt acted, 1) he should be arrested for assault and battery and 2) Anne will end up divorced as a single mother. How would a hospital / research group condone Curt's behavior? You took an idea and didn't complete the story. Tom may have been beaten up by Curt, but he's not a wimp or willing cuckold and this isn't the end. Please either finish the story and/or put a cuckold warning at the top. Your half story really leaves a lot to be desired.

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 3 years ago

I have yet to read an 'insemination' story that was any good, around here...

And you know what? The losing streak continues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
If there was a point to this story

the author never got to it.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 3 years ago

Let me get this straight, Anne can't be part of the study, yet you comment says, 'at least wait for Juliet to release the working draft of the research paper on Curt before making accusations of witchcraft.' Do we really care about Curt? When some husband with cracked ribs decides to shot his balls off, or slash his dick off, there won't need to be a study after that. It makes you want to ask, 'If a Curt got blown down in a forest, would anyone care?'

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This os an insult

to our Intelligence. Trash since the first word.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good God, one more story promoting gun ownership.

If you want to disparage the 2nd Amendment and gun ownership you need to stop writing stories where a big person tyrannizes a small person, especially women. It just gives these gun nuts ideas. When Tom gets out of the hospital he needs to take some sensitivity training. He also needs to find out what Curt's favorite beer is, since I'm thinking Anne is going to need some pretty regular treatments.

Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Plain crap

Dumb Dumb and Dumber all rolled into one

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