Brian's Adventures Ch. 08


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"Well, well, well dear Sister, twice in as many days. To what do we owe the honour of this visit?" A tall blonde-haired beautiful woman said with a scowl on her face and crossed arms underneath her small breasts. Her eyes glared daggers at Jealile as we approached the woman and Jealile held me tighter as we neared her.

"Grevealza keep a civil tongue in your head, this is Master Brian Westlock, my betrothed." Jealile said proudly, with a scowl of her own as she stood a little higher and held me a little tighter around the waist.

"Our betrothed." Yeoline said as she stood at my other side and also held me around the waist.

"How did you two mangy ones manage to nab an Estate Master?" Grevealza asked with suspicious disdain in her voice. "I thought you two were stuck on that outside beggar you were guarding?" She finished as she looked me over and intently stared into my eyes. "What Estate are you from Master Westlock?" She asked curiously and cutely as she tried to be as polite and well mannered as possible yet still untrusting of my credentials.

"Kincaid. Just awarded it this morning." I replied proudly.

"What? Wait a second! It's you isn't it! Your that beggar that washed up half-dead aren't you?" Grevealza asked with inquisitive shock and a delightful smile as she looked down her nose at me. "Dear Sister, you can do so much better, if you would only follow Father's council he would find you a much better husband. Perhaps even the son of a Councillor!" She finished as she talked directly to Jealile and ignored me completely.

"Brian is by far a better man than any man on this island! He loves me for me and doesn't expect me to change or cower at his feet! I don't know about you but I don't want to be a wife that is seen and not heard. One that must bow to her husband's will all the time, even when she knows he's making a monumental blunder!" Jealile shot back with the fire of her conviction and daggers in her own eyes for her Sister.

"You don't want to be rich? Live the life of luxury and prestige?" Grevealza asked disbelievingly.

"Its not the wealth that I hate, its the cost of it." Jealile said calmly and everyone fell silent, as the weight of what she said hung like a dark pawl in the air.

"Did you come in here just to show off this one or did you actually want something?" Grevealza asked, now a little unnerved by Jealile's last comment.

"We came here for some clothes for Brian. Don't worry Grevealza, I'll pay, I do earn my own money you know. I don't have to ask Daddy for everything I want." Jealile said proudly and wore a smirk on her face, as she knew that last comment got under her Sister's skin and Grevealza seemed unnerved.

With that we spent the next while trying on a myriad of clothes and I felt like a doll that children would dress up in all kinds of clothes. It was kind of fun putting on all the different outfits, most of them just weren't me but a select few suited me. I don't know how long we were in the store but soon enough it was time to go.

"Be a dear Grevealza and have these sent to the house will you?" Jealile said with giddy glee as she walked out of the store after paying for the clothes we bought. A few grumbles from Grevealza was heard as we left the store to make our way to the docks.

When we arrived at the docks I found that I felt most at home here. I looked out at the small boats in the harbour and the sea beyond and the salt air filled my lungs. I closed my eyes and for the moment I was home, I was back in England standing on the docks taking a momentary break from unloading the ships. At any moment I expected my supervisor to tell me to stop loafing about and get back to work. However after a moment I felt a dainty pair of hands wrap themselves around my waist and a female form press up against me from behind.

I knew that I was still in Tania and yet somehow I felt like I was home. It was the first time that I truly didn't want to leave Tania. Even if a ship came to take me back to England I couldn't go, I wouldn't want to go. I have seen too many glorious things here and even after all I had been through since I've arrived I now knew one thing. I knew that my life was far better on Tania than it had ever been back in England. As I felt another female body press herself up against my front I knew that too many good things would be left behind. Any sane man would make the same choice, I was sure of it. I took a moment to thank God for calling me here to this island of Tania even after all the things I had been through to get here.

"Taking a trip back home are you dear." I heard Jealile whisper in my ear as I opened my eyes to see Yeoline resting her head on my shoulder.

"No, taking a trip back to England. I am home my dears, I am home." I said with a smile and both ladies hugged me tighter.

Over the next while we stood there holding each other and watched the sun set in a spectacular end to a wonderful day. I don't know how long we stood there, just enjoying the simple pleasure of holding each other. We were content at that moment as the warmth and beauty of the sunset basked its glow on us.

"There you are!" I heard Pellenica's voice call to us from behind. "I thought we were supposed to meet over there at the Rolling Wave?"

"I told you we shouldn't have left that trio to themselves for an entire day." Valencia quipped with a broad smile. "Up to no good I bet." She finished as they approached.

I half expected a kiss from them but none came; it always seemed to be so natural when we greeted or left each other. It took a moment to realize that we were in public and they were married. I didn't expect that to change but it did, it had to. A few awkward glances were exchanged instead of hugs and kisses. It was the first time that the weight of that change and the reminder of their marital status hit me hard. I could see in their eyes it was hard for them as well. Pellenica seemed to need a hug and some comforting a bit more than Valencia as a pained quiver of her soul could be seen in her eyes. They were still dressed in the white shirt and brown pants that was their uniform but no piece of armour was on either of them.

"Felleona is holding our table for us at the Inn." Pellenica said after a brief moment of nervous pause.

"Far be it for us to break up this romantic scene but do you mind, the rest of us are hungry and a bit thirsty." Valencia said in an attempt at sarcastic whit but it came out as more of a frustrated pout.

"Point taken, it's been a wonderful but tiring day and I am also hungry. I have missed you too." I said to both Valencia and Pellenica before we walked over to the small dockside Inn that we were supposed to meet at.

As we approached the Inn I could see how we could have missed it as it had a quiet and unassuming exterior. The sign, 'The Rolling Wave Inn' was small and easily missed as it was a bit faded and seemed to be just part of the woodwork. It was a building that was not unlike any other on the block, or in the rest of Teroncia for that matter. The inside of this Inn was about what you would imagine to find there and it didn't look any different from any other Inn. There was a bar was on the back wall nestled up to the left wall and a rack of kegs behind it. Off to the right side of the bar was a door to the kitchen and beside it was the stairs that took you up to the guest rooms. Scattered about the rest of the room was tables arranged in a haphazard manner. In the right wall of the bar was a great fireplace and in it a warm fire crackled.

The smell of good food, smoke, laughter and good times filled the air in the modestly populated Inn. A portly, bald man stood behind the bar cleaning a mug watching everything in an undetectable manner. An assortment of pretty women ran to and fro fetching food and drinks for the patrons. They varied in ages greatly and I surmised that each of them were either married to the bartender or were one of his daughters. All in all everyone seemed to be happy and pleasant and the mood was light and gay. Off in a corner I noticed two familiar faces sitting and chatting quietly amongst themselves.

"Look who we found watching the sunset, completely forgetting about us." Valencia said as we approached the table where Felleona and Treabilla were sitting.

"Oh hush yourself, it was quite romantic and they are engaged after all. Have you forgotten what it's like to be in love?" Pellenica said in an attempt at a sarcastic remark to cover for both of their uncomfortable behaviours. She had tried to make a joke, but her own mix of emotions simmered under the surface. She had not quite gotten control of them and her own strained frustration leaked into her manner and voice.

"No, I haven't." Valencia said calmly and her eyes burned into mine, searching for some reassurance but I could give her nothing but a smile. For now however, that seemed to be enough to ease her soul and she returned my smile.

"Brian, so good to see you again." Treabilla said as she jumped up and squeezed me tight in an excited greeting before she kissed me with a lingering hello kiss. "How are you feeling? Did Felleona let you rest in bed at all or was it as active as I've heard?" Treabilla whispered quietly but everyone in our group heard it and laughed except Felleona and myself.

"She took excellent care of me." I said with a smirk, and winked at Felleona who blushed a bit at this.

"I didn't hear any complaints from you at the time." Laughed Felleona looking a bit ruffled and uneasy but trying to keep her composure.

"Nor you." I replied as I joined her in laughter and so did the rest of the group.

"But seriously Brian, congratulations on Kincaid." Treabilla said with a sincere smile.

"How did you find out?" I asked Treabilla a little shocked.

"When you're the daughter of the Director, you find out all kinds of things fast." Treabilla said proudly.

"Especially since you haven't left your Father's side for days." Valencia wisecracked quickly and everyone enjoyed a laugh.

"It's true he's kept me busy but he says it's good for me to circulate." Treabilla said in a slightly put off and defensive tone. "But I was able to steal away this evening to spend some time with you all and celebrate Brian's freedom and new Estate." Treabilla finished in a happy tone trying to put a positive spin on everything.

"Great! Can we start celebrating with some food, I'm famished!" Valencia said with a hint of her aggravation about the rumblings in her stomach.

"Agreed, what is a celebration without food and ale?" I smiled broadly as I slapped Valencia's back hard and with enthusiasm.

For the next hour or so we sat there eating dinner, drinking ale and chatting up a storm like the fast friends we were. It felt good to have all of them by my side and to have the chance to raise a glass with them perhaps for the last time in quite a while. With each of them living their own lives, taking them in many different directions. I knew that I had to take this opportunity to thank them properly for what they had done for me.

"Ladies, your attention please." I said as I raised my mug and waited until I had their attention before continuing. "I have not had the chance to properly thank you for all you have done for me. I know full well that I owe each and every one of you my life for doing what you did that day." I said and looked down.

A tear ran down my cheek as my emotions started to get the better of me. I remembered how close I came to death that day and how I had truly and completely accepted it. In my eyes I was dead and had resigned myself to my fate. It was a direct result of the actions of these ladies around me that I was standing before them now. Everything I had in my life, I had because of the charity of these ladies. From my life, to the clothes on my back I owed to them, literally. After I had taken a moment to gather myself together, I continued my speech.

"I thank you also for befriending me when I was not only a prisoner but someone who was not of this land. I treasure each of you dearly and should any of you need anything of me, I would gladly give it." I said as I smiled into the eyes of each and everyone at the table and they returned my smile. "As you all know I have been awarded the Kincaid Estate, and I have a daunting task ahead of me. The time has come for me to begin the preparations for the journey to Kincaid. I don't know how long these preparations will take and some of you I may not see again before I leave so I wanted to tell you all how I felt now. Naturally you are all welcome at Kincaid anytime, when I get there and get settled in of course." I said and raised my mug high and said "To the best group of friends a man could ever ask for."

"To Friendship!" The cheered and clinked their mugs together with mine and we all toasted our little group of friends that had been through so much already.

"How are you going to get there?" Pellenica asked curiously after swallowing her sip of ale.

"Walk I suppose." I replied plainly after swallowing my gulp of ale.

"Do you know the way?" Pellenica asked doubting that I did.

"Not really, but I do have a map with me." I replied assuredly patting the parcel of papers before me.

"How will you feed yourself? Do you have any money for food and lodging at least?" Jealile asked knowing I didn't have any money.

"You know I don't have any money." I replied with a light scowl. "I will sleep under the stars and live off the land. It won't be the first time I will have had to do that." I replied confident in my foraging skills, though not wishing to go through a journey like the one that brought me to London.

"This is crazy sweetheart, you don't know the way, you don't know the land and you have no money for the trip. I'm sure Father will be able to help you better prepare for the journey, he wanted to see you as soon as you were able." Jealile said as persuasively as possible.

"More charity?" I winced. "I can make my way on my own. I shall have to do so soon enough and why not now." I finished, my pride had been hurt and I was starting to feel like a kept man.

"Brian." Treabilla said quickly to get my attention and to cut off Jealile's response. "You are now the Master of an Estate and a man of your station cannot be seen foraging for food and sleeping under the stars; it wouldn't do. There are a few who would love to see you rummage around like a beggar!" Treabilla finished and punctuated the last word to press her point home and it worked.

"You're right." I sighed wearily, "I know, but I hate having to rely on others to support me, I would much rather do my part and earn my way." I sighed and I felt Jealile's arm slide around me in a loving motion of support.

"It isn't charity my love, I love you and want to be with you. You will get your chance to earn your own way and repay the kindness and friendship bestowed on you tenfold. But for now, you need a helping hand of your own. If you will not accept help from your betrothed and her Father than who?" Jealile said in a soothing tone as she held my hand and kept her arm around my shoulder. "Trust me, it's the best way for us to get to Kincaid." Jealile finished with a look that sincerely asked me to trust her judgment one more time.

"Us?" I asked, not liking the thought of putting Jealile in any further danger unnecessarily.

"I'm not letting you go there alone! Not after what the Estate Clerk told us!" Jealile asserted forcefully.

"You're not going there without us that's for sure Brian! It's not safe!" Yeoline asserted as she jumped into the conversation.

"What did the Estate clerk say?" Valencia asked curiously.

"That's exactly why I don't want you two going with me until I know it's safe!" I asserted while completely ignoring Valencia's question, in truth I never heard it.

"I think that we know our way around a sword much better than you Brian, after all we are Guards!" Jealile asserted forcefully as I saw the same steely determination in her eyes that I had seen before.

I was learning that she could be stubborn and that was not always a good thing, in this case however I didn't know if it was good or bad. Yeoline had an aggravated frown on her face and her whole being was tensed up. I guessed she was going to be as stubborn as Jealile on this issue.

"Excuse me, what did the Estate Clerk say?" Valencia asked again, a little louder this time and looking quite concerned, but again her question fell on deaf ears.

"That's not the point, I don't want to risk seeing you hurt when it's not necessary!" I replied still trying to force the issue.

"And I don't want to see you hurt!" Jealile snapped back forcefully, with her voice raised almost to a shout.

"Yeah!" Yeoline vehemently shot in to assert her agreement with Jealile. Her face was all still all screwed up and somehow it announced her indignation and determination even though she said little.

"Will someone tell me what the deal with Kincaid is?" Valencia asked now quite perturbed about being ignored.

"Look Brian, we can do this either one of two ways, One, you can travel by yourself and we can follow you, keeping out of sight until we reach Kincaid or Two, we can all travel together. It's up to you but I think we would have more fun if we all traveled together." Jealile said with a calm cool determination about her entire being. I knew then and there that she was not kidding. One way or another she would end up at Kincaid along with me.

"But sweetheart, I don't want to see you hurt." I sighed with sincere regret as I imagined her dead on the road as a result of her coming with me and a tear came to my eye at the thought of it.

"Then let us come with you and we can all watch each other's backs. There's safety in numbers." Yeoline added in a calming, soothing tone. I could see that they both were as sincere about keeping me out of harms way as I was about them.

WHAM! Valencia slammed her fist on the table and we all stopped to look at her angry face.

"WILL SOMBODY BLOODYWELL TELL ME WHAT THE BLOODY HELL THE BLOODY ESTATE CLERK SAID ABOUT THE BLOODY KINCAID ESTATE!!" Valencia screamed and her deep breathing along with her demeanour reminded me of an angry beast waiting to pounce on some unsuspecting victim.

"Keep your shorts on, we were getting to that." Jealile said in a tone and with a look that silently questioned Valencia's sanity. In response Valencia grunted a beastlike grunt of frustration.

"It's alright dear, I'll tell ya even if they won't." Said an older, friendly and pleasant looking waitress as she put her hand on Valencia's shoulder in a friendly, calming gesture. "After the last Kincaid man died without an heir to the Estate, it was awarded to some poor sod that just disappeared soon after taking up residence at the Estate. The three others after him who were awarded the Estate stayed only one night before running away, never to return to the Estate." The waitress said as she handed out another round of ale to our table of thirsty patrons.

"Really? It's that Estate? You've been awarded that patch of troubles?" Valencia asked with a shocked look of horror. "You are most definitely not going there alone if you truly intend to take that place on, though I beg you to reconsider Brian. It's not worth it." Valencia said with a pleading look as she held my hand and looked deep into my eyes.

"I've given my word, and I will take it on and do my best to bring the Estate in line." I said to the shocked faces of the other ladies around me. "How did you know?" I asked curiously to the waitress.

"Well this is an Inn and one hears all kinds of things once the ale starts flowing." The waitress winked at me and then departed.

"I had hoped that it was not that Estate." Felleona said with a sorrowful look about her. "We never found out exactly what happened to the last Kincaid or the first new Master of the Estate. The Kincaid women would not cooperate with our investigation and The Council would not allow us to press the issue. They didn't want the trouble or to look iron-fisted, if the Guards moved in on Kincaid as I requested." Felleona said with the drawn face of one who was reporting grim news that they had lived through. "Are you absolutely sure that you want to risk your life to claim this Estate?" Felleona asked with a pleading look of her own that silently implored me not to go.