Bring 'em Back Johnny


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On the far side of the master bedroom there was a door through to a well-equipped office, which shared the balcony with the master bedroom. Going out of the bedroom door and heading right there was also a library and at the end of the hallway was the door to the laundry.

We retraced our steps, and in the entrance hall, opposite the games room there was a door into the garages, and we stared in awe at the gleaming cars. The Mercedes, Monaro and Lexus were there, as well as what looked like a partially restored vintage racing car. The F250 was missing, which was not really surprising as I had been in my Johnny guise at the time of the accident. Its whereabouts was a mystery for me to worry about later.

In the kitchen I had seen that the fridge was pretty much empty, but there was plenty of canned and dry food. The bedrooms were all made up and there appeared to be no issue with power.

"Tonight," I announced as we walked back into the lounge, "we stay here." Susan smiled.

"That has got to be just about the best idea that I have heard all day," she replied.

We went to the bar and I made us some drinks. I now had keys for the sliding door and we sat together on a couch out on the balcony as the sun set. The rear of the house was facing north west and the sun set to our left, casting longer and longer shadows across our view as it sank. It was spectacular. It was cool but not cold, and we cuddled together. At one stage I went to the kitchen and made up a couple of instant pasta meals, and of course I refreshed the drinks too.

"Someone is looking after the place," Susan observed once we had finished eating.

"Yes, the locks are oiled, it is spotlessly clean and it would appear that all the bills are being paid," I agreed. "We know the running cars are all still registered and, except for the lack of perishables in the house, it's like I've only been gone for a couple of days."

"What's next?" she asked as she finished her drink.

"I'll get us some more drinks," I suggested and she smiled her approval.

I went and got the phone, and then the drinks.

"Odds that the phone is locked?" I asked as I turned it on. Susan grinned.

"Given our track record so far I'm ninety nine percent sure it will be."

It was.

"So, what's next now?" she asked.

"I'll try my birthday and car registrations in the morning," I replied, "I'll look in the office and anywhere else I can think of for relevant paperwork, and if that doesn't work, I'll just have to wait here for someone to turn up."

"I wish I could wait here with you," Susan said, "but I have to be back at work on Monday, so I'll have to head back tomorrow."

"Should have a result before then," I said hopefully. "By the way, I turned the hot tub on earlier do you...?"

"Let's go," Susan said eagerly, jumping out of the seat.

Because Susan had no other clothes with her, we decided to go into the tub without suits. She went first while I looked the other way and then she turned away as I got in. I switched on the jets and it was a fantastic experience. I have no idea how long we were in the hot tub for, but when we got out the bottle of white that I had brought in with us was empty. After the spirits earlier and then the wine we were both very tipsy by that stage. I got out and started toweling myself dry, then as Susan went to get out, I looked the other way. She had other ideas.

"Russell, I have seen everything you have to offer and I think it's about time I reciprocated," she said. "That is unless you don't want to?" She sounded nervous.

"I do," I replied, "but I don't want to take things too far because of..."

"How big you are?"


"That is an issue for another day," Susan said, "tonight all I want you to do is look at me, I'm not asking you to fuck me."

I turned and looked. Susan was tiny in pretty much every respect, but without the shapeless clothes she normally wore I could see she had the right proportions of a woman, rather than the straighter lines of a girl. Her tiny waist flared out to slim but definitely feminine hips, and her pussy hair was trimmed but certainly enough to show she was no child. Up top her breasts were small, maybe a large A or small B cup, but beautifully shaped with generous pert nipples.

"You like?" Susan asked nervously.

"I love," I replied, covering up my body's obvious response with my towel.

"Really? After..."

"Don't go there," I said quickly, cutting her off, "beauty is a lot more than long bleached blonde hair and big tits." She smiled.


We dried off and got dressed. I put on some casual clothes from my wardrobe and Susan just used one of my tee shirts and a robe. We went back out to the lounge, put on some music and opened another bottle. We had plenty to celebrate.

Much later we staggered out.

"Which room do you want to sleep in?" I asked.

"Yours," she replied.

And so, it was that the next morning I woke up to find I was spooning with Susan. My head was thumping and I felt queasy, but despite that I could feel my rather impressive morning wood had escaped from my boxers and was rubbing against her naked pussy as it poked between her legs. The tee shirt she wore had obviously ridden up as we slept. I went to pull away and Susan groaned.

"Don't," she whispered, "I like it."

I held her tight until my need for the toilet became critical.

I was feeling really frustrated. I had now literally slept with Susan, but we hadn't had sex. She was acting like she might possibly want to, but once again the whole size issue was just going to make that impossible. I realised that she wasn't intentionally teasing me, but the result was still the same.

We both went and had a shower in the double setup, so I wasn't even able to relieve the pressure as it were. Afterwards I was able to select some clean clothes for myself while Susan just put on hers from the previous day. I found some bread in the freezer, so we had toast with jam but no butter and black coffee for breakfast. This led us directly to the next adventure, and that was satisfying our urgent need to go shopping. We waited for an hour just to make sure I wasn't still over the limit after our big night, and we just sat outside admiring the view. Eventually we decided I was OK and went to the wall mounted key safe in my office, which I had noticed when we were exploring on the previous day. I had the key for it on my key ring. From inside that I got the keys for the Lexus and we went into the garage. Getting in on the driver's side was pretty awkward as I still didn't have full mobility in my left leg, but once I did get in it, I was fine to drive because it had an automatic transmission. Obviously, the Johnny preference for manuals didn't apply to Russell. It had a full tank of petrol, so I decided to see if it would start. It did without hesitation. I hit the button on the key ring and the garage door opened. I drove out and closed the garage door with another push of a button. I liked the automatic door system, it saved me from climbing out and back in again. We headed down the driveway where Susan unlocked the gate at the bottom of the drive and she locked it again behind us after I drove forward.

I decided to go through Junifield without stopping as the store there looked like it was shut, and I continued on another thirty-five kilometres to the larger town of Corriton, which we had passed through on the previous day. It had a small supermarket and we stocked up on perishables and some underwear for Susan. I was able to pay using the tap feature on my card because the total was under a hundred dollars, and that was just as well because I had no idea what my PIN number was. A lot of people looked at me strangely, but I was getting used to that because of the scarring from the burns I had suffered in the crash. I was happy enough just to ignore them.

We cruised back home and when we got there, I started searching for clues to help me with the code for my phone. It wasn't my birthday or any of the other obvious choices, and I couldn't find a document that listed passwords or anything like them anywhere either. Of course, it could have helped if I knew the password for my computer too. Despite the progress we had made I was still a long way from getting my life back together.

A couple of hours after we got back, we heard a doorbell ring, but when we went to the front door there was nobody there. This wasn't really a surprise as we had locked the gate behind us when we returned. I was about to go inside when I heard a car engine.

"Some sort of a sensor over the driveway?" Susan asked, and I nodded. That had to be it.

We waited as the engine got louder and eventually a very muddy old Land Cruiser pulled up at the door and a woman, I'd guess in her forties of fifties, got out.

"Mister Giffon," she said excitedly, "are you really back?"

"I am," I replied. She walked closer, and then gasped.

"Oh my god! What happened to you?" she asked, and I paused, wondering how to explain it. Susan came to my rescue.

"Mister Giffon was in a very bad car accident," she explained, "and he is lucky to be alive. I am Susan Muir and I am one of the nurses who looked after him. Can I ask who you are?"

"Dana Foster, Mister Giffon's housekeeper."

"Well Dana, would you like to come in for a cuppa and we can bring you up to date?"

Having Susan there was a godsend (yet again). She explained the details of the accident, my injuries and my memory loss so I didn't have to go through it. It seems that the checkout girl in the supermarket in Corriton was Dana's son's girlfriend, and she let them know I had been there. Dana came straight away to see if I really was home.

We exchanged pleasantries, talked about the house and her duties and Dana told me she came up for four hours from ten AM to two PM each Monday, Wednesday and Friday to clean and do some basic household management.

"You don't, by any chance, know my phone pin do you?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Silly me," she said, "brought your emergency envelope with me and forgot I had it," she said, hunting through her bag. "Forget my head if it wasn't screwed on."

"Emergency envelope?" I asked.

"The one with the important things you would need to know if you just forgot, or if something bad happened, like a fire," Dana explained.

"Or amnesia," Susan added, and Dana nodded cheerfully.

Dana handed me an envelope. It was a normal envelope, which had clear tape all around it and what I recognised as my signature all over it. It had been cut open across the top.

"Hope you don't mind," Dana said without appearing to be nervous at all, "thought I had to open it when the bills got due and you hadn't turned up."

I looked at her thoughtfully.

"You have been running my personal affairs for all of this time, haven't you?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Wouldn't have been paid otherwise," she admitted with a grin, "and the extra income is real handy."

"I hope you took some extra to cover the extra work," I said, and she looked shocked.

"Oh, no, I couldn't. You're very generous anyway, and there was much less cleaning to do with nobody living here, so I didn't work any extra hours."

"Thank you very much," I said, thinking that this was probably the best stroke of luck we had yet, except maybe finding the safe in the rock.

"You're welcome," Dana said, "better change your passwords and stuff and give me a new envelope. That's if you want to."

"I really don't need to change the passwords, do I?" I replied.

"Feel better if you did,"

"OK, I will. Thanks for everything Dana, I'm sure you've done a great job." She smiled and stood up.

"Got to go now, the cows'll be coming in for milking. Be back as usual on Monday." She stopped for a moment. "Mister Giffon, it's really good to have you back."

We showed her out and then I hurried back to the emergency envelope. Inside there was a single sheet of paper that appeared to have all of the codes and passwords for my life. It had the phone code, an alarm code (I wasn't sure what for), my computer password, my credit card PIN numbers, my internet banking access codes, my office access code, my office computer passwords... the list went on and on.

"Pay dirt," I said, and Susan squealed in delight before jumping into my lap for a hug.

Of course, I hadn't plugged the phone back in after switching it on the previous evening and after being on all the time and the earlier password attempts it was just about dead again so I put it back on charge. Then I went to the home office computer, as distinct from the work office computer that apparently existed somewhere, and I logged on. The machine was separated into three sections, home, Giffon Projects and Renounce / Renew.

I looked at Giffon Projects first and learned (and then remembered) that this is my company. Giffon Projects is a green property development company that converts existing structures to make them more sustainable. They concentrate on energy efficiency, local generation and waste reduction. The projects list was lengthy, and blue chip. I was listed as the CEO and Chairman of the Board. There were four people listed as Senior Vice President, Sam Perret for administration, Alissia Grange for finance, Suzi Han for engineering and Reiner Kumpf for commercial relationships. Looking at the company website there was no mention that I had been absent for so long and it appeared they were doing very well without me. I wasn't sure if that should make me happy or nervous.

Renounce / Renew is a non-government funded organisation dedicated to assisting people who suffer from addiction or who have made bad life choices, in getting over the past and building a positive future. It appeared to be very selective on who to assist, but also had an extremely high success rate. I was named as the chairman and patron of the organisation, which was run by a Doctor Celine Anderson. Again, my absence had not been announced.

The home section was my personal one and it contained my personal email, with four hundred and fifty-seven unread messages, and also my financial details. At first, I thought my investment portfolio looked very healthy, showing a balance at about eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and then I looked again and saw I had missed a zero at the end. I was loaded. The transactions in my bank account for the last nine months just showed a monthly income of twenty thousand coming in from Giffon Projects, and another monthly income of thirty thousand coming in from my investment broker. For outgoings there was a regular monthly payment of thirty-five thousand going out to Renounce / Renew, five hundred a week to D&J Foster and odd payments for car registration and insurance, phone bills, satellite bills, house insurance, rates, a few bills from a property maintenance company and few other small bills. The balance in the account was standing at just under one hundred thousand dollars, which was significantly more than when Dana had started sorting things out. She had done a fantastic job with looking after my interests, and she had obviously been scrupulously honest too. I made a mental note to give her a very generous bonus as a thank you for what she had done.

I cajoled Susan into giving me her bank account details, and I transferred one thousand dollars to cover what she had spent on me. She flatly refused to let me give her any more, so I knew she would have to get a big bonus of some sort too.

I had some really good reasons to feel blessed at that stage. I had been missing for nine months and nothing had fallen apart in my absence. Sure, initially I had felt like I wasn't really needed, but the flip side of the same thought was that I had set things up well and had surrounded myself with people who were able to rise to the challenge, which was good organisation on my part. I decided to try and take the positive view.

I finally turned the phone on and entered the code. There were almost three hundred missed calls, the vast majority from the first two months after my accident. There were a heap of text and voicemail messages too. I also had personal and business emails as well.

"What's first?" I asked Susan, knowing that one way or another our peace was about to come to an end.

"Work I think," she said, and I nodded. "I will do the talking to start with, but we'll put the phone on speaker."

Of all the VP's at the office there were a lot more calls and messages from Sam Perret that any of the others, so I decided to interrupt his Saturday afternoon first. I brought up his number and called. I got the phone on speaker just before he picked up.

"Reg, is that you?" he asked tentatively.

"Is that mister Perret?" Susan asked. There was a pause.

"Yes, who is this?" He sounded suspicious.

"My name is Susan Muir and I am one of the nurses who has been looking after Mister Giffon since his accident."


"Mister Giffon was in a very serious car accident and was lucky to survive," Susan explained, "he was in a coma for some time and has only just become well enough to release from hospital."

"Why the fuck didn't anyone there contact us?" Sam demanded. "Of all the incompetent..." his voice faded as he obviously tried to calm himself down.

"Sam, this is Russell," I said, "calm down and listen to the story before you shoot your mouth off."

"Shit, are you OK?" he asked.

"Mister Giffon had and has amnesia," Susan explained, "he had no identification on him after the accident and has been treated as a John Doe. We have had to do some very involved investigation to discover his identity."

"And yes Sam, I am pretty much OK," I replied.

"Thank Christ for that Reg," Sam said, "and sorry Miss if I was out of line."

"No problem Mister Perret," Susan said, "um... why did you call Russell Reg?"

"His initials," I grinned, I remembered now. "When do we see you?" he asked.

"I can probably come into the office for an hour or two on Monday," I suggested.

"An hour maximum," Susan said, "and don't forget he has total amnesia. You will need to tell him where the office is, where to park, where to stay in town, how to get to where you will be... basically everything."


The call continued for a while as Sam gave me the information I needed. I was amazed to find out that I had an apartment in the same building as the company occupied. I asked him to let the other senior managers know what was going on, and I said I would accept phone calls from them if they wanted to ring before seven, otherwise they could wait until Monday. Susan warned him about the scarring on my face, which was good because I would have forgotten that.

After the call I quickly rang the number for Celine Anderson. It went to voicemail, and I left a message explaining that I had been very ill but was now improving. I suggested that I could do a meeting early in the week if it suited.

Over the course of the afternoon I spoke with all of the senior team from work, and also Breea, who was Celine Anderson's 2IC (Celine was out of the country and unreachable). In every case Susan took the call initially and explained the situation. She usually got the caller talking first and as she found out about them, I got to listen and learn too. Scraps of information on the people were coming back to me as I spoke to them, and that was giving me a bit of confidence. The other good thing was that everyone seemed to be genuinely happy that I was reasonably OK.

After the flurry of calls abated a bit Susan took me to the gym room and ran me through some of my exercises, and then it was time to start cooking some dinner and sit outside while we waited. We had a drink but decided to take it much easier than we had the previous evening. We ate, we cleaned up and then we went to the games room and played pool for a while. We did try the table tennis too but I wasn't strong enough for that yet. When it was time to go to bed Susan followed me to my room without saying anything. I silently prepared for more frustration.
