Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 02: Grand Gather


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"Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters let me welcome you to the annual grand gathering of the Brotherhood of Janus."

Interrupted by thunderous applause George lets them clap until they tire.

"Let us not forget our founders, Hyraim Janus, and George Hood, for without their foresight we would not be enjoying what we enjoy today."

More applause fills the room.

"I would also like to honor our grand council in their endeavors to keep our Brotherhood growing and following the wise precepts of our founders."

Another round of thunderous applause interrupts him.

"We should also thank one of our own for the design of the gowns which you wear tonight. The grand council has told me this will be the new design for all gathers by all lodges of the Brotherhood for the coming year. Will the wife of member four-eight-nine-six-one please stand and take a bow."

Mary pops up in the middle of the room beaming as applause fills the room once more. Henry was smiling proudly beside his wife as she waves at everyone. As the clapping starts to die, she sits hugging Henry tightly.

"All right, now for some important messages, we all know the colors and what they mean, but precepts require they be read at each gather. Women will be wearing white tonight with colored piping and membership numbers. Light blue, oral copulation only, pink, condoms are a must. Red, anal copulation only, subject to the men's color code. Black, anything goes as long as she agrees, subject to the men's color code.

"Men, white may observe only unless the woman agrees to be touched. Green may only have intercourse with a condom. Yellow, no condom required with red and black.

"As many of you know this week will be different than any of the other gatherings. There will be no benches, downstairs and across the hall are rooms filled with lounges and overstuffed furniture of all kinds. If you find someone to agree to your advances, grab a piece of furniture.

"Also, if a woman says no, don't argue with her, it will only get you in trouble, walk away and find someone else. We have skilled master-at-arms present in all the public rooms, so be on your best behavior. The breaking of the rules will not be tolerated and you all know what happens if you do."

George looks out over the crowd, waiting. Finally, they answer with a hear, hear.

"This week is about having a good time, meeting new people, getting reacquainted with old friends. It's not about scoring as many times as you can with every woman here.

"One more thing, there will be a meeting of the grand council and all lodge presidents here, one hour from the beginning of the gather. A gong will sound in all rooms. If you are not here by the time the second gong sounds you will not be allowed in this room and will have your membership suspended for one month, full dues due."

George stops to see if anyone would complain, nobody did.

"Now that we have taken care of the rules...we, by that I mean the grand council, have decided not to have all the boring speeches we usually have at a get together like this. The council has decided to have the aforementioned meeting instead. So all of you who have written speeches, you're off the hook. However, there will be some words at the end of the week.

"All right then, have a good time, follow the rules and be polite to everyone. Let the festivities begin," he shouts slamming the gavel down on the podium.

Chapter 17

The applause shook the room as all the people stood and started to move to the exits. I just sat calmly holding Sally's hand in mine. Leaning over she kisses my cheek. I am off the hook, maybe.

"If you haven't noticed I'm wearing black and I would very much appreciate if you were my first this night," she whispered in my ear.

"I did and I would," I say, turning my head, so my mouth was at her ear, "be honored milady."

Sally giggles and squeezes my hand. I smile as she snuggles up to me as we wait for the crowd to make its way downstairs. The foyers of the second and third floors were huge, with six elevators and two escalators so the crowd should move to the second floor quickly. Looking up at the podium, George has his back to us as the grand council gathered around shaking his hand and slapping him on the back, congratulating him on his appointment and confirmation as president of the Chicago lodge. Michelle stands beside him, beaming proudly.

As the room starts to empty, the grand council president steps down from the platform and approaches where I am sitting. Smiling I rise from my seat accepting his hand.

"Well sir, today has been a day of surprises and joys. I also see you have four beautiful women on your arm. Would these be our current female members you had us confirm when you first attended a council meeting in Atlanta?"

"Yes, sir, they are both beautiful and the ladies I spoke of."

"Well said, well said. Ladies, may the week bring you all the pleasure and joy you seek."

"Thank," Sally replied, standing next to me, "you, sir."

The president smiles turns to head out the door, to a stunning woman waiting for him there. Looking up at the podium, George was waving me up to the platform. I turn to Sally, take her hand and pull her after me. The other ladies sit waiting. I stop, turn and look at them. Smiling I wave at them to come with. Laughing and giggling they rush to catch up.

"What, did you think I was going anywhere without you beautiful ladies tonight?"

They all laugh again as they take up positions around me. Sally on my right arm, Sarah on my left. Lilly and Kathy just behind us talking and giggling. George and Michelle wait for us. They were standing with the council members, who in turn stand with their spouses. Smiling as I approached them, introductions were made all around. Even though names usually aren't used, except under certain circumstances, we use them here, as this was an impromptu council meeting.

For a short time, we talk about how impressed the council was with the accommodations. Then they praise my successes with the investigation of the local lodges. All too soon, those council members who had left were filing back into the room, along with lodge presidents. Turning to Sally and the rest, I nod to them. Nodding back, they each kiss me and leave the room. Turning, Michelle was standing in front of me. Smiling she kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

Within minutes, the doors start to close and there was a scramble of men to get in the room before they do. A loud gong sounds as Gerry looks out in the hallway before slamming the door, he held open, shut. A scant few seconds later, there was a pounding at the door. Gerry looks up at the Grand Council President, who nods. Gerry opens the door and three late arrivals scuttle in. Feldman and Gerry hold them there.

"Gentlemen," the council president yells. "You will give the Majordomo you names and membership number before you are seated. Your membership will be suspended at the end of the gather for one month. Do you understand why?"

All three nod.

"Very well, Major, take names and numbers and enter them in the archives. Thank you."

The three tell Gerry their names and numbers and find seats. Being a council member at large, I sit up on the stage.

"Now I or any of the other gentlemen up here are not going to yell to make ourselves heard. So all of you move on down to the front. This isn't high school, so come on down front please."

He stands, waiting for everyone to move down to the front seats and fill in. It takes all of five minutes. Turning to the council behind him, he rolls his eyes in frustration. Once everyone was down front, he turned back to them.

"First order of business, as you know we have been conducting spot inspections of each lodge. So far, two have been shut down, presidents and council members dismissed. I am afraid we have but scratched the surface. Over the next year, the inspection will continue. No advanced notice will be given. Gentlemen, it is appalling at how corrupt some lodges have become.

"It saddens every member on this dais. It saddens scores of members, who joined for the true meaning of what becoming a member truly means. So clean, up your lodges, if you are the cause, you will be found out and brought to justice. Hear my words, no one will get a break, a pass, for violations of the covenants.

"Our next order of business, you will have noticed strangers, dressed in black circulating among us? These are the master at arms men. They are not members. They are, however, conversant with Brotherhood bylaws and covenants. They are here to protect us, from ourselves, as well as outsiders. Members of the grand council have trained them. Heed their word, they have the full support of this body.

"I will now open the floor for questions from you, our members," he tells them.

For the next hour, he or other members of the council answer questions from the presidents. There was no tap dancing. Each question was answered to the member's satisfaction before the next question was allowed to be asked. As the members fell silent, the president resumes his place at the podium.

"As there are no more questions, I hereby call this meeting adjourned. You are all free to join the festivities.

Chapter 18

No one bolted for the door, it was done in an orderly manner. I sit in my seat and just wait, I know the elevators and escalators will be jammed. George, going against the traffic joins the council up on the dais to wait.

"George, will this be the first time you will be on the floor at the same time as Michelle?" I asked

"Actually, yes, this will be our first Grand Gathering."

"Well, I hope you have fun," I said slapping him on the back.

"John, we have scheduled a council meeting for tomorrow morning at ten. George I would like you to be there too," Adam said

"I would be honored," George replied.

"Adam, I would like to have Mark, Susan, Michelle, Tom, Charles, Barbara and Pam there also," I said.

"I have already invited Tom and Charles. Their wives will be a welcome addition, as will the others. George, tell your wife, Mark, and Susan to be here also. Now I think I will avail myself of some refreshment," Adam said heading to the door with the rest of the council following.

Clapping George on the shoulder I push him toward the door, we both have dates to keep.

~~ Janus ~~

Down on the second floor, I find Sally waiting for me at the bottom of the escalator. She smiles as she catches sight of George and me. Smiling back at her, I can't help but shiver as I thought about what awaits me. This young woman wants me, an old geezer to be her first wearing her black gown. I just can't believe my luck.

As I reach the bottom of the escalator, Sally throws herself into my arms, kissing me passionately. I kiss her back moving us away from the end of the escalator.

"Damn, I'm so horny. Listening to all these men and woman enjoy themselves while I wait for you has me going crazy!" she said pulling me toward an empty couch.

"I am truly sorry my dear, really I am," I said, pulling the cord releasing her gown. "You are truly beautiful and I beg your forgiveness," I say bowing to kiss her hand.

"You are forgiven, my dear sir. Now do with me what you will. I am yours until you have had your fill," she responds flopping back onto the couch.

Spreading her legs in invitation, I pull my already hard cock out and place it at her entrance. Nodding she bids me to enter her. Slowly, I push until I am sheathed by her warm wetness. Looking into my eyes, she smiles at me, a look of mischief in her eyes. I start slowly. In, out, nice and slow. Sally places her hands on my head as she slowly starts to buck her hips to my rhythm.

Eyes rolling up into her head, Sally has her first orgasm. Her eyes stay up under her upper lids as she cries with pleasure. She was no virgin, but I would bet this was the first time she has an orgasm from a cock in her pussy. Slowly letting myself down onto my elbows, I press my lips to hers. She goes wild with lust.

"Fuck me fast please, please make me come some more!" she whispered as if to herself.

Slowly, I increase the speed I am pushing inside her warm, wet body. Her orgasms come one after the other until they were one long continuous orgasm. Her mouth on my shoulder she screams as her body convulses, shakes, rocks, and rolls. Pressing into her hard, her hips buck against my pelvis.

"Oh god I love the way you make me feel," she said.

At her words, my balls tighten and my prostate pulses. Warm, sticky semen splashes against her cervix.

"Oh god, oh god," she cries softly, bucking her hips against me.

Bucking furiously, Sally opens her eyes looking at me, she was still having an orgasm. The look on her face scares me, but also gives my ego a boost.

"God John, why couldn't you have picked me?" she asks bucking her hips faster.

Shouting her joy again, Sally collapses under me. Breathing fast to replenish her oxygen levels she stares up at me with a burning desire in her eyes. I slowly lower my lips to hers gently kissing her. Suddenly, her arms were pulling me down on top of her with all her might. I am squashing the poor girl, yet she will not let go.

Pushing myself up on my outstretched arms, I look down at her. She was crying. I watch as tear after tear rolls down her cheeks.

"My dear Sally, what have I done to cause you such pain?" I ask, concern filling my voice.

"You sir, have caused me no pain, I promise," she replied.

Pulling out of her, a pair of cleaners move in to clean us of our coupling. When they were done, I sit on the couch pulling Sally to me and wrapping my arms around her. One of the cleaners retrieves her gown, which I help her put back on. Suddenly, there were three women surrounding Sally and me.

"Did you enjoy it as much as you thought you would Sally?" Sarah asked

"I did. It was the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced," Sally tells her.

Looking at me the four women smile.

"Sally, if you like, I would like you to accompany me as we wander around the gather. It will be quite some time before I can experience what we just had and I wish you to be close at hand when I can, so I may experience it again with you."

Her smile almost broke her face. The other three smiled at me nodding. Rising they stride away into the crowd. Sally hugs me kissing my cheek. Rising she waits for me. As I stand, she takes my arm, gripping it tightly.

"I'm not going to run away. I mean what I say. Today you are all mine and I am all yours."

"You can do that?"

"We can do that. The annual gather is like no other. Two people can hook up for as long as they want. Today I have chosen you. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, though, so no promises."

"I'm not expecting any. How is it you know... you can tell... never mind."

"I could see it in your eyes, my dear," I whisper in her ear.

Chapter 19

Together Sally and I wander around the ballroom. Couples were pairing off, here and there, on sofas, couches, and chairs. The sounds of pleasure fill the room. It was like no sound I have ever heard before. There were just as many pairs wandering the room as were using the furniture. Some couples will stop and watch a couple on a couch or chair, then wander off in search of one of their own.

"This is so different," Sally whispered to me.

"You should read some of the older achieves about annual gathers, they read like a pornographic novel."

"Really? I would like to read them."

"Just ask George. As a member, you have the right to read anything in the archives"


"Yes, your father restricted the archives at the request of someone. But, now you have access again. You should also read all the bylaws and covenants."

"I have started, Gerry gave me a copy when I moved into the mansion. Thank you for that by the way, it makes it a lot easier."

"You are welcome, my dear. Now I am getting a little hungry, how about you?"

"I could use a bite to eat, yes."

Turning, I headed us toward the exit to go across the hall to where the dining area has been set up. Entering the dining area, we halt. The room was full of laughing talking people, it was joyous to see. Smiling, I navigate us to the first line of buffet tables. We each take a plate and wander down the line. Salad, make your own was what we find. I am hungry, yet I don't want to fill myself up just yet. I load my plate with greens and vegetables, along with some protein, chicken breast. At the end of the table, I lightly sprinkle my concoction, with light raspberry balsamic vinaigrette. Sally has built herself a salad to end all salads, smothering it with a creamy blue cheese dressing.

Heading out to find a table, I am almost tackled by Susan. Grabbing Sally's and my hands she drags us to a table with two empty seats. Helping Sally to her seat, I turn to help Susan, but she was already sitting. I sit, between Sally and Susan.

"We have been looking all over for you," Susan whispered in my ear.


"I miss you," she whispered, gently kissing my cheek.

I laugh as I took my first bite of salad. I busy myself with my food for the next couple of minutes, trying to pay attention to both Sally and Susan. Both were doing more talking than eating. Shaking and nodding my head, I slowly eat trying not to let them see me roll my eyes. Across from me sat George with a smirk on his face. I just shrug my shoulders and look at him sadly. He bursts out laughing.

Susan yelps and quickly turns to face her husband. I turn and look at Sally, then down at her salad. She smiles and resumes eating. Susan was talking with Mark in hushed tones. I smile, letting my shoulders relax and begin eating again. Everyone opposite me at the table laughs and resumes their meal.

Unlike regional gathers where the control of clocks was up to the local council, this gather had clocks all over the place. Most of them built into the walls of the ballroom in which we were sitting. Looking at the nearest I saw that it was only ten in the evening. I am surprised so little time has gone by.

As I look back at Sally, she was just finishing her dinner. I smile, rising to hold her chair. Susan spins around in her seat when she feels me rise, grabs my arm looking up into my eyes. Smiling down at her, I caress her cheek.

"We have a long week ahead of us my dear," I whisper.

Turning I walk away with Sally on my arm. We wander through the crowd, nodding and smiling at those seated. I am actually proud to have this beautiful young lady on my arm. We spent the next hour just saying hello and meeting new people here in the dining room. As we make our way back to the gather room, Sally said she has to use the facilities. I nod as she turns. There were two restrooms on each floor in the elevator lobbies. I turn and go to the one with the label 'Gentlemen' on the door.

Finishing before Sally, I wait in the lobby. As groups of people enter the lobby, they all stop to talk politely. I am talking with a group, two couples from Seattle when Sally appears by my side. Smiling I excuse us and lead her to the gather room.

"John I want to thank you for all that you have done for me and the rest of the lodge. We are all so in your debt, I don't know how we will ever repay you," Sally said hugging me close.

"Sally, I did what I did because it was the right thing to do. You and the rest owe me nothing, I promise you," I said, moving her to face me so I could see her eyes.

"But we do, sir. If it hadn't been for you, I would be relegated to wear blue for the rest of my life. And my father, even though I love him, would still be doing the things he did. We owe you our lives, sir."

"Sally," I said, "listen to me carefully. You don't owe me anything, you owe the Brotherhood. Got it?" I wink at her.
