Building Reality

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Two girls exploring their latex fantasy.
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Author's note: Another experiment to take me away from my comfort zone. I can't write short stories to save my life. This one is focusing mainly on a character that pushes her love for latex on her partner. it's consensual, but definitely flirts with the grey zone. Enjoy.


"Ah! Done!"

"Good job, Tracy!"

Tracy let her hammer fall on the stripped floor of the basement. She sat down on it and spread her legs open, resting her tired calves. The small girl was wearing dirty construction shoes and a pair of jeans that have seen better days. Her Zelda T-shirt was not in much better shape. But yet, she still looked cute in the eyes of her girlfriend, April.

"You are such a workhorse, Tracy. How can you have that much energy? You demolished the entire basement by yourself in only a few days."

"I know right, that was a lot of work. I will never get fat."

"Nope, you won't. Which is great for me."

Tracy and April bought this house about a year ago just after they got married. It was a big house with a basement, the main floor, and a top-level. It was way too big for their needs, but they had the money to invest. Since they were going to share their life, they closed their individual bank accounts and opened a shared one. It was not a secret that April was bringing in loads of cash from her job; she was a gynecologist. Tracy's revenue was marginal in comparison. She was an electrician who was making only a few contracts here and there. Combined, they were making just over 300 000$ a year, but they were not big spenders, that was why they were so wealthy.

When they bought the house, they hated the basement but knew they didn't need it right away. Tracy explained that she could take care of it herself at some point. And that point was right now. While April was at work, which was often, Tracy had a blast with the demolition. Until the basement renovations were completed, they agreed that Tracy wouldn't work anymore, else it would never get done. She just had completed the first phase and stripped the whole floor down to the insulation. The drywall was a souvenir, and only a couple of light bulbs were left, dangling around from their wire. It was now one giant room ready to be rebuilt.

"I'm done for the day. I need a shower." Tracy said.

"Let me help you with that, cutie."

April was thirty years old, which was seven years older than her wife. They met when Tracy went to her previous house to replace some switches. It was an instant crush, and before the completion of the job, they ended up in bed. Some things couldn't be explained. Tracy never thought she would have been into girls until that day.

They got in the shower and washed each other sensually. Both of them smelled like apples because they were sharing everything, like their shampoo. April was a brunette, and Tracy was the blonde. They had a similar physique, small girls, barely five foot five. April, who could be quite motherly at times, wrapped Tracy in a big towel and dried her up. They accepted their respective roles within the couple, and it was good like that.

They both went to bed and started to cuddle. Without predicting it, April started a conversation that would change their life forever.

"Tracy? Are you happy?"

"I'm your wife, of course, I am. What kind of question is that?"

"I know, but ... you never complain about anything. You work hard on the house and don't seem to want anything in return."

"Why would I want anything in return? While I'm doing this, you are the one that put food on the table. I love food."

"Yes, but still ... Is there not anything new you'd like to try?"

"I know you, April, when you are asking me questions like this, it is because something is on your mind."

Tracy was right about that. When April started to talk about vague topics like this, generating a conversation that was going nowhere, it was because she wanted to share something that was not easy to add to a regular conversation. She was not the best socially. The older girl tried once more to articulate her thoughts.

"I ... you know ... there are things I'd like to try. I mean, in the bedroom. But you are not very open."

"Hey! Indeed, I don't need much else than your body to be happy in bed, but it is not true that I'm not open to your ideas. You, fearing to share what you want, doesn't mean I'm not open."

"Sorry. You are right; that was not fair. But if I knew you were willing to try some new things, I would be less embarrassed to propose them."

"True that. But I don't have much imagination. I don't think about new things."

"... mmm ..."

"What is it, April? Don't fear me. I'm not going anywhere, no matter what you tell me."

April groaned. As much as she understood what Tracy was saying, more reassurance was needed. Several times in the past, she tried to confess ideas to her young wife, but the conversation often ended in dead ends. Engaging on the path of her fantasies did not come easy with Tracy around.

"Well, what if you didn't have a choice regarding what we do?" April asked.

"What do you mean? We always decide what to do together, no?"

"Ah, nevermind!"

"Hey, don't be like that, I'm trying to understand ... Come here, you want to talk, and I want to understand you. I'm just not very smart."

"Don't say that! You are smart."

Tracy pulled April closer and cuddled her some more. This small conflict was a representation of their love. One didn't want to push the other, and the other wanted to understand the one, but yet, they couldn't resolve something as simple because of how much they cared for each other. However, probably because she was exhausted, Tracy felt a bit more at fault tonight. She wanted to find a way to make her partner happier. It was hard because of her lack of fancy interests in bed outside regular cuddling and brut sex. Simply put, she lacked creativity and imagination. That part of her brain was an arid desert.

"April, why don't you tell me one of your fantasies?"

"Because I'm scared you'll not truly care."

"It would involve me that much?"

"Yes. But it would be something for me more than for you."

"What is it? You want me to give you a good spanking?"

For some obscure reason, and because of her limited understanding of all the fun things that could potentially happen in a bedroom, Tracy resorted to a rudimentary guess of what, she thought, a kinkier person would like. But she hit a wall. April sighed.

"No. I don't want to be spanked. It's not even close."

"Sorry. So what can I do for you then? I really want to help."

"You know I like taking care of you. What if it was something along those lines?"

"You are indeed motherly sometimes. I don't hate it, you know. But I never thought of it sexually."

"... mmm ..."

April feared that this would happen again. As expected, Tracy said she wanted to listen, but immediately she was steering away from what April wanted to talk about, her sexual fantasies. She was shut down. Once more, April didn't feel like sharing her ideas. She turned her back to Tracy, sighing once more.

"April? What did I say?"

"Nothing, you did nothing wrong. It's my fault; I don't know how to talk about those things."

Tracy was disappointed in herself as she thought she could reach April's secret place this time around, but she failed. It was not the first time this happened, but she wanted it to be the last time. She gathered up some courage and proposed something different to regain April's trust.

"What about you don't tell me, and instead, you show me."

" ... What do you mean?"

"All you told me so far is that you need me to fulfill one of your fantasies, so, what if I promise to let you try it, and no matter what it is you need from me, I'll go with it. I won't complain or back out. You pick one thing that you really want, and it will happen, no matter what. Would that work?"

April turned back to Tracy. That was the best proposal she got since they got married. Her lover sacrificed herself just to please her. Was this real?

"You ... promise?"


"No matter what I want?"

"Yes ... I told you."

"And you won't back out?"

"No. It's my gift to you tonight. I mean, as long as it's just the two of us."

"Haha. I don't want anybody else than you in my life. Don't worry. Okay? I accept, then. I will think of the thing I want the most, and we will do it. I trust you. Then only when we are done, we will talk about it."

The two girls kissed each other goodnight, but only one of them slept that night. Tracy had no idea what April would come up with, and she was not capable of coming up with any plausible scenarios. She needed to be shown, and above all else, she needed to ensure not to hurt her wife and honor her promise.


Tracy was working in the basement again, doing the mudding after installing all the drywall. It was still unclear what they would do with that giant room, but having it all open like this was already much better. They could create a home theatre or something along those lines.

It had been a few days since her offer to April, but yet, nothing had happened. Her girlfriend was just so happy since then, which was suspicious to some degree. April was smiling all the time, knowing that she would, at last, be able to fulfill one of her fantasies, and Tracy would not back out.

"Tracy? I decided."

"Decided what to do with the basement?"

"No ... the other thing ..."

Tracy stopped her mudding for a moment and looked at the staircase where April was sitting. She understood what the other thing was when she saw the big grin on her face. It was time to commit.

"Okay ... Tell me. No matter what you need, I will do it."

"I want you to be my rubber partner."

"Uh? Your what?"

"Hehe, I knew you wouldn't know what I was talking about. What I mean is that I want you to become my rubber wife. You will wear latex around me, and you'll let me take care of you."

A wave of confusion hit Tracy. Was this the only thing she wanted? Did she want me to wear latex in bed? It never crossed her mind to do this, but it didn't sound half as terrible as what she was expecting. It seemed just like a kinky thing that you would see in movies. There was no reason to be afraid. She could certainly do that for April if it were her thing.

"That works! If you want us to wear latex suits in bed, I'm in."

"No, I don't want to wear latex. I want to make YOU wear it. As I said, I like taking care of you."

"So, I'd be like the doll that you dress up and play with? That's cute. I will do it! I said I would."

"Aaaah! I'm so happy! I finally said it! You won't regret it."

April jumped down the stairs and gave Tracy a big hug! What each other didn't know is that they were not on the same page at all. They would find out about it a few days later.


"Look! This is for you!"

"It ... is ... interesting."

Tracy was biting her tongue as April showed her a full latex catsuit. It had feet, hands, and hood attached. The hood had eyes and mouth holes, but outside that, her whole body was going to be covered. Talk about an introduction to the latex fetish.

"It is amazing, right? So from now on, you will wear it around me." April said.

"You mean when we have sex?"

"No, no. All the time ... well, when I'm here. You won't have to wear it when I'm at work, I think."

Tracy wasn't so sure about this, but April was dead serious ... and so excited. She didn't want to say anything that would have broken the promise that made April glow. She was beautiful when she was happy. So she bit the bullet.

"Sure ... let's try this."

"Yaaay! Alright, get naked. Let me dress you up."

What came next was actually fun. Tracy got out of her clothes, and April started to rub some lube all over her body before guiding her limb inside the latex suit, sending good feelings towards the blonde girl.

"April, this feels ... good."

"I told you ... it's nice to try new things once in a while. Let me zip you up."

The latex got a bit tighter on Tracy's body. It was like being hugged by a thousand pairs of arms at the same time. April lifted the hood over the blonde hair and kept zipping. Soon enough, she completed the operation.

"Let me look at you. Oh, dear ... you look so amazing. Thanks so much for doing this."

"Hehe ... I feel odd, but good. What do I do now?"

"Now? We have wild sex because you are turning me on like crazy."

And they did just that. The intense sex while wearing the black catsuit was the first conditioning Tracy received regarding her new reality. Tracy, who was the least kinky person, accepted the feelings so much better than one could have anticipated, and April was finally reaching her goal of playing with a life-size latex girl.

The next morning, Tracy, who was still wearing her suit, woke up with April on top of her. It was a bit odd but fine. She poked her wife gently on the shoulder to wake her up.

"Hey ... Wake up!"

"Hmm ... Morning, my little rubber toy."

"Hehe. It was great. We will have to do it again soon. I'm glad you finally shared this with me."

"... Do it again? But you said you'd not back out?"

"Uh? What do you mean? I did all you wanted, no? I even enjoyed it a lot."

"Yes, but you said you'd be my rubber partner."

"I did ... But, wait, did you mean forever?"

"I don't know, probably not forever, but I certainly said from now on. I wanted you to be in the suit around me, not just in bed. That's what my fantasy is. Are you going ... to break your promise?"

April's worrying voice made Tracy feel guilty. Thinking back to what April told her when they agreed to this, there was no doubt that the request was adequately explained. It was to wear the latex suit at all times when they were around each other. The concept just had not appropriately registered in Tracy's brain. The real extent of what she promised was slowly sinking in. Not wanting to break the trust she had requested from April, she quickly resolved the conflict.

"No. It's all good. My bad. I want to keep wearing the suit for you. Sorry if I sounded weird."

"Aaah, good! Because I have many more things to do to make you my rubber partner. I'm so happy you agreed to do this."

Many more things? Tracy didn't dare to say anything else, but she had no clue what April was referring to. She began to understand that for her wife, having a rubber girl meant much more than just wearing a suit. She just didn't know what the rest was yet. Nevertheless, April's happiness was more important at the moment, plus last night was entertaining. The latex suit felt great, after all.

A lot of hot morning sex later, April joined Tracy on the couch with a notepad and a pencil. She showed Tracy a drawing.

"I want this!"

Tracy grabbed her notepad with her rubber hands and tried to understand what it was.

"A bed? I don't understand ... We already have a bed."

"A bed for you. I want you to build a room downstairs that will be our rubber room."

"A rubber room?"

"Yes. A special place for my fetish. Inside, I want everything to be black. Black soft carpet, black walls, black ceiling, black furniture. Oh, and I only want red lighting too. It has to look hot."

"Mmm ... What if people are visiting? You want them to see that?"

"Just install a heavy door with a lock; we can just tell them it is the furnace room. Come on! That is part of my fetish. You said you'd play along. Only you can build it. I have no time or skill for that."

"You really want this room?"

"Yes ... Very much so, it would be your special room. I'll take care of the furniture and all. Please, say yes."

"Sure, I'll do it. We have to do something with that basement after all."

Tracy liked renovation projects a lot. This one was a bit strange, but the house belonged to both of them. If that was what April wanted, she was entitled to get it. That was the way to keep a healthy relationship. Perhaps Tracy could use this later as an argument to get her home theatre room.


The next week was demanding for Tracy. During the day, she was working hard on the new room construction, and in the evening, she had to shower and get her latex suit on before April arrived from work. For Tracy, it was priceless to see how thrilled her wife was because she respected her rubber promise diligently.

April was also ecstatic about the new room progress too. Tracy annexed the small powder room to the bedroom. She explained that it would be a nice feature to have if they were to convert back that room to a regular guest bedroom later on. A private washroom gave this hotel room vibe that everybody liked.

The next day, Tracy was painting the walls and ceiling all black, as requested by April. She also found some black carpet at the home renovation center. It would look oppressive, but for a fetish-oriented place, it would work well. This coming weekend, they would install the furniture.

Tracy's heart stopped when she heard April coming in early. She was not wearing her latex suit while she was renovating, of course, but a feeling of guilt washed over her. What would April say when she sees her out of latex? Tracy wondered if she was getting conditioned because of that deal. Before, she wouldn't have cared, but now, she didn't want to disappoint her wife after finally succeeded to squeeze a fantasy out of her. She would soon find out as April was walking down the stairs.

"So, how are the renos going?"

"Hum ... well ... I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? Oh ... the catsuit? Don't worry about it. I came back early, and you didn't know, it's not your fault. When you are done, just wear it then. Hey, this place is going to be perfect. I thought about more features for the room. Can you block the window?"

"It won't be up to code, but I guess I can. Why?"

"I don't want people to peek in your rubber room. That's all."

"I'll block it ... it's just a playroom anyway. So, it will be ready this weekend. Happy?"

"Very! It's going to be awesome. I have tons of surprises for my rubber girl!"

Tracy was not entirely used to being called that yet. It was a bit objectifying. The truth was more that she was a girl playing dress-up to make her girlfriend happy. She was just her willing fetish.


"So, what do you think?"

"It looks ... rubbery."

On Saturday, Tracy, encased in her latex catsuit, helped April to complete the bedroom by adding the furniture and some decoration. April found those large rubber girls prints that she framed and installed on the walls. It left no doubt as to what this room was for anymore. Then there was the bed. It was a nice little metal frame with a footboard and a headboard that could probably be used to secure a victim on it. All the bedsheets and pillows were made of black latex. In the corner of the room, there was a small black leather loveseat for cuddling. There was also a small dresser that was currently empty.

April had a special request for the lighting. When Tracy built the room, she installed a few pot lights, but the switch was outside of the room next to the door. She wasn't sure why April wanted this done, but it was her decision. Additionally, the pot lights were red as planned. Currently, they were dimmed down to the minimum, keeping the room very dark and mysterious.

"Do you like it?" April asked.

"It's special ... so this is going to our playroom?"

"It is your room. I wanted my rubber girl to always sleep in rubber."

"Always? As long as you are sleeping with me here, we can try."

"It is all part of the one fantasy I chose ... you said you were going to do it no matter what."

"I thought your fantasy was just for me to wear this suit, originally."

"It's part of it, but the fantasy itself is a bit larger."

"I know. That is ok. I liked the suit more than I thought, maybe I'll like this bed too. You will sleep with me here, right?"