Burying the Hatchet Pt. 03

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Two women plot revenge on a third who'd wronged them both.
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Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 05/29/2024
Created 03/18/2024
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Had they been going at this for hours? Days? Shauna could no longer say. She simply knew the taste and aroma of Heather was mingled with her own so much that she could no longer distinguish between where she began and the ravishing brunette beauty beneath her ended. No part of their bodies had gone unexplored, and even now as she straddled Heather with her body and greedily let her tongue work over her pussy, she could feel her lover's fingers in turn working on hers. A perfect machine of sweat, sex, and sheer ecstasy.

And then the music stopped.

The sound of a single person clapping filled the room and Shauna looked up at the blonde source of her devotion and hate. Melissa stood imperiously over her, beaming down with both appreciation and malice.

"Well done, you two," she chided. "You both look really nice all sweaty and naked on the floor like that." She walked around the duo, Shauna's body still lying atop Heather's. "It's where you two belong, after all. Maybe next time I'll have you do it in a mud pit in your backyard."

Meissa looked at the two of them. The crazy powder clearly worked. No way either of them would have gone as far as they'd clearly gone when she returned. She had them both under her complete control. How far that control extended she intended to test. Vigorously. "I suppose it's time to get to work," she said. "On your knees, bitches."

At a fingersnap, Shauna slid off Heather and got to her knees, Heather sitting up and joining her in a similar position at her side. Hands on their thighs. Looking straight forward. Unable and unwilling to disobey Melissa's command.

"Wow," a figure entered the room, one both Shauna and Heather knew. Trey. Of course, Melissa had gone to get her boyfriend -- Heather's ex-boyfriend -- to lord it over the two of them. He stood at her side and looked down on their kneeling forms. "You really do have them under your control. I thought you were just being silly."

Melissa put her arm around his waist, making sure Heather saw it. Shauna could feel the anger within Heather but smiled inwardly at her lover's ability to keep her wrath in check. 'She's so wonderful,' Shauna thought to herself. 'I'm so lucky to be with her.' Thoughts that might not be wholly part of her hypnotized state. There'd always been a part of her that was attracted to her, but like most of the school, would never dare act on it.

"To be honest, I thought it was silly too," Melissa said to Trey, "but you can see the results."

"You really programmed them to fall in love with each other?" Trey chuckled a bit at the notion.

"Ask them," Melissa took her arm off his hip and stepped forward. "What about it, ladies? Are you two in love with each other?"

"Very much," Shauna said as she looked over at Heather, who returned the romantic smile she had on her own face.

"I cannot imagine life without her," Heather responded.

Melissa folded her arms. "You two were going at it pretty good when I got back," she admitted. "That's going to be a permanent arrangement between you two from here on out. Not a day is going to pass without one of you saying 'I Love You' to the other, am I clear?"

"Yes, Melissa," the duo said in unison.

"Damn," Trey shook his head. "You turned my ex into a dyke? With Shauna Stevenson of all people?"

"Pretty hot, huh?" Melissa beamed at him. "And believe me...I'm just getting started. These two are going to regret what they tried here today." She walked around them, looking at them as purchased goods for her inspection. They were both a mess, the glow of the sweat of their lovemaking covering their bodies. They simply stared forward, awaiting whatever their owner had planned for them.

"They'll do anything you ask of them?" Trey eyed Shauna in particular. His look made her uncomfortable, but she said nothing. She dared not, in Melissa's presence.

Still, his question and ogling glance had not gone unnoticed. "Seriously?" Melissa laughed. "Shauna?"

Trey blushed a bit. "Sorry, babe," he looked at Melissa. "She always was a hottie, even if she creeped a lot of us out."

Melissa shrugged. Shauna did have a nice body under all the clothes she generally wore. Even she had to admit it. "Fine," she finally said. "But you better clean yourself off after you're done. I'm not putting my mouth where hers has been."

Melissa stood next to Shauna and leaned down, her blonde curls resting against Shauna's raven-black hair. "Shauna?" she said, "you're to crawl over to Trey, tug his pants down, pull his cock out, and give him the...well, the second-best blowjob he's ever had in his life. Clear?"

"Yes, Melissa," Shauna heard her voice say, in spite of her mental screaming. Her body was no longer her own. It was crawling on all fours over to where the -- begrudgingly admittedly -- handsome jock stood waiting for her.

If she could disobey this order, she would, but there was no stopping her compulsion at this point. Melissa had told her to do it. She would do it. Simple as that.

But Trey! Everything she despised in men. That stereotypical "dumb jock". Good looking, but without a brain or much of a personality to go with it. Despite her lack of control, her hands still trembled as she rose up in front of him to fumble with the fly on his jeans. Unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his fly.

Her thoughts were also for Heather. Trey had been her man, and if her girlfriend was being honest, they'd never gone as far as Shauna was about to. Was this torture for her, to watch what Shauna was doing? Clearly Melissa picked up on this thought, as Shauna heard her move nearer to Heather.

"Wow, Heather," she cooed in the dazed brunette's ear. "Looks like your girlfriend is about to give your ex something you never would. That's got to feel pretty frustrating, doesn't it?"

"Nnnh," was all Heather could respond through gritted teeth. She knew Shauna could not help herself. That she was doing as Melissa bid her. Even as she looked up at Trey looking down at her, she realized her inner anger wasn't because her ex-boyfriend was taking advantage of her girlfriend, but because her girlfriend was being taking advantage of. "Sh-Shauna..." she moaned.

Melissa laughed as she knelt beside Heather. "Aw," she said. "Don't like watching your true love do something she doesn't want to?" She ran her hand over Heather's shapely bare ass. "Better get used to that concept...both of you." For emphasis, she gave her rump a swift, sharp slap that got a slight reaction from her.

"For now," the blonde whispered in her ear, "why don't you run a hand between your legs and pleasure yourself as you watch your girl do something for Trey that you never would."

Heather helplessly complied as she watched Shauna pull her ex's tight jeans down over his thighs. Her fingers dancing over her clit, which had seen so much action already tonight, but seemed prepared to experience even more at Melissa's urging.

Shauna let out a small gasp as Trey's cock emerged when she pulled down his underwear, more from surprise than in awe of the size of it. Not that it wasn't as big as she might have imagined, but she wasn't truly sure what she could measure it against. She simply stared at it for a moment or two, unsure how exactly to proceed. She knew what was expected but --

"Listen, it's not going to suck itself," Trey said above her.

"Yeah," Melissa called, "what are you waiting for?"

Shauna took his cock in one hand and brought her lips to it, still not sure if this was the right thing to do.

"Jesus Christ, Shauna," Melissa taunted. "I know Heather here is a virgin as far as this goes, but surely you've...wait a minute." She rose from her position next to Heather and walked over to her. "You haven't...have you?"

Shauna could only shake her head. "No, Melissa," she said. "I'm..."

"You really are gay, aren't you?" Melissa clapped her hands. "All that trash talk was true, huh? Hell, tonight is really working out for you, isn't it? I just hooked you up with the second hottest girl in school."

"Please," Heather whined as she worked her pussy with her hand. "Don't make her -- "

Melissa looked over at her and arched an eyebrow. "Oh it's 'please' now?" she mocked. "A while back you two were probably going to have me on my knees in front of someone, weren't you? I'm afraid we're well past the 'please' phase of our relationship."

She turned back to Shauna. "Spit on the tip and work it in with your hand." She folded her arms as she watched her slave do her bidding, her long black tresses doing little to hide the gorgeous body beneath them. "Work it in with your hand a bit," she continued. "Get it good and slick."

Shauna could only comply, following Melissa's orders as closely as possible. Her hand slid over Trey's cock, lightly massaging it and feeling it stiffen a bit in her grip. She brought her lips to the tip of his bulb and kissed it, lightly. Tenderly. Her first taste of cock, she thought, and it had to be his. Still, as she slid her lips over it, she felt the slightest tinge of...pleasure? Enjoyment?

Melissa was no help, or perhaps too much help, coaching her at her side. "Tongue just under his bulb while you have it in there," she whispered. "Tickle it."

Shauna did as ordered and heard a slight hiss from Trey's lips as her reward. "Look up at him," Melissa commanded. "They love it when you do that. Look directly into his eyes while you suck him off." Helplessly, Shauna brought her eyes to meet Trey's, feeling both humiliated and hot at the same time. The magical compulsion to obey at war with her own revulsion at what she was being forced to do. It was clear to everyone in the room which side was winning that conflict.

"D-damn girl," Trey grunted. "Sure you've never done this before?" He smiled down at her with a playful wink.

Shauna began to take more of his cock into her mouth. Over her tongue and toward her throat as much as she felt she could allow. Truthfully, she thought, there was little coaching needed at this point. She simply began moving back and forth with her mouth and tongue working him into hardness.

"Atta girl," Melissa smiled as she folded her arms. "You better get good at this." She looked over at Heather's anguished face. "Both of you. Before I'm done with you...if I'm ever done with you...you're gonna be sucking cocks like champions!" She couldn't help punctuating her sentence with a long, loud laugh that filled the room.

Heather began feverishly working herself toward another climax. She didn't want to admit that watching Shauna give Trey something she wouldn't was turning her on as much as it was, but clearly there was no denying it. She would have gladly traded places with her to save her girlfriend the indignation, but there remained a part of her that was getting off on that indignation. She both hated herself for feeling it and loved how it made her feel at the same time.

Shauna felt tears begin to form in the corners of her eyes. Everything...everything had gone so wrong so quickly. She'd simply wanted revenge on this bitch who'd done so many awful things to her, but now she was her slave...perhaps for the rest of her life! The humiliation as she continued to suck Trey's hardening cock, while Heather could only watch helplessly...it was too much.

The tears did not go unnoticed. "Aww," Melissa mocked. "Gonna cry?" She slapped Shauna's ass, hard. The sting of it forced the tears back to wherever they came.

"Knock it off!" Melissa barked. "You brought this on yourself, now own it! Get into what you're doing. Enjoy it!"

She straightened up and began working Trey's cock with newfound fervor, doing her best to obey Melissa's order. No crying. Enjoy it. The mouthfeel of his penetration. The taste of his cock along her tongue. The sensation of it moving back and forth inside her. She felt every bit of it. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. And then it happened.

"Mmmm," she let out a small moan as she slid her lips up and down his shaft. A small, gentle moan that caused Melissa to clap her hands with wicked glee. "That's it, Shauna," she cooed. "You like sucking his dick, don't you? Let me hear it!"

Shauna complied, moaning and sighing in ecstasy with each new trip. God help her, she was starting to enjoy it. She knew in her heart she shouldn't. She'd never had an attraction to men, much less what was between their legs, and yet now...now she couldn't help herself. He felt so wonderful inside her. She felt a surge of ecstasy rise within her, different than when she was with Heather, and knew there'd be no turning back from it.

Melissa leaned in close. "Take him all the way, bitch," she hissed. "I want to see you gag on his cock! Do it now!"

With a small grunt Shauna forced herself down on his cock, but it was too much. As it passed deeper into her throat, she found herself ready to vomit and immediately pulled off of him. Dropping to all fours, she clutched her throat and coughed reflexively. Deep throaty heaves that were only drowned out by Melissa's laughter.

"Not good enough, girl," the petite blonde sneered as she kicked Shauna in the side. Not hard, but with enough impact to topple her over onto her back. Shauna helplessly looked up as her captor stood over her. "I want you back on your knees in five seconds and I want Trey's cock balls deep into your mouth, do you hear me? Five..."

Shauna was not sure what the consequence would be for disappointing Melissa, but she did not want to find out. Despite the pain she felt, she rolled back to her knees in front of Trey and quickly slid his stiff staff back into her mouth.


She went slowly this time, edging his cock toward her throat. She had to be patient and try to get him past her gag reflex.


But she had to hurry. Melissa was many things, she knew. Sadistic being chief among them.


Steeling herself, she forced the cock down over her tongue, fighting every instinct to gag again, and grateful as she felt the skin of Trey's balls rest against her chin. She began to move her head back, feeling she'd satisfied Melissa's order, but suddenly felt a strong hand move it back into place.

"Ah-ah-ah," Melissa's voice echoed in her ear. "Hold it there. Nobody told you to pull off of him just yet."

"Jesus," Trey moaned. "She's...fuckin'..."

Melissa stood up. "Looks like you've made yourself a fan," she smiled down at Shauna, still struggling to keep her head in place without choking on the hard cock in her mouth. "Too bad it's my guy. Can't have him enjoying you too much, I suppose."

She paced around the room, walking between Heather and Shauna, back and forth slowly. Purposefully. "You two are going to have to practice this," she said again. "I plan to have you both doing quite a lot of it, in spite of your newfound...relationship."

Shauna gulped, more a reaction to Trey's cock settling within her than to Melissa's new threat. Emotions swirled in her head. Hatred for Melissa. Frustration at herself for her failure. Humiliation for her current predicament. Sadness at her lover being forced to watch. Ecstasy for the feeling Trey's cock was giving her. Shame for having that feeling at all.

"Baby," Trey said, his voice in slow, deep breaths, "I-I'm gonna..."

"On her face, hon," Melissa walked over to stand beside him. "Pull out and paint her ugly face with it."

Shauna was both relieved and disappointed to feel Trey slide his cock out of her, but it was quickly replaced with revulsion as he jerked out a full load of his milky-white cum onto her face. He groaned at the effort, but as she looked up at him, he smiled. Not a vicious smile. No hint of malice on it. A beaming grin of a man lost in the throes of his own passion, seeing her as the woman who'd brought that out of him. She was not sure how to feel about that.

She moved a hand to wipe away some of the cum, but it was immediately slapped away. "No!" Melissa barked. "You will wear that. You're not to remove any of it. Am I clear?"

"Yes Melissa," Shauna said blankly, putting her hand back to her side.

Melissa folded her arms. Trey was breathing heavily and smiling. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. She hadn't seen anything extraordinary about Shauna's blowjob. In truth, it was fairly vanilla for her first time. She ordered the raven-haired girl back to kneel beside where her girlfriend was furiously masturbating herself.

"Join her," Melissa said absently. "You're probably all worked up yourself right now. When you climax, I want you both to enter a trancelike state. No talking. Just stare forward and relax your minds. We need to have a talk...just the three of us."

As Shauna knelt beside Heather and began tickling and playing with her pussy, she knew that climax would not be long in coming, and she had nothing but fear about what Melissa meant by 'talk'.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Really well written! I enjoyed it thoroughly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I hope Heather and Shauna can turn the tables again on Melissa (and ditch Trey) in the process

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

You know, if Trey was smart, he could convince Melissa to let him control the girls for a few minutes to "set up a surprise for her", then have them restrain her and take the magic powder to use on Melissa...

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