Bus Crash


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Sometimes though he took things too far so that she was truly scared and in so much pain that it wasn't fun, kinky or exciting anymore, and pleading and screaming no only made him go rougher. She would have liked to have a safe word but the language barrier was too much for them to manage a conversation with such complicated concepts. He always stopped when he saw that she couldn't handle anymore, but when that point was reached he took as his decision and not hers. Still, compared to the affection, ecstasy and thrills he gave her, that was of little consequence. She loved the way he kissed her on the forehead before heading out in the morning, she loved the way he taught her his language, patiently word by word, she loved the way he held her when they watched TV. She loved his voice and his hands and his smile. She loved ...him.

The day had been hot and even after he had washed and come in for his meal she could smell his sweat from the other side of the table. He'd had a lot to do and hadn't had the time or the energy to fuck her for almost two full days. Aamu breathed in the arousing smell of him and squirmed on her seat to feel a pleasant pain stab her deep up in her butt. That pain had been her only consolation for the long hours she'd spent waiting to serve his passion.

After the meal she started to clear the table, but he didn't head back out like she had expected. She felt a bit strange to have him stare at her while she cleaned up after them and washed up. Every few minutes she turned her head to see what he was up to, but he was still there, just looking at her. When she was wiping the last dish dry he came behind her and inched so close that he held her trapped between himself and the sink. She could feel the carrot nudge deeper as he pressed his crotch right against her ass. He started kissing her neck and shoulders and yanked her dress and bra down to her waist. His hands sneaked from behind to cup her tiny, peaked breasts and enjoy their soft touch on his calloused palms. His gentle nibbles and caresses soon turned to impatient bites and gropes and then to rough ones. When he started yanking at her clothes again to strip her altogether he hurt her and she let out a tiny yelp. She regretted it instantly, for it didn't take much to provoke him when he was in a mood like this. When he spoke to her, everything was allright. When he didn't, she'd learned to step lightly.

He didn't slap her for the first yelp or the second, but the third little protest to his rough handling earned her a punishment. He grabbed her, clothes and all, and dragged her over to the couch. There he first tore off the rest of her clothes and then yanked her down across his lap. He knew she hated spanking, so he gagged her with one hand and proceeded to spank her until her buttocks were red and his hand wet with her tears.

Now properly cowed, she kept her mouth shut and her squirming in check while he went on to play with her carrot. He fucked her ass with it until her asshole and insides burned with the dry chafing. When she didn't make a sound he fucked her rougher and rougher, looking for a reason to hurt and punish her further. Every time she broke the silence with a gasp, whimper or a whine he spanked her again to enjoy the satisfaction of her screaming into his hand until her face was as read as her ass. He hadn't been so silent and cruel since the time he had taken the belt to her ass and she was very, very scared of the lengths to which he would go this time to sate his brutal passions. She wished she could appease him in some other way but the only thing that worked to calm him was her suffering.

He had been stretching her asshole for days and days and now when he pulled the carrot out her asshole did stay agape for about half an inch. He wanted to shove big and bulgy things into her freshly chafed ass and enjoy her struggles as she tried to ride out the pain in silence, but he was getting impatient. He pushed her up and marched her by the arm to the water tap at the porch and left her alone in the little nook to wash. When she was coming out he pushed her back.

Aamu watched with trepidation as he attached a short length of rubber hose on the tap. She started begging but Vlajko ignored her, pushing her down on all fours under the tap. She shivered even thinking about what the ice cold water would feel like rushing into her guts. From winters back home she knew that extreme cold burned just like extreme heat. She didn't want to feel an ice knife split her insides but she had no choice. If she fought he'd just beat her and then do it. When he was like this she wasn't a woman to him but just an animal, or worse, just a thing.

He took a wad of cloth from his pocket and stuffed it deep into the back of her mouth, grinning as he made her gag. He pushed it even further and she coughed and dry heaved, almost regurgitating before she managed to suppress her gag reflex and start breathing through her nose.

Vlajko smiled down at her, murmuring how beautiful she was when scared out of her mind. He loved her so much when she was like this, terrified yet totally submissive, allowing him to do what he wanted with her. He'd humiliated her so much since he'd first raped her that feeling him push the hose into her butt, wriggling it to get it as deep as it would go, didn't make her even so much as flinch. She had known since her first echoes of erotic awakening that she was thrilled by the idea of being taken, coerced, forced and hurt, but how much she enjoyed him humiliating her had been a surprise. She would have thought no before but now it felt like the repeated, ingenious humiliations made everything only that much more intimate between them. A whole new level of intimacy and submission. A whole new way to be dominated. But now it was time for the pain. The pain she'd have to suffer through to get to the really good bits. The carrots had done their job and loosened her up a bit, so a garden hose was nothing compared to what she'd already been stuffed with.

For a second she heard the hiss of the pipes, then the searing, freezing pain hit her and she crashed down on the stone slabs, screeching into her gag. She panicked and crawled away from the pain, making the hose slip out. Vlajko yelled at her and dragged her back, sticking the hose back, this time holding on to her as well as to the hose as she trashed about. She felt her guts bulge painfully but the freezing was worse. It was a sharp knife pushing deep inside her, cutting and killing flesh. Just when she thought she'd die Vlajko turned the tap off and pulled the hose out. He hauled her up and shoved her to the direction of the outhouse. Staggering on only partially conscious she tried to reach it before she'd lose control of her tortured bowels.

Four more times Vlajko made her endure the cleansing while dusk fell around them. Each time the shock from the ice cold water was less as her body went number and number, but the bulging was more horrible each time as he made sure to pump her fuller and fuller each time he hauled her back from the outhouse to be tortured more.

After the last brutal enema he picked out her gag, which by then tasted like bile, and cleaned her up. She was too weak to stand up or walk so Vlajko scooped her up and carried her to bed. Removing all his clothes he got under the duvet with her to warm her with his body and in no time they both fell asleep.

Darkness had fallen when Vlajko woke up. He didn't get up to turn the lights on but lit a candle on a dresser by the bed, filling the room with soft yellow light. He looked at the sleeping girl with warm affection. He stroked her hair gently until she stirred and looked at him. Muddy from sleep she let him pull down the duvet and slowly kiss and caress her face, shoulders, arms and breasts. Vlajko was hot against her skin and she was thankful for the warmth. With his soft gentle touches Aamu slowly grew aroused, moaning and arching her body against him. She knew what he wanted. She was pretty sure she wanted it too.

She took his face into her hands and pulled him in for a kiss. She grazed her mouth against his, nibbling, teasing, kissing lightly, running the wet soft tip of her tongue over his bottom lip, then finally allowing him to kiss her back. She bent his head to her breasts whispering with thick aroused voice, "Do it. I want you to." She took his hand in hers and placed it on the side of her rump, squeezing it until he sank his fingers in her buttock.

She reached for the udder cream on the night table and turned around onto her belly. She scooped a heavy dollop of the cream on her hand and reached behind her and wrapped her little hand around his cock, wanking him slowly -- once, twice -- lubing his cock and milking precum to smudge her already slippery fingers. She couldn't close her fingers around him. "God, you're big," she gasped. "You're gonna have to be really, really careful. Ok?"

She had no idea how much he understood of what she said, but when she wiped the rest of the cream on herself and then rubbed the head of his cock along her now slick crack, he got on top of her, urgently kneeing her legs apart.

Aamu's feminine form looked so tiny trapped beneath him. Out of habit he spit on his hand and rubbed it with a grunt on her bud and his cock.

"You like it big, don't you," he growled heavily in the ear of the girl stretched out prone beneath him, making her tremble all over.

"Uh-uh," she moaned back, too far gone to form actual words but willing to say whatever he wanted.

The girl gasped as the tip of his cock kissed her bud. The sight of his penis, a fourth of the width of her narrow hips, resting on her opening was truly unbelievable. He started pushing. Aamu's asshole was no longer agape but still supple and he watched in fascination as it stretched to accept the very tip of his glans. Yet he soon got thicker than the carrots she'd trained with, and though he kept pushing, he got nowhere. His cock was too blunt and her sphincter -- still too tight -- resisted. Aamu started to fidget her hips and whine frantically when he didn't let up the pressure.

"It's ok, my little mouse," Vlajko murmured and pushed. "Relax."

"Wait," Aamu pleaded. "It hurts too much!" Vlajko kept pushing as if she'd said nothing and she cried out, "Stop! I can't do it. It won't fit. Stop! Please!" She tried to move away, clawing at the mattress in every direction, but he had her securely positioned. Still, he took a tighter hold on her and pushed harder, her tight ring strangling him painfully.

"Stop! You're hurting me!" she shouted, and reached behind her and tried to stay his movements but he grabbed her wrists in one hand, pushed her face down into the pillow and kept pushing and pushing and pushing and adding force. Aamu shrieked in shock and pain as Vlajko stretched and tore her forcibly wider and wider and then with a sudden lunge slipped past her tight ring of muscle with a plop and propelled by his sheer momentum and the ample amount of lube at once lunged forth inches deep into her ass. Eyes bulging she fell silent, cramping violently, the pain so extreme she couldn't even scream.

"Take it out! Take it out!" she wheezed when she got her breath back. "You're killing me! Stop!" She lost her words and cried out sharply in pain when he pushed deeper. She tried to curl into a ball to protect herself but his weight kept her pinned down.

"Fine, little cunt," he spat and clamped a hand over her mouth. "I'll take it out."

He pulled out roughly but only to ram his cock back in twice as brutal. As he forced her asshole and insides to stretch anew, she gurgled mutely against the hand gagging her, the pain driving her mad. In three savage thrusts he buried himself to the hilt into her ass. He'd never know how much it hurt his little nymph to have her insides so forced to give way but he loved every second of it.

He used her hard for a full hour, taking back all the years he hadn't gotten the chance to do this, roughing up his movements whenever she stopped sobbing and trashing. When it was over and he had pumped her ass full of his cum, she was in agony, bleeding, cramping, crying her eyes out, running in and out of the outhouse shaking with violent sobs. He warmed up some of the leftovers but she refused to eat, so he made her some hot chocolate which he managed to coax her to drink. He lay with her in bed, holding, stroking and soothing her long into the night but she still kept having cramps hours afterwards. He nursed her with hot water bottles but she begged him for the painkillers she'd been on before and he gave her a pill that both eased her pain and soon after drugged her into sleep. When she was already out he reinserted another carrot as gently as he could to keep her little hole from shrinking right back again. Despite the diligent training there were a couple tiny tears on her asshole, yet pain or no pain he wasn't done with her ass yet, not by far.

Vlajko watched over her sleep for a while before laying down beside her. Even now, after they way he had hurt her, she still hadn't hated him. She wasn't meak; there was a fire in her, and had she hated him he was sure she would have showed it. Could it be that as had happened to him her interest in him and their games had too grown into something deeper? Even though it had lately been in his mind day in and day out he'd scarcely dared hope.

He woke her up in the morning by rolling her over onto her back. Her weight landed on the new carrot sticking out of her raw, battered ass and she was shocked from sleep into kicking and bucking and pleading in panic.

"Be still," he ordered her in a rasping growl, but she really put up a fight this time, dead afraid to be assraped again when her backside still felt torn and shredded from the gruelling torture of the previous night.

He enjoyed wrestling her into submission and laughed as he did it. It always heightened his passion to have her flail, kick, fight back and, eventually, lose. He sported with her for a little while, knowing that the minute he choose to apply his whole weight his darling fucktoy would be helplessly pinned down.

Finally he couldn't bear waiting any more and lubed his cock with spit. The struggle and the fear had sharpened her senses and when he finally had her restrained and got his cock slammed into her tiny cunt the penetration felt so intense that she screamed out in heat as much as in pain. He fucked her rough and she loved it, abandoning all restraint and screaming and grunting out her enjoyment on every brutal push and shove.

When he pulled out and started lubing his cock with the udder cream Aamu started to weep, whine and bleat like an injured little lamb all tangled up in barbed wire. He saw the tears and her fear, and smiled.

"Hush," he soothed her, "It won't hurt if you relax." She tried to roll over onto her stomach, but he stopped her, and lifted her ankles onto his shoulders. She hadn't realized one could have anal like this, face to face. She turned her face from him, but he turned it back and shook his head, warning her from doing it again. He wanted to watch every single cringe, grimace and scream of her shame and pain when he would push into her ass again.

He pulled out the carrot and pushed his thumbs into her ass. He stretched her open, murmuring to her, getting more and more aroused from her pain and humiliation. She felt so dirty, so disgusting with his thumbs up her ass that she wanted to scream, but there was nothing she could do. Vlajko held her agape and fed his fat cock into her gaping, exposed asshole, stretching the scrapes and cuts from last night. Instinctively she tried to crawl and jerk away from the pain but the headboard was there and she had nowhere to go.

Aamu whinnied in pain and instinctively arched her back to get away from him. Vlajko didn't chide her, but he reached an arm under her into the hollow arch under her back and started to pull her towards him. Aamu squirmed and twitched and wailed but he kept pushing, adamantly, until all of him was in. Then he stopped and let her rest and get used to the feeling for a moment. He loved looking at her shocked, bewildered face as her body and mind tried to reconcile with the thick slab of cock spearing her young and narrow hips.

"Shh," he soothed and kissed her gently. "Shh," he soothed and rolled his hips into her again and again.

Slowly she relaxed and her eyes focused on his face. Again she had that strange, closed expression of a person lost inside herself, lost somewhere he couldn't reach.

"Let it go," he whispered to her. "Come back to me."

She looked at him as if he was a stranger, as if she didn't know who he was or what to think. So lost, so confused.

"Shh, little one. I'm here. You're safe. It's ok. It's all ok."

He moved steadily inside her and she moaned. Not like a lost little girl but like a woman, hot-blooded and needy.

Two of his fingers pushed into her pussy and she groaned from the added pressure. He hooked out cunt juice and started rubbing his slippery fingers over her swollen clit. She gasped and her muscles clamped, her asshole tightening on the stiff meat inside her, sharpening the pain she already felt. Gently, pleadingly, she tugged his hand to make him stop, but he wouldn't. Instead he pushed his fingers in again, flushing her head with sensations from every nerve: pussy, ass, clit. He started moving rhytmically and faster and she lost every touch to reality, all she was was a pile of writhing, moaning flesh. There was so much pain, but other things too. Fullness. Bliss. Awe.

"It's ok," he murmured. "Don't hold back. It's ok to like it."

She couldn't understand all of his words but she did get the message. He knew. And she was so ashamed. Suddenly she felt tears well up in her eyes and she started to cry, right there, with his cock up her ass. She covered her face but he took her hands and held them above her head with one hand and turned her face to him with the other.

"There, baby. It's ok." he murmured, still holding to his rhythm. "There's nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong with you."

It was so easy to tell her, she was beautiful and perfect. His little angel. But what was he, defiling her like this. Playing games, hurting her, forcing her, even hitting her, fucking her through her tears as she screamed. She was so perfect but so ashamed of what she wanted. For no reason at all. So beautiful. So vulnerable. So lost. He wanted to say so much more but only managed to repeat himself over and over.

"Shh. It's ok. Mišiću, it's ok."

Slowing down Vlajko made love to her as gently as he could. His movements inside her were measured, confident, warm. It felt good. The deep, sweet pain combined with his gentle murmurs and loving caresses making it the hottest thing Aamu had ever experienced. Her fantasies of Timo and all memories of past partners came back to her, so lame in comparison that she heard herself laugh out loud, insane with the sensation of Vlajko's kisses on her neck and breasts, and his steady, relentless thrusts. She stretched her arms above her head and squirmed with pleasure. Her hips bucked, meeting his thrusts. Her face was alight with a girlish bewildered joy. Vlajko put a finger on her lips and she sucked it in, grinning, tickling it with her tongue, tasting herself on it.

That smile, Vlajko thought. She was there now, in the fantasy with him. He wasn't forcing her now, not this time.

"Tell me you love me," he sighed into her ear. "Say it!"

Vlajko made one sudden, harder push into her. Aamu groaned and looked at him, his finger still in her mouth, and bit it gently. He made another hard push and she cried out beneath him. The finger almost slipped out but he pushed it deeper and she didn't resist. She looked at him, expectantly, and subtly raised her eyebrows.
