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Mia makes a brave decision.
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Please note that this story is very much at the soft end of what you will find on Literotica -- there is nudity but no sex. If that's not what you're looking for, I suggest you go elsewhere now and don't waste your time.

It had all started as a bit of a joke. Or that's what I was telling myself -- though at the time I really hadn't been sure if it was or not. I could recall the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, the thrill of excitement mingled with terror. That told me that at least part of me wanted it to be for real. I guess I was kind of desperate for something. I'd been single for too long and had more or less dropped out of the dating circuit, so I needed some sort of adventure that would stir up those parts of my brain that had settled into a comfortable predictable existence.

I'm talking about it like it was ages back, but actually it was only two weeks ago. Eva had been a good friend for years, though now we lived so far apart, I hadn't seen much of her for quite a while. We both had our friends, so we were the only link between our two worlds. That was how she had sold it to me. I guess I'd told her a little of how I'd been feeling of late, enough that she'd hit on an idea that, ridiculous as it was, had actually appealed to me.

She'd picked me up at the station, and taken me straight back to her flat -- we'd sat on the couch in front of her big picture window that overlooked the city, and talked like there was no tomorrow, while we sipped on prosecco. It was just like old times, and you'd never of known how long it had been. We were having a whale of a time, joking around like a pair of kids, and that's probably why she got away with it.

'There's an opening coming up in a couple of weeks, and I wanted to give you first shot at it,' was how she'd presented it to me. First shot my arse! What she meant was I was the only one who could possibly be daft enough, but of course putting it like this had already got me lined up to say yes before I even knew what I was getting myself into. 'Are you free in two week's time?'

'Like I said, the social calendar's not exactly overflowing right now,' I had replied, naively walking straight into her trap.

'Fantastic! It's Emily's hen party, and she wanted to do something a bit more fulfilling than just going for a glitzy piss-up. Are you on for a night you'll never forget?'

'Come on,' I objected. 'I don't even know Emily -- why would she want me at her hen do?'

'Well, you sound like you need something to shake you up a bit -- something to lift you out of the rut you seem to be in. Isn't that right?'

I thought about what she said. 'I guess so, but I'm not so sure a hen party with people I don't know will do much to excite me. Wouldn't I just be a bit of a gooseberry?'

'No, not at all. You'll be the star of the show. Let me explain.' With that, she leant forward and looked me in the eye. 'We want to celebrate femininity and promote body confidence by doing a bit of life drawing. Are you on?'

Of course, that left a lot unsaid, but I expect you can guess the rest as well as I did. 'Do you think I'm nuts?' I asked in reply.

'Yes, I think so,' she said with a grin. 'Think how much fun it'll be, and you don't know anyone here, so there's nothing to worry about.'

I grinned back. 'Isn't it supposed to be a guy, anyway?' I asked.

'We don't want some tacky stand in for a stripper. We really want to exalt the female form -- to salute the elegance of our bodies -- to banish any hint of shame. And to have a bit of fun at the same time.'

'Salute the elegance of whose bodies? Yours or mine?'

'All of ours, but yours'll be the one that shepherds us in the right direction, holds the torch, so to speak.'

'So, let me get this straight,' I said, sounding maybe a bit more brusque than I intended. 'You want me to strip stark bollock naked and stand in front of a bunch of girls I don't know so they can all ogle me and record what I look like on paper.'

'Yes,' was all she said.

I was about to laugh and say no fucking way. The mental image of me standing buck naked in front of Eva scared me silly. It reminded me of how I'd come really close to chickening out of my skydive, but had somehow or other managed to go through with it. I'd been buzzing for weeks afterwards.

'You know me too well,' I said after a pause. I think my voice betrayed the sense of panic I was already feeling. 'Just promise me no cameras, and no telling anyone back home.'

'Of course. You're a star.' And with that, she shuffled over and gave me a hug, before leaning back and planting a kiss on my cheek.

It really started to hit me then -- wondering what I'd let myself in for. I mean, OK, a private function with a load of other women. Was it really anything to worry about? I'd seen women openly stripping off before hitting the showers at the gym, and not really been bothered by it -- but I'd never wanted to do it myself, and neither Eva nor any other of my friends, unless you count my exes, had ever seen me in the altogether.

I must have spaced out a bit there, as I hadn't noticed that Eva was up to anything, until she showed me her phone, saying at the same time, 'Emily says thanks -- she thinks you're really brave,' which was exactly what it said in the message on the screen.

It wouldn't have been hard to back out then and there -- I mean, I'd only just said yes -- but I knew by that point I didn't want to. 'Tell her, thanks for asking -- I'm looking forward to it,' I said trying to sound like I meant it.

I pictured myself as I'd appeared in the rather steamy bathroom mirror that morning. I'd been quite satisfied with what I saw, if I'm honest -- I'd been able to admire the gentle curve of my bum and my firm if not overly large boobies. The hint of a stomach that I genuinely thought was pleasing rather than fat. I'd even put my hands on my hips and smiled back -- kind of thinking I was wasting my body given my current celibate status. Well, if I wasn't going to put it to use with a guy, sharing it with a bunch of ladies was maybe just as worthwhile.

'You're smiling like the cat who got the cream,' Eva said laughing. 'I didn't think you'd take it this well.'

'Well, if I've got a body this hot, what's not to like about showing it off?' Of course, I was still shitting myself, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of fake bravado.

'Don't let me stop you,' Eva replied, leaning back as she looked me up and down.

That made me picture myself standing up and stripping off first my tight top and jeans, and then my bra and knickers. I'd not worn anything very sexy -- and I didn't really even know if my undies matched -- would I just end up looking ridiculous? Would it be best just to get down to the skin as fast as possible? And would I pose, spin around or just act casual like it was no big deal? I guess maybe it would be good practice -- if I couldn't do it in front of Eva, what chance did I have in front of God knows how many random strangers?

'Think of it like Christmas,' I said. 'All that waiting and anticipation is half the fun.' Despite my apparent confidence, my arms and legs felt weak, and I didn't trust my body not to give away how I really felt. But I knew that the next two weeks would be at least as electrifying as the event itself -- maybe more so.

'Well, you can be sure that I'm looking forward to seeing you unwrapped, that's for sure,' Eva said with a giggle.

The plans being settled -- neither of us seeming to need to clarify or confirm any details, the conversation moved on to catching up with the gossip. Eva was keen to show me around too, so it wasn't long before we headed out and went for a wander. We ended up going for dinner at a nice restaurant round the corner, before heading back upstairs for a more intimate chat. We sat on the carpet in front of the window and watched the world go by. We were far enough up that I didn't think we would have been that noticeable, especially as the lights were turned down low.

Eva offered me the choice of the couch or sharing her double bed. I kind of wanted time to think over the promise that I'd made -- made to myself as well as to Eva and Emily, but it seemed a bit rude to turn down the invitation, so I opted for the bed. I didn't want to create any awkwardness about showing or not showing my flesh to Eva, so as soon as she went in the ensuite to brush her teeth, I quickly stripped and slipped on my thigh-length red satin chemise. I was just pulling my bra out from underneath as she came back into the room.

'Sexy, sexy,' Eva commented.

I didn't reply, but just headed to the bathroom myself.

I came back to find Eva already in bed, only her head and shoulders visible from under the covers.

'Normally I don't bother with sleepwear,' she began, 'but I didn't want to steal your thunder.'

I'd been so focussed on my coming striptease that I'd not even thought of Eva doing the same. We'd shared a bedroom plenty, but always seemed to find ways to get changed discretely without making a big deal out of it.

'Thanks,' I replied. 'I know you're kind of joking, but if I'm going to do this, I probably want it that way. To do the whole thing in one big bang without any build up or anyone else easing my way in.'

Eva looked a bit surprised, but as soon as I got in my side of the bed, she scooted over and gave me a big hug. She was wearing a black cami set with lace trim, so we both had bare arms and legs, and we didn't hold back -- anyone who'd seen us could have been forgiven for assuming we were lovers.

It wasn't long before we separated and Eva put out the light. I wanted to lie there in silence and think through the consequences of our agreement, but if I did, I didn't remember it in the morning.

I woke up to daylight shining through the blinds, and sounds from the bathroom gave away that Eva was in the shower. I glanced over to see that the door was slightly ajar, but I took that as a signal of trust, not an invitation to enter. There didn't seem much reason to move, so I just stayed where I was until Eva, wrapped in a towel and with hair still wet, emerged from the bathroom.

'Sleep well,' she asked with a smile.

'Yes -- lots to think about, but somehow I didn't,' I replied as I rolled out of my side of the bed. I headed into the bathroom before there was time for it to be obvious Eva was waiting for me to get out of the way -- again gracefully following our unwritten rules.

I checked there were towels, before lifting my chemise over my head and slipping off my knickers. There was a lock on the door, but I'd deliberately left it slightly open -- a small sign of my faith in Eva. The mirror was all steamed up, so I couldn't get a good look at myself, so I just headed straight into the plain, glass shower enclosure. I enjoyed covering myself in shampoo and soap, cherishing the moment of vulnerability. I imagined Eva coming in and sitting on the closed toilet, making conversation during my moment of maximum vulnerability, when I couldn't even open my eyes. I spent much longer than necessary running my hands all over my body, appreciating every curve. If I was going to turn myself into an exhibit, I needed to be confident in myself first. My arms and legs were shaved, my pubes trimmed, but not very neatly. I would have to put in a bit of effort if I was to appear at my best in two weeks' time.

Reluctantly, I turned off the shower and began to dry myself. Once I was done, I stuck my head through the door. I could hear a coffee machine grinding away through the half-open bedroom door, but I reasoned that I'd have to take the towel off to get dressed, or else do a really awkward job of slipping on my undies underneath, which I thought would draw way too much attention, so I just left the towel in the bathroom. If Eva came in now, so what. Despite that, I didn't waste any time in pulling a pair of knickers out of my bag and slipping them on.

Well, there's not much more to tell about that weekend really -- after breakfast we headed out to explore a bit more, which mainly involved a bit of shopping and a long lazy lunch, before I headed off to the station.

By this point, I was feeling pretty calm about the whole affair, though it didn't feel like I'd had time to properly think it all through, to place myself in a room full of ladies as I disrobed to bear all, and then to stand stock-still as they stared at every part of my body. Never had my body been such an object of attention before -- even when performing on stage or in some party game, the focus was always on my actions rather than on my figure.

But I was busy with work, like always, and so my day of destiny arrived all too soon -- and no way did I feel ready for it. Besides a bit of personal grooming, the only real preparation I'd made had been to buy a short, silky, deep blue robe. If I was going to do this, I was going to do it with style, and I figured that it would be easier if I could go from covered to uncovered as gracefully as possible. One garment was going to be better than two, and unwrapping myself was definitely preferable to lifting something over my head. It was short, too, deliberately so, as I thought it would be easier to strip if I was starting from a position of just being on the right side of indecent. I would have to be very careful if I bent over or sat down, but I didn't really plan on having it on for long.

I'd not asked too many details of Eva, preferring to trust to fate than to risk scaring myself. Eva had told me, rather than me asking, that there were going to be about fourteen women there, family as well as friends. I don't exactly know why, but the family scared me much more than the friends -- I mean friends could do stupid stuff and laugh it off, but as soon as family were involved it all seemed a lot more consequential. But Eva had been at pains to assure me that Emily's family were all open minded, and I trusted to that.

I had been sure to confirm the venue -- I wasn't sure I wanted to do it in a bar or restaurant or anywhere only semi-private, even if it was booked just for us. If there were staff there, gossip was sure to slip out, and I was less confident of getting a positive reaction. Thankfully, the plan had been to use Eva's flat all along, so I had the benefit of comfortable, familiar surroundings. She didn't have blinds in her living room -- they would have spoilt the effect of the plate glass windows, but if I kept away from them, well, let's just say if anyone on the outside didn't want to see, they just needed to look away. I told myself that there would be enough distance between us that they wouldn't see anything too shocking.

The plan all along had been to surprise everyone -- no one except Eva and Emily knew anything except that a 'fun' activity was planned, but I had set out how it was all going to unfold. I wasn't going to take any part in the party -- not beforehand anyway. I would stay in the bedroom while they got started on the bubbly and nibbles. Half of me thought it would be fun to mingle and get to know everyone a bit. I found it quite funny to think of me not letting on that I was about to break one of our strictest social conventions, but I also thought that if I was to play the role of an objet d'art, I should be just that, and not blur the boundaries any more than I had to. I'd also determined to stay off the drink -- I wanted to do this stone cold sober rather than relying on Dutch courage.

So it was that I was sitting on the bed, wrapped in nothing but a skimpy robe, listening to the murmur of voices and clink of glasses on the other side of the thin partition wall. Eva had insisted I lock myself in, in case anyone tried to use the loo -- and just as well, as more than one person had tried the door. I was far too distracted to do anything but sit and wait. I would feel terror rising up inside me, before I forced myself to overcome it with delicious thoughts of being the centre of attention and feeling more beautiful than I had ever felt in my life. I imagined jaws dropping, told myself they would be so envious of my daring, maybe even of my physique. I knew that I could do it -- that once I was out there nothing would hold me back -- I just had to hold my nerve for a little longer.

Then the sound I had been waiting for a quick rat-a-tat-tat, followed by two more taps -- the signal to open the door. I stood to one side, so I wouldn't be seen, as Eva and Emily came in to collect stacks of sketch books and pencils. They shut the door as they went out, and I went to stand behind it, listening carefully.

I could hear Eva explaining what was going to happen as they handed out the materials. She talked about extolling women, said that our sex were mainly too repressed and we shouldn't be ashamed of what God had given us. It was a short speech, and as soon as it was over, I didn't waste any time in opening the door and stepping forth.

I looked around the room -- there were a couple of girls who looked barely old enough to drink, quite a few around my and Eva's age and a scattering of older women -- probably aunts and so forth. I knew Emily's mum wasn't there -- you don't invite your mum on your hen do, do you? I made eye contact with most, if not all of them, timidly smiling as they regarded me, with a mix of bemusement and anticipation.

They were arranged in a loose circle, sitting on the sofa, on stools, cushions or just on the floor. Stepping into their midst, but not saying anything, I pulled my robe open and off, handing it to Eva. It was a delight to feel their eyes on me, to sense without seeing, women looking me up and down from all directions. I stood with one foot forward, knees slightly bent and hands on hips, my back straight and head held high.

There was a hush in the room -- like no one knew what to say. I guess I had contributed to that with my silent entry. Within a moment, I heard the sound of pencil on paper, as first one then others began to draw.

'You look magnificent, Mia,' Eva proclaimed from behind me.

I was doing my best to appear cool and collected, but that comment made me smile. There were murmurs of agreement, before other voices began to chip in.

'I wish I was as brave.'

'I wish I had a body like yours, Mia.'

I let all the compliments wash over me, but remained tight-lipped. This was how I had imagined the performance panning out, and I didn't see any reason to deviate from the plan. My mind was occupied with picturing how I looked to all those around me, the view into my bum crack, my boobies from side-on, the smooth curve of my calves, my belly button, even my toes. I felt warmth in my face, and knew my cheeks must be turning red. That disappointed me a bit, as I'd wanted to project the image of suave confidence, and it was a bit of a lie too, as inside I was feeling more proud than embarrassed.

I let my mind wander, reflecting on how all these women were really feeling. If any were disapproving, they weren't letting on -- but what did they really think of me? Maybe they thought I did this all the time, that it was no big deal to me. Some of them might not really have though it a big deal to get undressed in front of other women -- though I doubted that anyone could really make light of posing like I was, amongst a throng who were all fully-dressed. Was anyone dying to rip her clothes off and join me? Of course, I didn't think that was going to happen -- not unless they were invited to anyway.

Holding my pose, I didn't have much opportunity to check anyone out -- all I could do was make eye contact with a handful of people in front of me, and most of them seemed too shy to do even that, averting their eyes almost as soon as they met mine. Just one person, one of the younger girls, who was crouching on a cushion with her sketch book propped up on one knee, seemed to really want to communicate. She'd make eye contact, before pointedly scanning me up and down, then looking up to meet my gaze once more. Then she'd take a good look at one of my more intimate parts, before resuming eye contact and grinning at me. I returned what I hoped were friendly grins -- I didn't want to discourage her from drinking in all she wanted. She never held my gaze long, and more than once I spotted a red tinge in her cheeks, after which she'd look down at her paper and not meet my eyes again for a minute or two.