By Demon's Driven


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"What do you have on him?"

"Have?" she shrugged casually."I have what you have; vandalism to your property, harassment of your customers, lewd comments to some of your girls. Very Un-Christian like behavior." She gave JD a mocking smile.

"You have more than that. All he did when that jackass from Fox asked him that question was smile and say his people would never stoop to my level," he pointed at her, "You said something that caught him off guard."

"Maybe." She allowed herself a real smile this time, enjoying being in control of the conversation with this arrogant jerk.

"Well maybe you could tell me."

"Now why would I want to do that Mr. Walker?"

"So there is something." He put his hands up, "Come on Molly, spill it. Knox is a bigger fish than me and whatever you have I have people who could...."

"Oh, Molly now is it? Have we suddenly become friends?" She shook her head, "Sorry JD, you can try to be nice and you can give me that pretty smile and flash those eyes at me, but I'm not that easy" Oh, yeah you are you slut the little voice in her brain reminded her.

"Easy? No. Smart? Yes." He told her. "Smart, savvy and ambitious, The Playground isn't the story here, Knox is. Who gives a fuck if I eventually go down? I'm a pariah to most people anyway, it would just be an about time reaction."

"It would be more than that." At least for me, she added to herself. This Playground made dark perversions, like those of her own, seem almost normal, but she knew they were anything but normal. His club needed to go.

"But Knox? Its big news when one of these frauds go down. A huge story, the kind of story that makes, or in your case, reestablishes a career. He'd be a big feather in your cap."

"He would and one I can pluck on my own, thank you very much."

"Then why haven't you?" He asked, "Look, you have something against him. I could see it in your face on TV and Jimmy said you were acting like the cat that ate the canary when Knox ran from you. But it's not concrete evidence is it?" He pointed at her, "If it was you'd have nailed him. You have a scent, but you let me help you out with my sources we can..."

"No thank Mr. Walker, we will not be doing anything. I can do this on my own and...." She spread her arms out, "Why decide between you and Knox, right now I'm watching the show and when it's over I'm sure I can nail both of you."

"No you can't. You missed me once already and if you have old dirt on him then maybe you missed him too. You know I'm right, he's the bigger better deal. You've seen first-hand what my connections can do, if you give me something to run with, it's..."

"Sorry, Mr. Walker," She stressed his name. "But I'm going to have to decline. I might be missing out, on a chance of becoming a big name," she started to walk past him back to the van, "But in the meantime I'll just enjoy being something else."

"What's that?" He remained where he was as she sauntered by him.

"A woman that can say no to you."

JD gave Molly points, that parting shot had caught him off guard long enough for her to get into the van and drive of with that dumbass cameraman. "Good for you Molly, he muttered to himself as he turned and walked back into the club. She really was cute when she tried to act all superior. He had enjoyed that little war of words despite the outcome not being in his favor. If she thought he could be put off that easily however, she was sadly mistaken.

* * * * *

JD sat in his Firebird watching the Channel Twelve headquarters. It was late afternoon when he finally saw Molly exit the building and hail a passing cab. As she climbed in, from his vantage point she looked slightly different, but he couldn't put his finger on exactly why, from the fleeting glance he had gotten of her.

Gunning the engine he followed at a discrete distance, becoming surprised as the cab entered Chelsea. This was a pretty seedy part of town for the prissy Miss Molly Malone ace reporter to be seen in. He chuckled once again, her name and persona reminded him of the old Dick Tracey series and he found himself getting into the character himself, "What a ditzy dame," he muttered aloud with a gravelly voice.

He watched as she got out of the cab and went towards a dingy looking bar. JD smiled, he was right to follow her, she had to be meeting a source, why else would someone like her be seen in this fucking hell hole?

Getting out of the car, he crossed the street ignoring the blaring horn of a cab that had to slam on his breaks to avoid hitting him. Gaining the sidewalk JD slowed down when he saw Malone still in the doorway talking to the bouncer. As he drifted towards the wall in case she glanced his way, he walked up behind two grungy looking guys leaning against the wall smoking.

"Hey check out that pretty little piece, she looks lost," the taller of the men spoke.

"Yeah," his friend agreed, maybe when she leaves we should watch out for her, you know" he laughed, "Make sure she get where she needs to go."

The first man paused then grinned, "We can always offer her a ride and get her in that alley behind the.... "

"Hey thanks." JD said "I'd love a ride."

"What?" They turned to look at him, "That's my girl and like I said, a ride would be great." letting them get a good look at him he added, "I'll be looking for you when we leave." As they glared at him he saw Molly had entered the bar and walking past the guy at the door, he looked around for her. She wasn't at the bar, but as he walked further into the dive, he saw her sitting by herself at a small table off in the corner by the two pool tables

The clothes Molly had worn to work had not really leant themselves to coming to this side of town. With her appearances on the news she had been recently upgrading her wardrobe and the bouncer seeing her in the red silk blouse and tailored skirt had stopped her to ensure she wasn't some high class hooker meeting a john. She had laughed and reassured him, exuding a confidence she didn't feel, but he had let her pass.

She took a stool at a table scanning the small crowd and looking for just the right sort of mark. She knew she couldn't go back to the bar at Roxbury that she preferred in case the guy from the other night was there, she didn't normally do this again so soon, but Walker had got under her skin today and her baser needs had surfaced strongly.

What the hell am I doing, she asked herself, but her eyes continued to size up the men who filled the small bar.

JD slowly approached her and as he got closer his eyes widened. Malone's hair was not just down, but teased out in a messy style, her red blouse was unbuttoned far enough to expose a red lace bra that showed a decent amount of cleavage. As he got closer he also noticed her lips were now painted in a deep shade of slut red giving her a wanton appearance.

Malone wasn't looking his way, but was watching the bar where several guys were checking her out. One of them gave her a wave and was rewarded with a sexy little smile and a toss of her hair. Leaning back, her gaze still fixed on the men at the bar, Molly crossed her legs and JD saw her skirt was now well above her knee close to her mid thigh and she had changed her shoes to a pair of red stilettoes with straps that wound up her leg and tied behind her knees

"Holy shit!" He whispered, she wasn't here to meet a contact she was fucking slumming!

She continued to flirt with a tall mean looking blue collar worker who appeared as if he had not been home to shower after work. He bought a couple of shots and took them to her table. She smiled prettily, inviting him to sit. She was playing her game getting caught up in the fantasy when she saw movement from the corner of her eye. Molly froze, recognition dawning on her, "Fuck!" she hissed and cowered, hiding behind her hair hoping JD hadn't seen her though she was sure he was headed straight toward her.

JD watched the loser from the bar approach holding two shots glasses. Molly was smiling away at him, her hand twirling her hair, her big brown eyes staring up at him. He realized he had wasted too much time watching her and now had to make a move. Once that asshole sat down it would be a lot harder to get rid of him. He walked up to the table just as the guy handed Molly her shot and started to edge over to the other stool.

Quickly sliding into the seat before the guy could, JD deftly plucked the glass from his hand, downed the shot of Jack Daniels and looking up into the man's surprised face said, "Hey thanks, man next ones on me!

The guy bristled and JD could see him gearing up for a fight, but he ignored him turning to Molly and saying, "Thanks for grabbing a table I found a spot just across the street. Who's ya new friend?"

The guy who had thought Molly looked like an easy conquest, took the hint and looked at her for confirmation as Molly peeked up through the wild tangle of her messy hair.

"Yeah no worries," she said in response to JD and gave the man a look of regret. "I'm not sure, we just met. The man grunted and moved back to the bar without pursuing it further.

Once the man moved away Molly hissed, "What the hell are you doing here, Walker!

"What's the matter, Molly, didn't you come here to meet a man?" It's none of your business why I am here, but I am following a story if you must know. The whole world doesn't revolve around you and your perverted little club," she lied glibly

"A story?" He smirked, "One with a happy ending I'll bet."

"Why are you here?" She asked again, the frustration evident in her voice. She hated that he had chased away the only real prospect this bar had to offer and ruined her night

"I came to talk." He gave her a long up and down look, his eyes making their way up her exposed legs and lingering on her chest. "You on the other hand look like you came to..." he winked, "Make a new friend."

"Oh stop being an ass, just tell me what you want or leave me alone." She made as if to gather her bag and leave.

"I'd sit if I were you. Got yourself a couple of fans out there." he shrugged "Unless you're into being tag teamed." he cocked his head, "Are you?"

She shook her head and gave him a disgusted look, "Not everyone is as depraved as you are JD, and I can look after myself.

"Not everyone, but I think you might be." folding his arms on the table he leaned forward."You like it rough, Molly? You like coming to these places dressed in your best business slut style and going home and being treated like a whore?" He smiled as she began to blush, "Hey it's okay, lot of women are into that. I have to admit you had me fooled, I figured you might be a dyke the way you act around guys"

She spluttered and flushed as he hit too close to the mark, but the righteous indignation of years of denial rose up in her and she said through gritted teeth. "Well my source won't be coming near me tonight so if all you have to talk about are insulting slurs on my character, I will be going..."

"Source? Is that what you call them? Do you pay them on your knees in the alley?" When she made to rise again he put his hand out and catching her arm kept her from getting up, "Okay, fine. I'll stop, but we need to talk."

"I don't have anything further to say to you, you make me sick with your innuendo and bullshit." In truth it turned her on more than she wanted to admit, this was JD Walker after all.

"Do I?" He asked, and waving his hand to indicate the bar said, "If this is where you find your fun I would think I'm just your style. Listen Molly, I don't care what you do for kicks. I came here because I want to talk."

"I am here to meet a source for God's sake," she said louder than she meant to, realizing that her clothes and look said otherwise.

"Okay fine." he sighed and sat back, resting his back against the stool. "You're here for work."

"Yes I am," she said with satisfaction.

"Well seeing as how I doubt your source is coming anytime soon, how about we have a little chat? After all a girl like you shouldn't be sitting here all alone."

"It's none of your business Walker. I didn't ask you to come and babysit me," she was still angry. "I'm fine on my own, but say what you have to say already or I am going"

"You're the one with the story to tell, Molly." He told her as he raised his hand to signal the bartender, "You know my deal, what's yours? What's up between you and Knox?" before she could reply he asked, "What are you drinking?"

"I don't want a drink, and I am not going to tell you my life story so just get over it," she sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. "Knox is just an evil prick who spins his shtick into a form of religion. I don't like it or him. End of story."

JD didn't reply right away, instead as the bartender looked his way he called out, "Two shots of Jack and two buds!" Turning back to her he said, "Well we have something in common because I can't stand that phony bullshit either."

Molly downed the shot and glared him, "Trying to manufacture common ground?"

"Molly simply put, the enemy of my enemy is my friend." JD responded. "I would think being a reporter you would know that."

"I have no enemies JD, unless you feel that way, but to be honest I am fairly ambivalent about you, the only reason we have to talk is because you're news and I am covering it," she said with a tone of finality.

"If your job is news then try doing it. Knox is the prize Molly, and you know it. Whatever you have I can make it work."

"What is it you think I have JD, please tell me, because it's all news to me."

"If I knew I wouldn't have to ask." He downed his shot, followed it with a long swig of the beer and releasing a long breath asked, "Molly what do you want out of this?"

"I am just reporting the news, you're the one who came in here scaring my source away and making no sense at all. Why would you even think I had anything over Knox?"

"You had no source, Molly, we both know it. I know why you came here, and you know I know, so stop lying to me. If it's one thing I know it's a liar. Knox is one of them. He's dirty. Everyone says no, but I know it and I think you do to." He pause for a moment, "I'm not blind, I saw the look on his face when you were in front of him., he looked like he was going to piss himself. This guy is like ice any time anyone else asks him asks him a question, so you have to know something."

"What could I possibly know? I don't subscribe to organized religion. Without religion there would be no wars in the world," she finished lamely.

"Where are you from, originally?" he asked, "Molly I've been all over the country and if I am not mistaken I hear more than a little southern drawl in your voice. Sounds a little like Knox's mush mouth accent."

Molly grimaced she had worked hard to disguise her accent over the years "I don't see how that matters, the south is a big place."

JD caught it and pressed her. "So where'd you meet him before? His church? A seminar, one of those big ass bible camps?"

At the words bible camp, Molly felt the color drain from her face. JD was getting way to close. In a panic she grabbed her bag and left the table heading toward the door.

As Molly bolted, JD stood up and tossing a twenty on the table, quickly caught up to Malone catching her by the arm just as she made it out into the street.

"Whoa slow down, a girl like you shouldn't walk around in this neighborhood by yourself."

"Leave me alone JD. I don't have what you are looking for, I can't help you." she flagged down a passing cab and ripped her arm from his hold and all but jumped into it.

Grabbing the door before she could close it, JD said softly, "No, Molly, I think you being here proves I have exactly what you're looking for, and you running like this means you do have what I want. You can run now, but won't be able to hide for long."

JD wandered down the hallway his head down trying not to focus on all the green lights over the doors declaring them available. At least there were a couple of red ones, but nowhere near enough to compensate for what they'd been losing. Miranda had left him a voicemail asking him to look her up as soon as he got there. He knew what she wanted; it was time to let a few of the girls go, they couldn't keep paying them something to hang around and they couldn't keep losing money.

The other clubs in town were making them offers and at this point he couldn't match them, nor could he blame them if they left. Still once they did leave he doubted he would get them back. Miranda had been hinting at this and he was sure she had compiled a list and put it in the order of who was most expendable. Girls who had the least limits and served the most fetishes would be safe for now.

It would be the few girls who only came there to dance who would be first. Julie, Tammy and Jimmy were the three who would be there until the very end, but anyone else could be on borrowed time if things didn't get better. Right now he had a hard time seeing that happening. He had to admit things had gotten bad when Malone was looking like his best option. Last night proved to him there was something there, but she sure as hell didn't seem as if she were about to talk about it.

JD was going to have to have someone follow her, get some pictures of her acting like the slut she seemed to be looking to be last night and send them her way letting her know he wasn't playing. It was all he had left right now and even then who knew what she really had? If it was something that good Knox would be gone, but something was better than nothing.

He saw Miranda's office was empty and thought about heading into his, but what was the point? He'd just sit there and get depressed. He continued past his office and out into the club where Miranda was sitting at the bar, sipping a Bloody Mary while looking at the notebook in front of her.

"Morning," He said leaning against the bar next to her.

"Early afternoon," She said without looking up, "What's the matter, run out of places to go so you could duck this conversation?"

He glanced down at the notebook and sure enough there in her perfect penmanship was the name of every man and woman who worked at the club. Some had numbers next to them, some were blank.

"You want to help me rank everyone or are you just going to leave it to me?"

"You want to do this here?"

"No, we'll go in the back." she waved disgustedly at the few patrons who were over near the stage Mandy was working. "I just came out here for a drink and figured what the hell, its quiet enough to work."

"Do we really need to do this, Miranda?"

"Yeah, JD we do. At least five people and if things don't get better we'll have to..."


He snapped his head around to see Debbie one of the dancers who wasn't on yet, looking through the one way glass that faced the parking lot.

"Julie's on her way in and those guys are all around her. One of them just grabbed her arm!"

"Where's Jimmy?"

"He's out behind the club smoking, I think." Miranda said, rising from her stool.

"You stay here!" he snapped at here. Running across the floor, he pointed at Debbie, "Go get Jimmy!"

JD burst out of the club to see Julie halfway across the lot surrounded by several of the thugs. JD began striding over to them and heard one yell, "Where you going whore?"

"Get out of my way!" Julie snapped and reaching into her shirt pulled out a can of pepper spray.

"Oh, we're scared. Just put it down and let's go behind the building. You can get on your knees and repent for us."

That was very Christian, JD thought dryly as he approached. Julie lifted the can pointed it at Greg who was right in front of her. She cried out when one of the others lashed out and slapped it from her hand. Grabbing the collar of her shirt he yanked hard, tearing it half off of her.
