Bye, Felicia Ch. 01-04


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"The sum that I propose is equal to one tenth of my current, pre-marital wealth, an approximate figure of 225 million dollars. This would be in lieu of alimony, making such unnecessary. Also, this prenup would stipulate automatic joint-custody of any children, barring incarceration for any period longer than one year, with new arrangements in that case subject to judicial discretion. A lot of this is because of your giving, unselfish attitude, your disinterest in my wealth, as opposed to my grasping girlfriend. Her avarice still has me a bit stunned, even now.

"Most of all, though, I want you to be mother to at least most of my children, if I can help it. I don't want you having to work, if you don't wish to, and if I get my way, you can march right up to your boss today and submit your resignation, taking the rest of the day off. Now, I have a date tonight with my girlfriend, who wants to salvage our relationship. We'll see if that's even possible, but either way, I plan to claim you as my bride, dear.

"I will review the Master-slave contract, of course, to see what needs to stay or change. It's a little fast, true, and if Felicia had proposed marriage outright just this last week, I would have shown her the door, but not you. You're different. You're what she isn't, a woman of very appealing traits, and I don't just mean your physical charms, though those are quite attractive to be sure. Your loyal, subservient, giving nature is duly noted.

"I'm thinking of buying her off, in fact. I want to see if she loves me more, or my money, and if she takes the money, I'll honor the deal, but she and I will be finished for good. If she refuses it, she'll still be in good shape and she'll have earned more of my trust. I gather that you are in earnest about sharing me, as I recall," I replied, as our meals arrived at last, my bangers being well-cooked and seasoned, just as the mashed potatoes had the right flavors as well.

"I like that idea. That will be a good acid test for me, and I hope for her sake, and yours, that she passes. I assume that you have lobbying you hard to keep this girl, just from the fact that you're even giving her another chance after all this. She's lucky that you're so magnanimous, in any case. Yes, I'm perfectly pleased to share you. You're my lover, my fiance, my Master. As long as I know that I'm your primary partner, your favourite companion, what threat are the Felicias of the world to me?

"Yes, offer to pay her off. I want to gauge her reaction to this. Mind if I listen in, or perhaps walk in on your date afterward? Maybe I can sit at the next table or something. Or perhaps I can make the offer while your back is turned. She doesn't know me, doesn't know that I have no money. If you offer it, that makes it sound as if you have no interest in her at all, but if I do, then she has some reason for hope, something to balance against the temptation to cash in on her affections. What do you say?" Pippa encouraged that notion and even improved upon it.

"I'd say that you should do that, and if she takes the bribe, I'll honor it, as I said. You'll get the money and I trust you to wire it to her account, with the provision that she isn't to attempt to reconcile at all. She'll never know that you were bribing her with my money, except maybe after it's already too late. If Mom should ask about it, we gave her a chance and she blew it, big time, so she can't really explain that one away, can she? If she just wants my money, she'd have the perfect chance to get it without having to deal with me. She can find herself a young stud and let him marry her for money instead!" I chuckled at that part between bites of my sausage.

"Oh, dear, God, I love that idea! I definitely want a part of this sting. So, what comes next?" Pippa asked while digging in for more of her kidney pie, "This kidney pie is remarkably good for something made in an American kitchen."

"Yes, these bangers and mash are delicious as well! The onion gravy is rich, but not too rich, and it has a very proper onion flavor to it. Anyway, after this, I say that we stop by my attorney first, draw up the prenup, both of us sign it, and then, still accompanied by him, get a marriage license, take it to a justice of the peace, call my sister Karen over if possible as the second witness, have it notarized, and get our union solemnized in a quick civil ceremony at the courthouse. A fait accomplis, a fact accomplished.

"Much as I would love to fornicate with you before marriage, I like the idea of having this whole deal signed, sealed, and delivered well before I pick up Felicia for our date. I want her to have to face some cold, hard facts for a change. Plus, we still have time to consummate the marriage before I collect her, and I want the juices from your twat on my cock when I meet her tonight for our date.

"That should be a clue to her that something's different, that and the status update on Facebook from 'in a relationship' to 'married to Pippa Stern,' though I'm not sure if Facebook will let you change your last name there on time for that. Anyway, that's nice and kinky, too, and if she doesn't leave me, there will be a chance at some adultery later. That's a nice sin for you. Mind you, if we have a chance for a quickie first sometime this afternoon, who knows?" I laughed at that prospect.

"Hmmm...I like it! All taken care of and done with remarkable efficiency, a legal and bureaucratic assault on all of Felicia's hopes and dreams for her desired future as your trophy wife, I suppose. I, on the other hand, wish to be your submissive housewife, if that's alright with you. I would cook, clean, supervise staff, etc., but mostly be there to support and encourage you, to service, and to raise our children together. I'm yours and I will be very good to you," Pippa winked at me as I paid the check, and then shocked me by dragging me into the public restroom.

"Pippa, what...," I started to say, even as she unzipped my pants and virtually inhaled my dick with her wonderful, warm, wet mouth.

"My, my, Mr. Stern. Such a naughty man, getting your cock sucked on the Sabbath by a single woman that you've barely met!" she winked at me, blushing as she did so.

"Well, well, what does that make you, then?" I teased her back.

"A saucy tavern wench, of course. A proper English slut barmaid, ready to service her darling man!" Pippa kept it up, even as she raised her skirt and yanked down her panties, "Time to get in my knickers, if you wish it. No sense in letting me go to my marriage bed a virgin."

To say that I took her hard and fast was to understate things, and I had to cover her mouth to stop her moans from alerting people to what we did together. One thing was sure...Pippa was no virgin, but she was tight enough to mimic one, and it was a very nice roleplay for our first ever, not to mention first public, romp as lovers. I didn't care...she was as wet and hot between her thighs as between her lips, she had a great ass staring at me from below, and God's teeth, that woman knew how to use her hips to fuck me back as I screwed the hell out of her! It was a rough, aggressive encounter, but that was perfect to remind her that I was the boss and that she shouldn't top from the bottom, of course.

When Pippa squirted on my dick and I came inside her at last, I pulled out of her snatch and she actually kissed the head of my cock, as if to thank me that way for servicing her. Then she rose to kiss me and I gave her so much tongue that she probably thought that she'd turn blue in the face. I didn't care that she had just tasted her juices and my cum on the head of my prick. I just wanted to make out with my new fiancee, and that's exactly what she was now. We shared the wet, sloppy kiss and exited the john together, heading for her workplace so that she could resign from her job.

Chapter 3

Pippa's boss, Ernie, was a rather tall, swarthy fellow with a strong hint of one of the Pacific nations to him, though he was also part something else, no doubt. He could probably intimidate someone if he wished, though I got the quick impression that he was a bit sweet on Pippa. I didn't mind that idea in the least, and in fact, I made a note that perhaps we could set something up for him, given his amorous ways. The look on his face made it clear that he was both surprised and confused that Pippa was in his office, and not alone.

"Look, if you're a lawyer, Pippa can tell you that I've never hit on her. Wanted to, yes, but never done it. You're not a lawyer, are you?" Ernie lit a cigarette against company policy now that the door was closed, wanting to steady his nerves.

"I'm not suing you, Ernie! Don't be silly, love. No, I'm just here to offer my resignation. I shan't be employed here any longer. Nothing personal. Just something's come up," Pippa assured him, making him relax a little.

"And the beefcake next to you is here for moral support, or is he your sponsor? I mean, how do you plan to stay in the country if you're out of work? Not trying to scare or bull you, but just concerned for your future, plus I'll miss you here. I won't lie about that," Ernie told her in front of me.

"I'm actually her fiance," I explained now, "and the something that came up is her upcoming marriage to me. As in as soon as possible. Pleasure to meet you. Pippa likes working here, I think, but she has another job in mind for her long-term career."

"Which is?" Ernie asked out of pure curiosity.

"Housewife," Pippa answered him with a wink.

"And how did you get so lucky?" Ernie turned to me.

"I...called her this morning to fix a mess that my girlfriend had caused for me, asked for her number after being impressed by her very helpful attitude, though admittedly the British accent helped, too, and then, well, we set up a lunch date and really hit it off!" I chuckled now.

"I...guess so!" Ernie stammered, as if aware that lightning struck in this case, "What about money? Do you have enough to provide for her? And what about...your girlfriend, for that matter."

"Girlfriend's future is up in the bloody air, whether or not she can stomach being mistress to my fiance, but as for affluence, I think that Mr. Stern should answer that part," Pippa interjected.

"Mr. Stern?" Ernie asked incredulously.

"Armin Stern, in fact. You might have heard of me," I laughed now, watching the look on Ernie's face as it dawned on him that I was a major stockholder in the firm that employed him.

"Oh, of course...Mr. Stern! Thank you for what you've already done for the company. I've heard of you indeed. But, if I might ask out of curiosity, why doesn't she use your Christian name?" Ernie admitted his confusion.

"Well, I don't exactly have a Christian name, being Jewish, but she doesn't use my given name due to a personal quirk of hers. She can explain it to you later, but there's no real time for that just yet. In any case, I think that you can guess just how well I can provide for the girl. She's mine now, and I'm going to take excellent care of her," I shook his hand, "Now, she gets her vacation time and such, right?"

"Yes, and all paid personal time, that should take care of the two weeks' notice, effectively. I'll miss you a lot, Pippa. I won't lie about that. Don't be a stranger, please," Ernie told us, shaking my hand and kissing Pippa's.

"She won't. And just like I might have a girlfriend or two on the side, perhaps she can have a boyfriend for her part. Who knows?" I dangled the carrot, though I was vague enough to cover my ass.

Pippa definitely caught my drift, making her blush as she signed the resignation paperwork. Ernie coughed and we made a discreet exit, while he fought to keep a goofy grin off his face. We walked over to her cubicle, where she cleared out her desk and collected her things to put in my Jeep. Then she waved goodbye and hugged people before exiting the place for the first time and turning in her employee badge to security. She also collected her sack lunch from the fridge, having apparently intended to eat that instead of her steak and kidney pie at St. George's.

"Did you drive to work?" I asked Pippa.

"Not this time. I carpool. It was Tory's turn to drive. Speak of the devil," Pippa noted that her friend and colleague Tory followed us out.

"Sorry, I had to meet the man who got Pippa out of the ranks of single womanhood. Lucky bastard, but then she's got a lucky cunt, isn't she? Very lucky from the looks of you. You look sharp as a saber. See now, you're what ZZ Top meant with that song, and you, honey, well, now that you don't work with me, maybe I should cop to being bi. If you two ever want to open up your marriage, do threesomes and the like, call me first, okay? I'll be a very happy unicorn, I swear!" Tory nearly drooled in front of me, making me hard and Pippa ready to squirm with her arousal.

"Give me your number, unless Pippa has it already," I told her, "and then you might want to return to work."

"She does, and it's my smoke break. Don't worry. I know that I'm not as lucky as Pippa, no wealthy benefactor to rescue me from my drudgery, though, honestly, it's not a bad job. I just envy Pippa's new life as your missus. I can tell that you'll spoil her rotten, and I swear that she'll do the same...and if you ever want a third in your relationship, ever want to make a triad, look no further than me, please," Tory put emphasis on the please, too.

"Well, I like you, Tory, and we'll take that under advisement, okay?" I winked at her, making Pippa blush and laugh as we departed in my Jeep for my lawyer's office.

"She's a good one for sure. I wouldn't object if you wanted to toss her in as a fringe benefit of marrying me," Pippa teased me as I drove, making me chuckle at her eagerness to share her good fortune.

"Duly noted, my love. In the meantime, Procter and Associates, here we come," I told her as we pulled into the parking lot for my attorney's office.

I took Pippa inside and was immediately met by Donna Haley, the receptionist, who quickly informed her boss, none other than Allen Procter, that I was here. We had a long-running, mutually profitable relationship, Allen and I, ever since we were in the same National Guard platoon together. We endured all of the teasing from friends, girlfriends, and family about being "weekend warriors," knowing that when flooding or natural disasters hit, they'd be glad that we were around. He had left at one grade higher than me, but I now made a lot more than him, so we both had something to goad the other about if we wished.

"Good afternoon, Corporal Stern," Allen teased me, sure enough.

"Same to you, Sarge," I grinned back at him, taking the ribbing...we both knew that Captain James Wendell was the reason that I made never it to at least buck sergeant.

"You know, if you hadn't fucked Jimmy's girlfriend, we'd both be 'Sarge,' but such is life," Allen needled me a bit more.

"How was I to know that she was dating him? She didn't tell me until afterward, and she was already planning to dump his sorry ass. Good thing that she wasn't his wife, or I might have been court-martialed, of course," I retorted with a broad grin in spite of my words.

"Speaking of girls, who's this fine lady?" Allen asked me about Pippa.

"This here is my fiancee, Pippa Magill, originally from the UK. Bristol, to be precise," I proudly introduced her to my lawyer.

"You're engaged? To this lovely young damsel? Lucky bastard! Then again, you're a catch yourself. If you were single, I wasn't your lawyer, and I didn't already have a husband, well, you know me...I'm a one-man man. At least now that Stewart's got me by the balls, that is. But at least he took my name, not the other way around. Being gay does have its drawbacks for a man," Allen observed with a slight chuckle.

"Not too many drawbacks when your spouse is the best cook in the state," I reminded him that Stewart was not an executive chef without a reason.

"Amen to that! Anyway, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company and that of your fine female companion? Last I heard, no offense, but you had a girlfriend named Felicia," Allen recalled.

"Technically, I still do. You see, my relationship with Felicia has gotten even stormier than before, and now, as a consequence of the latest storm, I met this wonderful lady here. We clicked, really well, and she's consented to be my wife. Felicia's going to have to pay the price for her last act of controlling behavior, and that's to face a choice that she might very well loathe. She can lose me altogether, or else become my mistress...Well, possibly one of my mistresses. I might have more than one by the time that Pippa's friend Tory is done with me.

"Anyway, we want you to draw up a prenup for Pippa here and myself. One that protects both of us and makes it quite clear that even if unforeseen events tear us apart, we will still look after each other's welfare, will still care about each other enough to avoid any ugliness," I introduce my plans to Allen, getting a wide grin from him as he heard about my planned sting, the lump sum, and what not.

"Well, that's actually a very smart prenup deal for both of you. By replacing alimony with a lump sum that you don't already have to give her, you are making a good faith attempt to keep things equitable, something that judges tend to like. You also set her up for life without bleeding yourself dry. Knowing that she's going to be a homemaker, judges are going to like that her financial independence is secure. It's a good deal or her, too, especially as you're not trying to deny her community property as some fools attempt to do. If she were a working wife, that would be different, but judges tend to view any attempts to avoid any kind of consideration for a housewife as very unfair. They take a very dim view of that," Allen assured me, even as he had his secretary, Stephanie, prepare the actual document for us to sign.

"Don't worry. Steph here is a notary public, too. It helps that she's a woman, by now. Stewart insisted on no male secretaries, not since the one time I lapsed with that young fellow...Roy. Yes, that was his name. I was drunk and it was at a party, but Stewart put his foot down and insisted that no same sex secretaries were permitted. I pointed out that his sous chef was male, but he said that guy was straight as they got and a devout Muslim and family man. No danger there. Besides, he said, he wasn't a cheater. He had proven trustworthy. He had a point there, since he was taking me back in spite of my cheating.

"Anyway, here it is. Please peruse first, prior to signing it, and then Steph will notarize it. It will be on file and ironclad. You're a good and smart man, and Pippa here, she must be one hell of a woman for you to do this for her. Just remember the other issue. Her immigration status. Sooner or later, ICE will be paying you a visit, both of you, and you know it. You'll have to prove cohabitation, at the very least. If you can put a bun in the oven, as it were, it would go even further toward the goal of convincing the Feds that this is no sham, green card marriage," Allen observed calmly as we read the document.

Pippa skimmed it just enough and then signed with remarkable haste, much to my and Allen's astonishment. I read it a little more carefully, but I also signed it. The deal was almost done, and once Steph did her job, it was complete and would be filed for the future. Naturally, we hoped that it wouldn't be necessary, but the deal was sealed, and we could move on toward the next phase: marriage.

"Alright, time to get that marriage license. Care to be a witness?" I asked Allen, who grinned as he nodded.

"Hell, yes! Come, Steph, let's have you witness this, too. Civil ceremony, I take it, since the rabbis probably aren't going to sign off on a wedding on Shabbos? Not in the temple, when services aren't going on, anyway," Allen probed.