The Tsundere Bimbo

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A woman slowly gets transformed into a bimbo.
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It was a day like any other and Theresa Smith was doing pretty well for herself. She had just finished reading a new book "Galactic tides 4" and was looking forward to playing "NotCraft" for a while. She had decided to treat herself and go to a nice cafe with "Galactic tides 5" in her arms. It was a nice little out of the way place, there wasn't anyone else there besides the barista and her at the moment and the barista was clearly busy with other things, but that was fine. She came here more to read than anything else.

It was as she sat down that she noticed a really creepy guy was standing right there. Right outside the cafe window, just staring right at her. What the hell? She practically flinched back and the really creepy weirdo's smile rose a little. But then he looked at her again and started frowning. What was with this creep?

He walked into the cafe and bee lined right for her. She was scared but his next words left her dumbfounded.

"You should make yourself pretty for me."



"You're not pretty, you should make yourself look good for me. I'm not gonna like you otherwise."

What the hell? How does anyone have this much arrogance?

"I don't intend to look pretty for you, you, you creep! Go screw yourself!"

The creepy fucking weirdo just shakes his head slowly back and forth.

"You should buy some high heels and wear them."

"Go fuck yourself!"

At this point Theresa was well and truly mad. This arrogant creepy weirdo had just walked up and said all, all of that! What the hell, who does that?!

He didn't say anything more and just walked away, shaking his head.

It put Theresa in a bad mood for the rest of the day.




The next day

Theresa decided to go shopping. It wasn't something she did often but, well, shopping could be fun right? And she really wanted to do something to take her mind off from that guy from the other day. No one had ever insulted her looks like that. Seriously, that man must be deranged or mentally ill.

She picked up some basic things, a nice shirt, a new bag, and as she was walking by, she saw some high heels.

No, no I don't need these. That guy was crazy, I don't need high heels. But, but it is on sale with a nice bag...maybe, just for the bag, I'll never actually wear them of course.

She finished up her shopping and went home with her new clothes, bag and pair of heels.

Dawn of a new day

Theresa was surprised at herself. She was outside for 3 days in a row, of her own free will, that had to be some sort of record. She wasn't really a recluse but she, she just didnt like going out all that much okay? Anyway, she had decided that she wanted to go to the mall, just to window shop. Not to actually buy anything per se, just see what's around, maybe grab a corn dog or something and then go home and play some more "NotCraft" and maybe some "Smash Sis's".

As she was walking through the mall, looking at what was on display, she saw the same guy again! He had, sadly, seen her first and was making a line right towards her with a weird casual intensity to him. Probably the kind you'd see in a horror movie villain or a serial killer. He stopped, far, far too close to her and looked her up and down.

"Better. You should work on your face and hair next."

"Y-You! What do you even mean by better huh?! You can just go away!"

"Your heels are nice, its nice that you wore them for me."


It was only now, as of right now, that she realized she had been wearing and walking around in high heels all day today. She was so shocked she didn't even have anything more to say before the man spoke up again.

"Maybe dye it blond too."

"Go away! I didn't wear these for you! I just, they just, they just feel comfortable okay?!"

For a brief second, the world screeched to a halt at the sheer bullshit of that lie. Even the creepy man looked like he was shocked that someone could be so shameless. He then merely shook his head and walked away again!

"It, it wasn't for you..." She called to his back as he walked away.

Theresa walked herself home in high heels that day.

Yet another new dawn arrives

Theresa was well and truly angry. That man, that man! He was so, so, creepy and weird and shameless and mean and rude! He was so rude! Who says that? Who says any of that huh? Huh? No one! She grumbled about it all day today but she was going to show him huh? Today was going to be a hair day. That creep had at least reminded her that she should really take care of her hair. After all, it had been a while since she had last got it done or done at all really right? Usually she just got it cut, but surely, a nice actual hair day would be fine right? Right?

She approached a nice little spa daycare/hair salon/makeover type place. You know, one of those all in one type of places that just seem to keep on expanding and expanding until they do a little bit of everything. It would cost a good bit of money really but it's not like she was hurting for that any time soon, well, not too much right? It should also be fine.

Theresa took a seat and waited and when her hair salon person (salonist?) called for her, she went and sat down in the chair.

"Oh, you have such nice hair! We have so many options and available things we can do with it, really pretty a cute doll like yourself right up!"

"...At least someone thinks it looks good..." she mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! So uh, what's first?"

"Oh first we wash and dry and condition it and...."

And so the lady went on and went through the steps with her as her hair slowly got more and more, well, shiny for starters. After all that was done, the hair salon spoke up again.

"Woo, the basics are always a pretty great start! Now, hmmmmmm, what do you think of dyeing it? Maybe, a beach blond hmm? You'd look amazing with such a style mixing with your hair!"

"Uhhhh, I dunno, I don't think, I don't know if that's really for me..."

"Oh buy you'd look absolutely dazzling, are you sure?"

It, it wasn't like he'd be doing it for him after all! His words didn't matter! But, but if she looked nice, was there any real harm in it? After all, looking good, was a good thing right?

"S-Sure, let's go through with that."


It wasn't long before all of the hair stuff was done and Theresa looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit, she was stunningly beautiful. The blonde hair, okay, maybe that was a really good idea. Good ideas can come from bad places right? There's no reason to think any deeper on it really. It is what is.

At least so she thought till she walked outside and saw the creepy man! What on earth was he doing here?! Was he stalking her! No, no of course he was! The second time was suspicion enough but this, this is really too much! She should call the police immediately, what on earth is this man doing, going after her like this?!

"You!!! Why are you stalking me?!"

In typical him fashion, he ignored her words and looked her up and down again but there was a hint of a smile on his face this time instead of his usual perpetual frown.

"Better, much better. You dyed your hair, good."

This time that was all he said, for a bit.

"W-well? Is that all you're gonna say to me? Huh?!"


"What about my clothes?! I just bought these!"

"Sluttier clothes. You need sluttier clothes."

With that, that's all he said, and walked away.


"What do you mean sluttier clothes huh?! I'm not a slut you bastard! Get back here so I can punch you in the face, you absolute asshole!"

She was fuming and there were a lot of random passersbys watching her rage at what was at this point the back of a man really far away and the empty air between them.

Theresa somehow managed to stomp herself all the way back home, in high heels no less. Her fury was an amazing sight to behold and she quickly went to bed out of pure anger, the day having been ruined.

What? Another day already?

Theresa Smith was at a clothing store. She had in her cart a bunch of very revealing clothes and her face was stone. Her friend, Jenny, who had come to help her get out of her funk and selected her clothes for her, had only noticed her absolute stone killer face after she had picked out all the clothes.

She had noticed her best friend had been wearing high heels and had recently dyed her hair blonde, so she thought she should help her pick out some clubbing outfits, you know, some good extremely casual wear. Some stuff to show some skin and dance in and have all the boys go wild right?

But now her friend was just standing there pissed after all the clothes had been picked out and she couldn't understand why.

"W-we could return the clothes and get different ones you know right? We, we haven't even checked out yet, you know. We can get anything you'd like."

"No. This is fine."

She practically grated the word fine out into the world.

"It's really not a big deal, these are clubbing clothes, we can get you new ones, more normal clothes you know? You don't have to do this for me, this is for you, I don't care."

"No. No, you picked them out and so I should get them."

"T-Then I'll just pick out new clothes and put these ones right back, then they'll be no iss-"


And that was that. She really hoped her friend started to feel better about whatever was going on in her life. She was way too young for a mid life crisis but this was pretty concerning.

A whole day has passed and, wait, where was that guy?

I'm calm, I'm good, yesterday was fine. There was no random creepy weirdo who kept trying to turn me into something I'm not and look good and pretty for him or any other nonsense. Today is fine, today, I'm not even going to go outside. Today is fine. It's fine.

This is what Theresa told herself, ironclad willing herself, to not have a bad day after the mixed last few days. Well mostly bad really, instead of mixed. Why had she even considered they were mixed for a second? Must be the dye fumes getting to her. Hanging out with Jenny was fun though.

She was hanging out at home, enjoying herself, playing some of the old classic "Earthrim", when she heard a knock on her door. She decided to of course, her mistake here really, to go see who it was.

Surprise, surprise, actually it was really a surprise to her, it was the creepy weirdo from before! He had apparently found her home somehow! Normally, such a thing would cause even the most stalwart for people to falter before the idea of your inner sanctuary no longer being sacred and prone to attack by outside, strange, and potentially hostile forces. To be afraid of pain, kidnapping, torture, rape, to feel as though you no longer have a safe space in this harsh world.

But yeah, Theresa was just angry beyond belief.


She nearly slammed the door into his face before his words caught her attention.

"Good. Much better. Very good."

Theresa then slowly looked down to realize that she had, today, decided to wear those revealing clothes because they were comfy and easy to wear and easy to slip into and out of really. They were fine for home wear after all, but now, she had opened the door dressed like this. Her belly was showing, she was wearing a mini skirt, and she had completely forgotten to put on any kind of underwear. Her combined total of cloth might not even make a single shirt as of the moment. Horror, shock, anger and embarrassment warred inside her for a single moment before settling on a blend of all of them.

"W-Why are you, why are you doing this, following me around and judging me?!"

"Still not good enough. Can be better. Hmm."

"A-are you deaf?"

Fearing that all this time she had been yelling at a deaf man, she began trying to do sign language and pantomime "going away." From shooing, to pushing, to pointing away out into the distance, to even going so far as to giving the man 2 middle fingers. He did not in any way react. He just continued to look down at her until he looked straight down at her, eyes focused strongly on something.

She followed his gaze, only to realize that she wasn't wearing any shoes or socks and he was looking at bare feet.

He then looked up and said straight to her face with a mix of deadpan and strong conviction:


And walked away, quickly this time, as if disgusted.

Theresa was so shocked at what had just happened that she just looked numbly down at her feet for a while, door hanging open, not saying a word, and feeling actual shame wash over her. She could see her feet too after all. Just this once, she told herself, just this once, she would actually take his advice and listen. Because just this once, she could wholeheartedly agree that her feet were...maybe her worst attribute. They were not, they were not things to be seen, that was for sure.

She walked back in, grabbed her high heels and left to go to the nail salon spa place.

Dawn of a, wait, it's still the same day? Huh??

Theresa walked into the spa daycare/salon/nail place. She had one goal and one goal only. Not to think about today, not to think about anything at all, to just let her thoughts flit by and let them all go as she just got this done and went home and enjoyed herself a little bit. That was it, that was all.

She, of course, had gone out in broad daylight and walked to the salon, wearing nothing but her revealing clothes and carrying her handbag, drawing many an eye to someone so brazen. She was also ignoring this. It didn't happen, it didn't exist, it didn't matter, it was all just nothing in her mind.

"Um, hello, oh, wait, I remember you from the other day. Are you here for our spa services?"

The word left her throat with gravitas attached to it.


After that word that felt like a bomb had somehow gone off, she actually added.

"Manicure too, I guess."

"O-Okay, right this way. Our specialists will be with you shortly."

She waited, thinking about nothing, just focused on her task at hand. There was no creepy guy or revealing clothes or blah blah blah, just a goal and a task and really, really important need to get this done.

"Hello! It's so good to see you again! These are some of my colleagues. We also double as foot and nail specialists so don't worry, we'll have you right as rain in a moment! Just take off your shoes and we can get started!"


She took off her high heels.


"Oh my god."

"Does she need a doctor?"

"Quiet! Quiet! ....I don't think a doctor could help us with this."

She stayed silent. The words didn't exist. They were empty air. Her head was empty air. All thoughts were gone, there was only the goal and task.

"Can we, like, get this like, thing started?"

"Of course, of course. We'll have to charge you extra for work but we'll get you all better in no time. Don't worry, we'll save you." Her nail/hair salonist and her groupies nodded seriously.




It took 3 hours but afterward, her nails and feet and hands were looking amazing. Most of those 3 hours were dedicated to her feet but her hands were right there so they got the grooming treatment as well while they all worked on her.

Now that the task at hand had been complete, her soul had been saved and her feet hadn't taken her away from this mortal plain, all was right in the world and her empty air head became not empty and air headed. Suddenly she was extremely keenly aware of what clothes she'd have to walk back home in and it would be near night at that. It was getting dark.She seriously considered calling a cab but it would cost a little too much money and she had been spending so much recently. Even with her funds, it was getting to be a bit much.

As she was walking home, she decided, stupidly but we all make those kinds of decisions, that the best thing to do would be to take a shortcut, through an Alley. Well, not all of us make those kinds of bad decisions but still, we aren't all perfect either.

As she was going through the alley, she noticed a man was following her. She was angry at first but then, she was suddenly ice cold scared as she realized this man wasn't the normal creepy man. No! This was a completely "normal" regular creepy man. One that had clearly had a few too many to drink and was looking at her body with lust in his eyes.

She started to run, afraid of her body being attacked by such a creature, when she tripped and fell.

Curse these damn high heels! I knew they were a bad idea!

The drunk man was upon her, tearing off her clothes with drunken grabs. I mean, it wasn't hard, they were basically just scraps of cloth really.

Just as she was considering whether she could push the man off and run away, he looked up, saw something, and his survival instinct must've flared because he ran the fuck away at the highest speed a man imaginably could. Even being drunk didn't seem to slow him down in the fastest.

As Theresa stood up, naked, in a dark alleyway, she saw yet another creepy man. It says a lot about her life that the fact it was the one she knew made her feel relieved. She was begrudgingly going to face the fact that she actually had to thank the man for warding away that drunk with his very presence before she noticed he was staring at her naked body and this time, there was a hint of a lewd smirk on his fucking creepy face.

Horror slowly began to set in and she realized what was about t-

Then he frowned heavily and shook his head, as if dismissing her. He then spoke up.

"You really need to shave and wax."

That was it, that was all he said, and walked away.

Theresa was quickly getting use to being numb but even so, all she could mumble out was a:

"Fuck you too dude."




A new day, a new sun, a new change

Theresa had decided to take a while and reevaluate her life. Something was clearly wrong where she was being chased and accosted by not one but two random men in an alleyway. Okay, one didn't really accost her, but she felt it might've been a close thing there.

That said, she had decided that after all of the stress from yesterday, she seriously needed to go back to the salon and get a proper spa treatment in. This time she was smart though, she took her car. That way she could head home without being attacked because of her clothes, it was so obvious in hindsight really. The thought of not wearing revealing clothes at all strangely hadn't really occurred to her.

"Ah, mam, you're really becoming a regular around here! It was late last night, I hope you home okay?"

"...something like that, yeah, maybe."

"W-Well okay then. What can we do for you here today?"

"I'd like a spa treatment."

"Ah, right away."

It didn't take long before Theresa found herself getting a proper massage and someone who was really rolling out her joints. It occurred to her briefly that being naked in front of a stranger who was touching her would have normally bothered but nah, it was okay. This guy was a professional after all.

"Just relax. Is there anything else I could do for you today?"

Theresa was letting out little moans of pleasure as he really got her every joint and crevice.


"Huh, what was that?"


"Oh sure, would you like a full waxing or?"


Even Theresa wasn't aware of what she had said, she was fully in bliss mode. That only increased as the wax was put on her slightly hairy crotch. That ended that exact second the man strongly, forcefully, and instantly pulled it all off with no warning at all.


Her yowls of pain were strong, incredible, and bellowed out throughout the spa center. Other customers looked in fear, a herd of pigeons on top of the roof flew away and the front desk was only shaking their head in sympathy.