Caged Escape

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What if you don't have a mistress?
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 05/01/2024
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It was clickbait. You know, you look at something once, then the ads appear. I knew that, but I clicked on it and was intrigued.

"The Perfect Penis Prison!" it said. "Guaranteed escape proof. Not just a cock cage, complete and utter control of his cock! Only his mistress can release him. No man, not even Houdini, could get out of this handsome stainless-steel cage! Full refund if not absolutely immobilized! Comfortable, hygienic and discreet. Integral locking - no keys, no padlocks. Just total control by the woman in his life!"

I don't know why I was interested. I didn't need a cage to stop me fucking. The lack of a girlfriend did that. But there was something so exciting about the idea. I clicked 'buy now'.

Well, I paid my money, but realised I might lose it. It was probably a scam.

But it wasn't. I got a notification and a knock on the door as promised. As I signed the delivery woman's phone, I wondered if she knew what she was delivering. I hoped she didn't, but it was exciting to think if she did.

It was there in the box ready assembled on a foam plastic cock and balls. I got really hard just looking at it. And I got even harder reading the instructions. It seemed pretty easy to put on. You could take it down to fit the size of the penis. There was a warning not take it too far as the size reduction was one-way, and it would need to be unlocked, removed and reassembled. A simple twist would lock it. There was advice on hygiene and progressive periods of getting used to it until the man could go for 24 hours or longer.

There was a separate stiff plastic pouch labelled "unlocking instructions" which would need to be cut open, obviously to be given to the mistress. I would just have to be my own mistress for now!

I actually delayed the experience for a couple of days, managing not to wank, and wondering how it would feel when I couldn't. Which was weird but good.

When I finally couldn't resist any longer, it was Sunday. I had a shower and a wank before cooling my cock and applying some oil. The cage was quite easy to fit and I shortened it to just meet the knob before giving the locking twist. I then got on with my day and waited for the feeling. I suppose it was about an hour when I felt constrained. Noticeable, but not uncomfortable.

I'd had a cup of tea, so when my bladder told me I went and sat down on the toilet to piss. It was more difficult to clean up, but great! Just imagine my mistress was making me dress and live as a woman. I hadn't thought about it before, but it seemed a pretty good idea as my cock started to strain. But it couldn't do anything about it! Not that I want to be a woman, but that kind of sex play.

It was so sexy to be like this! I decided to hold on as long as I could.

It got a bit painful at times, but there was a good feeling in holding on. I guess that's what the BDSM people get - painful pleasure, but pleasure all the same. I'd never realised. Not that I was looking for someone to whip me and tie me up, but I wouldn't mind having a girlfriend who would lock me up and make me watch her with a vibrator, or perhaps get me to give her orgasms orally (which I'd never done, but would like to).

These thoughts were so exciting my cock was straining really hard. I kept telling myself 'just one more hour' and was pleased when it got to bedtime. As I cleaned my teeth, I really wanted to open the packet and get the thing off. But I knew that men sometimes wore them for a week at a time. Night time would be difficult, but I was going to try it.

It was an uncomfortable night. I got up three times to have a piss, and when the alarm went, felt as if I hadn't slept at all. But I must have, because I'd had weird erotic dreams, though I couldn't remember the detail. I was going to be yawning at work.


I had my breakfast, took my morning dump, cleaned my teeth, shaved and showered, then opened the packet. It was quite strong plastic - nothing you could tear open - so I had to use the big scissors. I shook it and a card floated out. I could have sworn there were multiple lines of text, but when I picked it up, it just said 'Your mistress will unlock you'.

What the fuck?!

I went back to the instruction leaflet which had a helpline telephone number, but when I called it, I got number unobtainable. The delivery message had been one of those 'do not reply' ones.

I opened my laptop and tried the website, but got one of those 404 messages, and didn't have time to do more.

I got dressed, and looked in the mirror. I reckoned it didn't show if you weren't looking for it. I couldn't decide, but because of the time, hurried off to work. I told them I hadn't had much sleep last night.

If I concentrated on work enough, I forgot about it. It was actually that comfortable. But any chance to think about it reminded me. And break times made me think of a woman controlling me, one I was going home to, for all that sex play while denying me. How good that would be! Painful, like now, but good. Someone who would tease me, but eventually unlock me. I would have had a stiff cock most of the day if it had been allowed. In fact I would probably have had to wank off, my thoughts were so sexy.

That evening I went on the internet and couldn't find the web page, nor any mention of the company and product, just similar names for irrelevant products and Wikipedia topics. Plus femdom sites and ads for cock cages.

It was another sexy but difficult night, so in the morning I rang in sick.

I went to the hospital accident and emergency department, where the receptionist asked me if I had any chest or arm pains, shortness of breath or bleeding, and my name and address before asking me what the problem was.

"Could I speak to a male doctor?" I asked.

"Possibly, but you have to tell me first."

"Well it's a bit embarrassing."

"Possibly, but we're used to it."

She waited.

"Well if you won't I'm going to have to ask. Is it a problem with passing water? Are you unable to pee?"

"No," I said.

"Have you had an injury, some kind of blow or fall, and there's swelling."

"Er, no injury. No swelling."

Quite the opposite, I thought but did not say.

She paused and leaned forward to speak quietly.

"Do you have something up your bottom? It's not that unusual."

"No, nothing like that," I said, blushing.

"Do you have something tied round your penis?" she whispered.

"Y-yes, something like that," I stammered feeling my face go crimson.

"Take a seat. A nurse will see you quite soon."

"Will it be a male nurse?"

"Might be. Next!"

I felt a bit guilty, looking at people with obvious injuries.

A couple of them made annoyed noises when I was called, clearly before them.

The nurse was female and very matter-of-fact, but I bet she had a laugh with her mates afterwards. She told me to take off my trousers and pants and lie on the couch.

"Stag do, was it?" she said as she inspected it.


"Your mates got you drunk and put this on you before the wedding?"


"Well doesn't matter. It's not restricting the blood flow so it's not an emergency. I've got neat little scissors which would deal with string and cloth, but not these bars. I can only suggest you go to the fire station. Anything else?

"Er, no. Thank you."

"You're welcome," she said, ticking a form, then washed her hands and left.

There was nothing for it. I drove to the fire station.

There was a young woman sitting at a desk.

"Could I speak to a fireman?" I asked.

"You are, though it's firefighter these days. Is there a fire?"

"No, it's..."


"No, I er understand you help when people get stuck in things..."

"You mean like a kid with their head through the railings?"

"Ok, let me check a couple of things. There's no fire, but there's a person stuck. Is it a child?"

"No, an adult."

"Are they in any danger? Collapsing building, medical condition. Have you called for an ambulance?"

"No nothing like that, nothing medical."

"So it's an adult, and they'd be safe for say half an hour?"

"Er, yes."

"OK give me the address. Our crews are all out at the moment, but we'll get someone out if you go back there and reassure the victim."

She looked expectantly; her pen poised above the log book.

Oh God!

"There's no need. It's me. I've got something sort of stuck."

She looked startled, then tried not to smile.

"Well, sir. If it's something up your bottom, we usually recommend the hospital."

"No it's something metal that needs cutting off. But I'd prefer a man, if I could wait."

She thought for a moment.

"Look, I'm only looking after the phone. I suggest we go into the back room and you show me, but I'll come back straight away. Maybe it's something I can do quickly. I won't make a record and you can nip off with nobody knowing."

And she gave such a nice kind smile, not at all laughing, that I said OK.

"I've seen plenty of willies, and I'm just trying to help, so let's have a look," she said. I took off my trousers and underpants and she knelt down.

"Is this what they call a cock cage? I've heard about them, but never seen one. Isn't there supposed to be a padlock?"

"Not on this one," I said. "It's got an internal lock, and the woman who's acting as a mistress is supposed to be able to take it off."

"Why doesn't she?"

"I haven't got a girlfriend. I put it on myself."

She gave me a pitying look, but didn't comment.

"Well, I think we can snip it off for you, but wasn't there some information leaflet? Just so I can make the minimum number of cuts."

I handed her the leaflet and so-called instructions. She studied them for five minutes, and said to herself "Let me see... if I..."

She put her hands round it, there was a click and it opened. Seconds later I was released.

"However can I thank you?" I said with relief.

"You can buy me dinner," she said.

"I'll get back to the phone while you get decent."

When I got back to her, I asked "How did you do it?"

"That'd be telling," she told me.

"So are you grateful enough to buy me dinner?"

Of course I was.


And that's how I found the love of my life.

Over dinner we talked about ourselves. She was a bit of a tomboy and a rebel, which is why she'd gone to be a firefighter, traditionally a man's job. I was surprised to find out how many females there were in the service, and some in top jobs.

At the same time she was beautifully feminine when not in her work clothes. I almost didn't recognise her at the restaurant.

Then we went back to her home and talked about sex. Specifically the kind of sex involving a cock cage. She was intrigued by the idea of having a man in her power, and even more by the idea that he might like it. Then she said she didn't want to deny me anything straight away, and we made love.

Yes, it was a first date, but as a firefighter she was used to taking decisions, and quickly when required.

She's probably stronger than me (make that definitely, certainly fitter) but not musclebound.

I found that her decisions about where to go and what to eat were generally best.

After a few dates, she said she'd like to try something I'd mentioned, caging me while I gave her oral sex, but only if I wanted.

That led to a few evenings of passion, as I did everything she wanted on her whole body. No matter how desperate I was there were hours of stroking, kissing, sucking. She could get really excited from breast fondling and nipple sucking, but she also got a thrill from having her neck gently kissed. I had to learn all her erotic zones. It took me a while to master cunnilingus, with her loving instructions, but it gave me immense satisfaction when I did. I did it sometimes uncaged afterwards.

It's hard to explain why the aching denial of lust was so good, but it was. However, she still liked fucking, so we did a lot.

Most evenings were without a cage, but it wasn't long before she took to caging me after a fuck until the next date. This ensured I thought about her at work. And had to sit down to pee, of course.

Yes, I was a sex slave, but oh so willing. So long as her pleasure was all she wanted, then I couldn't be happier, and I enjoyed every fuck so much better.

It started with her periods. When she felt one coming on, she would cage me until it was finished. Finally I could manage a week. We didn't do longer because she liked me without a cage in bed.

In less than a year we were married. I was wearing a cage and she told me I would spend my wedding night in denial.

But when it came to it she uncaged me.

"I'm not going to spend my wedding night without a fuck!" she told me.

"That was just to please you!"

For the whole two weeks I was locked all the time except in bed. We went out as tourists, danced and had meals like that. In bed there was a more subtle form of denial. I had to pleasure all she wanted though my cock was aching and dribbling with lust until she decided it was time to fuck. Each time I wondered if she was going to let me, but she always did.

It's an interesting marriage. We've looked on the internet, and decided what is and is not for us. She doesn't hit me or humiliate me like some do. (Ok for them, of course.)

We got some sex toys, but she decided she didn't like using them while I watched. But she took a couple when she went on a one-week management course, and promised she would use them while I was caged at home.

We got some clothes and dressed me up (caged, of course) as a woman for a week, which was a laugh but we didn't do more than that. Just occasionally at the weekend she'll make me a housewife for a day, and threatens to take me out shopping. I don't think she will, because she'd be too embarrassed if anyone recognised me. We're just playing in private, not advertising.

The main fun is that she enjoys controlling me sexually, and I enjoy being controlled. I am caged and uncaged, when she decides. Sometimes she'll tell me how long, sometimes I'll just have to wait. We don't have a spare key. If ever I need it off, I'll have to go to the fire station.

I still don't know how she undid the cage so easily. I supposed she had a better sense of machinery, from working with all the fire brigade equipment. Now she just snaps it on and off. If I try anything it just tightens. Or was there something on the instruction card she could read and I couldn't? No, of course not! But maybe it was something psychological, a sort of blindness for me, because I didn't want to be able to undo it. I've never seen it since, so I can't check. (Otherwise I could ask someone else to read it out.)

And it was weird how neither of us could find the website again. Though they did take my money. And there was no way we would have met had I not got locked in. And if we had met in the ordinary way, there was no way we would have found our common interest. Spooky.

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy10 days ago

The narrator seems like a glutton for punishment!


lAnatomistelAnatomiste18 days ago

You might wish to have this re-located to "Fetish" or "BDSM."

muskyboymuskyboy20 days ago

Not a romance story.

GreyMatter46GreyMatter4620 days ago

A marriage mad in heaven. a husbad and wife on the same page, no matter how kinky. Fun. thanks

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