Call Out Your Name Ch. 06


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No, Jesse couldn't stop the words that the Butler brothers used against him, but he could control how he reacted. His first mistake, if you will, was ignoring the bullying, and when Mark complained to Mitchell that Jesse didn't seem to care what he said, the older boy decided to make him care.

But just as Jesse didn't pay attention to Mark's verbal threats, he didn't pay attention to the written ones either. By the time June rolled around, Mitchell was enraged enough to become dangerous. He decided that Jesse needed to learn a lesson. And that strange gleam in Mark's eyes in the school parking lot? He knew immediately who was behind the notes, but he wouldn't have said anything. Mitchell was family.

Luckily, I was with Jesse the night that Mitchell was pushed over the edge, and the County sheriff's office took charge. He'd be going to the hospital to get stitched up, but then he was heading for jail, and considering the charges, the detective was nearly positive there would be no bail involved. It seemed that Jesse was safe. I declined a trip to the ER myself to have my hands looked at. They were battered and bruised, but I was okay.

Ms Capps and the rest of the family gave me a hero's welcome, making over me like I was some kind of savior for alerting them and keeping Jesse safe. I was grateful and embarrassed, but deep down, I was exhausted. Noting that I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open, Sandra sent the family to bed while she fetched sheets for me to crash on the sofa. I was never so happy to close my eyes.

But as I was falling asleep, or maybe it was in a dream, a chilling thought came to me that almost made me sick to my stomach. Inadvertently, my father might have saved Jesse's life. Our argument was timed perfectly for me to get Jesse home exactly when Mitchell was there and waiting but not quite ready for him, seeing as how I didn't think he had the knife out yet. Had I just been dropping Jesse off with my mind set on returning home, it was very likely I wouldn't have heard Mitchell talking to Jesse over the noise of the engine. Nor would I have left the car. So because I was spending the night at the Capps' home, Mitchell was behind bars and Jesse was safe. Out of danger.

Early the next morning I came awake to find Jesse sitting on the floor next to my head. It was still nearly dark outside. "Hey, hero," he whispered, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I stretched. "Hi, Baby, is it time to get up?"

"No. Mom just left for work, and Jenna is putting on her makeup so she can leave in twenty minutes." He wiggled his eyebrows. "How about you meet me in my room after she goes?"

"Okay," I mumbled, stroking his jaw. "I'll be back there later."

I guess I must have fallen back asleep because the next thing I felt was the sensation of chilled air wisping against my skin and then warmth again as the blanket settled. Hands on my boxers fished my semi-rigid cock through the fly just before a humid mouth descended on it and began to suck it into full hardness. Jesse's tongue wrapped itself around the head and licked the precum welling from the slit and his lips slid up and down my shaft. Deliriously, my hand found his blanketed head to hold him in place. Minutes later I was muffling my moans with the blanket as I shot ribbons of cum into Jesse's mouth.

His head appeared from under the covers, licking his lips and his eyes blazing in the dawn light. "Breakfast is served," he announced, giggling. "That's the least you deserve for being my protector and keeping me alive."

I scooted back as far into the upright cushion as I could to let Jesse lie beside me, and we made out, our hands roaming over each other, until it was nearly time to get up. Then I flipped myself to position my head at Jesse's groin and wrapped my lips around his thick flesh, sucking him down my throat and into oblivion. We kissed some more, and I relaxed into Jesse's arms and scent, thankful to be with him and that he was safe at last.

Needless to say, there were two very happy and sated high schoolers showing up on the football field for graduation practice at eight o'clock. We had every reason to gloat over our change of circumstances in the past twenty-four hours.

With Mitchell caught and my secret from my father blown wide open, there was no reason to pretend anymore, and when Jesse and I weren't running through the graduation program we were wrapped around each other or strolling the field holding hands. Sure, some ninety pairs of eyes were on us, but who the hell cared. We'd gone through enough shit in the past five months, and I no longer minded who was disturbed with my sexuality. Get used to it because Jesse and I were going to be together into eternity.

I received a text message from Carl to stop by the marina after he was done for the day. I had driven Jesse that morning even though he no longer needed protecting, and we were back at his house making lunch. I was fairly sure I already knew what this was about. Jesse seemed to know too and said he would accompany me.

The crew was still cleaning up from the day's fishing charter, and I joined in washing down the deck of the Sorsha Lynn. Jesse pitched in putting away some of the fishing gear we kept on board, and I could see the crew liked him. Presently, all was ship-shape, and I went below to talk to Carl.

"Hey, Shane," my uncle greeted me, and upon spying Jesse he waved at him too. "Come on down, you two."

He pointed out an ice chest and told us to help ourselves, and Jesse brought out two cold Dr. Peppers. I sat down at the dinette table and waited. Carl had an amused grin on his face.

"I got a telephone call from your mother early this morning," he informed me with a sharp look.

"Oh yeah," I asked, wary. This was unexpected, and I could just imagine the news that had shot through the parental grapevine.

"She wants me to fire you."

My jaw dropped and my eyes goggled. Jesse looked about the same and squeezed my hand hard, worried.

"It seems as if you had an altercation with your father last night," he hinted, now chuckling. "According to Lisa, you were, and I quote, 'flaunting your relationship with your boyfriend in front of your dad'."

Jesse's face turned to stone and he sputtered angrily in my defense. "That's not what happened at all. We were eating dinner and playing on the Xbox. Shane's dad showed up and started challenging him, and when Shane told the truth he kicked him out of the house."

Carl nodded. "I figured it was something like that. So, what's going on?"

"I'm homeless," I shrugged. "Dad let me take a few changes of clothes last night but told me I have to empty out my room. I can't go back to Mom's, especially after what she told you. So I have no idea where I'm going."

I sobered instantly, just realizing what I said. It was true. I was homeless, and even with picking up more hours from Carl over the summer, I didn't have enough money to support myself.

"So how would you like to move in with me and Elaine?" he asked, studying me carefully. "We have a fourth bedroom downstairs that we aren't using, and you would have your own bathroom. We'd charge you a small amount for rent, food and utilities, but it would be a place of your own. You can work the summer, go to college in the fall and we'll decide then what to do next."

"You aren't firing me?" My voice cracked with emotion even though I shouldn't have been surprised.

He laughed. "Of course not. Like I told you, I don't care what your parents think. Not only are you family, but you're a good employee. It doesn't matter to me who you're with as long as it doesn't affect your work." He glanced at Jesse and smiled.

Carl didn't have to ask me twice. I threw myself in his arms. "Oh, thank you, Uncle Carl. You have no idea what this means to me." Then Jesse and I grabbed hold of each other and jumped up and down as Carl laughed.

The following day after graduation practice we went to my dad's and stripped my room of all my belongings. Elaine was waiting when we arrived at their house, and I dumped boxes in my new bedroom to be unpacked later. Declining dinner but giving her hugs and kisses of thanks, Jesse and I went out to celebrate.

The next night was graduation, and Jesse and my new high school friends yelled and cheered as I crossed the stage erected in the football stadium to get my diploma. Neither of my parents showed up and the applause I heard in the stands came from my aunt and uncle and Jesse's family. Frankly I didn't care. With each cruel, thoughtless rejection by my mother and father, I turned my back on my need for their approval just as surely as they turned their backs on me.

Jesse and I were at Disneyland way later having just finished the Star Tours ride when I happened to spy a familiar face. Or three faces in a group of four. Standing almost directly behind us was my Sacred Heart best bud, Gordie, another former friend, Randy Dawson, his current/my ex-girlfriend, Danae, and another girl I didn't know who was apparently Gordie's girlfriend. Gordie's eyes opened wide when he saw me, and a huge smile broke out on his face.

"Shane, dude," he yelled excitedly. The others stared up at me in shock, unsure of what I would do. All of us from my old high school knew that Randy had poached Danae from me as soon as my back was turned. They looked like they wanted to melt into the sidewalk, but Gordie joyously threw his arms around me in a giant hug. I could tell he was genuinely happy to see me.

The rest ambled over to where we stood, and there was a minute of strained, silent embarrassment, like when you meet up with people you haven't seen in months and don't know what to say. Jesse turned to me with an anxious frown, and I squeezed his arm soothingly as I quietly explained I had attended school with them when I lived down south.

Introductions were quickly made. "This is my boyfriend, Jesse," I said proudly, putting my arm around his waist.

Danae's face turned fuchsia and Randy grimaced. Gordie's girlfriend whom I suddenly remembered was named Megan tried to smile but couldn't quite manage it. Gordie was the only one who didn't seem to mind. He slapped and bumped Jesse's hand, and his smile never went flat. Yeah, I guess he's still a good friend even if we don't live in the same city anymore.

"So dude," Gordie exclaimed, nearly falling all over himself with excitement, "What are your plans? You coming back to Rancho Martinez for the summer?"

"No way!" My face scrunched up in disgust. "I wouldn't live with my mother if you paid me. She has turned into such a bitch. I'm working for her brother on his boats, and she tried to get me fired because I'm gay."

"Fuck that," Gordie sympathized while the other kids looked at their feet. I also felt Jesse startle, as if he understood what I was implying. "So where are you going to school next fall?"

I smiled at Jesse, and the look of adoration he gave back made my heart soar. "Hope Ranch Community up near Calberia. Jesse and I are going to school together."

"I thought you had a football scholarship for back east." Randy spoke up for the first time and his tone was mocking. Suddenly I wanted to get away from these creeps. I could care less what they thought of me.

"I did," I acknowledged. "I gave it up. I'll probably get scouted in two years, and then Jesse and I will move to wherever I end up playing." I squeezed Jesse a little harder. "No way am I going to leave my boy."

I could see by the sour faces on all but Gordie that they thought I had made a big mistake, but that was their opinion, not mine. I was just being polite, and these people who were no longer in my life didn't make any difference. Jesse was the best thing that ever happened to me. We had been through a lot and he was my future now.

We conversed a few minutes longer, and Gordie told me to keep in touch, much to his girlfriend's dismay. They sauntered off with disgusted looks back, and I kissed Jesse on the cheek.

He nudged me in the ribs. "Gay, huh? I thought you were bi."

I put my hands on his shoulders. "Whatever you need me to be," I replied, and then I began to sing. Not great mind you because I can't carry a tune, but he got my meaning. "And if you want another kind of love I'll wear a mask for you"

"You've come a long way, Blondie," he exclaimed enthusiastically, squeezing my hand.

"Um, maybe," I retorted. I stared into his eyes. "I love you, Jesse. I hope you know how much."

He giggled. "Enough to get kicked out of your dad's house, wrestle crazed stalkers to the ground and stand up to your old friends? Yeah, I know how much. And I love you too."

With another kiss, we wandered off, hands clasped together. Surely, somewhere there was another thrilling Disney ride I hadn't taken Jesse on where he would have to cling to me. Maybe I'd buy him a pair of Mickey Mouse ears. Oh, and there was that quiet little restaurant that overlooked Pirates of the Caribbean where we could probably make out if we got a table in the back.

I contentedly considered my future. Who needed parents when I had Jesse's family and their blessing? He was my family. Work over the summer, college in the fall, but my life finally felt complete and I couldn't wait. I had my lover by my side and we made each other happy. I knew I'd found my forever and Jesse was it. That's what love is all about.

The End

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cmiextracmiextraabout 1 year ago

Author, I sincerely appreciate your advance warnings about the upcoming tragedy & your offering a more appropriate ending.

Let us not kid ourselves--the stories on this site, no matter how well-written the plots or characters may be, are word porn. Seriously . . . your readers are choosing to read a story where a slutty bi guy suddenly transforms into a faithful gay boyfriend wholeheartedly choosing a fully monogamous relationship in which prostates are always located immediately, anal sex only"pinches" & the pain of penetration melts quickly into only orgasmic bliss.

Why on earth would you think we would suddenly want depressing realism?

LOL, keep writing!

Jerome_PlamondonJerome_Plamondonover 2 years ago

“The wish is father to the thought.”

This is a dream ending, as unreal as it is beautiful.

CooperEssCooperEssover 3 years ago
Thanks for the choice

Even if real life doesnt give you the opportunity to choose which ending would be prefered.

Isnt it the small thinks in life that make big changes...

It looks so bad, that his dad kicked him, but it saved the life of his love.

So for me its nice to think, that even bad things happen, it could be for the good...

MidnightShriekMidnightShriekabout 4 years ago
Its cute

My favorite part was when the police men asked if it was talking about Shane

And shane said

"YES, he's MY boy"

Bitch, THAT was cute, THAT WAS CUTE!!!

IM content with yur original story thou. Not everything happens the way we want. And not EVERYONE likes to see that picture.

But I appreciate the Alternate. They both still live happily ever after never the less.

bootneck81bootneck81about 7 years ago

I loved every chapter, thankyou so much for posting and writing this , wonderful

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Yes, cliffgirl has left us

But you can read more of her wonderful stories at her blogspot. She kept writing right up until the time of her death.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thank you for the change!!

Regardless you are a great writer! For me personally when I sit down and read these its because I'm lonely, I'm sad, or I'm not having or getting something in my real life I need. Had known how the original ending went I would have never read it. People read these for different reasons and I read them when I need a pick-me-up. So I wanted to thank you for the alternate ending. I know that there are many stories out there that end sadly, so it's always great when you can sit down and get involved in a world that leaves you walking away in a better State of Mind than when you came to it. That's what your alternate ending did for me. I would never expect an author to change their stories based on my opinion nor would I stiffle an author's creativity and voice. The fact that you went back and made changes I know may upset people thinking that you've done just when I said I would never expect you to do; but it shows you care about your fans and your readers. As a reader, who turns to this for what I would suspect to be different reasons than the norm, I can't thank you enough. It's also important to remind people being effect their actions will have on others and even in life differently outcomes can be if we don't stop to think. Thanks again for the change!!

Scoobydoo2014Scoobydoo2014over 8 years ago
Author is now deceased.

Please read what secretsides has written. The author is no longer here. These stories though are a wonderful legacy to leave and will provide enjoyment for many years to come.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
This is at least a happier ending

Yet it lacks something. I wish you would write an epilogue for this ending that would allow the readers to know the boys stayed together forever. Maybe a wedding in five years once college is done. Please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I love this ending better even though the other one was good to great job


secretsidessecretsidesalmost 9 years ago

I was just re-reading some of my fave stories and saw these comments. SO, I thought I'd pass this along.... this author passes away a couple of years ago. Great talent and a really sweet person.So.please be kind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Why do you delete some of your stories? I loved Crushing on Justin :(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Loved it all

I really enjoyed both endings. I think we are always going to be rooting for the HEA but as some others have said I think I found the first ending more raw and real. They were both well written though and I think that despite the first ending feeling more real for me, when I think about Shane & Jesse I will picture their future together rather than the tragedy.

SilverSilhouetteSilverSilhouetteabout 10 years ago

It was a gr8 alternate ending.....

and i have an appreciation for both endings.....

Thank you, dear author.....for sharing your story with us!

brijeonbrijeonabout 10 years ago

I really loved this story the first ending had me crying like a baby, OMG you took us into the pain Shane was going through. I so love him and Jesse together but as sad as the first ending was I liked it better don't get me wrong I hated that you ended it the way you did but it felt real where as the second ending felt fluffed. I would love if you wrote a chapter or two of them ten years later, their own family,loving each other,work,holidays and do they still go on the boat to celebrate their anniversary, what happened to Shane's bitch of parents.

Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessover 10 years ago
okay so an honest opinon?

Both endings sucked! Lol no no they didn't both worked to tie up loose ends, I think a middle ground could be reached though, using both endings but no one dies.

Jesse still gets attacked and badly beaten ending in a coma, Shane falls to pieces and his dad finds out he's gay and kicks him out, he moves in which his uncle. Jesse comes out of the coma and doesn't remember Shane and they have start again.

More believable than the second ending but not as grim as the first :D but it was a heartwrentching story that was well told whatever the ending!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Loved both endings

It all was to real for me.... I cried so much when Jesse died well both endings was so great.... I just want to thanks u for writing this I love it

From: Oblivion

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
I too love a happily ever after type ending

I did enjoy the other one too but this is more my style...sappy but hapy ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Thank you for a truly beautiful story. I couldn't find the original ending, but I'm a "happily ever after" kind of guy, so it's just as well. What is the chance of two more chapters. Thank you for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
the best

literally the best story I have read off this site please consider writing more on these characters, their is still room for more beautiful stories. Thank you for this amazing gift and amazing characters.

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