Camping with Wife and Friend

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Wife entertains friend while camping.
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My wife, Abby, and I enjoy camping in the mountains. We go regularly and really enjoy roughing it. Where we go is not a designated campground but located in a state forest with campsites spread far apart providing plenty of privacy and solitude. It's the kind of camping where you bathe in the creek and the bathroom is behind a nearby tree and you never have to worry about someone seeing you with your clothes off.

We often go just the two of us but decided we wanted to invite some friends along this time. We invited three couples, one of which was a co-worker of mine, Andy, and his girlfriend of about 6 months. Andy and I have worked together for about 5 years and have become pretty good friends often grabbing beers after work.

Sometimes the girls would join us for drinks but more often it was just Andy, Abby, and Myself. His girlfriend had to work nights and wasn't available often. Over the years my wife and Andy became very comfortable with each other and when enough drinking was involved, even a little flirty with each other. No topic was off the table and eventually it always ended up on sex.

I should mention Abby and I had participated in the swinger lifestyle for a few years, although it was some time ago, about 5 years in fact. We didn't have a lot of swinger hookups when we were involved but enough to have some varied experiences, a few were good, a few were so-so, and a few were not great. We got out of the lifestyle because we found it almost more effort than it was worth. We talked about it from time to time and I always thought that maybe in the right situation it could happen again.

Unfortunately, shortly after the trip was planned Andy's girlfriend broke up with him, something about him moving to fast. It was unexpected and Andy was hurt. He did a good job hiding it but Abby would pick up on little comments or notice small indications that he really missed her.

Shortly after they broke up one of the other couples made an excuse to not go. They were more friends of Andy's girlfriend than us so it made sense and wasn't unexpected. Then the third couple had unexpected major illness in the family and had to back out.

I figured it would just be the two of us again but then suggested to Abby that we still ask Andy to go thinking it would be a good way to get his mind off of the break up and have some fun. He enjoyed camping and fishing just as much as we did. To our pleasure Andy decided to stick with the plans and go.

Just being the three of us we decided to ride together. The four hour ride to the mountains provided for lots of laughs and surprisingly a little flirtiness between Abby and Andy. It was surprising because there wasn't any drinking yet. The flirting was subtle and mild, but noticeable.

As we arrived at the campsite we busied ourselves with setting up camp. Tents went up, firewood collected, supplies unloaded, and finally, just as the sun was starting to drop behind the trees, the campfire was roaring. Abby fixed a great meal over the fire and with a full stomach we pulled up next to the fire in our camp chairs to enjoy the evening.

We all had started drinking right after camp was set so we were beginning to feel pretty good. Andy confessed he brought some marijuana along if we wanted to share. Abby and I didn't smoke often, in fact, it was pretty rare but it wasn't new for us either. It felt right for the night so we passed the bong around the fire and the good feelings grew with each hit.

There was enough wind to blow the smoke from the campfire consistently in one direction causing the three of us to sit on one side. Abby was positioned between Andy and I. There was no intention in the arrangement it just worked out that way.

With the intoxication level pretty high we were all three enjoying the night. There was a lot of laughter. Suddenly the conversation changed and became more serious mostly talking about Andy and how he was doing after the break up. The mood took a downward turn and I was afraid the night was moving towards an early evening.

Abby, sensing the mood was dropping, does what she often does to lighten it, she brought up something sexual. I think she made a comment about a shadow from the fire looking like a short fat cock. It worked like a charm instantly the laughter was back. Once again the conversation turned to sex.

We were learning things about each other we never knew. Abby told us about her first attempt at a blowjob in high school in a corn field. I shared the first time I fingered a girl at the beach on summer vacation when I was a teenager. And Andy told us about his first tender hook up where he fucked a girl in her barn with horses all around. We were having a good time.

The flirting between Abby and Andy started to pick up again although this time not so subtle. I admit I was enjoying watching Abby flirt with him. It was a huge turn on for me. I was also helping encourage it.

Eventually Abby commented the fire was getting to hot. Half joking I suggested that she take some clothes off to cool down. To my surprise, without hesitation, she pulled her top off. Abby is 36 with fiery red curly hair and amazing blue eyes. She is 5'4" and about 110 pounds with an amazing shape and breast that are just right to show off.

It was obvious that Andy found Abby attractive. He had mentioned to me many times at how hot Abby was even joking with me that if we ever broke up he was going to take a shot at her. Needless to say he was enjoying the view.

Andy had seen Abby toppless before very breifly once about a year ago in the back of my car when Abby was changing clothes after work before we all went out. It was just a quick glance but they were both comfortable enough with each other at that point it wasn't a big deal. This was different. Abby was topless just sitting there in full view from the fire light and no intention of putting her top back on.

Andy, also 36, had what Abby called a dad bod, although he is not a dad. He had a few extra pounds but wore it well. He was a little taller than me with a shaved head and full well groomed beard. Andy never had trouble getting girls and often they were what I would call out of his league.

Abby would say Andy looks good but not gorgeous or hot by any means. I had asked her in the past if she thought he was attractive and she said not especially. She said that he has a great personality though and he is very funny and that goes a long way for a girl. She felt his charm and humor was attractive and was convinced this is why he consistently had hot girlfriends.

After taking her top off we continued drinking and occasionally taking a hit off the bong. The conversation was very light, silly, and still very sexual. Andy became more and more focused on Abby and she on him. He would occasionally stare at Abby's tits and say things like, "OMG, I can't stop looking at those lovely things" or "you must be cold" because her nipples were erect.

Andy started to make excuses to touch Abby and there was no effort from her to avoid it. Andy reached for a beer out of the cooler which was on the other side of Abby. The easier path would have been to go behind her to the cooler but the beer wasn't the true goal. He wanted to touch her and she was willing to let him.

Andy intentionally brushed his hand against Abby's bare breast as he reached across her for the beer and again coming back. As he came back he even paused with his hand cupping her tit for just a second. It was a test to see how she, and I think more importantly, how I would react. There was no protest from either of us.

Sitting back down Andy was flush. I could tell he was very excited and I think he had hopes there could be more. I could also tell from the conversation and how Abby was acting she was horny as hell. I have known her long enough to read her body language pretty well and she was definitely in the mood. I know I was.

The conversation continued for a few more minutes when Abby leaned forward to stoke the fire. She turned and looked at Andy, gazing at him for a couple of seconds before turning to look at me. From her look I could tell something was about to happen.

With a wink at me Abby put the stick she was using to stoke the fire down at her feet, stood up and came to me giving me a passionate kiss. As her lips parted mine the sexual tension was sky high. She walked over to Andy's chair and leaned in and kissed him passionately. They kissed for a couple of minutes before she broke it off.

No one said a word.

Andy looked at me again searchinig for a sign of protest only to find me watching with a smile. Andy took one of Abby's breasts, cupped it in his hand and began to alternate between sucking on her nipple and running his tongue around it. Abby let out a soft moan.

Abby, still leaning in from the kiss, stood back up moved in front of Andy sitting in his chair. She kneeled at his feet encouraging him to open his legs. Abby began to unbutton Andy's pants while turning to look at me one more time to ensure that I was ok where this was leading. She also did not find any protest from me.

Abby pulled Andy's pants down slightly freeing his erect cock. Abby slowly took the head into her mouth, gently playing and teasing before she took his entire length into her throat. She worked it up and down, varying her speed and depth in expert fashion often looking into Andy's eyes. Occasionally she would stop and stroke him with her hand and look over to me for reassurance only to find me fixated on what she was doing to him.

As Andy's breaths began to speed up and he started to slightly thrust upward from his seat, Abby took him in her mouth again. Her pace was faster meeting his thrust upward eagerly as he built to a climax.

To my surprise, and a little bit to my disappointment, Abby allowed Andy to cum in her mouth. He shot his entire load of cum as she continued to move up and down on his cock only allowing a little bit of his cum to slip past her lips dripping off her chin. She swallowed most it.

This was surprising to me because although I get this amazing treat fairly often myself, it was one of our rules when we were in the swinger lifestyle. We had only a few rules but that was one. No one was allowed to cum in Abby's mouth except me. Neither one of us had broken any of our rules before until now.

I was a little hurt but I was very excited. I really had mixed emotions about what just happened. It wasn't so bad that I made a scene out of it or said anything at the time. It was surprising for sure but I was ready to see where this leads to next.

After Abby swallowed the last drop of Andy's cum, she lifted her head looking up at Andy with a big smile. Still lightly stroking his cock with her hand, he was in heaven. Abby looked at me as if to say, "are you ok?" I gave her a smile and told her how amazing that was to watch. She stood up, wiped his cum from her mouth and chin with a towel, took several quick drinks of her drink, then kissed Andy passionately again before turning to me. As she came over to me she grabbed my hand and squeezing tightly. giving me a light kiss before sitting back in her chair.

There was a little more talk and laughing before i suggested the three of us move to the tent thinking there would be more fun to be had. Abby said, "not tonight, I'm sorry but that was a treat just for Andy." I was again surprised but let it play out.

We talked a little more before Abby stood up, gave Andy a quick kiss and told him good night. She grabbed my hand and led me to the tent. The zipper on the tent wasn't even closed before Abby had her hand on my pants pulling them down.

As Abby spun me around dropping to her knees in front of me she grabbed my cock and put it in her mouth. She cupped my balls in her hand squeezing gently working up and down the length of my cock with her mouth. She kept the pace swift and as my balls and cock began to swells she squeezed my balls a little harder. I couldn't hold off any longer as I spilled my load of cum into her mouth. She swallowed nearly all of it with only a little slipping between her lips running down her chin and dripping on her still bare breast.

It was one of the best blow jobs I have ever had.

Abby laid back on her back on the sleeping bag and invited me down. Her pants were coming off as I kneeled in between her legs. Her pussy was radiating heat and she was soaking wet. I used my finger first playing with her clit and exploring the inside of her pussy. A couple of minutes in she sat up grabbing my head pulling it to her crotch. I found her clit with my tongue and I began to gently massage it.

Within minutes Abby grabbed my head again pushing me harder between her legs. As I continued to massage her clit with my mouth and tongue she started to shudder, moan, and twist all at the same time as waves of pleasure passed through her body. Finally as it subsided she released my head allowing me to come up for air. I rolled next to her on the sleeping bag both of us spent and breathing heavily.

Before falling asleep, I asked Abby why she didn't want to have Andy join us. She said she didn't want to fuck him but wanted to do something special for him because he is such a nice guy and she felt bad for him. That was good enough for me at the time and we quickly fell asleep.

The next two days were a little different. We really didn't talk about the first night. We still had a good time, drinking, laughing, but it was different. There wasn't really any flirting or talk of a sexual nature.

The final night at the campfire Abby brought it up. She let Andy know not to expect it to happen again. She told him that he is a special friend and it was a special night but it was just one night, not that it couldn't happen again if everything feels just right, but don't expect it. She then told him she wanted to make sure he understood that she loves me very much and nothing would ever happen where I was not present. She gave Andy one final kiss as we went to bed later that night.

Several days after we were home I asked Abby about letting Andy cum in her mouth. She apologized to me and said that she was worried it bothered me. I admitted to her it did a little. She again apologized and offered that she did not want to fuck him. She was really excited by all the flirting, getting high, and just really having a good time. She knew he really missed his ex and felt bad about it. She knew we were going to fuck later in the tent and he would likely hear us and she worried it would make him feel even worse.

She said that she just wanted to make Andy feel really good, make the night memorable for him, and plus she figured I would enjoy watching it. As for allowing him to cum in her mouth she said it just felt like the right thing to do. She knew that would be the best she could do without having to fuck him.

I accepted her explanation. I reassured her that I found it super hot to watch and did really enjoy it. Although I asked that going forward, I would like to keep that treat for just me. She agreed and we put it behind us.

Our relationship with Andy has changed much to my disappointment. We still hang out, although not as much. When my wife is part of the mix the flirtation between the two of them is less than before with a touch of awkwardness.

I suspect Abby is afraid of leading Andy on. It was always her leading so I assume he is still following her lead. Oddly we haven't mentioned that night again. It's only been a few months ago so maybe things will fall back to where they were between us and Andy. I am hopeful for another night I can share my wife with Andy or maybe some other lucky guy.

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SWTnMRKSWTnMRK6 months ago

I really enjoyed this one. It would seem that we have very similar relationships. Good work. :)

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I enjoyed the story quite a bit, especially the wife getting so high and drunk that she let her inhibitions down enough to let Andy cum in her mouth, even though she knew it would bother her loving husband. I want to read some of your other work, and I hope that you've found an editor to use on those stories. There is a difference between 'to' and 'too' and it would better serve your work to learn which to use, and when. Comma use (or lack thereof) needs work too. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Abby is a keeper. No ifs or buts. End of story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Abby is a keeper. Full stop. Period.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Abbey is a keeper. Full stop. Period.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am copy pasting a user comment.


enigma3 - almost 3 years ago

things happen in the heat of the moment.

drink and a toot. i think this is more real than fantasy, thanks for sharing.

End quote.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Re this public comment:

Anon - about 1 month ago

Swinging lifestyle maybe but with a cuckold husband and slut wife.

Yes, swinging lifestile exactly with a cuckold husband and a slut wife because both he and she get what they want respectively: she wants to have her brains fucked out, and he wants to watch his wife with another man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I'm copy pasting an older comment.


Anon - almost 2 years ago

❤ = ☆☆☆☆☆- (5-).

Admittedly I have a rather pronounced voyeur side & I get a kick when my wife flirts back at a man who is hitting on her. If that man happens to be a close friend of ours, that's next level!

In my book, the story is EROTIC, REALISTIC, & even ROMANTIC, 3-in-1.

The last paragraph is very realistic. Your wife & you are fortunate that things are the way you say they are. It was one moment where the three of you were in the right place in terms of your respective emotions, sexual tensions, mutual trust... above all, it must be a MAGIC moment wherein the wild fantasies become the order of the day! Sharing one's wife must not turn into routine, because routine tends to kills the magic.

End quote.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Swinging lifestyle maybe but with a cuckold husband and slut wife

widowedidiotwidowedidiotabout 3 years ago

I think Abby is seeing Andy on the qt. that's why they've cut down on their flirting in front of hubby. It was obvious they had the blowjob planned to see how much they could get away with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This is a FIVE STAR STORY. ❤, 👍👍!


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
*****- (5-). 💚.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
❤ = ☆☆☆☆☆- (5-).

Admittedly I have a rather pronounced voyeur side & I get a kick when my wife flirts back at a man who is hitting on her. If that man happens to be a close friend of ours, that's next level!

In my book, the story is EROTIC, REALISTIC, & even ROMANTIC, 3-in-1.

The last paragraph is very realistic. Your wife & you are fortunate that things are the way you say they are. It was one moment where the three of you were in the right place in terms of your respective emotions, sexual tensions, mutual trust... above all, it must be a MAGIC moment wherein the wild fantasies become the order of the day! Sharing one's wife must not turn into routine, because routine tends to kills the magic.

kenandabbeykenandabbeyover 4 years agoAuthor

Thank you all for the postive comments. This is mostly a true story. I base all my stories on actual things that we experience with some minor changes for flow or length of story. All the main details are true. I hope to post another story soon.

enigma3enigma3over 4 years ago
things happen in the heat of the moment.

drink and a toot. i think this is more real than fantasy, thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
LOVE YOUR STORY, GAVE YOU A 5 (🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟)! I am sure it is based on several true events. It may as well be a true story.

Thank you for this story. It is erotic, romantic, & realistic, 3-in-1.

As I was reading this story, I felt I was there (I identified with the husband).

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
👍👍! This story is erotic & realistic. I am sure it's based on a true event or is a composite of a few true events. Never a dull moment with a wife like Abby! She is a KEEPER.

In my real life, I LOVED all situation where my wife pushed the envelope of what is OK to do when she flirts with other men. In those moments I was totally mesmerized by what was going on, my mind was kind of foggy; although I was jealous, it never crossed my mind to communicate to her she was going too far.

In hindsight, I know that I had a strong voyeur side, which I absolutely was not aware of at the time. It was nevertheless strong enough to override my better judgement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Well done

We love the true adventures, which are unfortunately all-too-rare on here. Funny coincidence, we also are 'former swingers' (or Lifestyle, as they like to say). We also found it 'more work than it was worth'.... We are actually finding it to be more fun to just meet couples or singles in 'vanilla' social situations and see where 'things go'. I love watching my wife with other girls, couples, and good looking guys (btw, we don't have any rules about where the guys can cum... her fave is to have it in her a**). Keep up the good work!

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