Cam's Justice


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Siora and the rest of the ladies must've been done explaining the plans, and that they'd staked out a small elven community. I just hoped it all worked out, but only time would tell. I knew the cabal of nobles would be angry, but they'd also have to be careful to not expose themselves and their crimes. Siora was right about one thing, it wouldn't be subtle at all, to make fifty-eight elves disappear, not like it'd been to do that one at a time.

Siora smiled when I got back to the slave barracks, and she seemed perfectly healthy again, thanks to Cassia's efforts. The slaves in the barracks all looked a bit thin and malnourished, but they weren't sick, and I was sure they'd be fine if they ate well for a month.

Siora said, "Witches, you may want to pull in your senses for this, I'm told it's extremely disorienting for a witch, what I'm about to do. Cam, bring the horses all the way in here with us, please."

I wrestled the last two horses in, which had only been half in the room, and saw the curiosity on Cassia's and the other three witches faces.

Then Siora tilted her head, and closed her eyes, when they snapped open her green eyes appeared to glow, and multi-colored lights seemed to shimmer into existence in the barracks entrance to the tunnel, in the wide arching open doorway. The colors and swirling energies started to coalesce, join, and as a result of being mixed became a pure bright white light that filled the doorway.

It felt really unnatural, much worse than the sorcerous spells I'd felt before, and I imagined if my witch magic experienced it directly, I might actually get woozy and disoriented. The bright light flashed, and we were suddenly looking at a meadow on the other side of the arched doorway.

"Umm, that's not an illusion, is it?"

Siora smiled, politely, but I imagined she felt smug at the looks of awe on all our faces.

"It's a gateway, it's a difficult spell, and requires an anchor on the other side, one I set up between two oak trees before we left. That's why we had to make the ride here. Right through that doorway is a quarter mile from the city, which will be a much easier walk for these people. It's also rather difficult to hold open, so let's move, shall we?"

We all left the mine behind gladly. Needless to say, perhaps, our entrance to the city with fifty-eight elves garnered a lot of attention, there'd be no sweeping anything under the rug. It took a few hours to get them all settled, including the three witches and twelve shifters for the moment, although I doubted that they'd stay with the elves for long.

Then we returned to the house, in time for lunch. Turned out, with Siora's portal, it was a day and a half trip, instead of two and half days. We all took baths, and got cleaned up, before the six of us met in the kitchen and enjoyed a meal. I was sure Irze and Lysa wouldn't stick around all day, but for now they seemed content to be there in our home. Siora would stay, although the next morning she'd be heading to the Spire of Abyxis to do sorceress stuff.

It was about halfway through lunch, when Faith asked, "What did you mean, you have a suspicion, back in the mine."

I nodded, time to come clean with my suspicions, "You can feel my attraction to you and the rest of the ladies, and my libido."

She tilted her head, "It's more controlled."

I smiled, "Yes, I still want you all, all the time really, but I feel more like myself and that I can manage it."

Cassia winked, as if to say slaking my lust for her was hardly a chore.

I explained, "I think it's the harvested magic, not using it, just holding it. I was about twice as powerful as I was when I drained the coven, before the battle this morning. I think, I believe, merely holding my magic strengthens my demon sides instincts and the abilities that are always active. I think my rising out of control lust and preoccupation with sex earlier this morning was all about that rise in power. The unusually strong battle lust as well.

"It just happened so slowly, as I fed daily, that I didn't make the connection, or even overly notice any change in me. Not until I dumped half my magic in that attack, and noticed a stark and immediate difference, not just in my abilities but in the way I reveled in the death, which was wrong. Not just in raw need of you all, but my... personality seemed to have been darker, angrier."

Siora tilted her head, "So, what does that mean for the future?"

I said, "It's not a bad thing, I have enough power for a long battle right at the moment, I just need to manage it better, and not let it get too high. That also means I'll be able to practice with my demonic gifts more, and to explore the subtleties of my power and control. I need to try and maintain what I have now, maybe a little more, and feed and practice daily."

Siora nodded, "But you'll still want our services once a day, and some of us twice a day, the three of us that stay with you."

Irze smirked.

I said, "Yes, that won't change, I want you all now, and I still need the rich sex life, I just feel more in control of it. If I skipped one morning because of a mission, I don't think it would adversely affect me, like it did this morning."

Faith asked, "What about your... inclinations."

I knew what she meant, she was asking if my sudden fascination and lust about kinky sex with Siora, and with her since that morning, was still a thing, or if it was part of those darker demonic impulses.

I smirked, "Bring on the kink. That's less too, it just sounds like a fun time to me, but I'm not quite so obsessed with the idea anymore. It will always be there, that nature, it's just not so overpowering. I'll have to manage my power more carefully, since I can't endlessly build up without becoming an asshole, but even if I blew it all in a serious fight, the five of you, feeding six times a day, plus Tammy, could have me back where I am now in just a week to ten days."

Irze asked, "Is it dangerous?"

I tilted my head, and said, "Not to you five. If anything, I felt even more possessively protective of you all, the idea of hurting any of you was and is totally anathema to me. That said, I would be more dangerous to my enemies, quicker to kill, but that shouldn't be an issue anymore either, not if I manage the energy and never get that strong again."

We spoke of other things after that, and after lunch Lysa left first. She needed to go hunt for some blood, since she hadn't eaten in thirty-six hours, and she wanted to get back to her Kiss. Still, I could see the look of longing in her eyes to stay, and the conflict there, I hoped that wouldn't poison things but only time would tell.

Irze was next, though she promised to be back to feed me later that night.

I'd like to say we did the right thing, and worked on that spell book for the afternoon, but after the battle, adrenaline, and the crazy morning I proved that even at that level of power my lust and need for them was very much still a part of me, and quite potent.

Siora, Faith, and my sweet witch joined me in the bedroom, and I spent most of the afternoon sating them over and over. It was... wild, and fun, and I didn't even mind that Siora didn't break out one of her kinky scenarios. Sex with them would never get old, partially from what I was, but partially because of the constant variety of having six lovers, so I really didn't mind in the least.

They wouldn't get tired of me either, besides being the best fuck in Cyrene I knew my own powers would keep them sated and let me adjust to their changing sexual needs flawlessly. There'd be no sexual rut for them, or for me, not when I could read and stoke their desires.

I wasn't sure what would happen next.

We were building that standard-spells book to hopefully make the rest of the covens our allies as well as make money, or at the very least, to make them neutral toward us. I suspected once they could defend themselves, only a coven eaten up by darker ambitions would still feel a need to attack. I just hoped we got it done before another coven decided to take their chances.

My coterie was mostly complete, I'd even call it complete and good enough, if that sixth opportunity didn't come along anytime soon, and fulfill my self-imposed hard limit of six ladies in my coterie. My weekly affair with Tammy obviously didn't count toward that.

We'd also have to watch out for the elven community in the city, which may or may not spark a huge thing with the small greedy cabal of bigoted asshole nobles.

I also thought we might be questioned as well, if the king and queen had sent in a spy, then they must've been getting ready to take them down themselves, and they might even be angry if they'd been trying to backtrack the operation to the nobles behind it before making their move.

Except, something bothered me about that whole encounter with Mara, and it finally occurred to me what Mara might have been. That Mara's queen, might not be the queen of Cyrene, might not be human at all. That she'd been a spy because the mine was on their territory

I also concluded we were very lucky to be alive.

It was an insane thought, probably not true. There was absolutely no lore to back up my crazy conclusion, that dragons were shape shifters. Except... that iridescent bright green hair, it occurred to me later that day that the shade of green and shininess of that hair very much matched the glittering green scales of that circling dragon we'd seen...

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RobcolesRobcoles11 months ago

The author has a better imagination than me and I can’t see me ever being as creative, so this isn’t meant as criticism, more of a F.Y.I.

I’m now at the stage where all of the sex parts are being skipped as they are very repetitive and predictable. ‘Mine!’, yep, we get it, so do they, he’s possessive. The story itself though is holding my interest, so that’s a good positive to end on.

RazzakelRazzakelover 3 years ago

"My coterie was mostly complete, I'd even call it complete and good enough, if that sixth opportunity didn't come along anytime soon, and fulfill my self-imposed hard limit of six ladies in my coterie. My weekly affair with Tammy obviously didn't count toward that."

Never like it when the MC of harem stories try to limit the size of the harem. Gotta let it grow man, the more the better!!!! But that's just my opinion and I understand why its limited.

Also hoping Mara is a dragon and that she joins the harem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
My my

Reading a "my" before every female name gets very tiring very soon. The sex scenes were also very repetitive and also had a lot of "mine!". I skipped mostly through the sex scenes and monologues to read the rest of the story..

noodlyarmsnoodlyarmsover 5 years ago

Another fun installment! Wasn't Lysa able to turn invisible? That might have been handy to use in their stealth mission... Off to read the next one, really enjoying Cam's adventures this far.

SensualSigmaSensualSigmaover 5 years ago

"Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental." This is all about my mate Dave the Incubus, Mick the Butcher's brother from Bethnall Green.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A pedants comment

A 50 mile journey for horses is a long day's travel especially across country, they would probably need to rest the next day. It is easy to misunderstand travel in the medieval period.

You have created a coterie and a coven, while Cam and Cassia are part of both there is no reason for all the members of the coven to be part of the coterie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

My only complaint is that the story moves too fast. In three weeks, Cam went from farm boy trained as a fighter to discovery that he’s a cambion, develops a harem and that he “loves” them all, lost his family home, his mother, finds out his dad is a demon, fucks his Aunt who also is trying to kill him, wipes out a whole coven of witches with a thousand years of knowledge and experience, meets with the royals to take over the former coven’s job, meet the rest of the nobility, kill a vampire master, kills a sorcerer, fends off a drow assassin who just happens to be a cleric, absorbed the witches abilities and power, rescues a bunch of elves and witches, and what else?!?! What more can you possibly throw in top of this kid?!?! And how the hell has he NOT freaked the fuck out over all this?!?!

But don’t get me wrong, I love the story! Can’t wait for the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thoughts of a madman

Nice story. Enjoying it immensely. Have some thoughts and questions. All thought and ideas are given freely to use without any expectations in return.

1. Well established magic system with limitations. I like it, just because you can do things, it doesn’t make you all powerful. I noticed several times that Cam’s demon powers are similar to sorcery in that he’s pulling power from a different realm. So far, all he has discovered is that he can use it to shift into a demonic form and hellfire. Is he going to work with Siora to see if he can either develop a sorcerer powers or see if he can use sorcery concepts to develop more of his demonic powers?

2. Cam has come to realize that his powers can possibly overwhelm his willpower and lead him to more evil choices. Perhaps in his development of the powers he might lose that that side of himself a bit. Irze (she’s the drow cleric right?) may need to make plans to contain Cam until he regains control of himself. Just an idea.

3. I’m surprised that during the scene where Cam was introduced to the ruling class that you did not introduce the lords/ladies behind the silver mine abductions. I also thought it could have been used as a way to introduce political intrigues into the story from a variety of people. Cam’s circle is now a political piece in the ruling class political games. What kind of piece will they be? A pawn? A knight? A Rook or Bishop? Or perhaps something new, maybe a political power for the magical and non human people?

4. I am still intrigued by who Cam’s father might be and if, with the destruction of the coven, he will be released from their spell to enter the world. Not to mention that Cam’s mother had years to prepare herself for the coven to track her down. It would make sense that she had set up detection wards to warn her that they were coming. I still think it’s possible that she faked her own death and she is still out there.

5. With the introduction of Mara and possibly the dragons, what sort of mischief is Cam going to be thrown into next? Mara is a spy for her queen, presumably the dragon queen. But with the elves and witches just rescued, Siora may want Cam and the girls to stick around in case the ones who orchestrated the plot, don’t act as expected and try to remove them again. After all, they are still weak and in need of rest and recuperation. So Cam may not be able to rush off for a adventure.

No matter where you take the story next, I can’t wait for the next part.



higgohiggoover 5 years ago
Great Story

Thank you for your great story :) Loved every minute of it and can't wait for the next instalment.

rbond1992rbond1992over 5 years ago
coterie lesbian sex?

I hope we get to see the ladies pleasuring each other.... maybe one of Siora's kinks will start this?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Excited for when he finds out who Tammy really is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
You do read them!

Loved this chapter! And I understand your earlier explanation - whitewhalehunter

fromindiafromindiaover 5 years ago
Awesome story. thanks.....

Loved the first part. More loving the second part and it will gradually increase with more parts you add. Thanks man for the story. Keep writing please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ohhhh yeaaahhhh (Off the "One second" album from Yello).


Sssexy dragonssss!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Cant wait for the last chapter!

Bring on the Dragons...

Thank you for coming back to lit. Your stories are as imersive as always.

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