Can I Give You a Lift?


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"This OK?" I ask, as I slip my hands under her top.

"Mmm-hmm. Like that." Her eyelids flutter as she says it. Her skin is soft and warm under my fingers, and I feel a light sheen of perspiration as I glide over her.

"May I take it off?"

"Yes." Ava raises her arms in the air and closes her eyes. I watch her dark hair falling over her shoulders as I relieve her of the garment.

"You're beautiful."

"Mmm. Like that," she says and smiles. Her eyes sparkle as she does.

I place my mouth on Ava's shoulder and swirl my tongue, causing her to shiver once again. A little nibble from me gets a gentle sigh from Ava. "Beautiful," I repeat.

"Oh god, Dani." She shivers.

Boldly, I hook my finger under the strap of her bra and push it off to the side, clearing a path for me to explore further. I alternate swirling my tongue, and gently pulling Ava's skin into my mouth. And for her part, Ava alternates moaning and gasping.

"Like that," she lets out after the last gasp.

Me too. I take her face in my hands and kiss her deeply, and as she's drawing me in closer I slip a finger under the other strap, and slide it off her shoulder. Looking down I can see her gorgeous flesh straining to be released, and just the slightest hint of nipple peeking up.

Now it's my turn to shiver.

I lower my head and press my tongue to where the lacy fabric meets bare skin. "Mmm, like that," I hear her breathe into my ear. I like it too. A lot. I love the way Ava responds in my arms. She's so receptive to what I'm doing, and it takes all of my willpower not to just rip off her remaining clothes and ravage her.

But I take my time, and for that I am rewarded. Moving my mouth around to where a bit of pink is peeking out, I pull the lacy fabric down and slather Ava's nipple with my tongue. It gives me such a rush, feeling her sensitive flesh crinkle and stiffen underneath me, knowing that I am the one doing that to her.

Ava is moaning softly and almost constantly now, and I feel her breath on my neck as she leaves little kisses of encouragement on my skin. "Do you like that?" I ask, taking another swipe over the tip of her nipple. I get no reply other than a long lusty moan.

I pause for a moment to take in this beautiful creature I'm holding -- her chest flushed pink, rising and falling with the pace of her shallow, ragged breathing -- and I'd say she likes what I'm doing. I allow myself a slight smile. I've been wanting to be here like this with Ava for a while, and it's intoxicating.

"Dani," she whines, "please don't stop."

"Never," I whisper in response.

What started as a slight smile is now a full-on stupid grin as Ava weaves her fingers through my hair and pulls me in again. Part of me wants to scold her for that, to tell her she needs to be patient, but the teasing can wait. Ava needs a demonstration of just what pleasures she can expect from being with a woman -- and with this woman in particular.

I reach around behind Ava's back, sliding my fingers over the strap of her bra. As soon as I do, she puts her hands on my arms and guides me back to the front. For a moment I caress the lacy cups that hide the flesh I am seeking, then I move around to the back again. Ava's hands are on my arms.

"Is this not OK?" I ask. All of the signs Ava is giving me suggest that it is, and the rigid posture she gets when she's nervous is nowhere to be seen.

She puts her hand on mine and guides me to the middle of her chest. "It hooks in the front." She giggles, and I can't help myself, I let out a snort. But soon my laughter turns to awe as Ava unhooks the clasp and lets her beautiful breasts fall free.

"Wow," is all I can say. "And here I always thought I was an ass girl."

I catch a quick glimpse of Ava grinning before she pulls me in and buries me in her chest. I feel as if I might not ever catch another breath as she presses her flesh with her hands and molds it around my face. "Mm mm gww," I mumble. Ava laughs and releases me.

"Oh my god," I repeat.

"You act like you've never seen boobs before, Dani."

"Not like yours."

"One of the benefits of childbirth, I guess."

I wrap Ava in my arms and wrestle her down onto the couch. We're both giggling madly as I'm burying my face in her chest, licking and kissing everywhere I can manage to put my lips. She claims to be ticklish, and makes a great show of trying to get away, but yet when I pull her nipple into my mouth she turns to jelly.

Her exclamations have transformed from girlish giggles into long, womanly sighs as I begin swirling my tongue around her hardened flesh. "Mmm, Dani," she moans.

"You like?"

"Mmm-hmm." She's reverted to primitive responses again. I love being able to do this, to give her such pleasure that just forming sentences becomes a challenge. I also love the fact that she's already in this state while I'm just getting warmed up.

Ava doesn't know it -- I think she's too incoherent at the moment -- but I've been been spelling out my name on her tummy with my tongue. I plan to do it again later, a little lower, and with smaller letters. I don't expect she'll be coherent enough to realize what I'm doing then either.

But for now, I'm tugging at her leggings. "This OK?"


Yep, thought so. I keep tugging, leggings and panties together, inching lower. I'm expecting a little tuft of hair to be peeking out at any minute, and secretly, selfishly hoping that Ava keeps herself well groomed. I slide the waistband a little further before making an exciting discovery.

Ava's giggling, I can see her tummy quaking.

"Sexy!" I say.

"I thought you'd like it," she replies. "I've never done it before, and it makes me feel -- well -- it makes me feel a little bit naughty."

"Mmm Ava, you are very naughty." I want to flip her over and spank her just for the fun of it, but I resist. "How did you know I'd like it?"

She shrugs. "Just sort of guessed ..." She's grinning as I look up at her eyes.

"Well you guessed correctly, and I plan to reward you for that." I swirl my tongue around the smooth skin above Ava's mound, as she pulls a knee up to help me free her from the last vestiges of her leggings. Soon her clothes are nothing more than a pile on the floor, and I'm treated to the full length of her.

I reach around and place a hand in the small of Ava's back. She tilts her hips and arches, letting her knees fall to the sides. It's a lovely sight, with her chest thrust upward and her lovely folds exposed right under me. With my free hand I reach up to trap a nipple in the grip of my finger and thumb.

I leave my face right where it is, hovering just inches from where I want to be -- where Ava wants me to be. I'm gently rolling her nipple in my fingers as she begins to moan. I see her folds are swollen, flushed pink and ready for me, but I resist. I pucker my lips and blow a long steady stream of cool air onto Ava's flesh. Her body shudders under me.

"Mmm, Dani." Sounds like she's begging already. I feel a little shudder myself.

"Patience," I say. "You wanted to know what it was like with a woman. This is it."

"Mmm, I'm going to die."

"You won't die," I assure her. "You might pass out for a little while." I chuckle and then decide that I liked it better when Ava couldn't form coherent sentences. Not that I don't enjoy our conversations, it's just that -- well, not right now.

A few swipes of my tongue and she's squarely back in a state of grunts and babbles.

"Mmm-ahh," I hear as I outline her sex with the tip of my tongue. Then starting at the bottom, I draw a long, slow path right through the center of her folds. She parts easily and exposes a moisture that I sense has been building for a while. I stop to savor it.

With my hands resting on Ava's hips, I draw a long breath through my nose. She shudders. "Mmm you mel meh?" I hear.

"Yes Ava, I am smelling you." I pause to let that sink in. "And you know what? -- You smell so good."

"Oh gahh."

I sink my tongue between her moist folds, pressing as deep as I can manage, to pull up a taste of Ava's nectar. "Mmm," I moan as I find it. The hot, tangy taste is thick, and clings to my tongue as I draw it forth to be savored.

Ava's not much for words anymore as I continue probing, enjoying her taste. She just moans and grinds her hips into the couch cushion as I withdraw my tongue. "Patience," I whisper. But I don't leave her hanging for long. I reach up with my thumb and push back to expose her sensitive nub. While Ava is busy thrashing, I take a quick swipe.

She nearly jumps off the couch, and I'm honestly surprised I didn't lose any teeth. I let go with my thumb and switch to teasing her entrance instead. Ava is positively gushing and parts easily under my finger. I decide to add another finger as I press inside, searching for that place that will make her thighs quiver.

I find it easily and start in with a light touch. My confidence is bolstered as Ava begins to tremble. I love being able to do this, and her reaction is so perfect. "I'm going to make you come on my hand, Ava."

"Mmm-ahh gah."

I have no idea what Ava just said, but judging by the way the couch is shaking I'd say it was favorable. Too bad she can't see me smiling as my mouth hovers over her sensitive nub, preparing to spell out my name. Maybe I can make her scream it at the same time.

I start by wrapping my lips around her and drawing her into my mouth with a gentle suction. She's moaning constantly. I begin with the first letter, wrapping my tongue around the outside of her clit in the shape of a D. Ava likes the letter D, I can tell.

Next is the A, and she nearly jumps out of her skin as I draw the horizontal bar through the center. N just confuses her I think. Ava can't seem to make up her mind between squirms and moans or yips and leaps. I personally don't care which one she picks, I just love how she reacts.

I'm pressing my fingers harder and faster into her entrance as I trace out the letter I.

Poor Ava, she shudders violently, but I think she's stuck. I decide to continue spelling out my full name. If the ELLE doesn't put her over I'll think of something else, probably involving my middle finger and her ass, but I don't think she's ready for that yet.

I reach up with my free hand and feel around until I find Ava's. She holds me in a deathgrip, squeezing my fingers painfully. I love it. I love that I can cause her to lose herself like that. This is what I'm thinking about as I trace out the first E.

Ava jerks and spasms, and bears down on my fingers. I continue trusting in and out of her at the same pace, as I feel her shudders intensifying. A couple more Ls and she's nearly a wreck. Her hips grind into the couch cushion, matching time with my thrusts, as Ava desperately searches for her release.

The final E does it.

Good thing too. I was beginning to think I would have to spell out my middle name as well, and I was afraid my tongue might fall off in the process. As it is, my fingers are cramping and my jaw is aching, but I persevere. And Ava screams out my name.

"Oh god, Dani! -- Yes! -- Oh god! -- Yes! Yes! -- Mmm -- Gahh! Daniii!"

I just hang on to Ava's hand and ride the shockwave along with her. Fortunately, I still have all my teeth.

Ava's a hot mess as I push myself up to lie beside her. I let go of her hand and brush away the hair that is plastered to the side of her face. I kiss her gently a few times, but leave my fingers inside, waiting for her to calm down a bit.

Ava's spasms finally subside, and I slowly withdraw my fingers from between her thighs. Waiting until her eyes were on mine, I bring my fingers up to my mouth. Ava's gaze goes wide. Either she doesn't believe what I am about to do, or she is in awe by how thoroughly her lust has coated my hand.

Truth be told, there is an awful lot of girl-juice running down my fingers and onto my palm. Probably enough to share -- but not this time I don't think. I lock onto Ava's eyes as I proceed to clean my fingers very slowly, by placing them in my mouth one at a time. I'm certain Ava is going to pass out each time I pull one free with a pop, but she hangs in there.

"Oh god, Dani," I hear Ava moan. "So good. Thank you."

I touch my lips to hers, kissing her deeply. After a few minutes of snuggling, I peel myself from the couch. "Stay there baby," I say, "I'll get you a warm cloth." Oh god, I just called her baby. I grin. There are definitely worse problems to have. I set off down the hallway humming softly.

When I return Ava looks exhausted, but she's grinning like a fool. As I begin cleaning her up she asks me, "So, do I get to do that to you now?"

"Just relax, baby." Damn, I did it again. I smile. "Tonight was all about you. There will be other times." I snuggle up next to her and pull the throw blanket over us. "At least I hope there will."

"You know something Dani? At first I wasn't sure I'd like sex with a woman, but now I can't imagine anything else." Ava wiggles around and presses her naked body into me so that I am spooning her. Her hair is tickling my nose, but I don't care.

I brush my fingertips over her cheek. "Mmm Ava, I'm so happy to hear you say that." I lie there for a moment, just enjoying the warm wonderful woman next to me, as I try to bolster my confidence enough to say what I have to say. "Ava, I -- I think I'm falling for you."

I hear her let out a contented sigh. "Good. 'Cause I've been falling for you for a while now."

* * *


Yes, there will be a part two. It will explore a few things that were hinted at in this story and also put their relationship to the test.

I love to read comments, so please let me know what you thought about Dani and Ava's story thus far.


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Nicole2023Nicole20236 months ago

Can’t wait to see where you take it

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loved every second of reading this incredibly beautiful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Lovely story. Really loved it.

Auspat2121Auspat2121almost 3 years ago

Beautiful story. Thank you.

6niner6ninerabout 3 years ago
very nice, indeed

the real, and warm characters, the skilled use of humour, the pacing of the story, the description of the sex ... all combine to make this a wonderful piece of writing.

i cannot wait to read further instalments.

kudos, dear wax

TheserialwaffleTheserialwaffleover 3 years ago

Ah! Miss Wax nice answer. And you know this second time I read this story , listening to Busoni´s Chaconne after Bach´s Partitas by Edna Stern it was even better... the slow approach, the piano playing, the spelling of the letters, the slow tempo and it´s variations, the physical response, the increasing dificulty of the piece and your wonderful writing... And the music kept playing... Great writing of yours

thank you and stay safe

Merry Christmas

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicover 3 years agoAuthor

To: Theserialwaffle... they can can be as old as you need them to be. To put it in perspective, Ava has two grown children. Dani is younger, but by how much, I don't know. She won't tell me.

TheserialwaffleTheserialwaffleover 3 years ago

Yes miss Wax, good But what age have they? Are you one of those girls who call middle aged to people of 40 ou 50 something?

But is good ok

AnnemarrieHarrisAnnemarrieHarrisabout 4 years ago

Love the slow seduction.

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