Candy's Fashion House Ch. 08

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Candys Fashion house comes to life.
9.6k words

Part 8 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/01/2019
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Thanks to Charlie, for not only the editorial help but the guidance and assistance.


So my decision was made. Kelli would have to go.

As I got up and headed for the shower I felt the breast forms still stuck to my chest, oh shit. Kelli would have to hang around for at least until lunchtime as I would need to get Candy to remove them.

I showered and had a light breakfast; I went back upstairs and sat down at the makeup table. I loved the look Candy had developed; the pixie cut was sexy and trendy. I went over a nice light daytime makeup. I stole one of Laurens favourite dresses, a beautiful pale green chiffon dress that flared out and swished as I walked. I chose a pair of low heels which complimented the dress. Shit what the hell was I going to do? I loved the dressing up. It was just the interaction with men that scared the hell out of me. I didn't want to call Candy too early. I was in a bubbly buoyant mood so I decided I to just enjoy the moment. I headed down to the mall to do some shopping.

At first I felt uncomfortable but as I scooted around from shop to shop I started to feel more comfortable. I enjoyed the fleeting glances I was getting from some sneaky men. I found some new shoes that I liked and I brought a light cotton shift dress. I was just wandering through the mall, and I was taking great pleasure in admiring my reflection in the shop windows as I walked past. It was amazing how quickly it lifted my spirits.

As I was walking from shop to shop my phone went it was Lauren. "Hi Lauren what can I do for you?"

"Hi baby. I just wanted to hear your voice, and I guess I wanted to say thank you for coming with us last night?" She added softly, "How are you feeling today?"

"Well I am doing OK considering. What about you, how's things with your new lover, still rocking your world is she?"

"Why do you have to turn every conversation into a fight, I just rang to talk. I just wanted to say I thought you looked gorgeous and sexy last night. God you looked sensational actually. Everyone was talking about you. I was so disappointed when you left early. It turned into a really great evening"

"I'm glad to hear your night was a good one."

"Michael could we meet for lunch or something? I need to talk to you and I can't do it over the phone. Michael please baby. I want to move back home and I want to put an end to this insufferable fighting."

"What's the problem? Had a fight with your lover have you? What happens when you get over your spat with lover girl, huh what happens then? I suppose you move back with her and then we go through this all over again?"

"Michael please can we just put aside the animosity? I need to see you, please meet me for lunch and we could just talk."

Without thinking I replied, "Yeah OK Lauren lets meet at the little café in the mall."

"Thank you baby, how about twelve thirty?"

"Yeah OK Lauren, see you then."

I had barely hung up when I realised what I had done. I was so flustered and angry I forgot I was still dressed. There's no way I could get to Candy's and be back in time, I couldn't hide these boobs so I couldn't even buy some men's clothes and find somewhere to change. I sucked in a big breath, no fuck it I did it last night, I can do it again.

I found a small booth at the back of the café away from prying eyes. I fixed my makeup and got a couple of coffees.

As Lauren walked into the café and she saw me sitting at the table a huge smile crossed her face.

She sat down beside me, "God baby you look amazing you little sneak, that's my dress! Wow you are really getting the hang of doing your makeup. I am so proud of you. Baby I couldn't believe it when I realised it was you last night, and now today baby you look gorgeous."

I smiled, "Thanks for the compliments Lauren, but you wanted to talk so let's talk."

"This whole thing has gotten out of control and it's driving me crazy."

"I agree with you actually it is crazy. Then again I am not the one slepping with someone else am I?"

She groaned, "Baby why do you have to straight away turn this into a fight. I wanted us to just talk."

"OK then talk to me, can you start by telling me why you cheated on me? Tell me why you lied to me and tell me who the miserable fucker is that you are sleeping with?"

We sat there for ages not talking just staring across the table at each other, regardless of the fact the café was full, it felt like the room was shrouded in a dark murky silence.

Lauren tried to change the subject. "Michael I have missed you so much and I have missed Kelli as well, I can't get over how brave you have been."

"Pity I wasn't a better lover so I could have kept you though hey Lauren?"

"Oh for god's sake Michael, you are a wonderful lover, you are passionate and generous. I love making love with you."

"Really I'm a good lover am I? Well if I'm so good why did you go looking for someone else?"

"Christ it wasn't like that! I never went looking for anything, it just happened. I didn't plan it and I didn't want to hurt you."

"OK then Lauren tell me how long has it been going on?"

She looked at the table, "A few weeks, just since we separated."

"Bullshit that's a bloody lie and you know it. Christ even now you still can't be honest with me."

She couldn't look at me. "Michael why does it even matter, can't we just leave it?"

"It matters a lot actually, you just lied to me. Don't you understand how much that hurts? I am not an idiot and I don't like to be treated like one. This has been going on for months Lauren. I want you to be honest with me. At least respect me enough for that."

She dropped her head into her hands, "Baby please is that really important? It happened OK but it's in the past."

"Lauren I want you to be honest with me. I thought you loved and trusted me. I thought we could tell each other anything."

"OK Michael have it your way, it started about eight months ago OK, she burst out crying are you happy now you bastard."

"No Lauren I'm not happy. So all the nights you didn't come home, the night you came home without your panties. All those nights you left me sitting at home wondering and worrying about you, you were actually with someone else? Making love with someone else, kissing someone else."

Her body was trembling as she cried. "Yes OK Michael the answer is yes."

"OK now the big question, who is it?"

She sobbed harder and harder, "Michael please understand, I didn't want to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you."

Silence, there was just that deep absorbing dark silence. It seemed to last for hours.

She reached across the table, her hands gripping mine, her grip was so tight, "it is Alecia."

"Yeah I figured as much, I saw her in your office and I just knew it. OK Lauren so is it love?"

"I don't know baby, yes I have feelings for her, I always have."

"So you are a lesbian then?"

"No please don't say it like that, I am not a lesbian, I love being with you, I love making love with you."

"So is that why you have been trying so hard to get me to dress up, you feel more comfortable with me dressed as a woman, does it somehow make you feel more normal?"

"God no baby, I love Michael and I love Kelli. I can't explain it I have always felt comfortable around you, even when I was really questioning my sexuality. Mikey I always knew there was something inside you. It is what attracted me to you. You weren't pushy and arrogant; you were easy to talk to and always seemed to understand me. You have always had this really feminine side. God look in a mirror you look fucking sexy as hell. But the answer is I met and fell in love with Michael, and I am still in love with Michael."

A penny dropped. "Oh my god when I met you at school you were in a relationship with her weren't you? Bloody hell now I know, that is why she hated me so much isn't it. She hated me because I broke up your relationship."

She jumped up and came around hugging me. People were staring at us but Lauren just ignored them all. "Baby it's not your fault. I mean I can't believe you didn't know. It seemed everybody else knew, everybody was talking about it. My relationship with Alecia was already over when we met. I just didn't have the guts to tell her. She had become so overpowering and controlling it was a mess. Then you came along, and you were so loving and tender so caring and I felt your love. From the very first time we met you made me so happy. I did the wrong thing, I stayed with Alecia while you and I were together, I know I should have told her and broken up with her first, but I didn't have the guts so I kept trying to see both of you and I ended up breaking her heart."

She just held on tight. "I am not proud of myself Michael; it was a terrible thing to do."

Again silence, as I scanned the room lots of people were staring at us and there were a few sniggers.

"Mikey Alecia came back into my life when she took the CEO's position with the Water Corp. We were thrown back together by the strangest circumstances, but it was amazing she has completely changed now she is loving and giving. I'm sorry this must be hard for you to hear. At first I went out to dinner with her a few times and we went to a couple of shows, nothing sexual, it was just work and it was good fun."

Her hand gripped me tighter, squeezing the blood from my fingers.

"I know I should have stopped it then but it all seemed so much fun, but then one night when you and I were arguing and Alecia and I were talking and I ended up staying with her."

Her sobs intensified and her body was shaking wracked by trembling convulsions.

"I have fucked everything up; I hurt you just as I hurt Alecia. I have been so overcome by guilt. I am not trying to make excuses baby but it's why I have been so hard to live with, the guilt was killing me. Sometimes I acted like a real bitch. For that I am sorry."

"OK Lauren, thanks for at least finally being honest with me. So what happens now?"

"I want to move back home, I don't want a divorce. I know I have been completely selfish and self-centred yes and a bitch. But the reality is I need you in my life I feel lost without you."

"OK Lauren you haven't answered my question what happens now? If you want to move back home and give it another go, try to repair our marriage then what are you going to do about Alecia? I refuse to live with anymore cheating or lies."

"Baby is it possible that if I moved back home that I could still see Alecia?"

"What! Don't be ridiculous. You expect me to just sit at home while you carry on with her?"

"Would that be so bad baby? I can still be committed to us and see Alecia as well."

"Don't be stupid Lauren, how can you be committed to a relationship with me when you are seeing her. No Lauren it's time to choose. You have played the both of us for too long. It's either me or her. I bet if she was here she would be saying the same thing."

Michael can we just take a look outside the box that you have put us in? What if I suggested an alternative? Baby this might sound a bit whacky, but please keep an open mind. What about if we all lived together? "

I laughed. "Bloody hell; wake up you are dreaming. God I can't believe you even suggested that. I bet you haven't talked to Alecia about it either have you?"

Her shoulders sagged, "I should have expected that response from you Michael. You are so narrow minded."

I laughed "Narrow minded! Fucking hell look at me I am wearing a fucking dress. Narrow minded my ass."

"For fuck sake the world isn't black and white. There are other options, please don't make me choose."

"I'm sorry Lauren, I love you and I want you with me. For that to work it has to be just you and me!"

"Michael please I won't choose between you and Alecia. It's not fair."

"Yeah well I suppose that's lesson number one. Life isn't fair."

"Fuck you Michael, but just so you know you are the one who is missing out."

"I Guess Alecia will be happy then wont she," I spat back.

She stood up and started to walk away, "Fuck you Michael; you turn everything into a fight. Open your mind!"

I was trying to remain calm, I stood up myself, "Look at this Lauren," I held my arms out. "Look at this and tell me I am not open minded!" The crowd were all staring at me now, and I suddenly felt exposed and stupid. I cringed inwardly as I started to walk out.

Lauren spat back angrily, "There's more to being open minded than just putting on a dress Michael."

As I was walking towards my car I gave Candy a call, I was going to need to get rid of these damn breasts. Candy wanted to hear all about the girl's night anyway so she agreed to meet me at the salon. Once I arrived we sat together and she cracked open a bottle of wine and she wanted to hear all the gory details. Once I recounted the story she was a bit sad, she refilled our glasses and held my hand she was genuinely upset.

She held me in a tight embrace, "I am sorry sweetie I had hoped for a better outcome for you, but never mind. What I can say is the first time is the hardest."

I looked at her quizzically, "How do you know that?"

She smiled, "Sweetie I found that out for myself."

Now I was confused.

She grinned as she refilled the glasses, "Sweetie the reason I am able to empathise with you is I went through something similar my first time."

"Bullshit no way!" I burst out!

She nodded her head, "Yes honey I am transgender as well and have been for a long time. The difference between you and me is I am also gay. I love men; I would have loved to have been in your shoes last night. Sweetie you will have to get used to it. You are so damn sexy men are going to be all over you."

"Not any more Candy. Last night proved to me that I can't do it. I freaked out it was just too scary, and I wasn't attracted to the guys at all. They were groping and grabbing me all over. I was just scared that somebody would figure it out."

"Sweetie don't let the first time scare you and rush into any quick knee jerk reactions. I think you should take a couple of days to think about what happened. I can see that you are still interested in dressing. Tell me what you did today."

I explained my trip to the mall and the shopping.

She smiled, "So why did you buy new shoes if you don't want to dress again?"

She had me, I couldn't explain it.

She smiled warmly, "Honey just take some time to think and don't rush your decision, give it time."

We had another couple of drinks. "Candy there's another reason for me calling around to see you. I want to talk about your fashion designs. Last night was a bit of a bust but what I can tell you is that absolutely everyone loved my dress. There were lots of enquiries about where they could get one and who the label was. I think you need to do design full time."

She looked at me with a sort of defeated look in her eyes, "Kelli I would love to but I just can't afford it. I think I would need about $50,000 to $60,000 to even make a start."

I reached out and held her hand, "Candy I want to help. I have money saved and I think I can get another couple of investors interested. If I do some research and can get a meeting organised would you be interested?"

She jumped out of her chair so fast it tipped over backwards, "Oh my god would I? I would love it. But Kelli I don't want you to put up the money if you aren't sure? I don't want to be the reason you become bankrupt!"

I laughed, "Give me a couple of days and I will come up with a business plan."

We talked about the sewing and production, how many dresses one person could make in a day, and still maintain high standards. We talked about fabric costs and suppliers. She gave me contact numbers and details for the businesses she used for supply. In the end she gave me enough info to start on a business plan.

As I was about to leave Candy grabbed me in a tight bear hug and kissed me, "Thank you for believing in me. I can't explain how good it feels just to talk to someone who believes, and it feels so empowering to know you think I can do it!"

I mumbled softly, "It is me who needs to be thankful for all your help last night.

I went straight home my mind going a mile a minute as I thought about a business plan and how to make it work. Suddenly I was excited. For the first time since leaving University I had to think about how a business plan would look.

What were the obstacles, I had to dream up a business model. How could we make this thing work?

Based on what Candy had said we would need at least five seamstresses, six really because one would always be off sick or with kids at school. We would need a cutting assistant and a general assistant. I factored in a technician, probably part time or on call, maybe we could contract a local contractor to be on call? We would also need a media or marketing manager, probably a receptionist / assistant. I needed to find out if Candy owned her business? Could we hire some stylists to cover for her and use that as an income stream to offset some costs?

First and foremost we would need a new factory space, with off-street parking and a warehouse with storage and vehicle access, it would need to be big enough to have an onsite fashion outlet. Somewhere we could sell direct while we waited for customers to get on board. We would need workstations, sewing machines, lighting, computers and office space. I spent the next four hours scrolling through the internet getting prices and requesting quotes. I worked out a projected budget based on costs I was able to get. From there I determined the sales targets we would need to reach to break even.

It didn't take me long to figure out why Candy had been turned down by the banks. Her original budget was way off. We were going to need at least $250,000 to $300,000 just as a start-up and we would need to be making sales almost immediately to keep the business afloat.

So I wasn't going to be able to do this alone, we were going to need some investors. I could or should talk to Lauren, business development is her thing. She would probably have an idea of who to talk to!

Unfortunately our current situation wasn't going to make for a good working relationship, especially with the divorce pending. The only other person I could think of was Karla; she may know someone who could help.

The next day at work was hell. The guys gave me shit about my girly haircut and ear rings, by lunchtime I had enough. I made some time to call Karla and I asked if she would be able to help? I quickly went over the business plan; she was taken aback at first but seemed impressed. She wanted to see it in person so I agreed to go to her office that night after work. The day turned out to be shit, the guys continued to give me heaps about the hairstyle and the earrings, Rico who is the macho ringleader prick started calling me tranny. He was pissing me off. I couldn't wait for the day to end.

There was time for a quick shower before my meeting with Karla. I had printed out the spreadsheets at lunchtime so I was ready to go.

Karla greeted me with a huge hug and kiss, but she giggled as well. "Michael you amaze me honey. At my party you were this beautiful vibrant sexy woman, and yet you turn up here to a business meeting looking like nobody owns you." I apologised as I explained I had rushed over from work. All Karla wanted to talk about was how stunned she was when I rocked up to her party and how pretty I looked. We chatted about the party and it took a while before I could get her to focus on the reason for my visit. I ran Karla through my proposal, I showed her some of the designs and concepts that Candy had prepared, and then I started to go over the financials I had produced a myriad of spreadsheets with profit and loss predictions, I showed her the warehouse I had found that we could turn into a factory. I was starting to get excited and got a bit carried away and was waving my arms around and babbling like an idiot, but when I looked over at her I noticed she was reclining back in her chair biting on her pencil. She was focused on the screen. She was impressed, I could see her mind working.