Captured by the Elves Ch. 09

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Meetings, revelations, and tragedies await Kiari.
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Part 9 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/14/2016
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Note: Sorry for the long delay, folks. All of the characters in this story are over the age of eighteen, the elves even more so. This does not represent any real people or groups. It is literally a fantasy. Any errors or omissions are my own. As this is part 9, you should know what to expect. Look at the story tags. This does contain some fantasy violence and related blood, but I didn't go too overboard. Enjoy!

I sat off to the side while Clive, the physician, examined Ericka on the table. Ericka and I had stripped naked so the doctor could see everything. The new elf girl was nervous, but I told her that everything was going to be all right. I hoped that it was true. For her part: Ericka was quickly gaining confidence and strength, The previous Erick had been starved and abused, but in her new form she was quickly becoming potent and hungry. There was an appetite in her that was impressive. All of this was fascinating to the doctor. After examining different parts of her body, Clive began making sketches. He asked if he could do the same with me later and I reluctantly agreed. The doctor had become our sole ally within the human camp, and I had to used what I had.

Clive asked Ericka what her name was.

"Ericka," she said proudly.

"What was your name?"

Ericka took a breath and said, "Eric Fletcher of Pine Town. For what that was worth."

"Do you remember your old life?"

"Yeah, I do, but what's the point, eh? That's all over. I feel so much better though, doctor. Really strong like. I want to run or fight. Maybe fuck. All of them."

Clive looked to me. He said, "Did you feel this way when you were changed?"

"She's not lying. The change does make you feel good when it's over. I don't know why, but bear in mind that Ericka and I each endured hardship and starvation before we were changed."

"The elves starved you?"

"No. I was starving when they captured me. It was my old life that almost killed me."

"So, this change could in fact be a cure for some real physical ailments."

Clive made notes on everything that he learned.

"I suppose," I said, "But it's not like this is something that you should be prescribing for your patients."

"Perhaps, but you never know. Tell me, would you rather be dead or be as you are now?"

That was a hard question to answer--even after all that had happened. I said, "There were plenty of times when I wanted to die. Sometimes I think that maybe I did. I'm different now. It's complicated."

Clive made notes and nodded. I liked the doctor compared to the other humans that I had dealt with. I truly do believe that he cared even if he didn't fully understand. Perhaps that was the best that I could hope to get. In my experience, that was sad, but rather likely.

Ericka had an answer. She said, "I'm very happy to be the way I am now. I know that I was afraid before it happened, but that was before I knew what it would be like."

She smiled--hoping to make me feel better. I smiled meekly back to her, and knew, in my heart, that I didn't deserve such a loyal creature. What was she to me? A lover? A daughter? I didn't know. She was special though. Of that I had no doubt.

"She really is cute as a button, isn't she?"

I recognized the gruff voice of the big man before I noticed that he'd entered the tent. Lloyd wasn't in his monstrous armor. He wore a wool tunic and leather jerkin. Despite his lack of armor, he was no less intimidating as he loomed above us.

He looked at me. Lloyd said, "I do think that you're still prettier than Erick here, but you did a good job on him with that cock of yours. I knew that you had it in you. Or in him." He laughed.

Clive protested. "Please, sergeant, I need some time and privacy to conduct my research. Lord Collins agreed."

Lloyd nodded. "Yes, my lord did agree, and that's why you're being allowed to faff about like this. Foolish perhaps, but I am off duty, so some of that is bound to happen."

I wanted to believe that Lloyd was an ugly man, but the fact was that he had a rather plain face that had been exposed to all manner of harsh treatment over a life time. The hair on his head and the stubble on his face were of the same length and kept very close. Perfect for being under a helmet. During the battle, Lloyd had seemed invulnerable. Arrows bounced off his armor and shield. He'd also been wise enough to avoid direct fighting, but if it had come down to it, I'm not sure that the elf weapons would have had much effect.

Lloyd refocused on Ericka. "Nice to see that you feel so well with your new life, Erick, but do you think that it's truly yours?"

Ericka eyed him. In that gaze of the new elf girl, I saw recognition and pure hatred. She said, "I remember that before I ran for it, I told you to fuck off, Lloyd. I meant what I said."

"Yeah, that's true, isn't it? Of course, you said that and then ran like a godsdamned craven. You didn't ever have the decency to die like a man. So sad."

"I'm not the same person," said Ericka. "I'm not weak like I was."

Lloyd wasn't impressed. "Yes, you are. You're just a coward with tits and a pretty face now."

I grabbed Ericka before she could pounce on him. She was so surprised that I stopped her, that she froze up immediately. A desperate confused look in her eyes. She didn't understand why I would try to stop her. Lloyd was our enemy. He did terrible things. He was preventing our escape.

I knew that it was the safer play, and I hated myself for choosing it.

Lloyd laughed. He said, "You see what I mean, Erick? Your pretty little mistress doesn't want you to be bad, so I take it that you really shouldn't. So, you'll behave. Might be I come back later and fuck one or both of you. Wouldn't that be sweet? Pray that's what my visit is about. My lord has to make some big decisions soon. We only need one elf in the camp after all."

Lloyd offered the mildest of bows to us, and then turned and left. Clive followed close behind--waving his hands like he was shooing the big man away, but it was a half-hearted show that was embarrassing and awkward.

Ericka gently pushed me away. "I would've been fine," she grumbled.

"I don't want you to get hurt," I said. In my mind I recalled watching as the soldiers had hurt Raina. They would've killed her without the intervention of the other elves. The situation in the tent was much simpler: Lloyd was a monster and a brave as Ericka was, I didn't want to lose her.

"I'm sorry," I told her. "I'm sorry."

Somehow, I felt guilty for doing it. Suddenly weak in her presence, and I hated that feeling. I wanted to be better for her--stronger. It dawned on me. Oh Gods! Was I capable enough? It was different with Landa and Braith, wasn't it? They were clearly stronger than I was and I knew it. They did too. I imagined that was part of the appeal on their end. Everyone kept talking about how "pretty" I was. Pleasing, but neither strong nor capable. I wanted to be though. I wanted to be a protector.

There had to be a way. Landa and Braith believed that I was destined to do something. What that was I couldn't imagine.

Things settled down once the big man had left, but in his wake was even more danger and uncertainty. "We only need one elf in the camp," he'd said. Where would the other go? I didn't believe that Lord Collins would just kill us out of turn. He'd been trying to negotiate in his own way.

Clive closed, opened and closed the tent flap again as if that would deter Lloyd or anyone else from coming in. He said, "I am sorry for that. Some of these men are just brutes, and I say that as the man who's been trying to tend to them."

"There was nothing that you could so," I said. "I don't think that people deny that man anything."

"Sadly no," said Ericka. "Not ever."

She'd calmed down considerably since Lloyd had left. She went back to a pleasant smile as if none of it had happened.

I said, "You know the big man from before."

She sighed. "I do. Big Lloyd is also out of Pine Town. 'Most famous man there', as he likes to say. When I first joined up, he had me polish his armor and carry his things. Tend his horse. There were also other things that he had me do...Lloyd's not picky when his cock gets hard."

"I'm sorry."

She shrugged it off. "That was years ago now. It stopped after I got sent off to the scouts, but he'll never let me forget how powerful he was."

"You were going to fight him."

"No," she said. "I was going to kill him."

" might..."

"Die? Perhaps, but I'm feeling rather strong now since you gave me this gift."

I didn't know what to say to that.

Clive cut his studies short. He wanted to make sure that nothing had suddenly changed within the camp. I trusted in his kindness, though I knew that there was no reason to believe that he would disobey the orders of the lord. Clive wasn't really that respected despite the importance of his profession. He said that he'd be back in a couple of hours, leaving Ericka and I alone.

"The doc is nice," said Ericka, "But you know that we could take him hostage or at least knock him out."

"To what end?"

"Our escape."

I shook my head. "Not that way. Clive has been good to us."

Ericka took my hand. "We're different than them, Kiari. You know that, right?"

"I forgot nothing."

She studied me for a while. Ericka said, "You only recently became like us, right?"

"Yes. And then I converted you."

She embraced me. "We'll learn about our new lives together," she said.

How had things changed so rapidly? The day before this lovely creature with the husky voice seemed so vulnerable--so alluring to me. Now she was powerful--demanding. She'd been a scout as well. Gods, she was remarkably like Raina already. Did this feature of the people surrounding me have something to do with my own weakness and uncertainty? I leaned forward and kissed her. It was unfair of me to judge her in a such a way.

"I'm sorry," I told her. "I need to be stronger."

She squeezed me tightly. "Even if it's only you and me, I promise that we'll be all right."

"I seem to remember trying to be strong for your benefit."

"You have been. You make me want to be better."

Her hands slid down my back to my plump backside. She squeezed at me some more. I regarded her for a moment. We just looked at each other. Her eyes were large, deep and brown. I reached up to brush at her hair that was a similar brown to my own, but longer already and even had the faintest hint of curls to it. I felt undeserving of her, yet she was the one who praised me.

She said, "You're so beautiful, Kiari. Would you...would you be willing to let me...?"

That didn't take long.

"You've definitely adapted to your new life," I said. "I'm sure that Landa will appreciate you."

"Is this 'Landa' an important person to you?"

"Oh yes. She's the one that brought me to the settlement."

"Does she love you?"

"Maybe." In fact, Landa had told me so herself, but then she had regretted it. My relationship with Landa was a complicated thing. I realized that Ericka was waiting patiently for me.

I moved my hand up between Ericka's legs and found her growing cock.

"Yes, you can," I told her. "I don't think that I could say 'no' to you."

She beamed. Ericka pulled out a small jar from where she'd been hiding it.

"What's that?" I asked.

She grinned. "I stole it from the doctor. He uses this salve on parched skin. I thought that it might do the job for us."

I almost burst out laughing. Did everyone who wanted to fuck me just happen to have these jars close by? The gods were intent to have fun with me no matter where I went.

Ericka's cock was growing more in my hand. She was desperate to make love to me. All of my experience as a servant of pleasure compelled me to comply with her. I took the jar from her, and scooped up a generous glob of the medicine. In addition to its slickness, it also smelled of eucalyptus and even tingled slightly on the skin. I worked it into my ass, and then smeared the rest on Ericka's swollen cock. My willingness to do so absolutely delighted her.

"I'm so happy for this, Kiari. Thank you."

I scooted up on the table and spread myself wide for Ericka. She teased at my hole first with her fingers. Delicately and hesitant. It was new for her, and I didn't want her to be too nervous. Braith had trained me well. From muscle memory and experience I could even estimate timing of the event. Gods, what had I become? Once Ericka was comfortable with the idea, she didn't need much prompting from me. She placed her rigid cock in the cup of my ass, and slowly pushed herself into me. It was different being with her this way. Before, I'd held the power, but now I yielded it all to her. The feeling of being filled up again was something that I'd missed. Ericka was a bit more eager than some of my other lovers. I couldn't fault her. The lingering feelings following the change could be hard to cope with. Working in the bathhouse with Braith had helped me. I could only imagine how I was going to explain Ericka to Braith and the others. I'd sworn that I would never convert another, and yet I had made her at the whim of human interest. However, she was already special to me. Feeling her take her time fucking me only drove that point home. Ericka's hands moved up to feel at my plump breasts. I could tell that in many ways she was able to compare me to all the girls that she had fucked when she was a man. Yet she's also been with Lloyd in what I imagined to be something utterly unhealthy.

My own cock was hard and aching as it bounced around in tune with the pounding that Ericka was giving my ass. Her hand found my cock and pumped it furiously. I was so close to cumming--I loved her for it. We moved as one fleshly creature there on the table in the tent. Did anyone hear us? We didn't know. Would Clive walk in and find us fucking like beasts? Well, that was possible, but we didn't care. Let him take notes and make sketches about that.

We fucked for a long time like that. No cares in the world, and I was so grateful for the reprieve from all of my doubt.

She pinched my nipples as her pace intensified. We rocked together against that simple wooden table. The legs of it creaking beneath us. Her cock becoming my entire world. I loved it and I loved her for doing it to me. Letting myself submit to another was a release. I came. My cock coating the both of us with my cum. Liberation.

I felt Ericka tense within me. She stammered: "Kiari...I...I..."

I clutched at her tightly. No words were needed. Her stiff cock erupted within my hot interior. Her seed coating my insides. She collapsed against me. We were both exhausted. We stayed there for some time, and I still wondered if Clive or someone else would enter the tent and discover us. That was foolish. They'd already witnessed us before when I converted Ericka. I was proud of that now. Happy to have her with me. And I still felt so violated that we'd been seen--exposed. It was wrong to let outsiders know the details of our existence and yet I had.

Ericka noticed my concern. "What's wrong, Kiari? Didn't you like it?"

My hand found hers. I said, "Of course I did. I'm just worried."

"We just need to wait," she said. "The elves have been doing a number on us...uh...the humans I mean. That'll give us the chance."

"That's what I've been hoping for, but it's been a while now."

I knew that given enough time Lord Collins would fortify his position even more, and if additional men arrived from the east...The sheer number of them would be overwhelming. I imagined thousands of heavy infantry troops locking shields and marching against the elves like a wall. Even at their best I couldn't imagine Landa and the others standing up to that.

But there was another approach though.

Lord Collins himself.

Ericka asked what I was thinking about. I remembered the human women always asking me that question back in the day.

I said, "I'll talk to Collins some more. He's hoping to find his son."

I'd told her earlier. She said, "Didn't you say there was little chance of that?"

"Barring some miracle? Yes, but given how things have been playing out for me maybe it's not so far-fetched. I can at least try."

Much later we were back in the cage, and Ericka had fallen asleep in my arms, and I watched as Lord Collins conducted much of his business. He received several dispatches in leather tubes from the rest of the army. The lord reviewed these with little expression. He wrote replies, sealed them, and the responses were carried away.

Lord Collins looked at me. He said, "Are you curious as to what I'm doing? You're not one of the common fools who can't comprehend my actions."

Ericka slept against me. I tried not to wake her up. I said, "I'm not high born."

"But not too low either. People like you are useful. Too useful perhaps. Some people believe that these 'middle classes' are taking over. What say you?"

I thought about the mural at the house of the money changers. That stern red-headed king could only look on as those "middle classes" controlled most of the money in the kingdom.

"I don't see the nobility leaving any time soon," I said. "The common people are not organized enough."

I could've mentioned some human communities in the far north where the people had coalesced behind a belief system and lived in mutual cooperation outside of the normal system. I'd never seen it personally, but my father had traveled there and seen it in his youth.

Lord Collins poured himself more wine, and then to my surprise, he got up and poured a horn of wine for me. I stared at it in his hand. Nervous about taking what was offered. It made no sense for it to be poisoned, but then again, some poisons were metaphorical.

I took the horn despite my misgivings.

The lord moved to do a toast. "To those we've lost," he said. "May we never give up on them in our hearts."

I drank with him--thinking of Delphi. I didn't really know her, but she'd been so convinced that I was a good person. How was I supposed to feel about that? Lord Collins no doubt drank to his missing son. Gods, I wished that I had something to tell him. I'd met no "Henry" during my stay. It couldn't have been one of the men taken during the previous battle. Something before...

The lord filled my drinking horn with more of the tart, strong wine and after a while I had that wonderful warm-numb feeling that helped so many people cope with the hardships of life over time. My parents invested heavily in selling all manner of alcohol because they knew that it would always have people that craved it. I couldn't help but to ask the lord: "When did your 'Henry' disappear?"

"Almost three years ago. I took him with me on campaign. Every young man needs some martial experience even if he's destined to rule from the comfort of a chair. My other sons are too young. Henry wanted some command experience. While I was at the front, he volunteered to lead a group of men into the forest to scout and secure a supply a lumber. Logistics is the key to winning a war. I told him that many times. Our family has always proven its effectiveness at providing for a just cause."

His reasons were not too odd. I knew that others had entered the war for far less noble reasons.

"And he didn't return?"

"No. There was no word. Another group was sent to investigate. They were attacked and suffered severe casualties. They had to withdraw. The story spread. Eventually, the elves came forward reluctantly with some theories. It took me well over a year to achieve the success and influence needed to lead a force this way. My friends and colleagues have told me that my son is dead and gone. My lady wife has written me to express that she has made peace with it, and is grooming our second son to be my successor. I cannot explain to you how much that letter hurt me."