Carers, Bed Washes and Erections!


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She came back with the bottle, pulled the sheet back, placed the bottle between my legs, placed my sticky penis in it, and left me for five minutes before coming back and removing the bottle. She covered me over again. There was a strong smell of cum in the air, and the sheet was still damp and stained, and I am sure she noticed.

"Goodnight ,Toby."

She clicked the reading light off.


I have carers come in through the day now. After about eighteen months, the initial care agency that was set up to look after me in my flat, went bust. The council had to arrange for a new agency to come in, that must have been about seven years ago. They supplied three carers, one that worked Monday to Friday days. (Kathy, early twenties.) One that worked all of the weekend, (Esme, early fifties,) and one that did the weekday evenings. (Zoe, late thirties.) Kathy wasn't experienced, but the other two were.

But this new agency went bust after five years. As they all live quite locally to me, and as I got on well with the three of them, (Particularly Kathy as she was and is hot!) I asked the council if I could employ them myself. They put me on 'Direct Payments' which upped their basic hourly rate considerably. So they all work for me now. They are a good team that covers each other's holidays and days off, and they all know me well.

I couldn't believe my luck when I was first introduced to Kathy, as she was wearing a nice top that emphasised her tits and cleavage, and a shortish skirt and heels that showed off her long and shapely legs. (She tends to wear, jeans, t-shirt and trainers or sandals now.) She has lovely, long, mid- brown, wavy hair. She was, and still is slim, fit and attractive.

Now, I am quite horny, to say the least, and when I am in bed, I often fantasise about her and jerk off. I did when I first met her, and still do now.

I love getting an erection in front of her, and during her first few days of seeing my erection and then covering it up, which I didn't want her to do, I spoke to her:

"Sorry, Kathy, I hope you're not offended?" "Not at all."

"I can't really help it, especially when you wash me."

"Don't worry about it, Toby. It doesn't offend me at all. If it embarrasses you, I can cover it up, if you want?"

"No, it doesn't embarrass me, I was just thinking of you."

"Like I said, Toby, it doesn't bother me at all."

So, she leaves my erection uncovered now. It seems that she is okay seeing it. Maybe she gets a kick out of seeing it?

Nat has met her a few times now, and when she met her for the first time, Nat waited for Kathy to leave, then turned to me:

"She zeems nice."

"Yeah, she's quite sweet."

"Doez she make yoo ard in the morning?" "She does."

"Doez she zee yoor ard cock?" "She does."

"Az she zeen yoo com?" "Nooo."

"Would yoo like her to zee yoo com?"

"Yes. Er, maybe, but not yet. When she has been here a year or two. Then, maybe." "Ave yoo thought of her and com?"

"Yes, I have." "A lot, for zure!"

Nat winked at me, as she knows me well.

"Ermmm, quite a bit."

Nat smiled at me.

"Thought zo."

(I don't really get an erection in front of Esme or Zoe, just Kathy.)

Kathy went on maternity leave about two years ago, then came back for about six months, during which time I continued to get an erection as she washed me. Then she went on maternity leave again, coming back at the beginning of last December. She did pop in during her maternity leaves, and on one of those visits, during her second maternity leave, she told me that she was determined to get fit again:

"I love my kids, but you lose your shape so easily by putting on weight." "Your not so bad, Kathy."

"Look at my hips!"

"That's to be expected. You have just had two children." "Hmmmm!"

During her second maternity leave, I started taking various supplements that enhance erections, as I had decided that I really wanted to get a big hardon in front of her now. One of those supplements is l-arginine. L-arginine has a similar, but milder, effect on the penis to Viagra, as the body converts the l-arginine to nitric oxide, allowing blood to flow easier. In short, it makes your hardons harder. (I am a vegetarian, and also eat very, very little, so inventing 'believable' reasons, to the carers, for taking them was quite easy.)

She came back after nine months, just before the Christmas just gone, and true to her word, Kathy had lost some weight and firmed up.

Just as I hear her come in, I have two l-arginine capsules that are placed in my bed at night by the 'putting me to bed' carer that I 'supposedly' have at midnight and around six. I chew them so they enter the bloodstream faster. It seems to take between ten and twenty minutes to work, and lasts about the same as well.

I push the duvet right back, so that I can freely masturbate when I hear her come in, and continue as she feeds the cat, potters around the kitchen, and goes into the spare bedroom to get my clothes. I cover myself up just before she walks in the room, so I have a full hardon as she is shaving me, and when she pulls the duvet back, my cock is still quite engorged, but lying down.

As she washes my body, my cock starts to grow, and I imagine how her tits and pussy look and what it would be like to fuck her and taste her pussy, which makes my cock grow quicker. (It is about ten minutes or so since Kathy came in, and the l-arginine is kicking in now.) As she washes my cock, it gets very, very hard, and by the time she has finished, it is quite swollen, and my guess is that it is nearer eight inches by then, as it does look very, very big and fat!

My hardon softens as she is dressing me.

There have been a handful of mornings when I could feel that I was about to and needed to cum, so I have asked her for a minute, as I didn't want her to see me cumming. As she turns and walks away, I reach down to my hard cock and start masturbating, and I normally cum as she disappears around the corner.

But the other morning I didn't have to touch my cock at all! It was what she was wearing that did it.

I heard her come in, and started masturbating as usual. When she walked in the bedroom I could see that was wearing a white crop top. Kathy wears crop tops quite a lot, and I remained quite hard all the way through the shave, as I knew I was going to see the bottom half of her, bra-covered, tits.

My penis was quite big as she uncovered me. Kathy was standing on my right, and she went into the bathroom to get the other bowl with my toiletries in it. She came back in, stooped down, and placed the bowl on her right. She stood up, facing me, level with and right by my upper chest. She twisted to her right slightly, then bent right over to get the flannel from the bowl.

I could see right under her crop top, and she wasn't wearing a bra! Her tits were a bit 'hangy' but looked lovely, and I could see, practically, everything. My penis went quite hard when I saw this. She stood up, wet the flannel then bent over again to get the soap, giving me another lovely view, but rubbed the soap on the flannel, making her tits jiggle around, and this made me go very, very hard.

Kathy must have noticed that my penis had reacted, as I noticed that her nipples had gone hard and were sticking out from her tits quite a bit. As she stood up, the thin material came to rest on her tits, and I could definitely see that her nipples had gone hard, as they were quite noticeable under the crop top material.

As she washed my body, my penis was pulsing and swaying. Kathy bent over again and soaped the flannel, and I saw her tits and hard nipples again. As she stood up a, very tiny, bead of precum came out of my cock. Kathy then started to wash my penis. I could feel that 'cum feeling'.

"Can you give me a minute, Kathy?" "Sure."

She put the flannel in the water and turned to go. My legs then went stiff and straight, and cum started running out just as Kathy was walking away. I did two small squirts of cum just as she reached the doorway. I don't know if she saw that first bit of cum!

I called her back, a few moments later to wipe up the cum, as I couldn't reach the flannel. "Sorry, Kathy."

"Don't worry about it. Needs must."

There were umpteen other times that I saw her tits that morning.

I text Nat later that morning, and told her what had happened. (I haven't seen her since Christmas 2019!)

'Maybe she did c u cum! U shud let her c u cum anyway, as she wud probably be more understanding now.'

'Hmm maybe.' 'Do u miss me?' 'Of course.'

'Do u miss my mouth?' 'Even more so.'

'I hope I can fly over soon. Keep using ur hand n imagination while waiting n, maybe, give Kathy a present!!! . X'


I have read that 'Pygeum' increases precum production, and as I like Kathy seeing my hardon, and the thought of precumming in front of her really excited me! I started taking it about two months ago. Within a week, I had started wheezing, coughing, and coughing up a clear mucus, like precum. I continued for another week and my symptoms got much, much worse. So, in my quest for precum, I had made myself, gravely, ill. I had a short course of steroids about a month ago and I am back to normal now.

However, it might be the other supplements, but I have noticed and felt a little increase in precum production of late. I use a bottle at night, so the carer that puts me to bed takes my conveen off, and the past few evenings I have noticed that the tip of my foreskin, and penis head have been a bit slippery. I first noticed it about a week ago as Zoe was putting me to bed.

She was going back round to a friend's house that she hadn't seen in months, and she had just come from there, having had something to eat and some wine, and then popped out to me. (Although she was forty nine, she was looking quite nice tonight, more glamorous with jeans, high heeled, ankle boots and a 'v-neck' t-shirt that was really showing off her more than ample, pushed up, cleavage.)

Usually, she is dressed more appropriately, and she is usually quite serious and straight, but that night she was quite giggly. She is divorced, lives alone, and has two adult children. She has let herself go a bit, as she is a little overweight, but she still looks okay. (Mid-five feet, with short grey and highlighted blond hair.)

"Hi! Sorry, Toby, I've had too much wine."

"It's fine don't worry. I will try and be a bit quicker for you, so that you can get back to enjoying the rest of your evening. You look nice, by the way."

"Thank you. I am feeling a little light headed but, don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Zoe transferred me over to the commode, and before lowering me down, peeled the conveen off, but she was stretching my penis out whilst she did it.

"Oooh that's long. I have always wanted to ask you, doesn't that hurt when it's being stretched like that?"

"No, not really."

She took the conveen off, and my penis sprang back, but it still must have been a good five inches long now.

"Okay, I will leave you to it for five minutes."

My foreskin felt a bit oily, which felt nice, and I wiped it over my penis head, which my penis liked, but as I was on a time limit, I ignored the pleasure it was giving me, and pushed my penis down between my legs. I had a pee, then lifted my penis back up to rest on the edge of the commode, but it slipped back down between my legs. I did this twice more, but my penis slipped back down each time. Zoe came back.

"Okay, Toby?"


Zoe transferred me to the bed and lowered me. "Erm, Zoe? I'm sitting on myself."

"Oh! Okay. Do you want me to pull you out?" "Please."

"Okay, are you holding on to the bed side rail?" "I am."

Zoe moved the standaid away. (It helps you to stand, and transfer you to beds, wheelchairs, commodes etc.) She put her hand between my legs, fishing for my penis. She giggled.

"Never thought I would be trying to find a penis today, when I woke up this morning!" We both smiled at each other.

"I can't quite reach it, as your legs are too tight. Hang on, I've got an idea."

She disappeared into the bathroom for a second, and came back with a pot of 'Sudocreme', and sat on the bed beside me. (She didn't have to do that.)

"You can lean against me if you want."

I did, a little. Zoe then twisted and leaned over slightly. (She definitely didn't need to do that!) I was, more or less, right above her cleavage now, and I could quite easily see the red bra that was pushing her tits up. I felt myself starting to get hard. Zoe took the lid off the 'Sudocreme' and dipped her hand in, before plunging her hand between my legs again.

"That's better. Ah, there it is!"

Zoe ran her fingers along it, which felt nice, before she wrapped them around it, and then pulled my penis out. It was greasy and covered in 'Sudocreme' and her, greasy, touch and looking down her cleavage had made it grow considerably.

"I will just wash my hand, and wipe the 'Sudocreme' off your bits."

As she wiped the 'Sudocreme' off, she inadvertently(?), pulled my foreskin back, making my penis almost fully erect.

"Oh! You are quite a big boy, Toby. aren't you?" "I guess."

Zoe put the 'Sudocreme' on the floor before she, herself, moved to the floor in front of me, and continued to undress me. She kept glancing up at my penis, which kept growing until it was fully erect. I let go of the bed rail, so that my top half could lie down. Then she swung my legs up on the bed and adjusted my position. Now I was flat and my penis really stuck up, and it was craving for some attention.

"What shall I do about your erection? Shall I take care of it?" "Please."

Zoe reached out, held my cock and started pumping. "Can you use some 'Sudocreme'?"

"Did you like that then?"

"Yeah, it felt nice."

Zoe kept pumping my cock, as she reached for the pot of 'Sudocreme' with her other hand. Then she stopped pumping to get a generous dollop of the cream, and then she coated both palms. She curled both hands around my waiting cock, sliding them up and down, slowly, making them tighter as they came off my cock and went back on.

"How does that feel, Toby?"

I couldn't speak. It just felt so, so good. She did it about six or so times more. My legs went straight and stiffened.

"Oh, I'm cumming!

Zoe tightened her grip, and pulled my foreskin right back, sliding her hands as far down my cock as they would go as a long rope of cum was squirted out, followed by two smaller squirts all landing on my lower torso.

"Oh yeah that's nice. Let me see more of your cum."

Zoe started pumping me, and I continued cumming, coating the back of her fingers and hands. "Was that nice?"


I am quite sure that Zoe knew what she was doing, as that felt absolutely fantastic! (You should try it yourself.) Zoe was still pumping my cock.

"Have you finished cumming Toby?" "Yeah."

"I will just wash my hands, and get a flannel and clean you up."

Zoe disappeared into the bathroom. I can't see the sink from where I am, but as Zoe disappeared, I could make out her reflection in the tiles, and I could see her lift her hands to her face!

Zoe cleaned me up and continued putting me to bed.

"Thanks, Zoe. Have a nice evening." "I already have! Night, Toby."

She winked and flashed me a cheeky smile as she switched the light off. I have seen her since and it's just like nothing has happened.

Also, just the other day, Kathy hooked me up to the standaid to transfer me to my wheelchair. My penis was almost flaccid when I felt some precum coming out. I looked down as Kathy was raising me up, and sure enough some precum was coming out. This made me feel quite horny, and I felt my penis starting to grow. By this point, Kathy had finished raising me up. My penis was about at the halfway stage now. Unfortunately there wasn't enough precum to warrant a drip, which I have wanted to do in front of Kathy for a long time, but the precum had made my foreskin slippery, and it slipped over my penis head. I was still nowhere near fully erect though. Kathy pulled my boxers and trousers up.

So I do seem to be precumming a bit more, but not as much as I would like, hence taking the 'Pygeum' as it can, apparently, make you precum quite a lot. Shame that it doesn't agree with me, as I was really quite excited at the thought of Kathy seeing me precum. I have just started taking 'Celery seed' now, as I have read that celery seed can also increase precum. So, let's hope it works, so that I can precum in front of Kathy, as I don't think that I will ever set myself up to cum in front of her.

(Unless by accident!)

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SAMSUNG2468SAMSUNG2468about 3 years ago

I don't normally leave comments, as like one of the many, I just read. But this is very very good, a wonderful and very descriptive read.

ArchangelJimArchangelJimabout 3 years ago
What a nice surprise.

You're a wonderful writer. My new favorite!

Ale58Ale58about 3 years ago

Marvelous, very personal, very well introduced and plenty of very detailed situations....easily to get somehow into the situation. Very lovable, very exciting too, and touching in many almost very deeper senses. Thank you so much, Toby!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is wonderful to read. I hope you will post regularly.

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