Carol Saves a Marriage


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"No, it wasn't!"

"Oh yes, it was. I was out back manning the grill when Peter came out back and said"

"Honey, I want to introduce you to my good friend"

"Before he could say another word Steven loudly said, "Carol!" and I exclaimed Steve!

Peter had a pale look come over his face and in an inquisitive way said, "You know each other?"

Before I had a chance to say anything Steve took Peter's hand and dragged him back inside saying, "We have to talk."

I ran right behind him yelling, "No, Steve, wait!" but it was too late. Steve had an angry look on his face, angrier than I think Pete would have and told Peter that his friendship wouldn't allow him to lie. Steve then proceeded to tell the entire story of our weekend. All I could do was cry as I realized my marriage was over.

Steve excused himself and said Pete should call him when the time was right. Pete sat in the chair, looked at me, and cried. I never saw Pete cry before and I never want to see it again. I don't know why but for some reason I felt I had to come clean. The story I just told you, I told to Pete. I didn't get into the details of all the sex and I didn't say things like it was the best sex ever or that it was just sex and didn't mean anything. But I felt I had to confess and at this time be truthful."

"Oh shit", exclaimed Lisa.

"We were divorced later that year. My kids are angry but didn't disown me. They are sociable but not like mother and child. More like casual friends. I don't see Pete and his family any longer. My siblings are still close to me I think because of our childhood and we were all we had. But they do continue to tell me how disappointed they are and rub it in my face all the time.

So Lisa no matter how perfect your plan, no matter how much you think it is worth it, you have to seriously ask yourself is it worth it. I thought I could live two lives and never get caught and never hurt the one I loved. I was wrong. So here I sit, doing the same job until I go home to an empty condo. I lost any desire to start over with someone else. I will never find another Pete and at this point I have had my fill of meaningless encounters. I am the reverse of what others desire. They spend time going through meaningless dates and sex looking for Mr. Right. I had lucked out and went straight passed go and found Mr. Right only to lose it by reverting to the meaningless dates and sex.

You heard my story so now I will leave. The choice is yours. I hope you choose wisely."

With that said, Carol got up from her seat at the bar, straightened her skirt, paid her tab, and went to go up to her room, alone. As she left the lounge she took time to pause, then turn around and look towards the bar. The handsome young man did start his approach towards Lisa, who promptly raised her left hand and while shaking her head no pointed at the gleaming diamond. Carol, as sad as she had been, now smiled.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Lol @ the previous comment starting with "Most marriage counselors will tell you..." What scientific evidence do you have for such a claim? And why would women necessarily lie in perfectly anonymous surveys, more frequently than men? Enough to significantly affect the results to overcome the 29% vs 19% at least once in marriage by their 50s gap (women 19%, men 29%)? What illustrious insight did you receive? What hidden knowledge did you find? Was it online? So is the truth all being covered up by a conspiracy? Pizzagate maybe?

Women cheat more often now than they did in the 90s (from 13% to 19%), while men have remained constant more or less. Men cheat more often but women tend to have longer affairs (average 6 months vs 2.months for women). Note that most women have emotional affairs on top of their extramarital affair which can make them more devastating.

While this is a good cautionary tale, it is ironic that most LW authors are male, writing for an audience that is mostly male, and often consigning the cheating wives to motives for their cheating which are in reality more likely the reasons for men to cheat.

Married women and married men have some overlaps for the reasons they cheat, but their prioritization is quite different, meaning ranks #1 through #5 for a man are lower rank for woman and vice versa. Yet most cheating wives in LW stories on this site, cheat for reasons that are much more likely to be the motives for men in real life.

There are actual real and authentic psych studies with results avaliable online (not involving conspiracies or incel forums) that demonstrate the differences. Whether you research them or not or stay in wilful ignorance is your choice.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Most marriage councilors will tell you its women that cheat most of the time not men. Studies where people have to admit theyre cheating or would are wrong because women lie in those.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well at least one marriage was saved (but for how long I wonder; probably won't last) from her monumental fuck up. Weak convictions + gold medalist in mental gymnastics = cheating slut inevitably. Sad but true.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Boggles the mind. At first hee rationale was she had not experienced much in terms of flirting, dating, and then of course sex before Pete. Then it became about the hunt and chase and conquest! She felt joy after her first time screwing David in LA. As an aside the whole conquest thing is much more of a cheating husband thing; the top five reasons that men and women cheat are very different, look it up! Really disturbing is that Carol had zero guilt. Instead she was ecstatic rhat she had a fool proof system. Unfortunately this is borne out by large scale psych studied: 75% of married men and 67% of married women WOULD cheat if they knew for certainty that they would neve be found out. Disgusting right? But it is the truth nonetheless. Carol had opportunity and a system in place where she thought she would never be caught while traveling once a month on business. She was successful for four years, once a month, one weekend on the road. And by the end it was just about the sex. I guess at that point she no longer cared much for sex and intimacy with her husband. She even admitted it became a habit and wasn't about the conquest or being desired or even the illicit nature of the cheating. Her kids were out of the house. Though she loved (or so she though she did) her husband and b ad a fool proof scheme, it was just sex. No biggie, right? Obviously she had already sh$t over her marriage many times and seeing as her rationale for continuing to cheat had drifted so far, she had lost all respect for her husband and felt entitled to have the thrill of new strange. Note how different cities had different favorite strange c$cks. She had gone off the rails. There is no way to sympathize or empathize with a person who throughly dishonored her marriage and disrespected her husband. She probably thought the confession would be helpful or she owed to him. Well it certainly nuked her marriage. None of us guys with a shred of self respect would reconcile with that level of wanton behavior. She had checked out of the marriage unknowingly (to both parties) a long time ago..would wager thatbshe spent a lot of time during the week prior to her trip looking forward to her weekend encounter yo get another notch in her belt (again more often a cheating husband motif, but whatever). Also suspect that her interactions with her husband both in and out of the bed, changed first subtly, then more significantly with time. It is impossible to.think she did not do comparisons in her head while.making love to Pete and though she assiduously avoided confessing if and when the sex was better with other men, there is no way that at least some of it (like Kevin who she fondly waxes over in Minnesota, before screwing Steve and unwittingly killing her marriage) was not better and more thrilling, otherwise why keep doing it every single time she traveled? There was no guilt from after the first time, and she clearly enjoyed it, until it became a pleasant habit. No way that doesn't seep in at the edges into her marriage as detachment, disrespect, amusement, frustration, entitlement, or any or all of the above with such frequency. A despicable but more normal response woukd be for her to get hired of cheating on her trips at some point buy she instead avidly kept doing it. She clearly had mental issues. Almost sociopathic when it came to her marriage. She was careful to nit get caught and what Pete didn't know would never hurt him. Balderdash. And her lack.of any guilt but instead joy, and even her calculations before that well unacceptable until kids leave because of she had to divorce to get her way then no biggie after they were empty nesters? Poor Pete probably noticed a number of minor things that changed but assumed it was menopause or something. Instead she was being a little marriage sociopath free of guilt and nit a care at all for her marriage vows or her husband. She obviously miscalculated with her full confession. Even though she said nothing about the quality of sex, her high repetitive frequency of lillict sex would automatically dispose Pete to feel.he was inferior and she was looking for better sex, which basically she was near the end. Only after being caught does she realize whatbshe will lose and what all her games cost her, but so what? She had four years to work it out and she destroyed her husband, Immolated her marriage and mauled her relationship with her kids. She is basically a pariah. And well what would she expect? Of course in real life, the rate of married women committing adultery is up 50% in 25+ years because of opportunity (now 19% of married women have at least one extramarital affair when married by time hitting their 50s (was 13% in the 90s), while married men have remained constant at 29% by their 50s). All about opportunity. As a final note: regardless of the popular LW trope, married women with little no sexual experience prior to marriage are much more fulfilled with their sex life and cheat less often. This is opposite of many LW stories where thenthough is if the wife had more experience she wouldn't feel compelled to go looking for strsnfebat some point. That is a male perception that is incongruent with facts. The more sexual experience a woman has prior to marriage, the less fulfillment they have with marital swx, adding impetus to then to cheat. Still though the main women cheat is they feel ignored, neglected, or hubby is not paying attention to them or communicating honestly with them. On the contrary, cheating wives tend to have longer affairs than men (average is about 6 months) and often with an emotional connection. Cheating husband's have more affairs, but shorter ones, often with no emotional connection with the leading reason being acting on impulse because the cheating lover was "hot". In this story, Carol cheats and acts more like a cheating husband who is a traveling salesman, always on the make when out of town. A long list of one or two night stands, with a sailor in every port. Just sad. Pete is better off without her. No coming back from that confession. Shows how out of touch shenwas with regards to what she was doing. That level of description and detail, while.not about the sex, but her methods, planning, and frequency, well that just vomits all over the marriage. Maybe she never deserved Mr Right. She was thinking about this for years before she actually acted on it. Messed up.

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppyabout 1 year ago

Five Stars!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A number of issues here, first there is too much padding. We do not need to know about the MC's childhood to the level of detail that the author goes into here, ditto how her parents met. The only relevant detail is that they were a military family who moved around a lot.

Then there is the level of intimate detail that the MC goes into in a conversation with someone she's only just met; that more than anything identifies the author as male.

Finally the conclusion seems to be that serial cheating is only wrong if you get caught. What about personal integrity?

AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdover 1 year ago

Beliefs make Perception. And Perceptions make Reality.

So to everyone their reality is Different.

That's why sometimes we call people delusional, Cause their Reality doesn't match with ours.

Omegaman56Omegaman56almost 2 years ago

Given a choice of. Being a BTB or RAAC. I would choise a great RAAC. You have to be a superior writer to pull it off. I felt sorry for carol

Real men make there own decisions

SaltySurpriseSaltySurprisealmost 2 years ago

Sort of redemptions saving a marriage. Not like the one she destroyed BALANCE

laptopwriterlaptopwriteralmost 3 years ago

The content of the story was very good, but you have to learn to use quotation marks. It wasn't a big problem in this story because your female protag did 95% of the talking, but if you have back and forth dialogue it will become a major problem.

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