Carol's Patch Job Ch. 03


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"You will go back to them. You will tell them you got it wrong, you lied, you misunderstood. I don't care what you say or how you handle it, but you will clear my Mother's name. Because if you don't, then one day soon my Father will find out. When that happens, I have no reason to go easy on you. Be aware, I am being very kind to you, right now."

"You will sever all ties with my Mother and Nancy. No communication unless Uncle Ben, Uncle Mark or I; want it."

"The last thing to tell you two. I suggest you start training, in two weeks I'm going to bust you up. Ever since I was ten, Daddy had me taking self defense classes. I've slowed down a bit, but I still spar at least once a month. Get ready, I will find a gym, dojo, boxing ring, hell empty warehouse; but I will find something. The second weekend from now. Mary, your turn will be on Saturday. Marge yours is on Sunday. I will be calling you about the location. You think you can lie to my Mother for your sick fantasies and get away without being hurt. You must be crazy."

Ben whispered to Mark. "Yep, definitely channeling Grace. Maybe we can hire an exorcist?"

Mark whispered back. "But I've missed Grace."

Marge and Mary were frozen with the realness of the threat. They were married women close to forty, in an affluent suburb. They don't get beaten up, like some high schooler. But looking at Carol, they realized that was exactly what was going to happen. They both started wondering if they could talk their spouses into moving.

"In case you two haven't figured it out. This meeting is over. Get out!"

Marge and Mary got up so suddenly, that their chairs nearly fell over. Both of them scrambled out of the house, like they were a couple of mice being chased by a cat.

When the Bitches left, Carol sat down in a chair and collapsed with her head on the table.

"Acting and talking like makes me tired and thirsty."

Ben got up and got Carol a glass of water. The bedroom door opened upstairs and they could hear footsteps coming down.

"Are they gone?" Asked Nancy.

"Yep, Carol scared them away, after challenging them to a duel." Replied Ben.

"A duel?" Repeated Janice, alarmed. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing much Momma, just in two weeks I'm going to kick their asses. They lied to you, they conned you, they hurt your marriage, they hurt you, they hurt Daddy and they're not going to get away with it."

"You can't do that Carol. I can't let you get hurt."

"Don't worry Momma. I've had five years of self defense classes. A mixture of Karate, Judo and good old street fighting. I'm not going to get hurt, they are. I just hope, I don't put them in the hospital. They deserve it, but it makes things messy."

Janice chose to remain silent, but she promised herself that later she would talk further with Carol about her fighting.

"We've got leads on the other three men you were with, Janice. I know an expert who will get us full details. Then Mark and I will deal with them. I've got some ideas."

Carol was worried. "Uncle Ben, are you sure you want to do this? This could ruin your reputation, you might lose your license."

"Don't worry, I think things will be safe. As for my job, I've made plenty of money. If I never work another day if my life, I would still be okay. But these four jokers, knew you were married Janice. I know they thought Jim was cheating too, but they still violated your marriage. We can't let them get away. If Jim ever finds out about this, he needs to know that they paid for their sins. We're not going to kill them or even break their bones, but they're going to feel some pain."

"No", stated Janice firmly. Everyone turned to look at her in surprise. "I hurt Jim with those four, even if he doesn't know it. I hurt my marriage and myself. I've got to be there too. I've got to hurt them. I know I'm primarily at fault, but I've paid and will be paying for the rest of my life. They need to feel some pain and maybe they will never screw with a married woman again."

"Enough of this kind of talk. We can make plans later about the four jokers when we get the all the details. I think it is time that we emotionally relaxed, this kind of stress can make you crazy. And Janice, I don't want to insult you. but don't you think it is time you had a real visit with Jim?

"You're right Mark. It is past time. Nancy and I were talking about it. She is going to drive me to the hospital."

"Carol, I know I've lost a lot of your respect and love. It is my own fault. But I think you should relax for the rest of today. I've been hiding in my bedroom enough. You've been working yourself silly for the past week and doing my job for the past few years. Please, take it easy for the rest of today."

"Okay Momma, I am a bit tired. You did lose some of my respect, but you're starting to earn it back and you never lost any of my love. I'll stay home and catch up on some homework. Maybe I can get Uncle Ben to do it for me." She said the last with a grin.

Mark and Ben laughed. Everyone got up from the table, when a round of tearful hugs swept the room. Janice again saying how sorry she was to everyone. She and Nancy gathered their purses and coats, then left for the hospital.

Carol went upstairs to lie down, maybe to goof off and watch a little television. Ben and Mark decided to stay and be of help around the house. Mark went to the grocery store and returned shortly. He had purchased the ingredients for Grandma Grace's chicken and dumplings, corn bread and pecan pie.

Steve and Lisa returned from a day at the mall. Ben explained a little to Steve about what was going on and how things were looking better. But Steve didn't really want to know. Steve had been trying to compartmentalize this episode regarding his Mother. He was trying desperately to pretend that it hadn't really happened. This behavior was so obvious to Ben that he kept the conversation very short and ended it, when Steve started getting a look of panic in his eyes.

For the rest of the day and early evening, after Mark's dinner, Ben did indeed help Carol with her homework. He also helped Steve and Lisa. Ben was able to give little bits of advice or direction that greatly helped them do to a better job and complete their homework faster.

After Carol finished her homework; she, Uncle Ben and Uncle Mark sat down to play some three handed pinochle and eat pecan pie. Her Dad and Uncle Ben were complete pinochle addicts from their childhood, they had spread their addiction to Carol, Steve and Mark, plus they were working on Linda.

"Uncle Ben I've talked to Momma about her pay." Carol stated, while they were all sorting their cards, after the latest deal. "It isn't good, she spent most of her money on clothes. She didn't buy a lot but she bought expensive stuff. I can't believe how expensive. So, she doesn't have much money left over, for all the years she has been working. She says she has about ten thousand dollars in a secret savings account. That isn't very much, if we want Daddy to move and get a newer car." Carol mentioned nothing about her own college. She figured that was her responsibility now.

Ben kept looking at his cards, but spoke acting as if it was no big deal. "Carol Honey, I've got a more money that I could possibly spend. Your Dad has known how it was always his for the asking. But he's got his pride. He looks back at his life, he sees a few small financial mistakes and blames himself, that you're not all living in a mansion. We need to take the financial pressure off of your Dad. Ten thousand dollars isn't going to do it. Well maybe it could, but not to your Dad's way of thinking. You don't know how scared he is about losing his job right now. He sees himself as a sick older man and completely expendable with no financial cushion. Now, don't worry I've had a private chat with his employer. While your Dad doesn't like the job, they are a pretty decent bunch. They are not concerned about civil litigation, they just want to do the right thing for your Father and company morale."

But, your Daddy is feeling pretty weak and vulnerable right now. So I think, we need to increase your Mother's nest egg a bit." Ben looked to Mark, who nodded his head affirmatively. Ben then showed Mark two fingers, while Carol wasn't looking. Mark shook his head and showed three fingers back to Ben, Ben then nodded his head. "So, I think we will be adding thirty thousand dollars to your Mother's account. She can then tell your Dad she was saving it for emergencies and your college."

Carol looked at her Uncle Ben and Uncle Mark with her face full of sorrow, she looked terrible. "I'm so sorry Uncle Ben, Uncle Mark. I know we should be taking care of ourselves..."

"Stop Carol!" Ben had a quite crossed expression on his face, he was pissed. "Carol years ago Jim, Frank and Grace made me part of this family. I then brought Mark in and they accepted him too. Are you saying we're not part of this family and can't help our loved ones? I could just as easily put a million dollars in your Mom's account, the only problem is your Dads' pride. So don't talk about it anymore." Ben took a deep breath and looked down at his cards trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry Uncle Ben, Uncle Mark. Your part of this family, I love you." Carol said tearfully.

Ben looked up. "Don't worry Carol, I'm sorry I yelled. We're all under a lot of stress and worried about your Dad. I'm really sorry I yelled and I love you too.

Mark decided to speak and lighten up the mood. "I've got an idea about a new house. With the housing collapse there are a lot of homes only partially completed out Penny's way. Houses where the frames are up, the roofs are on, but they only have the Tyvek up with no brick or siding to complete the exterior job. Through the county I can find out the current owners and we can make an offer on one of them. We can hire someone to finish the exterior and then we can finish the interior ourselves. There are a lot of homes like that, that have reverted to some financial institution. We should be able to pick up one cheap."

Ben looked at Mark, with a slightly wary expression. "It sounds like a good idea, but what about this plan about us finishing the interior. You want me to paint again, you know how much I hate painting! I'll hire painters."

Mark looked back with grin. "It's about time you did some honest work."

"I'll do all the electrical but I'm not going to do any painting or tile work. And, we will definitely hire a crew to do all the drywalling!"

"Oh, I agree about the drywalling and maybe the insulating too. But you know how much painters charge, we could save a bundle there."

"I don't care. I don't paint. When Jim gets better, the next time he goes on a business trip. Whoosh, I hire crew and get the job done in a week. Painters need jobs too, nowadays. I'll even splatter some drops of paint artistically on my work clothes. Jim will never know the truth. I will not paint. I didn't make a ton of money, so I could do jobs I hate." Ben was giving Mark and evil glare, with his brows crunched down. It kind of gave him a Cro-Magnon look.

Mark and Carol laughed. "Okay you win, but if Jim finds out, you've got to take the heat. Now for this house, we might have a tough time finding a buyer that will offer us a decent price. We might have to use a front company to buy the house and then resell it, when the housing market rebounds."

Ben nodded his head and said with a grin. "No problem, I know all about front companies. But I've never had one of my own. I've always wanted one."

"A car shouldn't be a problem. I can probably dig up a good deal out of the cars seized by the county."

"You know how he'll want another minivan. He thinks minivans are the most functional, practical and wonderful cars on the planet. The man has no taste, maybe we can talk him into an SUV. That's it, we will find him, or create, such a good deal on an SUV, that he can't refuse." Ben chortled.

Carol who was more than a little embarrassed at her Father car said. "Please do, Daddy has no taste. The only good clothes he has, are the suits you picked out for him."

Ben patted her hand. "Don't worry Honey, just let Uncle Ben take care of it."

"Jim always brags about how much more will fit inside his minivan than Janice's or my SUV. Heck, we've even borrowed his clunker when we've gone to auctions." Mark said.

"Like I said, I'll take care of it. We'll make sure we buy him one with a trailer hitch. Then we will all go in together and buy a good utility trailer and keep it at Jim's new house. If he or we, need to haul some big stuff, we've got the trailer. Now enough talking about dumb stuff. Lets play some cards."

At the hospital Janice and Nancy were walking down the hall. They had stopped and picked up some magazines and new books, that Janice thought Jim would like. She was hoping that he would be asleep when she got there. It would make it some much easier for her. He would wake up and see his devoted wife sitting at his side. But if he was awake, she would feel like the cheating bitch she actually was, finally making her appearance to see her sick husband. She didn't know what she would say, if he was awake. As luck would have it, she could hear voices in Jim's private room and one of them was Jim's. Janice decided to wait outside the room and listen.

"I don't want you to worry Jim. All of us at the office and management, are worried about you and will make sure, you're taken care of. Take your time getting better. You've got workman's comp and we will make up the rest, to make sure your receiving full pay, plus the same amount you regularly earn in performance bonuses. Of course, your medical is taken care of. I've talked to some people and it might be three months until you make a full recovery and get your strength back. If it is shorter, that is great. If it is longer, again no problem, don't worry. Now about your pain and suffering. If you want to go the lawyer route, I will understand. But I've got a proposal for you, since the doctors are 99 percent sure that you will make a full recovery. What we're offering is double pay, complete with double bonuses, until you fully recover. Even when you initially come back to work, you will be getting double pay. That will only stop when you're back to 100 percent. Does that sound fair?"

"That sounds very fair to me. So long as there are no sudden jokers in the deck that effect my health. I would like to tentatively agree with your proposal and so long as I make a full recovery; I would very much like to accept. I would also like to tell you how much it means to me for you come here, Mister Wilkins. For the CEO of the company to visit me and give me reassurance, means a lot."

"Jim, call me Brian. I know we've never met much, but we don't stand on a lot of formality at the office. You've done a good job for us and we want to keep you. You've got a real gift for communicating with our customers. Many of them, specifically ask for you. That is why, you've pulled more than your fair share of the business trips. I know that we've compensated you for them with larger bonuses, but I think it is time we raised your base pay too."

Jim looked slyly at his boss. "Are you going to raise my pay before or after I get back to the office?"

Brian laughed. "After you get back, I'm a nice guy but I'm not dumb."

Jim laughed too.

"Jim I left you my card, with my cell number. You need something, that is not getting taken care of by someone else, call me. I will stop by and see you in a week. Take care."

"Thank you Brian, goodbye."

Brian nodded and left the room.

Janice didn't want Jim's boss to see her. What if he knew she hadn't been coming to visit Jim. She didn't know what she would say. So, when she heard the conversation end, she grabbed Nancy's arm and quickly walked away from Jim's room. When Mister Wilkins had left the room and was out of sight down the hallway. Janice returned to standing outside the door of Jim's room. Janice braced herself to see Jim, she still didn't know what she would say but she had to start seeing Jim sometime. She longed to see and talk to him, but was so afraid.

Because, visitors no longer needed to put on gloves and a mask, though they were still encouraged to wash up after visiting Jim, Janice could forgo that inconvenience.

Janice squared her shoulders and entered the room. She looked at Jim in shock and disbelief. He was already fast asleep. He looked so pale and thin, lying there.

Janice again felt waves of guilt for all her actions. That long conversation he had with his boss, had probably exhausted him. She sat down in the chair, along side the hospital bed, and lightly took Jim's hand in hers. She resolved not to move until Jim awoke and saw her sitting there, holding his hand. She was going to let nothing tear her away from Jim again. Not even her own actions. If necessary, she would handcuff herself to Jim and throw away the key. It might make going to the bathroom, kind of tough though. She thought wryly. Then again, it might be kind of kinky, he might just like that.

Nancy sat down in a chair along side the wall and started to peruse one of the magazines that they had bought for Jim.

End of Part Three, to be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Don't condone want Janice did, but some commenters below have misinterpreted thr story details. Janice cheated six times with four guys over the last 2-3 months, during Jim's last three busines trips. Thr last two were with thr fourth guy, i.e. thr guy, Danny, Marge's younger brother, who she fucked the fourth time, because she really enjoyed the sex and his 10 inch penis , because as usual on this site 10 inch penises are quite common, and a cheating wife has a high probability of running into a guy with a large endowment so far above the 5.1-5.5 inch average length, that their odds in real life are like 1 in a million (e.g. John Holmes was 10.5 inches, Peter North is 8 inches, Lexington Steele, post surgery is 9.5 inches), but of course they are somehow common in theses stories and of course women in these stories become hooked on size, despite 6 to 8 inches being the Goldilocks length in large scale studies of sexually active women from 18 to 55. But hey it is fiction. That being said, though she "only" fucked four guys, six times, also catching and giving her husband syphilis, there is no plausible way that this shouldn't end in a divorce. She drifted and unplugged from her family for six years, living an imaginary life, hiding a ton of her own earned money and splurging on luxury cloths and spa visits, etc during that time, she never confronted her husband about the suspected (though flimsy and falsified) cheating "evidence" turned up by her evil bitch friends Marge and Mary, had decided to burn her husband and divorce him after hitting Mr Henderson's incompetent PI report, did things for the four guys she never did for her husband m, not just wearing sexy lingerie, but a lot of sex acts she denied her husband, and didn't even bother to really check rhe so-called evidence and did not have any trust of her husband or enough respect to confront him. Among other things she has done to her husband and family over the last six years because she was bored. And yet his daughter, son and extended family seek to keep it from him based on an interpretation of a hypothetical answer he was asked about adultery, many years ago by his 'brother' Ben. I hope Jim finds out the truth. Whether he reconciles with Janice or not is up to him, but without knowledge of her betrayal, then remaining together is just a travesty and is disrespectful to Jim, after all he has done for all of them. Now as to reconciliation. Dunno what the author plans, though suspect it will be a RAAC. But I couldn't see getting past this because of especially the fifth and sixth time and her not trusting Jim to really check the so-called evidence or see with her own eyes, and disrespecting Jim with not just cheating but no confrontation before her "elaborate" burn. Marge and Mary are venomous snakes who should be cast out or exiled or worse. The four men are not innocent. They readily agreed to fuck a married woman who had not yet filed for divorce. Janice is obviously remorseful and deeply depressed about her actions, both for the adultery and the six years of emotional separation from her husband and kids. Thr latter just set her up to believe the worst and then perform the nasty betrayal ... six times. Seems like a bridge too far. But to each their own.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

RAAC incoming

chytownchytownover 1 year ago

***Thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why are Mark and Ben going to deal with the 3 innocent men who were offered free,no strings attached pussy? Those guys didn't vow to be faithful to Jim, they hadn't abandoned husband and family for years. Why go after them? Man, this story is unraveling fast.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

Carol, Matt and Ben have my vote. can't wait until Carols pounds the 2 bitches

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You wrote the wife if she was brain dead. She was an adult, she chose to believe the lies and do what she did. She could have confronted him or talked with him. Or even if she didn't want, she could have just divorced him and move on. She was not a victim or an innocent bystander. She was a slut to happen and the two sluts just gave her the push in the wrong direction. Sorry not working for me. Cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Way to go Ben and Mark

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

So, her ‘punishment’ is to be the wife she should have been all along?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wow comments as usual are all over the place.

1) She cheated more than 6 times

Earlier started treating family like shit 6 years ago

She did whole bunch of stuff didn't do with husband

If met only 6 times how many times had sex each time to do all the things she did

Mental and emotional cheating

2) Family already fucked up. Daughter love/hate Son don't want to face truth.

He has to be told after recovery


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Anyone who would keep something like that a secret is just as much a cheater as the person who committed the act.

RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 4 years ago

Just switched the safety to off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I Don't Know What

The age of consent is where they live and if it wouldn't be incest I think he would be better off dumping Janice and marrying Carol. No guilty party is going to get away from her when she's pissed off and baby she's pissed off. Yeah, it's implausible but I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

...and maybe because of that,


5 star story.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

The part where Carol is trying to fix this marriage is a joke. No way in hell would a real daughter do that to her father.

GrimmerGrimmerabout 6 years ago

I wanna meet Grace!

SlipperySaddleBumSlipperySaddleBumover 8 years ago
What the holy fuck???!!! Pass the barf bag... hurry.

CastleStone could NOT have written this story.... or else he didn't write the other story, "SOPHIA", because the two stories are night and day different. This one is an absolute piece of dog shit and Sophia is a very good and well told story. There's no comparison between the two.

I stopped reading this puke about two paragraphs into this chapter when the daughter was looking to put her father back together with her 'smart' mother who got hooked on fucked the big ten inch cock. "Only cheated six times??"... Only cheated with six guys but cheated hundreds of times over six years... enough to get her cunt stretched out so much that her husband couldn't feel her cunt walls when he was fucking her. The ONLY reason she suddenly developed a sense of 'guilt' was because she realized that her daughter had seen, heard and caught on to her description of the big cock that she'd just enjoyed being fucked bareback with again.

Who the fuck would want a mother like that for their father??... or for them-self, for that matter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You go, girl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I'm still scratching my head.

this has to be the most ridiculous story I have ever (tried to) read. it doesn't even register in the senile or infentile-o meter.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 10 years ago

He is a lucky man to have a daughter who will do anything to care for and protect her father. Will the cheating cunt wife keep her promise? We'll see...

Five Stars

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 11 years ago
She shows promise -

But is still one dumb bitch -

The plan is doomed to fail and since Jim has the feelings he does when he finds out everyone hid it and lied even by omission - they are toast - or ought to be

Nice work though -

Simple49erSimple49erover 14 years ago
Was not the daughter's decision to make:

the husband needed to know and needed to make the decision about his life, not everyone else. They all act like they are his parents and he is just 5 years old. This is flawed plot, made worse by this particular plot twist. You are a good writer, but need to work for a little more plausibility in your characters and in the events you portray.

bruce22bruce22almost 15 years ago
I will agree, interesting

It does seem like a farce/tragedy and any minute reality may come into the room and scare all the elephants! This woman does not deserve Carol, Ben and Mark, and even less so Jim.

But that is the problem with a team sport you have to have confidence in your team mates and he chose a real loser for a mate...

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 15 years ago
The stupidest fucking plot I have ever read

Let me see if I have this right


Carol is so furious with Janice and her 3 "friends" that they engaged in a conpsiracy to destroy Jancie/ Jim marriage and family that Carol actuallu assaults one of them and threatens to beat the shit out of all 3 next week.


So Carol-and ONLY carol- decides that ANOTHER new massive

conspiracy NOT to tell Jim what Janice has been doing-- is the perfect soluton.


You cannot be fucking serious

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 15 years ago
interesting premise

Wow, I hope you haven't been savaged too badly in the responses to this story because despite its faults, it does have an interesting and novel premise behind it. <p>

As I read this, I couldn't help but wonder how the family power dynamics would change over time as a result of Carol's solution to this episode. You have reversed the dominance and power structure between mother and daughter which is bound to have some interesting long term effects. What is the result going to be when the daughter and the mother have a fight iover something that the daughter wants to do? Plus, there are bound to be some consequences when the father discovers that the wife cheated and he was kept in the dark by those he loved and trusted most.<p>

But, I have to tell you that I think you dug the wife too big of a hole in this story to make it plausible. From my reading of this chapter, the fact that Janet cheated on six occasions is the smallest issue that this family has to face. <p>

You portray Janet as essentially being AWOL from the family or her parental responsibilities for a six year period. She ignores family needs to blow money on frivolous items for herself. She is oblivious to the sacrifices her husband is making while she is acting like a fool. She is too busy with her friends to take part in family activities. By her absence, she makes the daughter do her job all through her teen years which I am sure affected the daughter's social life and high school experience. In short you portray her as an unloveable, selfish bitch who is an outsider in her own family. Forget about the husband, I can't understand why the daughter or the son are willing to forgive her or give her a second chance. She certainly doesn't seem to be a mother that cared about her children.<p>

Oh well, I guess I'll wait and see where you take the story. Keep up the good work.

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