Carrie's Romance


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"Your second condition?" Tony asked.

"If I see either of you with a camera you'll need a proctologist to extract it from your ass!"

Tony and Henry couldn't help but laugh and held out their hands to shake on it.

While she was a little ticked off at Tony for keeping it a secret, she really couldn't maintain her mad and snuggled close as they made their way back to the bungalow. She didn't even bother covering up her string bikini. Why bother? The world was going to see even more the next day.

Carrie and Tony didn't bother going to the club after dinner; they were all keyed up thinking about the next day and wanted to burn off some sexual energy in bed. Carrie also thought that Tony was trying to prevent any embarrassing erections on the beach. Tony was able to get it up four times for the first time since they were intimate, and brought her off two more times with his fingers and tongue.

After a good night's sleep, he managed one more time, and was confident that he would be able to control himself later, though he was nervous and questioning his desire to put Carrie on display.

They had a light breakfast, then got ready to meet Henry. Tony was wearing just a bathing suit, a short-sleeved unbuttoned shirt and sandals, Carrie wore a tank top, shorts and sandals. Tony carried a bag with beach towels and sunscreen, which would also hold their clothes later. They met Henry in the lobby, dressed similarly to Tony, and made their way to Orient Beach. It was within walking distance, so they just had a leisurely stroll over there.

When they got there, it was a little anti-climactic. Some of the swimsuits they had been seeing didn't cover a whole lot more and some of the bodies probably should have been covered up.

They walked onto the beach, picking out a spot, set down their bags and spread out their towels. They stood there silently for a moment, taking in the scene.

"I guess I'll get this party started," Carrie said as she pulled off her top and put it in the bag, her perky breasts jiggling nicely as she did so. The men quickly followed suit, and were pulling down their swim trunks as Carrie pulled down her shorts. Carrie just stood there for a moment as she realized that except for Tony, Henry was the only man since Eric to see her pussy, not even Jeff. Even Eric had never seen it as bare as this.

After applying plenty of sunscreen, they lay down on their towels, exchanging idle chit-chat while checking out the other beach-goers. Surprisingly, they soon grew accustomed to the nudity all around them, and it really wasn't much different from being on any other beach. Yes, there were the occasional extreme bodies, on either end of the spectrum, but that was also true on any beach.

After a while they got bored just lying there, and got up and ran through the surf and dove into the water. It was a bit of a different experience to feel the water all over, but they quickly got used to it.

As they played, occasionally she or Henry would accidently touch a bit inappropriately, but Henry would quickly apologize, putting his hands up and backing away. Once, Tony picked her up and tossed her screaming in Henry's direction, and when she poked her head above water, she found herself face-to-face with Henry's semi-erect cock. She bounced up quickly and moved over next to Tony. They soon were tired and moved back to the beach towels to air dry.

Once they were dry, Tony and Carrie decided that they had had enough and were ready to head back to the hotel. They toweled off and pulled on their clothes. When Henry started to get up, Carrie motioned for him to stay.

"I've noticed some beach babes giving you the eye, Henry," she said. "I think we're cramping your style. Why don't you stick around, maybe you'll get lucky."

Henry stood up, took Carrie's hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"If I get half as lucky as Tony," he said, "it will be the deal of a lifetime."

Carrie was speechless, and Tony invited Henry to join them for dinner, and to bring a guest if he wished. He gave Henry their room number to call and let them know, then gave Tony a man hug. Carrie then hugged him good-bye, all too aware of the nearness of his naked cock.

Walking back to the bungalow, arm in arm, they both agreed that while it was an interesting experience it wasn't one they were anxious to repeat. Tony did say that he liked the look of her shaved pussy.

"If you like it so much," she said, "I hope you're prepared to do the job, because I'm NOT getting waxed."

Tony laughed. "Deal," he said.

Henry did meet them for dinner, but he was alone.

"None of those women could match Carrie's class," he said.

They enjoyed a quiet dinner, exchanged email addresses and said their good-byes.

Their last night was bittersweet. It had certainly been a wonderful trip. They had a lot of fun, Carrie's confidence in herself had grown by leaps and bounds, and she was even more devoted to Tony than ever for encouraging it. It was now time to go back to reality, which was really a good thing; she missed Gabe, her farm, her friends and most of all, the family that she had recovered and was determined not to let go of again.

They did most of their packing that night and just fell asleep hugging each other.

The trip back was just another airplane flight, and David and his family were there with the van to meet them. Tony and David loaded the luggage, and as soon as they got in the van Eric and Julia started the chant of kids everywhere: "What did you get us?" Carrie handed them each a souvenir.

"You'll get more when we unpack," Carrie said

"Hurry up and get home, Daddy," Eric said, "we wanna get our presents."

"I'm glad they missed us so much," Carrie joked.

Soon enough they were home, the luggage was brought in and Carrie pulled out everyone's gifts, including some she set aside for Elsie.

"There's one more," Carrie said to David and Wendy, handing them an envelope. Inside there was a hand-written note:

"This entitles the bearer to a one-week trip for two,

All expenses paid."

"I... I don't understand," David said.

"We had such a wonderful time." Tony said, "that we wanted you to experience it, too."

"B... but what about the kids?" asked Wendy.

"Why, you'll leave them here with us, of course," Carrie said, "I haven't been the best Gramma and that's changing, starting right now."

David and Wendy came over, exchanging hugs with Tony and Carrie, saying "Thank you" over and over.

"Don't thank me; thank Tony," Carrie said, "I've spent so much of these past five years alone, thinking I was happy in my solitude. In reality, I had built my own Fortress of Solitude, hiding my loneliness away. I still can't believe that I've missed two years of these precious children's lives. Tony finally broke into my fortress, freeing me from the chains I had forged myself. If he never does another thing for me, I owe him my life for that."

"Don't you listen to her," Tony said, "anything Carrie has received from me, she has repaid ten times over."

Elsie was standing in the doorway, slowly clapping her hands.

"Okay," she said, "before I break out the harps and violins, if you don't get out here now, your dinner's going to be ice cold." She couldn't hide her smile.

Carrie got up and rushed over to her with tears in her eyes, hugging her tightly.

Over dinner, Wendy asked why there was no date or destination on the certificate,

"Well," Carrie said, "I had no idea of when you could get away again, or where you may want to go. You just tell us when and where you want to go and we'll make it happen."

David and his family had an early flight out the next day, so everyone went to bed fairly early; Tony and Carrie with pleasant memories of their trip, David and Wendy dreaming about where they might go on their trip and Eric and Julie dreaming typical kids dreams.

In the morning, Tony and David loaded the luggage in the van while the kids had cereal and juice. The adults had coffee and Danish and hit the road, making good time getting to the airport. Tony stopped at the curbside drop-off and unloaded the luggage while everyone else got out of the van and said their tearful goodbyes.

Carrie promised that she and Tony would come and visit soon, but David had to herd his crew inside, and the airport police were waving for Tony to get moving.

It was a quiet ride home, Tony and Carrie holding hands as much as possible.

The big house seemed empty without David's family; even Gabe seemed to miss the kids climbing all over him, but they soon re-adjusted.

Sometimes, David and Carrie recalled their honeymoon and walked around the house naked, but had to ask Elsie to call before coming over after she almost caught them once. From the sly looks she gave them on occasion, they weren't sure if it was really "almost," but they shrugged it off. So what if she did catch them; she deserved a little fun in her life.

David and Wendy decided to use their gift to take a trip to Hawaii, so Tony and Carrie flew out to California to stay with Eric and Julia, exercising their grandparents' privilege to spoil them rotten.

David and Wendy came back from Hawaii simply glowing, with the silliest grins that Tony and Carrie had ever seen.

"I guess they had a good time, Tony," Carrie said with a wink.

"We'll tell you all about it..." David said, while Wendy shook her head madly, turning bright red, "when you're old and senile in the nursing home!"

Wendy let out a sigh of relief, as they all had a good laugh.

When the children were old enough, their parents sent them to spend the summer, and they had a blast. Julia seemed to have inherited Carrie's love of sheep, and Carrie thought that maybe she'd leave the farm to her; but hopefully not for many years to come; Tony and Carrie were working on a bucket list that seemed to grow longer every year.

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WetheNorthWetheNorth9 months ago

It was a good story until the nude beach BS towards the end

freebase2020freebase2020about 2 years ago

hot pile of garbage. written by a man who has no idea how women think and say.

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 2 years ago

Absolutely fantastic. One of the best on Literotic in the romance category.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Enjoyable story.

flareb2343flareb2343about 3 years ago

great read to me. nasayers need to F%%K off. I read these stories for enjoyment . there are those that need to b o a s y h u y a. A$$ HOLES

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