Case of the Murdered Lovers Ch. 03


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"Don't know, don't wanna know." Cindy replied.

Teresa noticed the edge to Cindy's voice, and changed the subject. "How's the gym business going?"

"Good." Ross said. "You should come in sometime. Lots of guys in the co-ed areas. They'd love your legs." They weren't the only ones. Cindy was sneaking peeks at Teresa's gorgeous, shapely legs every chance she could get. Teresa pretended not to notice the compliment, nor the reference to "guys" that meant Teresa was straight and only dated men... when she dated at all.

"When is Melina getting back in town?" Teresa asked, not realize the quicksands she was stepping into, not knowing the developments of the case.

"Soon, I hope." Ross said, thinking Croyle was fishing for information for the Malone side. After the incident with Ikea and Don this morning, Ross knew that a flare-up of some serious tensions was coming. "It's hard when she's out of town and I'm on a case like this."

"I know what you mean." Croyle said. She was silent for a few moments, then asked to Cindy's surprise "Ross, do you trust Don?"

"Hell yeah," Cindy replied. "Why?"

"Do you think I can trust him?" Croyle asked, "He thinks I'm on Captain Malone's side, on the 'other' side."

"You are on their side." Ross replied, rather directly. "Why, what's up?"

"I need to talk to Don." Teresa said. "But I can't just go and say anything."

Though not understanding any of Teresa Cunt's motives, Cindy Ross instinctively knew this was something she would be most very wise to facilitate. "I'll bring you to him when we get back to HQ." she offered. "And he'll listen to you. Just be damn sure to play straight with him and take his advice, whatever it is."

They flashed their badges to gain access to the most exclusive of the gated communities. Driving up to one of the mansions, the women got out of the car, walked to the big double front doors, and rang the bell. It was partially opened and a beautiful woman peered out.

"May I help you?" she asked tensely.

"I'm Detective Ross and this is Detective Croyle of the Town Police." Ross said rather harshly. "Is Mr. Timothy Olivet home?"

"No, he's not. May I ask why are you here?"

"We need to speak with Mr. Olivet, and with you also, Mrs. Olivet." said Detective Ross.

"How did you know who I am?" the woman asked suspiciously, not knowing that Ross had recently watched a video of this woman being lustily fucked by the late Jack Burke.

"May we come inside, Mrs. Olivet?" Croyle asked.

"Do you have a warrant?" Mrs. Olivet asked.

"No, we just want to ask you some routine questions."

"I don't know anything about anything. Go away. Don't come back." With that, Jeanine Olivet slammed the door shut.

"Why of all the nerve!" Ross said. As she reached to bang on the door again, Croyle grabbed her wrist.

"No, let this go for now." she said. "Let's go back to headquarters."

Puzzled and still angry with Mrs. Olivet's rudeness, Cindy Ross grudgingly acquiesced.


"How in the heck did you know??" Myron asked as he came into my office, his eyes showing wonder and near-worship as he handed me a file folder with a sheaf of papers in it. "I guess that's why they pay you the big bucks."

"Yeah, big bucks." I said. "Riiiight. Whaddya got?"

"Arugula. Johnny Arugula" Myron said. The name rang no bells with me, so Myron continued. "Very low life. Tried to get connected some years ago in New York, but he's such a putz that they basically used him for small stuff and he never went anywhere. Moved to the City, just down the road from us, about a year ago. Nothing of interest, he's the smallest of potatoes."

"What about Marie Arruzio? Anything through that?"

"Again, I don't know how you do it... you told me exactly the right places to look. It's as you suggested: her trust funds can't be touched except by special Court order... but twice before they have been accessed by such special orders. The money borrowed against the trusts was repaid to the funds both times within one month. Then there was a third time money was borrowed, but I can't find a court order for it. That was repaid, also, but it was in two payments over two months. By the way, what I just told you has no documentation, if you know what I mean."

I did know: Myron had hacked bank computers to get the information; to get it legally, we'd need warrants. That was no problem for us to get at the right time, but for now it was just between me and Myron.

"Excellent work, Myron. Anything else?"

"Just confirmation that she was indeed moving her money to bank accounts separately from her husband. I also think she may have been getting ready to file for divorce. That actually is a tip from a buddy of mine, so don't ask."

"I won't. By the way, have you told anyone else about Arugula?"

"Hell no. That's 'unconfirmed' material, also. You know the adoption people would string my ass up, and yours, if they knew we were looking at their records."

"Noooo doubt about that. Don't say a single word to anyone about it, especially not Lainie or anyone else in I.T."

"Roger that. By the way, do you think this has something to do with Joe Arruzio? I mean, the guy can't fly..."

"I get enough of that shit from Ikea, Myron, don't you start with me."

As Myron opened the door and walked out, in walked Cindy Ross. But I was shocked by who entered with her: it was Teresa Cunt.

"Glad you're smiling. She needs to talk to you." Ross said, and I knew that this was intended as a voucher.

"Have a seat" I said to Teresa as Cindy left and closed the door. "What can I do for you?"

"I need your advice." Teresa said. She was nervous and clearly distrustful. Taking a breath, she plunged into her story. Not long into it, I stopped her.

"What we need to do, Teresa, is go see the Chief, right now. He'll call in Daniel Allgood of I.A." This was getting all too routine for me, but seeing Teresa's concern, I said "Don't worry, it'll be okay. This is partly ass-covering and partly keeping everything clean and clear."

We went up to the Chief's office and were immediately shown in by the secretary. The chief was surprised to see me enter his office with Teresa Croyle in tow, and his surprised look got even better when the first words from my mouth were "We're going to need Allgood again. You might as well install a hot line to his desk."

"Why?" Chief Griswold asked. I nodded to Teresa.

"I knew Jack Burke." she said, explaining that Burke had lived with Teresa and her then-husband some years ago, but after the time I'd known Burke in college. Author's note: see the separate story "Teresa's Polyamory Relationship" for the exciting details of this story. As Griswold picked up the phone to call Allgood, he said to me "Don't you have work to do?" I acted upon the dismissal and turned to leave. Just as I walked out, a young blonde patrolwoman brushed past me into the chief's office. "She just got back into town, Chief."

I paused in the doorway, having recognized the girl. Her name was "Inga", with a Nordic last name that constantly escaped me and I couldn't pronounce anyway, and she had been Lt. Britt Maxwell's assistant on the University Police during the trouble with Ned and Todd, my first introduction to this town. She'd also been helping the Coroner's office Friday night, and now she was a patrol officer on the beat.

The Chief noticed me stopping and said brusquely "Get going, Crowbar." As I hurried away, I heard the chief tell Patrolwoman Inga to get Detective Gayle Tunnin and get going immediately.


"I apologize for being dressed like this," Melina said, not sorry at all. "I just got home and out of the shower." Melina was dressed in her high heel slides that she wore around the house and her favorite thick housecoat, but underneath she was wearing a teddy that was see-through and left nothing to the imagination... and she was "carelessly" leaving the bathrobe open.

"We're sorry to have to bother you at this time, but unfortunately we have to move quickly in this investigation." Detective Gayle Tunnin said. Tunnin was nearly 40 years old, and she was a "big-boned" woman. She wasn't fat, but heavy-set and a bit fleshy. She was still in good enough shape to pass the police physicals and keep her status as a Detective. She was known for not playing the political games of the Police Force, but she had no idea who she was up against today. She was all-but-openly admiring the beautiful woman she had been sent to interrogate.

She, Tanya Perlman and Patrolwoman Inga were seated on the sofa and in a big chair; Melina was sitting in the chair most fully bathed in light. The other women didn't notice, but Tanya had learned to see that Melina had arranged this for full effect, making sure that her magnificent body was being shown off to the fullest and in the better light. And it was a very pleasing distraction.

"I understand." Melina said. "So how may I help you?"

"Did you know Jack Burke?" Tunnin asked. 

"Yes. He was my husband's roommate in college."

"How well did you know Mr. Burke in college?"

"Very well. I dated him for a while. In fact," Melina said, pausing slight for effect, "Jack Burke was my first lover. He took my virginity." Perlman suppressed a smile, but Tunnin was unable to conceal her shock at Melina's directness. Inga's face remained totally passive.

"Er... I see." said Tunnin. "Did you continue your relationship with Mr. Burke after college?"

"Not until recently." Melina said. She was aware of everything that had happened and knew well that the Police were bound to find out her relationship with Jack, should they go looking in that direction. And it was now obvious that they had. "About three months ago, I ran into him in Town while I was shopping. We had lunch and then he invited me back to his apartment. We went there and made love."

"Can you tell me the date?" Tunnin asked, starting to realize she was being played and steeling herself against it. Melina named a date. "Did you see Mr. Burke again?"

"A couple of times", Melina said. "We only had sex two other times, that is. He was seeing other women, as well."

"Do you know who else he was seeing?" Tunnin asked flatly. "Did he say anything that might in any way have bearing upon this case?"

"No, I don't know who else he was dating." Melina said. "Jack called me those few times and we met and had sex." She paused, then continued, "There was one thing he said, though. He told me that he was dating a woman and that he was in love with her, and that he wanted to marry her once she was divorced."

"Marie Arruzio?" Tunnin asked, giving away too much. Melina replied that she had no idea, that Jack had never mentioned a name.

"Let's move on." Tanya Perlman interjected, deeply aware of Tunnin's mistake. "You were out of town Friday night?"

"Yes," Melina said. "I was in San Francisco with my boss, Dr. Laura Fredricson. She sent me back early and I got home just a while ago." The rest of the interview consisted of inconsequential questions and was soon wrapped up.

Part 11 - Fire In the Embers

"So Chief, what do you want me to do?" I asked Chief Griswold as I entered his office. I had just exited the chief's conference room after enduring a grueling interview with Daniel Allgood from I.A., occurring at the same time Melina was being interviewed. Few stones were left unturned as to my whereabouts Friday night, what I knew about Burke being in town the last few months (which I knew nothing about), and Burke's relationship with Melina both in college and in the past few months, and I held nothing back in my answers. One does NOT want the Internal Affairs department crawling around one's life, and while I knew it was the right thing to do and necessary, I still did not like any part of it.

"I want you to solve this case." Griswold answered. "Allgood just did his job, and I just covered my ass and yours having him grill you. So now that that's over, it's time for you to get me up to speed before the conference this evening. Please tell me you have something for me so I won't have to listen to Malone and that arrogant prick Ikea."

I told the chief what I had pieced together so far, and the direction of my thinking. I then added "The trouble is getting proof and a case for Patterson that will hold up before a jury. We're talking about rich people here who will be hiring high-priced lawyers and right now what I've got is as thin as an anorexic fashion model."

"By the way," I added. "I do not intend to bring this up in the conference tonight. We've got to find Arugula very quietly, and before the Press gets a word of it and blabs it all over Creation. And that means not letting the village idiots in Vice know anything."

"True," said the chief, "but right now those bastards of the Press are salivating over all the lurid details about Burke and the women. I've already gotten a call from Wellman; he wants Lt. Maxwell more involved in the case. Christ...." I could see the man was getting older by the minute. "This could turn into a real bloodbath for us."

I tried to ease the chief's mind. "Britt will be perfect for helping me find Arugula; she's State. And that'll mollify Wellman for a minute."

"Not long enough. Wellman is not the only call I've gotten." the chief said. "I've got three Town and County Council members and two University Regents who now know my name and phone number because they used it today. They don't say it, but I can tell in their voices: they're scared, Don. There's something big here, they know it and we don't. Get your proof as soon as frickin' possible."


The 9:00pm conference was the perfect ending to a perfect Monday... sarcastically speaking. And it erupted quickly.

Lt. Britt Maxwell was in attendance, along with my team and the Vice detectives and Gayle Tunnin. Having warned my MCD detectives to not add anything to what I said in the meeting, a message they clearly understood, I discussed the consolidated reports of my detectives as well as some of the information gleaned from the data. None of the women we had identified on the DVDs with Burke, nearly all who were "trophy wives" of the town's elite, would answer any questions. I did throw in a bone about Marie Arruzio's finances and suggested that her motives may have been to divorce her husband Joe.

"Back to him again? Selling red capes again?" Ikea sneered. "Chief, I'll go interview those women. I'll get some answers out of them."

"NO!" the Chief nearly screamed. "Not only 'NO' but 'HELL NO!'" You'll do nothing of the kind!" We all knew what Ikea's methods would be: he'd threaten the women, tell them that he'd tell their husbands everything, maybe even tell them he would reveal their secrets to the Press. That's what he did in the drug cases, but those were low-lifes; these were the wives of the big shots.

"Why not, Chief?" Captain Malone growled, then pointed at me. "This piece of cow dung hasn't done shit. Hell, his own wife was fucking the dead man, maybe the murderer is right here in this room!" As the audible gasps echoed through the room, I again stopped Hugh Hewitt from getting up and murdering another police officer.

Chief Griswold spoke. "Malone, if you ever accuse another police officer of a crime without rock-solid proof, I will fire you on the spot." His voice was just a bit too even and too smooth, and everyone knew the line had just been crossed.

"We'll see about that." Malone threatened as he stood up. "And there's going to be a Sheriff election soon. Mighty soon. We'll see who fires who." Malone stalked out. The chief looked at Ikea, expecting him to follow his boss and mentor out the door, but Ikea just stared back at the chief with an arrogant smile on his face. The chief then brought the meeting to a close.

We filed out and the MCD team went into the MCD room. "I don't know how your keeping your cool through all that." Cindy Ross said to me. There was a murmur of agreement. "But I've got to say this: I teach mixed marital arts to the patrolmen and run them through P.T. in the mornings, and I hear them talk. This is not helping you in the Department, Don. If you don't stand up to Malone and Ikea, the Force will start thinking those bastards are correct."

I realized that Cindy's words were true: respect was an issue and Malone and Ikea were doing everything possible to erode mine within the Police Force. My own detectives were standing up for me, but I could sense they were getting demoralized and needed to see more from me, also.

"Guys, all I can ask right now is that we work on this case and get it solved. Trust me, when the truth comes out, Ikea is going to look like the idiot he is. Malone is harder to deal with, but karma is going to be a bitch for him." I paused, feeling nothing from them.

"Okay, it's ten o'clock. You guys go home and get some sleep. Be ready to kick some ass tomorrow morning, because things are heating up big-time. Britt... let's go to your office on campus. I've got a State thing for us to look at."

As Britt drove us towards campus, I said "Let's go to Laura's office instead. That's the only damn place in this town that I know for sure is not bugged."

"How do you know she's there?" Britt asked, her eyes twinkling in the darkness.

"First, I have a key to her office so it doesn't matter if she's there; and second, she texted me an hour ago that she's there." I replied.

Part 12 - Oh yeah, Sex!

Arriving at Laura's office, a heavenly sight awaited me when I opened the unlocked door. Dr. Laura Fredricson was at her desk, and she stood up as we entered. After several days of a grueling case, the sight of this lovely woman was like seeing an angel from heaven. She was wearing a white dress with nearly invisible blue dots, a navy blue belt and navy blue 5" slides with thin criss-cross straps... easy to wear through the airport and excellent for shaping and showing off her magnificent legs and ass.

"Hi guys." Laura said brightly as we walked in. If she was surprised that I was not alone, she didn't show it.

"How was your trip?" I asked. letting her notice that my eyes were meaningfully wandering over her luscious body.

"Long. Tiring. Very successful." Laura said, pointedly glancing at my crotch in unspoken reply to my leering at her. "How's the case going?"

"I'm making progress, but it's about to get ugly." I said. "Oh, Britt, what I need to tell you: tomorrow morning Myron is going to meet you at the University Police station. He'll fill you in on the details, but we are looking for this man, Johnny Arugula." I gave her a folder with a few papers. "He is probably in the City, and not in this jurisdiction. It is imperative that we find him and get him into custody without the Press getting a whisper of it."

"Wilco." Britt said, then added as Laura walked up to us, "Well, I'll leave you two alone."

As Britt turned to go, Laura said, "Why don't you stay for a few minutes, Britt?" To consummate the invitation, Laura slid her mouth onto Britt's in a warm kiss that turned deep and steamy. My cock began getting hard as I watched these beautiful women kiss right in front of me.

"With an invitation like that, who can refuse?" Britt said. I wrapped my left arm around Britt's waist and pulled her against my left side. It was a warm, snug fit. Laura turned from Britt and kissed me on the mouth, her tongue twining around mine like a snake. I felt Britt's hand exploring my asscheeks. Breaking the kiss with Laura, I turned and kissed Britt deeply while Laura, standing right in front of me, unzipped my pants and began unbuttoning my shirt.

After Laura removed my shirt, I broke my kiss with Britt and moved behind Laura. As my arms slid around her waist and my hands unbuckled her belt, I gently kissed her just behind her left ear.