Casino Debt


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Tony walked over to her and she felt him put his hand on her vagina and just stroke it. "That's one nice little pussy you have there, Mrs. McGilney. I want to thank you for sharing it with me so nicely." Like she had any choice in the matter. Then she felt his finger at her wide open hole and in it went. Another finger followed it. Tony told her to open her eyes and when she did, all she could see was her wide open vagina with two of his fingers stuffed in it. Tony was smiling at her. "That is really one very nice pussy, Janice, I'll bet your husband really enjoys it."

Jance thought about that for a moment and actually wasn't sure. Her husband was away so often they didn't have sex very often. Even when he was home, he would demand it once or twice a week, but he never commented on it much. He certainly never was very concerned with her pleasure. The only enjoyment she ever got out of sex was with her own hand. Now this stranger was telling her how nice her vagina was and in a strange way she enjoyed it. In fact she just relaxed and hoped he would continue to like her vagina, or her pussy as he called it. He wiggled his fingers around inside her and it made her squirm. Then he brushed a finger lightly over her clit and she nearly jumped out of the chair.

Tony just laughed, "So you like that do you?" Janice was so embarrassed. She had enjoyed letting a strange man touch her private parts. She blushed and a tear ran down her face. Tony saw the tear, "Oh that made you unhappy. We need to fix that. I know. We'll play a game and that will cheer you up."

Tony reached into his desk and pulled out 5 vibrators. Each one had a different colored top. There was a red one, a green one, a blue one, and purple and orange ones. Then Tony told her to scoot down in the chair. They would need access to both her holes for this game. "The game works like this. You will close you eyes and I will insert one of the vibrators into your little pussy. The only thing sticking out will be the little colored top. Then you will guess which color is in your pussy. If you're right I will take the vibrator out and it will be out of play. If you're wrong, you will let go of your pussy and pull the vibrator out. Then you will put the vibrator into your asshole. Make sure again that only the little colored top is sticking out. Of course if you've lost once before, you will have to remove the one that's in your ass first. After you put the vibrator up your butt, you will put your hands back and reopen your pussy. We'll play the game until you guess correctly 3 times. When that happens you've won the game. Are you ready."

"I-I-I guess so, " said Janice, "What do I win when the game is over?" Tony laughed and told her she'd find out. Then he told her to close her eyes.

Janice shut her eyes and waited for the game to begin. A moment later she felt the first vibrator being inserted. Then it was all the way in. Then she jerked as she felt him turn the thing on. "Okay, Janice make your first guess."

It was hard to even think with that thing humming away inside her, but she managed to guess blue. She opened her eyes, and looked in the mirror. Between her hands she could see the red top sticking out of her. Quickly she pulled the thing out and started to turn it off.

Tony stopped her, "I didn't tell you to turn them off, now put that one where it goes so we can get on with the game." Janice sighed and put the buzzing vibrator at the entrance of her anus. It had been bad enough when Tony had stuck things in there, but now he was going to watch her stick a vibrator up her own ass.

Well, she had to do it. She pushed gently and in it went. She kept pushing until the thing was all the way up. She had to watch in the mirror to make sure she had it in far enough. She had to make sure that only the colored part was sticking out of her anus. When it was done, she put her hands back between her legs and pulled her vagina open again. Then she closed her eyes and waited for the next one.

A moment later she felt the next vibrator being pushed in. When it was all the way inside her, Tony turned it on. Now she had two vibrators humming away inside her. She could barely speak or think. Quickly she guessed green. She opened her eyes and there between her hands was the green vibrator. She watched as Tony pulled it out of her and put it aside. Then she was told to close her eyes again.

Another vibrator was inserted and turned on. The sensations were so strong now she couldn't concentrate. She tried to think what was left and finally just shouted out , "yellow!."

Tony lauged and told her not to even open her eyes. "There isn't a yellow one in play, Janice, so I'll let you guess again." Janice tried to think, but the feelings in her ass and pussy (why was she thinking of it that way?) were so distracting. Finally, she managed to say purple. She opened her eyes and saw the orange top sticking out of her. Oh God, this was going to continue. She pulled the one vibrator out of her pussy, and then pulled the other one out of her ass. She was horrified to realize that she didn't like the empty feeling. Quickly she stuck the orange vibrator into her ass and actually felt better. She closed her eyes and waited hopefully for her pussy to be filled again.

It just took a moment, and then another vibrator was humming away deep in her vagina. She could almost feel the two plastic things rubbing against each other. Before she lost her voice completely, she quickly guessed blue. She opened her eyes and saw the blue top sticking out between her hands. She was almost disappointed. She watched Tony pull the vibrator out of her and then closed her eyes again.

Another vibrator was stuck into her vagina. When it was turned on, it felt so good, she almost didn't want to guess. She just wanted to enjoy the feeling. Oh God, she had to end this before she completely lost control. Quickly, she guessed red. She opened her eyes and there, sticking out of her pussy, was the purple vibrator. She didn't even have to be told what to do. She yanked the orange vibrator out of her ass. Then quickly pulled the purple one out of her pussy and shoved it into her ass as quickly as possible. She didn't want to be empty. Then she put her hands back and pulled her pussy open as far as she could so Tony would fill it up again.

When Tony stuck the next vibrator up her. Janice quickly guessed red. She knew if she waited any time at all she wouldn't be able to speak. She opened her eyes and there stuck in her pussy was the red vibrator. The game was over. But Tony wasn't taking the vibrators out. Instead he was picking up another one. "You wanted to know what you won, Janice. You won the opportunity to come. You get to orgasm in front of me. Now make me proud and come nice and loud." Then he pressed the third humming vibrator right onto her clit.

Janice couldn't stand it. The sensations were overwhelming. She didn't want to come in front of him, but she didn't think she could help it. It kept buildinig and building and he kept rubbing her clit. Finally, she couldn't stop it. She screamed something she didn't even hear and just began writhing in orgasm. When she finally came down and caught her breath, she realized Tony had taken the vibrator off her clit and she was just sitting there with a vibrator in her ass and one in her pussy. "You can take them out any time you want, Janice, the game is over. Or you can keep them there if you like."

Quickly Janice pulled the vibrators out of her vagina and anus. Now that she wasn't excited anymore, she realized what she had done. She had actually let this man make her come by playing with her. She started to move, but Tony stopped her. "I said the game was over, but you're not quite done yet. I haven't told you about next week yet. So get that pussy back open and we'll talk." Janice reached down and opened her vagina again. Somehow, now that he had seen her come, it was almost more humiliating. Especially when he stuck a finger back insider her and just kept it there while he spoke.

"Janice, you've lost your asshole and your pussy. The only opening you have left is your mouth. Since there are no real games to play with that, there is only one possible thing to do with it. If you do not have my money next Monday, you will come in here and remove your clothes as you did today. Then you will walk over to my desk and get under it in front of me. You will unzip my pants and take my dick out. Then you will open your mouth, put it in, and suck on it. You will stay there for 1 hour and no matter what happens you will not take my dick out of your mouth. Do you understand?"

Janice didn't know what to say. Her husband had occasionally put his penis in her mouth for her to suck, but he never left it there long. AN HOUR. HE MIGHT COME IN AN HOUR. "You'll pull it out if your going to come, right, and then it's over?"

Tony looked down at her and just laughed. "Of course not. If I come you'll just swallow it and keep on sucking. Heck, in an hour I may come a few times." WHAT? Janice had never had come in her mouth. What would it be like. She didn't want to know.

Meanwhile, Tony was still talking to her. "We're almost done today Janice. You're going to ask me nicely to wiggle my finger inside your pussy. Then you're going to ask me to allow you to close your pussy. After that's done you may go home. Janice was still so lost thinking about his penis being in her mouth, that it took a moment for that to register. She'd do anything to get out of there. "Please Mr. Vineti, wiggle your finger in my pussy." She felt him do it. His finger was moving all around inside her. Then, finally, he took it out. "Please Mr. Vineti, my I close my pussy now?"

Tony reached down and bounced her boobs up and down a couple of times. "Yes you may, Janice. Go get dressed and I will see you next week. Oh and Janice; come thirsty." Janice dressed quickly and ran up the stairs and out to her car. She didn't know what was more humiliating; what Tony had done to her, or the fact that she had enjoyed some of it.

Casino Debt Part 8

As Janice drove home, her mind was in a fog. She was so confused. On the one hand, she hated being played with and exposed like that. It was horrible and humiliating. On the other hand, that orgasm had been the most intense thing she had ever felt in her life. What was wrong with her. Well it didn't matter now. There was certainly nothing exciting about having to suck on Tony's penis. And if he CAME IN HER MOUTH, how disgusting. There had to be something she could do, but she owed Mr. Vineti $3500 now. She hadn't even been able to win $500, how would she ever get that much.

Well she had to come up with a new plan. Tuesday morning she went back to the casino. She spent the whole day just watching various games, but she never saw anything that would give her a reasonable chance of winning the kind of money she needed. She went back Wednesday and Thursday, looking for anything she could find that would let her come up with another plan. It was hopeless, there just wasn't another game that paid the kind of money she needed.

Friday she couldn't go to the casino anyway. That stupid Mrs. Parker had arranged for all the officers' wives to spend the day redecorating the Officers' Club. Emily said that the Club reflected on the image of the men at the base. What a waste of time, but she couldn't get out of it.

Saturday she went back to the boat. She tried playing blackjack. She played for 9 hours straight and all she managed to do was win $200. Now she had $700, but she needed $3500. How could she get that in one day. Janice drove slowly home, she would come back and try the next day, but she knew she didn't have a chance.

Sunday morning she went back to the boat. She spent the morning wandering around the boat, but she didn't find anything that would help. She went over to the bar to get a drink and to try to think. There just wasn't any way out. She just sat at the bar and sobbed. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

This nice man was looking at her and asking her what was wrong. She told him the truth, or at least most of it. She said that she had $700 left and that she needed to win back another $2800 by the end of the day or she was in terrible trouble. The man just smiled at her and then told her that he could help her with her problem. He took out his cell phone and made a quick call. She couldn't hear what he was saying over the noise in the room, but when he got off he told her that he had a solution for her. "By the way, I'm Joe Hardy."

She told him how nice it was to meet him and that her name was Janice McGilney. She wiped her eyes and asked him how he could help. "Well, I know a game where you can win that kind of money easily. Just follow me outside." Janice asked him where they were going and he told her that he knew a guy who ran a private game on the streets about 2 blocks from there.

Janice was a little nervous about leaving with this man she had just met, but he continued explaining it to her. "It's perfectly safe and if you're at all smart you can't lose." Janice knew she would be smart enought to win any game, but she didn't have any cash; all she had were her casino chips. Joe told her that they would take those at this game. "After all, the guys there can always come onto the boat and play them." Mr. Hardy started to leave and Janice followed him hoping this game would really save her.

The two of them walked about 2 blocks when they came to an alley. Down the alley, Janice could see a man behind a small table. Joe walked down the alley and she followed him. The man behind the table looked up, "Hey Joe! come back to give me a chance to win my money back." Joe laughed and said sure, why not?

Joe introduced the man to Janice as Bill Anderson. "Bill runs a shell game. It's easy to beat if you know what you're doing, but most people don't." Janice looked at the table. There were 3 large shells on it. Bill asked Joe how much he wanted to bet. "How about $100?" Joe said and slapped a Ben Franklin on the table.

Bill lifted the shells and Janice saw that there was a small ball under one of them. Joe told her "the idea is that Bill here moves the shells around and you have to tell him where the ball is. If you get it right, the game pays 4 to 1. If you bet your entire $700 and win, he'll pay you $2800 and you'll have enough money." Joe told her to watch and he'd show her how easy it was. Sure enough, Bill moved the shells around, but it seemed awfully easy to follow the one with the ball under it. Joe picked the same one she would have and the ball was under it. Bill handed Joe $400 and asked if he wanted to go again. Joe said no, but he thought that the lady might like to play.

Bill just laughed and said sure. "Old Joe here wins a lot of money off me, but I don't mind. Most people get distracted while I'm moving the shells and lose, so I take in way more money than I lose to people like Joe here. So if you want to take a shot go ahead." Janice told him that all she had was $700 in casino chips, but Bill told her that was fine. "Heck, I play on the boat all the time, so they'll be just like cash to me." Janice couldn't believe her luck. She was finally about to get out of all this trouble.

Janice placed her $700 dollars in chips on the table. Bill placed the ball under one of the shells and began to move them around. The shells moved at a reasonable pace, but nothing that Janice had any trouble following. She never took her eyes off the shell with the ball under it. Unfortunately for Janice, there was something she didn't see. The back of the table near Bill was slanted down. When he move the shell with the ball over that part, the ball quietly rolled out from under the shell into the net basket hung under the table. Janice never saw or heard a thing. Bill stopped moving the shells and Janice confidently pointed at the center shell that she knew the ball was under. Janice was so thrilled, Bill would lift the shell and she would win the money she needed. He lifted the shell and there was nothing there.

Janice shook her head and looked again, but there was no ball. She fell back, stunned. Bill just said, "sorry miss," and took her $700 in chips.

Joe just shook his head. "I'm so sorry, Janice, I thought you knew the ball was under the left one." Janice just told him it was okay and walked away. When she was out of sight, Bill and Joe, who's real names were actually Gary and Mike, split Janice's $700 and walked away whistling.

Janice walked back to the casino. She thought to herself, this really sucks. Then she sort of giggled as she nervously realized it was she who would suck. Joe had been so nice to try and help her, how had she screwed that up so badly? Well she might as well get home. Tomorrow looked to be a long day.

Sunday night was the longest night of her life. Janice didn't know what she was going to do. She was going to have to suck on Mr. Vineti's penis. What would she do if; no, not if, when; he came in her mouth. Would she throw up in front of him. Hell, would she throw up on him. How on God's green earth would she keep that thing in her mouth when he came? She had finally calmed down about 10:00, when who should call but that stupid Mrs. Parker. She told Janice that all the officer's wives were going to get together for a day out together, and since everyone knew that Janice liked to have a good time, she was being put in charge of finding a fun place to go. She was to find a place, and then call Mrs. Parker so that the two of them could go spend a day checking the place out together. Just what she needed. First a day of sucking some guy's penis, and then later a fun day with that bitch Mrs Parker. Janice finally went to sleep. Her last thought was wondering which of those two appointments was going to be worse.

Monday morning came and Janice got up and just threw on a clean dress. After all, why take a lot of time getting dressed when all she was going to do was take it all off, anyway. She got in her car and drove to the casino boat. After she parked, she had to sit there a couple of minutes to gather her nerve. Then she took a deep breath and started to walk onto the boat. The walk down the stairs seemed longer than before. When she got to the bottom, the girl at the desk told her to go right in. Janice would have sworn she was snickering as she said it.

Janice stepped onto the tile floor and stripped. Somehow, considering what she was about to do, taking off her clothes didn't seem like a big deal. She started to walk over to Mr. Vineti when she noticed he was in his bathrobe. As she walked over she had to ask him if he had come onto the boat in that robe. She didn't see any other clothes in the room.

Tony chuckled a little, "No, my dear Mrs. McGilney, I didn't come onto the boat in my robe. The other door outside my office leads to my private bedroom and bathroom. Believe it or not I do actually do some work here, and on nights that I work very late I sometimes just sleep her. So I decided that considering what you are about to do, the least I could do was take a shower before you got here. Now get to work."

Janice got behind the desk and crawled under it. She was kneeling in the section where Tony's feet would normally go. Fortunately, the desk was so big, that there was plenty of room for her. When she looked at Tony she was right on a level with his crotch. In fact with the desk over her, she couldn't even see anything above his waist. Well she couldn't think of any more excuses to delay the inevitable. She reach into his robe and quickly found his penis. She opened the robe enough to get it out. Then she took a deep breath, and opened her mouth and put it in.

Janice sucked Tony's whole penis into her mouth. He wasn't hard yet so it wasn't difficult. She was actually grateful for the shower Tony had taken. He tasted clean, and frankly not all that bad. She sucked hard on the penis and very quickly felt it harden and grow. She couldn't keep the whole thing in her mouth but she managed to hold onto about half of it. Janice wasn't very experienced at this, but she figured she would just continue to suck on it and move her tongue around on it. Mr. Vineti wasn't complaining so she must be doing something right.