Casino Plot Ch. 23A


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"Not as easy as it looks, is it folks? Our ladies will have to trap it between their big tits. Lee, one more time please."

Lee stepped on the button again. This time she had a hand on each of her tits. As the ball fell, she squeezed them together and trapped it. With the ball safely lodged, she walked over to the other basket. She positioned her jugs over the thing and pulled them apart. PLUNK. The ball fell right into the basket.

"Well done, Colonel Kwan, now on to obstacle number three. We call this one, "The Parking Lot."

"If you will look over here, folks you will see an old-fashioned hot wheels track. The track ends with a solid metal chute. Ten feet away is another metal chute. That one connects to a track that goes downhill to what is obviously a parking lot. "

"Now, Colonel Kwan, would you please walk over to that first track and tell me what you see?"

Lee walked over the piece of metal and looked around. At first she saw nothing, but then she spotted what Janice had to be talking about. "I see a cord hanging down next to the track ma'am."

"Very good, Colonel. Would you pull the cord please?"

Lee was puzzled, but she did as she was asked. When she pulled the cord, a small metal car began its run down the track. It reached the metal chute and flew into the air. It crashed to the stage long before it got anywhere close to the other track.             

"As you can see, the car cannot reach the parking lot on its own. So it will need a little help. Our women will back themselves up against the first track. Each one will push back until the entire metal chute is up her asshole. When the chute is lodged in there, she will pull the cord."

"The car will roll down the track and park in the ferry. Each woman will then pull herself off the metal, making sure to keep the car onboard the ferry. She will then make her way over to the other side and dock the ferry over there. When the bridge is lodged into her port, the car will roll off the ferry and into the parking lot. Of course, it will be up to the captain of the ferry to line things up so that the car can roll off."

The entire crowd was laughing by the end of this description. Neither Lee, nor any of the others however, saw the slightest humor in in.

"Now our women will need to park 2 cars, but Lee will just park one to demonstrate the process. So, Colonel, if you would please dock the ferry and show our wonderful audience how this works."

Lee walked over to the chute and shook her head. Just how much worse were these things going to get? At least she only had to do one. But still, was she really supposed to push that metal slide up her butt in front of everyone? Colonel Kwan knew the answer to that question of course.

With her butt backed up against the piece of metal, there was no way to delay any longer. Lee bent over and maneuvered her ass until she felt the chute centered right on her anus. The little colonel gritted her teeth and pushed back. As the thing slid further and further through her asshole, Lee began groaning. But she managed to walk back far enough to get the whole thing up her ass.

Lee reached over and pulled the cord. She heard the metal clanging softly as the car rolled down the track. When it slid through her opened anus and banged into her anal walls, Colonel Kwan's eyes completely crossed for a moment. The car had been parked up inside Lee for a couple of seconds before she was able to breathe.

At least now she could pull herself off the slide. Lee walked forward and the metal slowly pulled out of her butt. When her asshole closed, Lee could definitely feel the little car resting inside her rectum. God she wanted it out of there.

The colonel walked as quickly as she could over to the other chute. It was a little awkward walking with a car up her ass, but it didn't slow her down much. Lee didn't even hesitate. She got the other slide in position and pushed back hard. The quicker she got it up her ass, the quicker she got that car out of there.

Except it wasn't quick. The car wasn't lined up on the track and it wouldn't roll out. Lee squirmed and wiggled, trying to get the car to get on the track, but the damned thing just wouldn't come out of her ass.

Lee was getting desperate. She was just starting to completely panic when Janice started speaking again.

"As you can see folks, sometimes the cars have a hard time lining up with the exits off the ferries. That is why the lower access panel is available for the captain to help adjust the vehicle."

Lee heard what Janice said, but it didn't make any sense. What lower access panel, and how was she supposed to adjust the car. Then it hit her. God, she knew exactly what Janice meant. And she had thought this game couldn't get any more humiliating.

The colonel reached down between her legs and stuck two fingers up her cunt. Sure enough, she could feel the track and the car through the wall separating her pussy and ass. She pushed on the bottom of the car and felt it move. Lee used her fingers against the inner walls of her pussy to move the car. It only took a few seconds before she felt it move onto the track. A moment later, the colonel shivered as she felt the car roll out through her anus.

A bell rang indicating the car was parked and Lee pulled herself off of the second metal chute. It was such a relief not to have anything up her butthole.

"Well done, Colonel, and excellent parking job. Now folks, onto the fourth obstacle. We call this one Pedaling Flaps. You'll see why in a moment. Lee, if you would please join me over here."

Janice led Lee over to what looked like a series of strange, reclining, stationary bikes.

"Folks as you can see here, we have four exercise bikes. Of course, the exercises one does on these bikes are a little, shall we say different, than the normal exercises one does on one of these. Lee, if you would please take a seat on bike number one, I will explain how they work."

Lee looked down at the bike. She was sure there was going to be a dildo, or a pole, or some object she would have to stick into one of her holes in order to sit down. But to her immense relief, and complete surprise, there was no such thing. Just a normal seat.

The colonel sat down on the bike and looked it over. The pedals were pushed way out wide. That meant she would really be exposing her pussy when she put her feet on them. But it wasn't like everyone in the crowd hadn't seen it already anyway.

"All right, Colonel, please put your feet on the pedals." Lee did as she was told and waited for what came next.

"Very good, Lee. Now if you reach down below your seat, you will find to clips sticking out of the sides of the bike. Grab one and pull it out please."

Lee felt along the side of the metal frame below her seat. Sure enough, she felt two large metal clips. She grabbed the one on the left side and pulled. It was attached to some kind of wire. There was some tension on the wire put it wasn't hard to pull. Lee pulled it out until it was in front of her and held it so it didn't retract back.

"Well, I see you have the left one, so attach that one to your left flap. Then, of course, grab the right clip and put it on your other flap."

For a moment, Lee was sure she hadn't heard correctly. Then she realized she had. The colonel looked at the clip. It was a spring-loaded metal clip. The prongs were padded with plastic. Sadly, Lee reached down and separated the flaps of her pussy. The she attached the clip to her left pussy lip. The thing was tight. It wasn't painful, but it also wasn't going to slip off. After that, she found the other clip and snapped it onto her right flap. Then she sat back to hear what horrible thing came next.

"Good, now that those are in place, please pull the console out."

At first, Lee didn't see any console. But then she spotted it. Next to her was a standing pole with a desk console attached to it. The console was large, and attached to the pole with a swing arm. Lee grabbed it and it easily moved directly over her upper body.

When the screen was in position, there was a clicking noise and it locked into place. Colonel Kwan looked it over. There were a number of levers and other controls. It also had what was obviously a viewscreen, but it was currently dark.

"All right, Lee, now let's walk through how this thing works. Ladies, I hope you are all paying attention. It will cost you a lot of time if you have to figure out how this works."

The four contestants had all kind of tuned out. They knew the course was going to be bad. Somehow having everything described in detail beforehand made it worse. But Janice had their attention now.

"First, Lee, turn on the console. On the far right, you will find a simple toggle switch. Flip it on please."

Lee looked at the console and sure enough there was what was very obviously a power switch. She turned it on.

As soon as Lee turned on the power, the console lit up. Colonel Kwan took a moment to look it over. On the left, there was a lever. It was pointing straight up, but it could obviously be either pulled towards her, or pushed away. It was also labelled. Pulling it towards her said OPEN, while pushing it away said CLOSE.

Directly in front of her was a handgrip on top of what was obviously a joystick. It clearly could be moved in any direction.

To her right was another lever. This one was pushed away, and could only be pulled. It also had a bright red button on top of it.

In the meantime, the viewscreen had also powered on. The image on it had taken a few seconds to come into focus. But now Lee found herself staring at a closeup view of her own pussy. If it hadn't been obvious it was hers, the fact that she could see the clips attached to both flaps removed any doubt.

As the image became clear, the crowd began to applaud. Lee looked up. To her horror, she saw that there were numerous monitors above her for the audience to see. Everyone of them had her vagina filling the screen.

"All right, Miss Kwan, I think everything looks to be set up correctly. So, please push that lever to OPEN."

Lee had no idea what the lever did, and the sight of her vagina with the clips attached right in front of her had her attention anyway. As she pulled the lever, her eyes never left the view screen. There was a loud click as the lever was pulled. Aside from that, nothing happened.

Caught up, contemplating her pussy, Lee really had no idea what was going on. It wasn't til she heard Janice yelling at her, that she remembered where she was.

"Lee, Pedal the damn BIKE!"

Janice had been telling Lee to pedal several times before it got through. The colonel finally heard her, and began pedaling the bike. She still had no idea what she was trying to do, and it also didn't seem to be doing anything. But then she felt a slight tug in her crotch.

Lee continued pedaling. As she did, she realized the clips were starting to pull on her flaps. On the screen in front of her, she could see her pussy slowly being pulled open. As she pedaled, her flaps were gradually being pulled apart.

The little colonel's pedaling slowed for a moment, but a stern look from Janice got her going again. As her slit was pulled open further and further, Lee began to wonder how long she was supposed to do this. But then there was a loud beep, and the pedals locked.

"Well done, Colonel, now grab the joystick please. Now look at the screen and tell me what you see."

"God Janice! I see my PUSSY pulled OPEN!!!"

"Aside from that, Lee, do you see the little red circle?"

Lee hadn't notice anything but her wide-open cunt. But now that she looked closer, she did indeed see a bright red circle on the screen.

Colonel Kwan told Janice that she saw the circle. "Good, and you obviously see your little cunt hole, right?" Lee just nodded that yes, she saw that, too.

"Now, you other ladies watch your monitors so you understand how this works, too."

Ruth and the others had been trying not to watch. Seeing Lee's pussy pulled apart like that just reminded them that their own would be in the same condition very soon. But Janice was right, they needed to understand the obstacles, so they forced themselves to watch.

"Ok, Lee, now use the joystick to line the circle up on your hole. When you think you have it, pull that right hand lever towards you and you'll know if it's lined up right."

Lee grabbed the joystick and moved it. Sure enough, the little red circle moved, too. The Asian woman worked the joystick until she thought the circle was lined up close enough. Then she grabbed the lever and pulled it.

An object made its way onto the screen. It looked like a large cylinder or pipe of some kind. The thing headed right for the red circle. Then Lee felt something cold and metal push into her crotch. It hit her pussy just a little bit above the hole and to the right. With the pipe stuck there, Lee couldn't pull the lever any further.

"Well, Lee, obviously you didn't have things lined up just right. Push the lever back and try again."

Lee pushed the lever back, and the metal pipe went back with it. Then she maneuvered the joystick so that the red circle was completely centered on her gaping hole. When it was in position, she pulled the lever again.

This time the metal cylinder was right on target. It hit Lee's unprotected hole and slid right in. Lee pulled the lever until it clicked and began gasping for air. That pipe was several inches up inside her vagina.

"Good job, Lee. You did that perfectly. Now if you would just press the button on that lever, we can work on getting your pussy closed back up."

Lee didn't have to hear that twice. Anything to get her vagina to be allowed to close. Quickly she pressed that red button. There was a loud sound, a sort of PFFFT noise. A split second later, Lee was doubled over and panting.

"In case you're wondering, Lee, that button loaded up your pussy. It fired a wooden block into your hole. If you push that lever back now, you can get that pipe out of your hole. Good, now, flip the first lever to CLOSE and pedal your bike until it locks again."

It took a few seconds for Lee to collect herself enough to follow those instructions. But slowly she began to pedal. As she worked the pedals, the wires holding the clips began relax. As the tension reduced, her flaps began to move back together. Lee saw her cunt gradually starting to close. She began pedaling faster and her pussy soon closed up.

When the clamps were totally relaxed, and Lee's flaps were back together, the pedals locked up again. There was also a loud click from the console.

"Ok, Lee, you're done on this bike. That console is unlocked, so move it out of the way and unclip your cunt."

Lee pushed on the console and it easily slid back. With the console out of the way, Lee was easily able to reach her groin. Quickly she grabbed the clips and released her fleshy flaps.              

"Ok, Colonel, now if you would get up and follow me please."

Reclined as she was on the bike, Lee had to lean forward a bit before she could get up. As she did, she could feel that object, whatever it was, still inside her. She was going to ask Janice about it, but as she got to her feet Janice began walking away and waved at her to follow.

"Now our contestants will repeat this process on the next two bikes, but I think you have given them the idea of how this works. So, let's just explain the end of this event. Now, if you would please take a seat on the last bike. Oh, and don't worry about that block up inside you. Being a cube, it's not going to fall out of your pussy."

Lee wasn't at all worried about that. She really just wanted it out of there. And if getting on the last bike would finish this ordeal, then she was going there quickly.

The colonel wasted no time getting situated on the last bike.

"Ok, Colonel, now repeat the process of opening that pussy, and then I will explain what comes next here."

Lee had no great desire to have her snatch gaped open again, but she really wanted whatever was lodged up in there out of it. So she put the clips on her flaps, got the console in place, and powered on. Then she pedaled her pussy wide open.

"Well done, Lee, you're getting really good at opening up your cunt. Now line up the joystick again, and get that pole in there."

God, she was going to get another pipe up the cunt. But, at least maybe she was near the end of this. So Lee did as instructed, and in a few seconds the bike's metal pipe was lodged up inside her.

"Good, now as you can see, this joystick also has a button, but the pipe up inside you is different from the others. This one has a very strong electric magnet on the end. When you press the button, it turns on the magnet. Oh, and the block you stuck up inside you, it has metal disks on every side."

"So, press the button and see if the block attaches to the pipe. Trust me, you'll know if it does. If nothing happens, jiggle the joystick around until the magnet finds a target. And don't take your finger off the button."

Lee pressed the button, but nothing happened. So she started to move the joystick. As soon as she moved it, Lee let out a gasp. Moving the joystick, moved the pipe inside her vagina. The feeling of that pipe moving around in there was not particularly pleasant.

She was just starting to wonder how long this would take, when Lee felt the cube inside her move suddenly. The colonel could actually hear a click from inside her when the cube attached to the magnet.

"See, I told you it would be obvious when the cube attached, Lee. Now, just pull it out."

Lee didn't have to be told twice. She pushed the pipe's lever forward, and the thing extracted from inside her hole. Having the pipe leave was a relief, but when that cube shot through her opening, Lee could really feel the stretching.

When the cube was out, Janice just told Lee to close up and get up. Colonel Kwan flipped the switch and began pedaling her pussy closed. As soon as that was done, she unclipped her vaginal lips and stumbled to her feet.

"Folks, as you can see there are two more bikes. So when our contestants reach the extraction bike, they will each have three blocks up inside them. But I think this demo gives you the idea."

It certainly gave Ruth, Sue, and the twins the idea. At least if the wave of nausea that went through all of them was any indication.              

"So, on to obstacle number 5. Since we expect our athletes may be a little winded from the last one, this is actually the least strenuous stop on the course. We call this one Hanging the Laundry."

"Folks, I will need a couple of volunteers to help with this obstacle. So raise your hand if you would like to assist."

Janice looked around and hands went up all through the audience.

"All right, I will take you and uh, you." Janice pointed to two men. One was a young guy who looked like a college student. The other was an older man, probably in his fifties or early sixties.

"Now friends, watch what is required of our assistants. Before the actual event you will get the chance to bid on being an assistant for one of our contestants."

"All right, Colonel, if you would come over here please, I will explain this obstacle."

Lee walked over to where Janice was waiting. She was still panting a bit from all the pedaling.

"Colonel, as you can see we actually have a clothesline with laundry hanging on it. Over there, you can see another clothesline with nothing on it."

When she looked over, Lee did indeed see a second hanging line that was empty. There was probably about 15 yards between the two lines, give or take.

"The object of this game is very simple. Get the 5 items hanging on this line onto the one over there.

"Assistants, our athletes are not allowed to use their hands in this event. Therefore, obviously they will not be able to get the clothes off the line or hang them on the other one. That is where you will come in."