Cassie Ch. 01


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"Mommy, I'm... I wish I'd gotten a chance to know you before this," he finally said, enjoying the moment.

"Me too, baby," Evelynn agreed, giving him an affectionate squeeze.

"I think, uhh... I was thinking about applying at some of the schools up here. Maybe go to one of the Uni's up here next semester."

"Shouldn't be too hard. You have a Canadian citizenship, after all." Evelynn remarked.

"...I do?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course, you have one Canadian and one American Mother, that's a pretty common case for dual-citizenship."

"Oh. I hadn't thought about that."

Evelynn chuckled and booped his nose with a finger. "And to answer your question, silly, yes of course you can stay with me if you end up doing that."

"..Thanks, Mommy," Casper giggled, snuggling up against her.

After resting for a bit, the two of them went back down the hill to Evelynn's house. Casper went in first, huffing and puffing and sweating. Evelynn was definitely glistening a little, but she was nowhere near as beat as Casper was.

"I'm... gonna... shower..." Casper wheezed.

"Go ahead, you know where it is."

Evelynn's shower was huge, it was at least sixteen square meters with one long, narrow showerhead that covered the center of the room with warm water. Casper wasn't sure why one would opt to put this style of shower into a house, but the fact that he could stretch and wander around was a strangely nice little convenience. As he stood under the stream of warm water, his cock throbbed needily and he sighed in frustration. He still didn't understand why his libido was so on fire these past few days. True, he was a nineteen year old boy and thinking about sex wasn't uncommon for him, but his body had never been so wantonly and uncontrollably horny even when he didn't want it to be. He gathered up some soap and started washing his chest, and as he ran his hands across his nipples, an electric tingle made him gasp. He gently squeezed one of his nipples, which seemed more swollen than usual, and moaned softly. His cock twitched at the strange tingling pleasure, his body responding like it had made an amazing discovery. Casper contemplated the phenomena for only a few moments before he brought his other hand up to cup and squeeze his other nipple. He moaned and whimpered gently as he fondled and teased himself, exploring this new sensation.

"F-Fuck... so weird..." he murmured to himself as he continued playing with his chest.

"Someone's having fun~" Evelynn's sultry voice came from right next to him, and he jumped in surprise. The sudden motion made him slip a little on the slick tiles, but Evelynn grabbed him to keep him steady. "Oh, sorry! You alright, baby?" she asked, squeezing him close.

"Y-Yeah, I'm..." he trailed off as he felt it. Evelynn's cock was pressing hard into his ass, and one of her hands was wrapped around his chest, fingers idly resting on one of the nipples he'd just been fondling so passionately. "Mommy, what are you doing in here..." he murmured, disentangling himself from her.

"You didn't close the door, sweetie. I thought that meant you wouldn't mind sharing, and I needed a post-run shower, too. Are you alright? I know being open with your body can be a big first step for some people." Evelynn stepped directly under the stream of water, wetting her hair down. She started running her fingers through it with a happy sigh, and Casper looked away, terribly embarrassed. He thought that he'd closed and locked the door, but clearly not, if Evelynn had just walked in without him hearing the door open.

"S-Sorry... I don't normally..." he murmured.

"Oh don't apologize, sweetie. You have a gorgeous body and your sensitive boytitties deserve to be played with." She flicked her hair backwards out of her face, the water keeping her bangs held back.

"They're not sensitive... or, boytitties," he huffed indignantly, looking away.

"Oh?" Evelynn asked. While Casper was looking away, she reached forward, firmly grabbing one of his nipples with thumb and forefinger.

"A-Aah!" Casper yelped, overcome with a shock of pleasure and pain as Evelynn squeezed.

"Yeah, not sensitive at all," Evelynn cackled, seizing his other nipple in her other hand. She grabbed a handful of the soft flesh of his chest and kneaded them. Casper moaned and whined, his knees buckling a little. He looked desperately into Evelynn's eyes for mercy, but she looked back at him with a sort of manic glee. "You're definitely not moaning and panting like a desperate little sissy slut because Mommy's playing with your poor nipples," Evelynn husked, taking slow, deliberate steps forward.

"M-Mommy! Evelynn! This is... wrong," Casper gasped, weakly putting his hands on Evelynn's arms. He was so horny, so overwhelmed by Evelynn's expert kneading of his chest, that he didn't even know how to resist.

"Wrong?" she asked. With a quick motion, she pulled him close, spinning him around so that his back was pressed up against her front. She reached one hand down, and grabbed a handful of his ass, squeezing so hard the fat of his cheeks bulged around her fingers. "There's nothing wrong about fondling a tight, sweet little body like yours." He felt the heat of her cock, now swollen with blood. It was wedged in between his ass cheeks, and she gyrated her hips gently, rubbing the meat against him. Casper felt his own cock throb and twitch, he was overwhelmed by the closeness and intimacy of the moment, overwhelmed by Evelynn's presence and dominance.

"Gods, you have such a glorious, perfectly fuckable little ass, you know that, baby?" Evelynn asked, pulling him closer up against her. "I'm so tempted right now to just bend you over right now and Stuff. You. Full." She accentuated each word of the end of her sentence by roughly slamming her hips forward into his ass. The simulated fucking made him shiver, hyper-aware of how precariously close her dick was to his hole.

"I can't..." Casper murmured. His hand went halfway to his cock, but he stopped himself. It had almost happened instinctively, his body felt like it was on fire with lust at that moment.

"...Can't?" Evelynn asked." There was something strange about her tone. "The first time I fucked your Mom's slutty asshole, she complained it would never fit." She moved quickly, roughly bending Casper over at the waist so that he was forced to steady himself with his hands on the wall of the shower. She pressed two wet fingers against his ass and applied some pressure.

"H-Hey, you're not..." Casper didn't believe that she was actually doing it right up until his ass relented to the insistent pressure. There was a tiny pinch of pain as they went inside, and Evelynn wasted no time exploring, rubbing her fingers along the walls of his butt. She curled them downward into a spot that made his body tingle, and he moaned at the strange, alien bloom of pleasure that cut through the faint ache of his hole being stretched.

"Yeah, and then ten minutes after she said it, she made noises just like that," Evelynn growled softly, her grip on Casper's nipple tightening. Casper tried to struggle and get away, but Evelynn had leverage on him and the floor was slippery enough that he didn't think he could kick and thrash without totally falling over. "All week I've had to put up with you teasing me." Casper felt Evelyn's hot tongue trail along his cheek. "Showing off your hot little fuckable body. You have no idea how much you've been working me up." A sharp, suckling bite to Casper's neck drew a cry of pain from the boy. He bucked under her, struggling. She moved too quickly, her hand on his nipple going up to entwine in his wet hair. She pinned his face against the warm shower tiles until his skull ached under the pressure. "I think it's time," her sultry purr tickled his ear. "I've been patient enough with you. Let's see what needy sounds you make when it's Mommy's cock in your pussy instead of a pair of fingers."

"W-What?" Casper gasped, cold panic forming a knot in his belly. This wasn't teasing, she wasn't just being inappropriate and messing with him. She meant it. "Evelynn, stop, I don't want—"

Her hand pressing his head to the tiles squeezed, pulling his hair roughly. "Don't you lie to me, Cassie. You were born for this. If that cunt hadn't taken you from me..." There was an angry intensity in her voice that frightened him. He squirmed and pulled away, finally managing to loosen her grip on him but slipping as he did. Evelynn's fingers came out of his ass and her other hand came away from his head but Casper fell on his ass, twisting so that his back was up against the shower wall. Evelynn towered over him, and he shrank away as she once again got close to him.

"That's good, Cassie. That's where you belong, on your knees in front of my cock. Why don't you show Mommy your appreciation and give her a kiss?" Evelynn grabbed her cock and slapped it against Casper's cheek.

"Stop it!" Casper raised his hands and slapped away Evelynn's cock. "Fuck, Mom was right, you're a monster." He winced, expecting some kind of reprisal, but when none came, he seized the opportunity and scampered away from her a little. He got away from her and rose up to his feet, feeling his heart racing like crazy in his chest. He looked over at Evelynn and she was... frozen. She was staring at where Casper had been when he was pinned against the wall, one of her hands slowly clenching and unclenching.

"...Cassie..." Evelynn whispered, still staring into space.

Casper decided not to waste the moment, he darted out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and went to his room. He sat on the bed and covering his face with his hands. He didn't imagine that. He hadn't imagined that second night, either. Evelynn... she was serious.

A few minutes later, a knock came at the door. "Sweetie? Can I come in so we can talk about this?" Evelynn's voice came from the other side of the door. Her voice was... not entirely normal, but it seemed to have regained some semblance of its old self. The door wasn't locked, it didn't even have a lock. She could just barge in if she wanted to.

"I... I think I'd be more comfortable if you stayed outside," Casper replied.

"Alright, well... I'm so sorry, baby, I just... That... what you just saw doesn't normally happen to me. I'm so sorry..." her voice sounded fragile, broken, defeated. Casper wasn't sure what to believe, though. Was it a trick? Had Evelynn had an episode of some kind?

"I don't know if I believe you, Evelynn. I think I should just go home." Casper spoke quietly, still feeling shaken by the experience.

"I understand. I'll buy you some bus tickets and we'll call you a cab to take you to the bus terminal tomorrow morning, okay?" Casper felt a tiny spike of paranoia at her words. That meant he'd have to stay here tonight. Did he trust her that much? Maybe he should just leave now, walk or pay for a cab himself. Maybe just stay at a hotel or something. That frightened him too, though. He didn't have much money, Cassandra didn't provide much for him, and he didn't know the city at all.

"O-okay," he acquiesced. Evelynn did seem to be remorseful. He wasn't about to forgive her for trying to rape him, but... it was just one night.

"I'll bring you some lunch so you can eat it in there. I'll give you some space, but I'll be out here if you want to talk to me." There was a brief pause, as though she was waiting for an answer. When one didn't come, her footsteps echoed down the hall as she left. He sat there on the bed, his thoughts still chaotic and fearful, until Evelynn knocked on the door again.

"Food out here for you," she called through the door, and nothing more. He opened the door after a bit, and she wasn't there. There was a plate of leftover curry on the floor, and he took it into the room and ate it quietly. He had no idea what any of this meant, what Evelynn was going through or how he was supposed to feel. Maybe she had some kind of disorder or... something. She'd been calling him Cassie, as though he were actually his Mom. Maybe in that moment, she'd been unable to tell them apart? Maybe that was why his parents had truly split up. Maybe Evelynn just needed to be on medication, or to see a counselor, or... As he ran the scenarios through in his head, his vision began to swim, it started to feel like he was floating underwater.

"W-Whuh?" he murmured, feeling everything swirl around him. Before he could really get a grasp of what was happening, he collapsed forward onto the desk, consciousness slipping away from him.


Casper woke up, but it wasn't normal. He felt weak and sluggish, not tired. He was lying on something soft. He struggled to open his eyes, and then he tried to sit up. His arms... his arms they wouldn't move. He squirmed and rose up, getting into a sitting position. The room he was in was dim, lit by a single, sputtering lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The walls were cinderblock and there was a hot water heater sitting in the corner, pipes running up into the ceiling. He was lying on a simple mattress covered by a white sheet. It was barely big enough for him to even lie on. He realized a moment later that his arms were tied or bound together behind his back by something. He pulled against them a little, struggling against it. It didn't feel like ropes or handcuffs it was like... some kind of sleeve? There was something on his neck, too. It was a collar, a big thick one made out of nylon and there was some kind of box on it, held onto the side of his neck.

"E-Evelynn?" he called out, afraid. What had happened? Had she done this? Was he in the basement?

His voice echoed off the walls a little, fading into nothing.

"This is... fucking insane..." he murmured, trying to get onto his feet. He got halfway up when the sleeves binding his arms went tight and he was pulled backwards. He twisted around and saw that there were ropes attaching him to a hook drilled into the stone. Footsteps echoed outside, and his eyes snapped to a heavy metal door on the far wall. With a heavy clank and screech, it opened, and Evelynn stood in the light.

"Morning, sleepyhead~" she said, echoing what she'd said that morning... or yesterday morning? Had it been a full day, already?

"Evelynn this is fucked up, what did you do? What's going on?" Casper asked, trembling in fear. Evelynn had a cold, angry look in her eyes, and she had a sort of icy stillness to her body language even as she took several slow steps forward.

"I tried to be nice with you, Cassie," Evelynn said, not answering his question.

"I am NOT Cassan—" Casper gasped as a sharp, stinging pain bloomed from his neck as the collar buzzed. His body tensed up, his breathing halted for just a moment, and his limbs twitched in agony. It stopped just as rapidly as it had started, and Casper moaned in pain.

"Good girls listen when Mommy is talking. Bad girls get shocked." Her voice had a deathly finality to it. She clearly wasn't in the mood to argue.

"Ug..." Casper groaned, shuddering. He looked up at Evelynn defiantly, but she had a remote control in her hands, pointed at him, and the threat was very clear. He didn't say anything again.

"I didn't want to be hard on you, Cassie. You were being a huge fucking tease, but we were having fun. Right up until you..." She scowled, sneering at him, and Casper flinched, anticipating another shock. When he looked back at her, she'd moved closer, and was pulling up the hem of her dress so that her cock could flop free. It was rock hard.

"Now... do what Mommy told you and give her a fucking kiss."

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kaazuya007kaazuya007about 2 years ago

I love this and I found chapter 2 on HF, is there no more chapters? Really enjoying your work 😞

CerteisCerteisover 2 years agoAuthor



I appropriately tagged the story with Incest, Non-consent, and Mindbreak. A story isn't BDSM just because it involves putting someone in restraints. Had I tagged it "nightmare fuel" (thats not a bad tag actually) would you have seen it and avoided it based on that?

The note at the top of the story isn't added by me, its added by the literotica editor(s). If you think they should have added a bunch of adjectives, maybe some scary emoticons or something, take it up with them :]


This was a nasty trick. "Some noncon"? This should have been very clearly advertised as extreme bdsm and extreme noncon and nightmare fuel.

CerteisCerteisover 3 years agoAuthor


Part 2 is up on the other places I post, check my bio :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very cool story. Will we see Part 2 at all? Looking forward to it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Part 2

Part 2 when?

CerteisCerteisover 4 years agoAuthor


By the end of the month, I hope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
waiting for more.

when is chapter 2 coming?

CerteisCerteisover 4 years agoAuthor


Oh, i suspect it might end up being a stretch to call cassie any kind of boy by the time Eve is done ~<3

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Love me some Futa on Femboy noncon, can’t wait for the next one

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