Castaway Ch. 05


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Time still marched on. Unbelievably, it was already spring, approaching the summer months, and we again prepared for a very busy tourist season.

It was one such late day, that I took everyone out to dinner. Shawn invited Kim, yes the hot woman from the resort I stayed at, and Tammy brought her daughter, Amber. We had a great time at dinner, and as we sat finishing our last drinks, I felt a sense of calm. I had my new family surrounding me, and felt more complete than I had in a LONG time.

I raised my drink, "I want to propose a toast. You all have been here for me through thick and thin, and I trust you all more than you know... To my FAMILY!"

With that, everyone joined in, almost in perfect stereo, "TO FAMILY!"

We all downed our drinks, and decided it was time to call it a night. I was just starting to get up from my chair, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Is it too late for one more round?" I heard a very familiar voice ask.

Everyone at the table was silent, and I turned to see Tanya smiling down at me. I definitely wasn't expecting this. Why was she here, and what did she want with me now?

"We were all getting ready to call it a night, but perhaps James could stay with you for one more," Howard said it as a question, as he got up and said good night.

Shawn and Tammy both left with him, also wishing us a good night. I watched them walk away, and then turned to watch Tanya sit across from me. She held up her hand, and waved the waitress over. She ordered some whiskey on the rocks, and turned back to me after the waitress walked away.

"Hello, James, it's really good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too, Tanya. I must admit, this is a surprise. What brings you out here? Are you on vacation again?" I wanted to ask if Tyler was with her too, but didn't feel like being that big of an asshole, yet.

"Something like that. Look, James, before you say anything, I just wanted to say again how sorry I am for what happened. I really do miss you, and the connection that I felt we had. I can't explain it, but when you and I were talking, it just seemed so natural. I came here hoping we could explore that connection further."

"But Tanya, what about your big career, back in Hollywood? What about Tyler, and all your fans? I came here to start over, and don't plan on moving back. I just don't see how I can fit into your lifestyle."

"If you remember, I told you that I came from a small town. I didn't grow up with all this fame and fortune. My life wasn't always easy street, so don't you judge me!"

She was getting animated, her face and neck flushed red. Perhaps I had misjudged her, after all.

"Tanya, please, I'm sorry. I have no idea what it's like to live the life you have. I have had a really rough year, and when I came to visit you, I just felt like it was Déjà vu all over again."

She lowered her head, looked at the table for a minute, then looked up with tears in her eyes. "I would never intentionally hurt anyone I care about. That was all a huge misunderstanding. James, I came here to tell you that I would rather be here with, with you, than with a thousand of my fake friends back in Hollywood."

"Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?" I ask in disbelief.

"What I am saying, is that I want to be normal again. I want to have the simple pleasures of life, with someone that I care about. If that means no more acting, and moving away from Hollywood, that's what I'm gonna do."

I was trying to process what she was telling me. It sounded like she was planning to give up her posh life in California. That didn't make a lot of sense to me, unless that posh life wasn't as glamorous as it looked.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you, Tanya. If you haven't noticed I have some pretty serious trust issues right now."

"I know, and I've got several issues I need to work out as well, but am willing to try. Are you? With me?"

There it was. The blunt truth. She wanted to be with me, and try to work through things that we both were dealing with. I would have to question her sometime about those 'issues', but for now, I think I had made up my mind. If being over-cautious hadn't worked too well for me in the past, perhaps the opposite could work better?

"So, what's your plan, then?" I asked.

Her face spoke volumes, in total disbelief. I think she expected me to send her packing. "Well, I was hoping I could crash with you, seeing as how I put my house up for sale yesterday. I'm sure the media is having a field day with my hasty exit, but I really don't care anymore.

"I told my agent that it has been fun, but that I was done with movies. I wrapped up my last contract about a week ago, and just packed up some stuff to come out here. The rest of my stuff is in storage right now."

She was leaving everything behind, to be with me? Never in a million years did I think this would happen. Heck, I never thought I would meet a famous movie star in the first place, let alone get serious with her. Yet, here we were. She was telling me that she was dropping everything, to be with me. I had some serious doubts about anything serious with her before, but she was making the grandest gesture of all.

Now, I truly started to feel like I had finally been rescued from my wayward existence. Ever since my marriage blew up, I had been basically emotionally adrift. It all came crashing down on me, as I realized this, and I nodded my head down to cry. I had been a castaway for far longer than those few days on the island. I had friends and family around me, but I had kept myself isolated, walled off from the real feelings that I had repressed.

Tanya got up, hugged me, and just let me get it out. She followed me back to the boat, and we fell asleep together. I felt like I was finally home, wrapped up in a tangle of arms and legs, in bed with her. I slept soundly, probably the best night's rest I had gotten in a long time.

She stayed with me. We both realized that we would have to talk, a LOT, about the issues we both had in the past. We agreed to always be honest with each other, and we could make it through anything. I knew then that I loved her, and she loved me.

I eventually opened and read that letter from my ex-wife. I was sad to read it, both because of all that could have been, but also that I felt bad for her. Whether she betrayed me or not, she had been the center of my world for so many years, that my heart broke a little to hear of her pain. I called her, and told her that I did truly forgive her. We spoke for hours, and cleared the air completely. We both knew we would never be together, like we had before, but decided to give being friends a try.

Madison got engaged to Sarah, and of course I offered to pay for a Hawaiian wedding for them. Everyone was invited, including her mother. The ceremony was beautiful, as was my daughter. I gave her away, and couldn't have been more proud of her.

True to his form, Howard did his level best to keep everyone as inebriated as he was. I think he was the loneliest of all of us. At least at the wedding, he seemed to hit it off well with my ex. You might think that would make things very awkward, but honestly, I was kinda glad for them both. I just hoped that they fared better than Cait and I had.

I still operate Puddle Jumpers, with the help of Tammy and Shawn. He is dating a local islander woman now, who is just right for him. Tammy and Amber are still very close, and come by all the time. Amber is like a second daughter to me, and she still calls me 'Uncle James'.

Tanya and I now declare our love for each other, at least ten times a day. I met her family, and love them all. She is now studying to be a pilot, so we can fly together. She hasn't expressed the desire for any kids, basically loving being a step-mom to Maddy, and an Auntie to her brother's kids.

Her friend Diane and her husband Marcus make at least two trips a year out to visit us, and always enjoy poking fun of us, reminding us of how vocal we had been on that first beach trip. Tanya was approached several times, for new movies, but she always politely turned them down. She did take a few voice-over roles, for some animated films, but that was it. She was truly happy in her semi-retirement.

My story eventually did gain some popularity, but not enough to make 'Best Seller' or anything. I had added to it, to include more of my life's story, before the publisher decided to print it. It sold fairly well, but honestly I didn't care that much about the money.

All-in-all, life was great. I can't say that my life has been perfect, but who can? At least I knew that I finally had people around me that I loved, and a future that I looked forward to every day. With a smile, I kiss Tanya good morning, and watch the sun rise once again, in my own paradise.


Thanks again, and I hope you enjoyed this series. Please vote and comment if you want to, and know that I do not delete any comments, unless it is a personal attack on me. I have only deleted a few such comments, and any others that may have 'vanished', is likely due to something with the admins or website acting up.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Seriously ? His partner attempted to kill him and he did not go to hospital, to police, testyfing agains his partner and his wife ?

His wife did not call the 911 and the police, then next morning she cleaned every trace in the house without to contact or ask about her husband's opinion? Is she not a conspirator?

The murderer - partner visited, after days, the wife for an overnight sex and she accepted him because she was "distraught " ? the man who tried to kill her husband, "true love" ?

Then both murderer and wife found him the same day in his secluded place, uncoordinated ?

Finally, the MC was "saved" because a famous movie star with so different lifestyle and very wealthy, abandoned eveything to be with him? A "fairy tale" for romance?

This story insulted the common sence.

midatlstorymanmidatlstoryman2 months ago

Excellent story and wrap up. Truly spellbinding

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Wholeheartedly agree with the Anonymous commenter for 3 months ago with the post starting with "Get over the Tanya stuff at the party.."

Regardless of how Caitlin got played and manipulated by Cyrus, or the followup story "Ghost From the Past" where we see she was repeatedly raped for one year before college by her father, not to mention once again at school, though never shared any of her past to James or anyone else for that matter, again regardless, I agree with the commenter what she did that night when she saw James shot and she fled, calling Shawn (not even 911) and hooked back up with Cyrus one more time that next morning, not even knowing what had happened to her husband who was badly wounded by Cyrus' gunshot, and also btw who admitted he had intentionally killed James' parents, yeah she doesn't do the rational thing like try to get help for her husband or call the cops on Cyrus or even try to attack or kill Cyrus or defend James.


She f$cks Cyrus again that next morning, only kicking him out and severing contact when she discovers that Cyrus had lied to her about James' supposed affairs. Yes apparently lying to her gets you kicked out of her bed, but not shooting your spouse and the father of your daughter, someone who have been married to for nearly two decades and dates and engaged another 3 years. Nope bodily harm, gunshots, her husband bleeding out, and a confession that he killed your husband's parents. Nah those don't warrant not having yet another f$ck session with Cyrus of the thinner but longer penis. Nope only when you realized he is lying and set you up. Yep. Then you cut him off.

I liked the counseling followup story with Caitlin's viewpoint but only to a point. It showed that she never trusted James, because she is broken and explains why she overreacted to the alme allegations of James repeatedly committing adultery during their marriage. She has serious trust issue based on the followup sequel. And to her, the sex with Cyrus was not better, she tried to imagine it was James, who she missed in her depressed state and thought she was losing to other women. Given her history of being raped repeatedly by her father, she can absolutely separate sex from love. She didn't love Cyrus.

But NONE of that matters.

What she did that night once James was shot, and how she fled and rhen hooked back up with Cyrus knowing everything else EXCEPT that he lied to her, that is unforgivable. Forget reconciliation, you would have to be a saint to forgive that. And honestly if Maddie ever learned the details of that night, it would seem unconscionable for her to have any meaningful relationship with Caitlin in the future.

Like the Anonymous commmeter said Caitlin is a contender for the Darwin LW awards for of a terrible, like wife. Uggh. And her letter was an anticlimactic dud after that betrayal and her ill fated trip to Hawaii. Who cares? She deserves a terrible life going forward. And given what we learn in the sequel, she is not capable of having a remotely normal relationship with another person in terms of marriage. She was broken and devastated when she was young, and she turned out to be a psycho or a monster given what she did that one night.

Honestly, she might as well have pulled the damn trigger herself, considering how she abandoned James and hooked backup with Cyrus one more time. That is why if Maddie knew the truth, she would.have next to no ties to Caitlin going forward. What Caitlin did was that damn bad.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

You wrote an excellent story in "Castaway." As you confirmed in chapter 5, James had long been a castaway. Though this became clear to me early on, the knowledge of such did not spoil the story. Rather, it made the plot just seem right for James and the other people in his life. James was a castaway, as were Caitlin, Shawn, and Tanya.

My criticisms, now, are meant to be strictly constructive. While your editor did pretty well, you still had some awkward wording. There was some errors in grammar. You could have made some better word choices. I don't think anything of value was added by making James' daughter a lesbian. Maddie was a significant character, but her sex life seemed irrelevant. Shawn did the right thing by killing Cyrus, but Shawn would likely have been prosecuted for being a felon in possession of a firearm regardless of the proper intent with which the pistol was used. Also, it seems implausible that Cyrus and Caitlin just happened to arrive in James' little corner of Hawaii at the same time. How did Cyrus know where to go? Inference: Caitlin told him. Inference: they must have traveled to Hawaii together. Inference: Caitlin was still Cyrus' woman, and was still working against James, and still lying about her eternal devotion to James.

Again, these criticisms are meant strictly as helpful. I really liked your story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Weak ending. Better not to write one then to mess up a well written story with such a weak one.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Get over the Tanya stuff at the party. They were not exclusive. Yes her ex was making a move. She cut him off. And she is willing to give up her career and lifestyle to be with James. And yet a lot of you would look that gift horse in the mouth? She isn't Cait. Cyrus was a psycho. Cait had her own insecurities. Her two month affair rationalized by a dumb belief, with no real proof beyond the faked photos that came LATER after affair already started, that James was a serial cheater was just an excuse. She was lonely and insecure and fell for a predator. But far worse is her behavior that night. It was crazy. And she was with Cyrus that morning. Her actions and words that night, her flipping out and leaving her husband bleeding, and then back with Cyrus again surely are non forgivable. Forget reconciliation. I mean non forgivable. Her story just ends .with the letter. Which wasn't even that well written. More details on how she started the affair and what happened when m, and less on that disgusting night. Rhat night alone puts her up there for the Darwin award of faithless cheating LWs. Uggh.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I’m confused. In the last chapter, a guy named Skip answered Tanya’s door while her ex-boyfriend, Tyler was naked between her legs. Here, it sounds like Tyler answered the door wearing shorts. If Tanya was really naked with her ex, I don’t see why the main character would trust her enough to take her back.

ohhfineohhfine6 months ago

The story itself was good, even though you caution us that it goes on and on….. wholly crap man it goes on and on, can’t even read the 5th chapter. I do appreciate your efforts and overall I rate the story very high, I read this in one afternoon so the complete review/epilog did not need to summarize the first 4 chapters again, I’m going to read a few more of your works, thank you for all you do

HighBrowHighBrow7 months ago

My father used to call sth like this a ‘yarn’.

texstertexster10 months ago
Confusing note at the beginning of this chapter

You apologize for this chapter being very long, then it turns out to be less than 2 pages…by far the shortest of the 5 chapters. The way you wrote your note, I was expecting 10 pages…and frankly you probably needed at least that many to tie up all the loose ends.

So, now that I’ve reached the conclusion of this story, I’ll give my feedback, and this encompasses all the chapters. Call this constructive criticism from someone who enjoyed the story enough to read all 5.

You tend to spend a lot of time fleshing out trivial details, while at other times rushing through entire plot arcs with just a couple of sentences. When you start going into so much detail, you’re signaling to the reader that you are describing something that is important to the story…but in these chapters, more often than not, the added details didn’t matter, and you spent a lot of time on details that never tied to anything or added anything to the story. You would have been better served fleshing out the backstories of some fairly major characters and arcs (for instance Howard, why he connected to James, where his money came from, why he followed James to the smaller island…plus you alluded to some shady deals or connections back in chapter 2 or 3, but then it was never mentioned again). You also rushed through some things (like when James went back to Virginia, and when James was stranded, especially since the whole series is titled Stranded) that could have used quite a bit more detail.

Good editors are hard to come by…I suggest you ask your editor to be a bit more ruthless with his red pen in the future - there were quite a few instances where you said the same thing two or three times in a row, in only slightly different ways. I’ll give you two examples from this chapter…the first one is when you talk about Shawn encouraging James to call Kim from the resort, and within a couple of paragraphs you say “Shawn invited Kim, yes the hot woman from the resort I stayed at” and the second is this sentence: “Unbelievably, it was already spring, approaching the summer months, and we again prepared for a very busy tourist season.” I know that’s a little thing but eliminating extraneous and redundant phrases can really punch up a piece.

Going back to the plot, here are the open questions I have (or items that I would have liked to see…no judgement for not including them, just my thoughts here:

1. What happened to the crooked government guy? Was he caught?

2. How did Cyrus get to Hawaii? He was a wanted felon who had skipped bail.

3. The stuff about Howard from above…

4. Why were there only 4 tents on the camping trip? Even presuming things would happen, that seemed odd.

5. At some point, Maddy will have learned the truth about what happened…maybe not the gory details but at least the basics…I expected some exposition there along with giving James a chance to heal there.

6. What happened at Tanya’s house when James surprised her? Why was she naked with her supposed ex between her legs?

If you’re open for prompts, I’d suggest you go back and write a detailed account of James’ crash, and I’d also suggest writing Howard’s story…you can weave it in with what we already know from this one, but there must be some tales to tell.

Anyway, thanks for writing, good luck with your future stories!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohio10 months ago

Lots of plot holes but still fun to read. How is it that Cyrus was a full partner yet flew so little that he could always fuck Caitlin when James was flying supplies for disaster relief? If there was a terrible disaster, both should have been flying supplies with both planes. So I’m confused by the mechanics of the situation. Also, Cyrus’ hatred for James because James’ father cuckolded Cyrus’s father shows real mental pathology on the part of Cyrus. The idea that he killed James’ parents and then plotted to fuck up James’ life in the manner in which he did strains credulity. Having never attended acting school, how could Cyrus be so evil and persistent and no one had any suspicion? I also found the last chapter a bit cheesy. James forgave Tanya pretty quickly; I guess sex with a much younger woman (fantasy land for many men) allowed the little head to do James’ thinking, so overlooking Tanya’s deceit proved rather easy. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

5*. Hard to believe the ex-wife really loved him and wasn’t an accomplice in his attempted murder.

JBird11JBird1111 months ago

Overall, it was a really good story, but like others have mentioned, the end feels rushed. I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

the end was a rush job, but not bad otherwise.

solid 4

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

No way Caitlin could be a friend. She was a cheating whore and then an accomplice in attempting to murder him. Any pain she experienced was well deserved. Tanya was a nonstarter as she was a liar as a base.

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