Castle Mroczna - Second Sister

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Oleg is next to suffer the lust of House Mroczna.
6.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/21/2022
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Castle Mroczna - Second Sister

Oleg hated leaving Jasmine and the others behind, but in the whirlwind of evil laughing smoke and her shouting 'run!', he simply bolted. He scrambled down the stairs, not even particularly thinking about where he was going, only that he needed to get away.

He didn't see where the others had gone, just pounding across the floor until he came to one of the doors they had checked prior, throwing it open as fast as his limber frame could allow. It was the dust-covered, web-filled passage that looked as if it'd been ignored for centuries.

In his panic, he ran inside and followed the turns through its narrow space until he had to stop by the remains of a decorative armour stand, the leg armour still standing but the rest scattered across the floor, Oleg doubled over with his hands resting on his knees.

In this moment of respite, he chided himself for running in here instead of trying to get back out the way he came. But now that he was here, he knew he had to keep pressing forward; the hall had to end somewhere, or have passages that at least led to other, probably similarly dilapidated, rooms.

He sighed out, and then coughed, the dust irritating him, before continuing onward with grim need. He didn't trust his chances in this place, least of all with evil black phantasms lurking.

He rounded a corner and finally discovered several doors off to the right.

He knew he shouldn't have, but curiosity compelled him to open one, and discovered that they appeared to be old bedrooms, though none of them had any windows or otherwise access to the outside.

He frowned, and closed the door, moving between each and mumbling in frustration that none presented him with a means of escape.

He felt selfish, a little guilty, thinking about escape when his friends were in danger, but he couldn't think of anything he could do, only hope that they would find their way out somewhere.

Maybe they shouldn't have come here after all. Didn't matter now, all that mattered was survival and escape.

Easier said than done.

He continued along the passage until he felt a draft, an icy brush of air against his skin.

He hoped it would lead him to some place he could escape, though if the draft was that cold, then he was certain the weather had picked up outside, and would be dangerous to be out in. He hoped he could think of some means to survive the elements, maybe get to the village, assuming it wasn't snowed in and there wasn't a raging blizzard going on.

Otherwise even a few hundred feet could prove fatally disorientating.

It was the only alternative he had. He followed the draft, feeling the direction the small zephyrs were coming from, soon hearing that telltale whistling of wind.

It led him up a spiral stone staircase accessible via a doorway, the door itself splintered against a nearby wall.

He thanked his keen eyesight, as there was practically no light in this part of the castle, though he still groped around, hoping his hand didn't brush a web with a still present occupant, Oleg not wishing to add a spider bite on top of everything that had occurred thus far.

He noted that the spiral staircase led downwards, though he had no desire to delve deeper into this place. Besides, the draft was coming from above, so that was where he'd go.

As he ascended, he began to notice it getting brighter, just barely, a pale touch that allowed him to better discern the features around him, until he emerged into the room the draft was coming from, dimly lit from the outside by a grey light, Oleg not sure if it was moonlight or merely the billowing snowfall diffusing the sunset.

Either way, he found where the draft was originating from, a broken window that was missing half its panes.

Snowflakes swirled about inside the room as some of them managed to be drawn inside.

He frowned, knowing that the weather wasn't safe, but it wasn't as bad as it could've been, he could still see a distance... including some distant lights from the nearby village, which they had avoided in the event of habitation, but he swore it seemed abandoned then.

He wasn't entirely certain that made it safe.

He looked at the window, and figured he could've forced it open. However, there was no easy way down from here, further up the walls of the castle than their initial point of entry. Climbing down with the weather the way it was would've been an insane risk, but Oleg truly didn't fancy his chances in the castle with the evil smoke. He had to think of something.

He did his best to look around the room, making use with what light he had, years of delving into abandoned tunnels and caves and other assorted 'dungeons' proving their worth having honed his eyesight.

There wasn't much in the room, a few bookshelves that were almost bare of any books, and what books were present seemed destroyed and unreadable, some of their pages fallen out across the floor.

There was another door to the room, probably connected to another hallway, though Oleg was concerned if he kept going through every door, he'd find himself lost in the castle.

Then he spied something unusual, looking towards the far end of the room, at a bookshelf.

He felt the wind drawing towards it as he took a few steps near, and then spied scrape marks against the wall next to it, and upon closer inspection, a long hole in the wall, about half a foot in length and only an inch wide, partially hidden by the bookshelf, revealing another room beyond.

Curious, and perhaps thinking there might've been another route out, he moved to the bookshelf and slowly dragged it aside, both straining in exertion and cringing in worry from the noise it made.

Eventually he had opened enough of a gap for him to slip inside.

The room within was filled with antique furniture and decorative items, some of them damaged like a vase that was missing one half of its neck, and a suit of old armour missing a few pieces.

There were chests that appeared filled with old items, including the occasional piece of jewellery, though most of it seemed old and a little worn. Not exactly the treasure horde they were hoping for, but a decent portion of it would've been valuable.

Not that it mattered now. He couldn't take any of it, he didn't have any time to go ransacking the room.

He looked around, almost bumping into a low-hanging, web-covered chandelier that drooped at an angle, its chains poorly arranged. There wasn't any other door he could see, the room was a dead end.

He was about to leave when he saw a small box sitting on a table beneath the only window in the room, a narrow, half-circle piece of glass and iron that was smaller than the one they had used to enter the castle.

Light filtered through, bathing the box in a grey illumination, and he was able to see a small piece of jewellery inside. A square diamond-shaped object with its quadrants painted in different colours. Other than a layer of dust, it was in good condition, but sealed away beneath a small metal grate built into the wooden box. He picked it up, and turned it over, and discovered several pieces of wood on the side, coloured differently, and looking as though they were nestled in almost imperceptible channels. He noticed the patterns seemed to be a jumbled whole, that there was a picture to be formed, if only the small squares of wood could be arranged properly.

He realised then that it was some form of puzzle box... and also realised that the item within was in fact the 'key' to do the door they had earlier tried to pass through.

"So it was here the whole time," he said to himself.

There was an urge, to try and break open the box, make a dash back to the door with the key, and see what lay within... but he knew it was insane to try.

He turned the puzzle box over, considering at least taking it with him... until he heard a sound, like sand being kicked up by the wind. A shadow seemed to dull the room.

And a pair of hands reached around to restrain him a manic cackling following as his moth was covered by a leather-gloved hand, another latching around his waist as he was pulled against someone's chest.

He let out a muffled scream, and attempted to struggle, but they were strong, easily fighting his resistance, and cackling softly in amusement.

"Yes, yes, fight intruz~!" the female assailant crowed. "Make your blood flow~!"

He attempted to kick at her, to drive his elbow into her gut, but he didn't have enough range of motion, and her strength was unyielding. She was taller than him, but she didn't feel that big.

His scrawny frame was nonetheless helpless against her unnatural strength.

He could feel her breath against his ear, her lips ever so close. He could feel the erratic brushes of air as she let out small chuckles and subtle but feral breaths of excitement.

He was scared, his heart was racing, and her manic behaviour only made him feel worse, especially when he heard her take a deep whiff of him, following up with a giddy, shaky murmur of appreciation.

"So cute, so warm~" she praised, then proceeding to cackle again as she pressed herself close against his back.

He could feel her breasts through her clothes, and with no small amount of shock, he felt her starting to grind her crotch against his rear.

Through his terror, sheer confusion took him, wondering why she was rubbing herself against him... though soon his answer came when the hand around his waist drifted low... and suddenly took a firm handful of his junk through his pants.

He made a bewildered cry, but it too was muffled by the hand over his mouth.

The treacherous woman began to grope and squeeze his genitals in a possessive but massaging manner, and his cock naturally began to respond, hardening within his pants.

He tried to escape still, flailing his arms and doing his best to pummel her, but he could hardly reach her. She snaked her legs around his, and forced him into a wider stance. Not by much, but enough that he couldn't squeeze his thighs shut to stop her molestation.

His attempts only seemed to amuse her, and dismay filled him. She kept fondling, kept groping, until his erection, despite his terrified squirming, strained hard against his underwear.

That was when she tried to slide her hand beneath his pants, prompting even more vigorous struggling and pummelling attempts.

She responded by tugging his head to one side and leaning hers in terribly close.

"You're making things difficult, intruz, as much as I like a wriggly man... I think I need to 'tame' you~"

She laughed softly and wickedly, a terrible, mocking sound that filled him with dread.

He flinched and clamped his eyes shut when he felt her run a wet tongue slowly over his exposed neck... but they shot open when fangs sank into it.

There was pain, at first, Oleg letting out a small scream, trying even harder to fight back... until a strange weakness came over him when she began to sip his blood, lips sealing to his skin and tugging with each minute gulp she made.

His legs felt a little shaky, and his arms felt light, and his mind got a little hazy as the unnatural pleasure radiated from where this monstrous woman had sunk her teeth in.

It made his cock throb with even greater need, more sensitive to the fondling touches of her hand, even through the fabric of his pants.

She took a few deeper gulps, and that brought even more intense pleasure, if for only brief moments. It made precum bead from his tip, staining his underwear.

She slipped her hand away from his mouth, only to hook a few fingers between his lips in a domineering hold, gently pushing them back and forth against his tongue, before letting go of his head completely, wrapping her arm around his chest and locking down his own arms.

The vampiric woman released his neck from her bite, but by then the damage had been done; he was now terribly aroused and weakened, like her bite had brought an erotic paralysis over him.

He couldn't help the sigh released from his mouth when she slowly drew her tongue over his neck, lapping up what blood trickled from the wounds, unnaturally sensitive to pleasurable stimulus.

Now that he was effectively subdued, she was free to do what she pleased, and quickly moved ahead, tugging down his pants and underwear, exposing his throbbing member. And she wrapped it up in her fingers with that same manic energy that her voice exuded, the devious chuckles sounding like she was barely contained from a lustful frenzy.

"Oh how cute you are... I must have all of you~" she said with her tone turning almost aggressive, as she began to pump his cock.

His hips bucked, and he whined out in protest, fingers flexing into fists as he tried to resist and ignore the pleasure, but it was hopeless.

She moved with a quick pace, twisting her gloved hand up and down his girth as she stroked it, eager to wring out more precum and use it for lubricant, judging by the way she let her hand slip over his sensitive glans. And the whole time, she continued to sniff and kiss his neck, sending shivers of pleasure through him.

"N-No... slow down," he pleaded. She wasn't racing, but it was that same manic energy, the vampire moving from one technique to another, twisting her hand or making straight strokes, or squeezing and rubbing her palm to his glans with little warning, as though she could barely contain herself.

Such was her need that his exposed cock did not feel the chill of the air, the heat of his blood and arousal in conjunction with her assertive pumping more than enough to thwart any chill.

"Don't hold back now, intruz, you have much penance to make~"

She cackled wickedly and nibbled on his earlobe, making him gasp.

"Please... I'm sorry we broke in," he tried, but she only giggled.

"It's too late for apologies, but do not fear, your penance will be enjoyable every moment~"

She pressed her lips to the side of his face in a wet, assertive kiss, and he could only wince in response as his cock began to throb, precum dripping onto the floor. He could feel the pressure of orgasm building in his loins. It was insane, he didn't want to cum from this, not to this monster, but he was helpless, and she had him.

"I can feel it... come on, give it to me~" she demanded with a lusting intensity, gently biting him on the neck, not enough to penetrate as before, but it made him flinch and feel a surge of stimulation, though not the same as what her vampiric bite from before caused. Her tongue rolled and lapped at his neck, and her lips practically kissed his skin.

He began to buck his hips involuntarily as her stroking picked up speed, the pleasure getting to him even if he wanted to be far away from here.

Her grinding against his back and rear also became more debauched, gyrating her hips upon him as she effectively rutted against him, it was almost as if she was in heat.

Soft gasps of need left her lips, and they did Oleg no favours in trying to hold out, trying to resist the inevitable, the erotic, lascivious sounds too much to simply ignore.

He groaned and tried desperately to hold back... but in the end, it was futile, and with a strained cry, he bucked into her ceaselessly pumping hand, and released his load, thick white ropes of cum spattering across the floor, penis throbbing with each shot, wrung out by her hand.

She didn't slow down, even when his ejaculation ended with a little dribble of white. She kept stroking, making him squirm, almost maddened. Weakened, but intolerant of the overstimulation.

"St-stop!" he pleaded.

She only laughed with a mania, sounding like her attempts to hold herself back from frenzy had failed.

If it wasn't for her, he would've collapsed, but it didn't matter anyways, for he found himself falling back against her as she dropped to the floor.

He struggled with what strength he had, trying to pry himself from her wicked embrace, but her legs pinned his down, and she had his arms locked down too.

He bucked, but he had nothing to give. She kept stroking, and it was starting to grow painful.

That was, until, he felt her fangs sink into his flesh once more with a wicked chuckle. Again, after the pain of the initial bite, even the aches of her relentless handjob faded, and euphoria replaced it. He moaned involuntarily, squirming languidly in her embrace as she sipped his blood.

Oleg could hear the slick sound of her pumping hand as it sought to milk him for a second load... and with her second drink of blood, and the unnatural pleasure that came with it, he could feel his loins stirring, building up towards climax.

He wasn't sure what he would be drained of first, blood or semen... though he suspected the latter, given her gulps were small and paced, whilst her relentless stroking was aggressive and needy.

He wriggled, and moaned pitifully, and it made the vampire chuckle in amused delight at his vulnerability, thrumming vibrations of her laugh tingling his neck, followed by her appreciative murmurs.

Each gulp of blood was accompanied by a small increase in stimulation, a burst of pleasure that was driving him closer to another orgasm as much as her wringing of his penis.

And sure enough, he succumbed, a strained moan loosed into the air as he bucked weakly into her hand, ropes of seed shooting into the air and cascading down onto her hand.

He despaired that she would rub his cock into nothing when she kept going, but after a few more agonising moments, she slowed down, and then let go with a gliding caress along his glans, releasing his neck at the same time. His hips twitched a few times as she brought her palm to her lips, and through the corner of his eyes, he saw her run her tongue along the gloved palm in a lecherous taste of his seed. She murmured and giggled with instability.

"The taste of life... I must have more~" she crooned.

Oleg was too weak after two consecutive and intense ejaculations to resist once she leg him go and began to move, sliding herself out from beneath him, turning over to begin crawling over his body, head angling for his crotch.

Then his vision was filled with black smoke, and for a moment, he couldn't see what she was doing... until it cleared, and with widened eyes, gazed upon her pale, nude form, a lithe body hovering over him, smooth and youthful. She had curves where it mattered, but remained quite slender, and there was no hair on her save for the black locks on her head, leaving her pussy quite exposed... letting Oleg see how wet it was.

He was mesmerised with the sight of her slit, still not quite believing he was experiencing this.

He was shocked out of his fixation when he felt the vampire grasp his thighs suddenly and firmly, and he looked down to see her licking her lips as she eyed his cock.

Then she looked down at him and grinned broadly.

"You're mine~" she said, before suddenly lunging at his dick and swallowing it to the base in a single go.

Oleg moaned as her supple lips sealed around his girth, her tongue waggling aggressively as soon as she 'kissed' his root, slurping and suckling greedily.

She began to bob her head, gliding from root to tip with an energetic twisting motion spiralling her lips up and down his mast.

He gasped again, a shallow moan leaving him as he tilted his head back in reflex... only to suddenly have the vampire slam her crotch down upon his face, and begin grinding her pussy against his lips and face.

He tried to turn his head away, groaning in protest, but she kept twisting her hips against him, forcing his face back into her crotch, and forcing him to taste her arousal as she rolled her hips upon his head.

Her whole body was practically undulating from her erotic grinding, her breasts brushing against his belly through his clothes, and despite the fluidity of it all, her motions seemed feral and driven with intense need.