Casus Belli Ch. 07: Accepting Fate


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They all agreed the waffles were excellent indeed, and that Eldran was clearly still doing her best to keep everyone's spirits up. They stretched having tea till dinner, and when the food was served Cassandra got tears in her eyes. "Drunken rabbit, with crispy Lorasian potatoes and roasted carrots, my all-time favorite," she sniffled.

Half a dozen maidens smiled softly at her. "I love the dish too," Polly agreed, "the Meridan prunes in the stew are delicious, and the dark Boganon ale gives it this marvelous smoky sweetness."

The other maidens nodded their agreement, Cassandra dried her tears, and they ate in silence. By the time the rabbit was gone their spirits were up again, sort of. "What's for dessert?" the young Kangess asked her senior maiden.

Denora shrugged, "I don't know, I'll go and have a look at what the servants have parked for us in the reception room." She was just getting up when there was a knock at the doors.

"Yes?" Cassandra called, and the doors slowly opened, revealing a shyly smiling servant girl. She was about to ask the girl about her business when she stepped back and Eldran came in, carrying a large pie on a silver plate. Cassandra's eyes recognized it before her nose did, "Banana pie!" she exclaimed.

Eldran placed the pie on the table in front of her, and then she stepped back, wringing her hands. "I..., I...," she stammered, looking down, and then the tears on her cheeks registered. Cassandra was up in a flash, rushed over to where she was standing, and hugged her. After a moment the short stocky woman straightened herself, she released her from her arms, and watched her taking a step back, wiping her face. "I'm sorry your highness," Eldran said, "I don't know what came over me."

The young Kangess smiled at her, "It's okay Eldran, please accept my thanks for all those years you cooked for me, and please pass along my thanks to your staff too. You're the best cook a Pryoness, and a Kangess, could have wished for." Eldran's face lit up, then she bowed and left, closing the doors to the private hallway behind her. Cassandra sat down again, and they all enjoyed a nice piece of banana pie. They managed about half of it, and Polly took the remaining half to the kitchen, to store away for tea time the next morning. When she came back she was carrying a tray with a bottle of Lorasian red and seven glasses.

They installed themselves on the couches and as they were sipping their wine Denora brought up the matter of the crown jewels. "I expected you to have arranged for the contents of the vaults to be moved to somewhere safe milady," she said, "but you didn't."

Cassandra nodded, "Yes, that's correct. We moved Nigawa's gold to a safe place, from where it can be used to finance the resistance. We decided to leave the crown jewels in their vaults at Bromodin though, for the orcs to find. We placed some chests with gold inside the vaults too, and with a little luck they'll conclude it's all there is, and they won't go looking for the gold reserves. The crown jewels are worth a lot of money, but their worth pales next to the worth of the reserve. They have more sentimental value, but they are a known commodity, and their disappearance would likely rouse suspicion."

Her maidens looked sad, as they realized the magnitude of the sacrifice. "Does that include...," Denora said.

She nodded, "Yes, the tears are the most well-known of them all, if anything would be missed it's that jewelry set."

"I don't understand," Polly reacted, "what do those orcs know about the Nigawan crown jewels? They are strangers to these lands."

Cassandra nodded again, "Yes, Polly, but there will be Nigawans collaborating with them, and those will know."

"Won't these collaborators know about the reserves too?" Leavy chimed in.

She shook her head, "No, unlike the crown jewels, the contents of the state coffers is a state secret."

Syldan looked as if she had eaten something off, "Collaborating? With the orcs?"

Cassandra shrugged, "Yes, there will always be people willing to betray their country, because they were discontent, or just for a sack of gold." Her maidens looked disturbed, and then Polly got up and walked out of the room, to return a couple of minutes later with another bottle of Lorasian red. Her junior maiden refilled all the glasses, and once she had retaken her place on the couch Cassandra checked her maidens faces, biting her lower lip, "I'm afraid," she confessed, "I'm afraid we were wrong, and Marecomb was right." Tears welled up in her eyes, "I'm afraid it'll be the axe for me, tomorrow, I'm such a coward..."

Denora was sitting on her right, and Syldan on her left, and both leaned in to her, and hugged her. "We talked about this," Denora said, "and we all agreed it was a miscommunication, even Marecomb himself agreed it probably was."

She nodded, "I know," she was half crying.

Someone sat down on the low table in front of her, and held her face tenderly. "No male in his right mind would execute you," Leavy's voice sounded softly. "I'm willing to bet my life on that." Cassandra looked up at her through teary eyes. "I mean it," Leavy said, "that's how sure I am about it." She blinked back her tears, and Leavy's thumbs wiped her cheeks. "That's it," the platinum blonde whispered, "overcome your fear." She then leaned in, and hugged her too.


That last night before the surrender it was Moiga and Polly's turn to keep her company, and so Leavy and Vala, her official 'get milady tucked in team', got her ready for bed. She was just getting into bed, assisted by Leavy and Vala, when the doors to the living room opened and Moiga and Polly came in. They were dressed in nightgowns, as expected, but what wasn't expected was the pillows and blankets they were carrying. Cassandra opened her mouth to say something, and then closed it again as Denora and Syldan came in behind them, also dressed in nightgowns, and carrying pillows and blankets too.

She watched in amazement, and then Denora handed Leavy and Vala each one of the nightgowns she had been carrying in addition to the pillows and blankets. As the 'get milady tucked in team' started to undress Denora locked eyes with her, "I don't think we'll fit either, but we're going to try nevertheless," she said with a broad smile.

Moiga and Polly got into the bed on both sides, and snuggled up to her, "You two knew about this?" Cassandra asked. Two mischievous smiles answered her question. Syldan got into the bed next, behind Polly, requiring Cassandra to move a little towards Moiga. The bed was full now, and she looked at Denora, who scratched her head, and then loosened the comforter at the foot end of the bed. Her senior maiden picked up her pillow, and got in at the foot end. She felt her feet slide up along her right leg, passed her hip, and then she was in. Denora shook her pillow, put it beneath her head, and then looked up at her, smiling happily.

Leavy and Vala had donned their nightgowns too by now, and slipped in to the left and right of Denora, and then three faces were smiling at her from the foot end of the bed. "It isn't ideal," Denora said, "but beggars can't be choosers..."

Cassandra chuckled, and then she took in the six faces looking up at her one by one. Six happy girls looked back at her. "Thank you," she said after a moment, "for this gift of gifts. I'll never forget this."

"It's our pleasure," Denora replied, "it's a gift we're giving ourselves too." The maiden smiled softly, "Sleep well milady, knowing that your maidens are watching over you."

Moiga gestured at the cord leading up to the light switch, and Cassandra nodded. There was a soft click, and then the warm light faded away as the crystals lost their power. Darkness descended, there was a lot of snuggling up activity, and then soft shapes emerged from the darkness in the dim light filtering through the drapes. The light had a slight orange tinge, but less than before, indicating Lurcan was joining Brag in the night sky.

"I never thought we would all fit," Polly's voice sounded softly beside her.

"We fit because you're only a half sized portion," Leavy answered from the bottom of the bed.

"Well, miss long-legs," Polly replied, "that does mean I can get at your feet, while you can't get at mine..."

"Hey!" Denora yelped, "those are mine!"

Polly giggled, "Sorry..."

There was a lot of chuckling and giggling, and then silence returned once more. "Sleep well everyone," Cassandra said, and her wish echoed back at her from all sides. She then listened to the breathing around her becoming more shallow, as the girls fell into sleep one by one, until only she herself was still awake. She feared going to sleep, because it would bring closer what was awaiting her the next day, and also because of what her dreams could bring. But then she felt the six maidens surrounding her, she felt their combined affection, and Denora's words echoed in her mind, "Your maidens are watching over you." It eased her fears, and sleep claimed her after all.


It felt still early when Cassandra woke, and a glance at the wall mounted chronometer confirmed the feeling, it was only a quarter past seven. She was spooning Polly, and felt Moiga against her back, with a hand dropped over her side, holding her. A familiar raven black mane was visible beyond Polly's blonde locks, and it took a moment for the dots to connect. They were all there, all her maidens were in bed with her, which felt awesome, and then the reason for their presence registered. This was the last time, a lovely goodbye, by six girls who meant the world to her. The sense of loss got overtaken by the fear of what awaited her, and she cringed while tears welled up in her eyes.

She softly started to cry, trying not to awake the still sleeping maidens, but to no avail. The hand on her belly pulled her backwards, against Moiga's warm body. "Please don't cry," the pretty brunette's familiar voice whispered behind her. She nodded, and felt Polly stir. The petite blond turned around, and her concerned eyes locked with her own. She said nothing, just snuggled up to her, pressed her face against her chest, and held her tightly. Syldan's worried face then appeared above Polly's shoulder, and the girl reached out and caressed her face. There was movement towards the foot end of the bed, three more worried faces appeared, and then moved closer.

More hands reached out to her, and started caressing her. "Don't worry, you're going to be okay," Vala said softly. Cassandra trembled, while trying to get a grip on her emotions. The girls just held her, and she slowly managed to calm down. Her breathing eased, and Syldan reached out towards her, and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Thank you," Cassandra managed, "Thank you all for being there for me. I'm okay now..."

She felt the girls relax around her, and noticed Denora glance up at the chronometer. It was half past seven. Denora lowered her head, and rested it on her abdomen. They lay in silence, cuddling, while the hands of the chronometer crept slowly towards eight o'clock. Once it was eight they got up, with the girls showering her in a deluge of hugs and kisses, and then Moiga, Polly, and Syldan left the bedchamber in order to arrange breakfast while the other maidens got her, and themselves, changed into dressing gowns. They had a lavish breakfast, with the girls urging her to eat more, because her appetite was clearly lacking.

Afterwards they all bathed, and she once more enjoyed her maidens' affection as they pampered her. Moiga, Vala, and Denora then took her to her bedchamber, where they dressed her. After a short consideration she choose a halter neck sleeveless dress in charcoal gray, and ankle boots in orange brown leather. "You aren't going to wear the tears?" Denora asked while helping her into the dress.

Cassandra shook her head, "No, just my crown." She then sat herself on the stool before her dressing table, and after they helped her to put on her boots Leavy applied her usual light makeup while Vala braided her hair into an updo. By the time they were finished Denora had fetched her tiara style crown from the vault. She took it from her, and held it in her hands in front of her, admiring the workmanship evident in the intricately wrought silver, and the sparkling blue sapphires. After a moment she placed it on her head, and then let Vala secure it into place. She felt her nimble fingers activate the clasps inside the rim of the crown, and then the redhead stepped back and smiled at her, nodding satisfied.

She smiled back, and then she moved in front of the large mirrors covering the doors of the wall mounted closet, and took herself in. The fabric of the dress clung to her body, leaving the shoulders bare, and ending a hand's breadth below her knees. Sober elegance described the effect the best. She turned around, watching herself; she looked stunningly beautiful too. "Even if they came with the intention to execute you, which I sincerely doubt, they would be hard pressed to follow through with it, after laying eyes on you," Leavy said softly.

The young Kangess could only agree with the maiden, which both reassured and worried her. She put it away for now, and locked eyes with Denora, "I would like you and Syldan to accompany me to the second floor now, but please first arrange for Moiga and Polly to check with the female servants, to confirm to them they are to assemble in the great hall at eleven o'clock. Denora nodded, and then turned and walked away towards the living room doors. She looked at Leavy and Vala next, "And could the two of you please confirm to the nobles they'll be expected to assemble at the great hall at eleven o'clock too?"

Both maiden's nodded, and then they followed her out into the living room, where she found the other maidens waiting for her. Syldan, Polly, and Moiga, complimented her on her choice of dress, and then they left together.


They walked down the hallway of her quarters, and once they arrived at the spiral staircase Moiga and Polly split off, heading towards the female servants' quarters, which were on the same floor. Once at the staircase, Leavy and Vala split off too, as the guest accommodation was located one floor up, and the male servants' quarters, where she herself was headed, were located one floor down. Once at the second floor she led Denora and Syldan to her late father's quarters. Entering its reception room she found it littered with chests and bags, evidence her father's staff was preparing to leave. She entered the private hallway, and then knocked at the closed door leading into the servant's dayroom.

"Yes?" a surprised voice answered her knocking. She recognized Gabrin's voice, opened the door and entered the room. They were sitting on the couches, and six pairs of eyes widened as they registered who had just come in. Gabrin was the first to get up, quickly followed by the others. "Milady?" he managed.

She smiled, "At ease Gabrin, I've come to say goodbye." Her late father's head of staff nodded his understanding. "I'm sorry you're all losing your jobs," she said, "but unfortunately it can't be helped. The orcs demanded it."

Gabrin nodded, "Yes milady, we're aware of that," he exchanged looks with the five other male servants present, "we're worried though, concerning our female colleagues."

She nodded, "I understand your worries, but I'm convinced the orcs have no ill intentions towards the female servants, if I wasn't convinced about that they would be all leaving now too."

The men all visibly relaxed, and then Gabrin's face darkened, "I presume there's no way you yourself can get away from all of this your highness?"

Cassandra slowly shook her head, "I'm afraid not Gabrin. If I flee, all the nobles will be executed you see." The older man she had known from childhood looked down at the floor for a moment, and when he looked up again there were tears in his eyes. She swallowed, "Don't worry Gabrin, I'll survive." He nodded, and she looked at the other men, "Thank you very much for your services gentlemen, you've served my family well. You all have my best wishes for the future. Take care..." They all whispered their thanks, and with that she turned and left, with Denora and Syldan, who had followed her inside, taking up the rear again.

She was already halfway through the reception room when Gabrin caught up with them. Surprised she turned towards him, and then he just hugged her, "The best of luck Cassandra," he said, before letting go of her again. Her maidens' eyes had widened, she let go of decorum too, reached out and hugged him back, "Thank you Gabrin, and the best of luck to you too." He stepped back as she let go of him. She gave him a smile, and then she turned and left the reception room behind. They walked down the quarters' hallway, and after leaving them, headed for the male servants' quarters. The doors proved closed, and she gestured at Denora to take the lead.

Her senior maiden nodded and then she and Syldan proceeded to open the doors, the hallway behind it proved reminiscent to the reception room she just left behind, chests and bags were everywhere. They entered, and as they passed open doors she noticed many men busy packing. They rounded the corner, and there were even more chests and bags, and also men, who stopped doing what they were doing when they noticed her and her maidens. She moved on until she was halfway into the hallway, and there she stopped, and soon found herself surrounded by clearly curious male servants. When the hallway stopped filling, she addressed the gathered men.

"I'm here to thank you for your service, and to say goodbye. Gabrin just informed me that you're worried about what's going to happen to your female colleagues, so I'm going to tell you the same thing I told him and his staff. The orcs have given their word that the female staff won't be harassed sexually, or mistreated in any way, and if I wasn't damned sure they would keep their word the female staff would be busy packing now too." Her words created the same effect as they had with Gabrin's staff earlier. She cleared her throat, "I wish you all well gentlemen, and take good care of your loved ones, as we're entering uncertain times."

With that she gestured at Denora and turned, and her maidens led her back towards the entrance to the male servants' quarters. The men all respectfully made room for them to pass, and there was much bowing, and well wishing, on their way out.


Back in the living room she sat herself down at the dining table, with Denora and Syldan following suit. "Should I get us some tea?" the latter asked.

Cassandra shook her head, "No, we'll wait for the others to return." It didn't take long for the other girls to turn up, and once they were all back Polly joined Syldan on her way to the kitchen. Not much later they were all siting around the dinner table, having tea with banana pie. "How are the female staff holding up?" the young Kangess asked, looking at Moiga and Polly, while sipping her tea.

Moiga shrugged, "Shaken but brave? They trust your judgment, and your protectiveness of them, milady."

Polly nodded her agreement with Moiga's assessment, and Cassandra shifted her gaze to Vala and Leavy. "And how're the nobles doing?" she asked next, fearing the answer.

The two maiden's exchanged glances, and then Vala answered, "The men are stoic, the children are unaware, and the women, well, it depends on their age..."

Leavy nodded, "The older women behave much like the men, and the younger women, the ones still young enough to risk ending up in the brothels, are anxious." She swallowed, "The young ones, the ones our age, they're terrified..."

"The women our age made me realize how well you're handling this," Vala chimed in, throwing her an appreciative look.
