Catch of the Day


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"Yesss," I hiss.

This causes a little giggle from Kaitlin, and a playful nip of my tender skin. Never once do her hands try to wander beyond the level of my hips, as she seems perfectly content to tease me mercilessly with her tongue.

"You smell like you're almost ready," she says.

What's that supposed to mean, I start thinking, and then I feel it. I feel her finger lying across my entrance, gently pressing at the warm, wet flesh there, parting me ever so slightly.

And then it stops. The wonderful sensations stop.

I look down through half-lidded eyes, just in time to see Kaitlin pop her finger in her mouth and noisily slurp every bit of moisture she had collected from me. I shudder. And when she smiles up at me when she's done, I nearly fall off the couch.

Kaitlin catches me, though. She has her hands cupping my ass, lifting me back into the position where she wanted me in the first place. When she's satisfied I'm not going to slide off, Kaitlin pauses, just long enough for me to gaze down at her. When I do, she leans forward and extending her tongue, takes a long, slow, agonizing lick almost over the entire length of my flushed and wet folds. My thighs quiver during her entire journey.

But when she gets to the top, she pauses again. Her tongue is still dancing over my sensitive flesh, but she isn't going any higher.

"Mmm," I moan, in a vain attempt to convince her to move on from where she seems to be stuck. It doesn't work.

Instead, Kaitlin begins drawing lazy circles and figure-eights all over my dripping folds with the tip of her tongue, while her fingertips dance over the length of my legs. My thighs are shaking constantly now and my head feels so light, I honestly think I might pass out.

"Shh," she whispers from between my legs. I have no idea why. And then I feel her filling me. Kaitlin presses her finger inside. She's right, I am ready for her, and she glides easily until the tip of that finger is pressed up against a wonderful, magical bundle of nerve endings. She moves her tongue up just a little bit at the same time.

The effect is my entire body going rigid and then shuddering, with Kaitlin settling her other hand over my pubic bone, probably to avoid getting her teeth knocked out. Soon I'm bucking and singing her praises. I quickly loose any concept of time, but it seems as if she instantly pushes me just short of climax and holds me there until my heels are pounding on the floor and I am quite sure I'm going to die.

With her expert touch, she takes me over the cliff.

"Oh, fu—" I say. "Mmm, mmm, mmm... Gahhh!"

Kaitlin eases up, letting me calm down and after a while helps me sit up a little straighter on the couch. I quickly fall over on my side, closing my eyes and letting out a long, satisfied moan as I do.

"It was okay?" she says.

I pry my lids open to look at her, Kaitlin with her face all sloppy with my juices.

"I meant to keep you on the edge a little longer," she says. "I must be out of practice."

"You were my first," I blurt out.

"Oh, baby." Kaitlin's face gets all scrunched up as she leans over to hug me. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I should have at least wined you and dined you a little first. A sunset and ice cream seems kind of lame in retrospect."

"It was perfect."

We look at each other.

"This couch pulls out into a bed if you still want to stay," she says.

I take Kaitlin's face in my hands. Her eyes are a little moist in the corners, so I kiss them dry. "You promised me a sunrise breakfast," I say. "You're not getting out of that."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Kaitlin climbs up on the couch and manages to find just enough space to snuggle in behind me. I drift for a while, enjoying the afterglow and the warm touch of Kaitlin pressed up against me.

"It's not fair, really," I mumble in one of my more lucid moments.

"I know," she says. "I'll take you out somewhere nice on our next date."

"I meant the fact that you still have your pants on."

"Oh that," she says, as she smiles and begins the long, slow disentanglement process.

Soon, I am staring at Katlin, dressed only in a sports bra and a pair of boy shorts, both of which are giving off a pale white glow in the dim light of the moon peeking through the skylight overhead. The muscles in her thighs and calves ripple as she pads over to a dresser in the corner, pulling forth an over-sized, white t-shirt. I watch with guilty fascination as she stands there, back toward me, peeling off her underwear and slipping the long cotton t-shirt on.

"Better?" she says, turning to face me.


Kaitlin makes her way back and touches her finger to my nose. I can't help but notice that it still smells strongly of sex, and that's got the butterflies jumping again... in my stomach and down below.

"You know, this thing really does pull out into a bed," she says.

I heave an exaggerated sigh. "Fine," I say and roll off, trying to muster just a little grace, as I find myself over-balanced and practically crashing onto her floor.

We both get a good chuckle out of that. And together we convert Kaitlin's tiny studio apartment into a passable bedroom for the night.

"Want some water or anything?" she asks just before we tuck in.

I move closer, trying to be as seductive as possible, particularly after that botched dismount from her couch earlier. I wrap my arms around Kaitlin's neck and stand on tiptoes to kiss her. "I want you."

"Well," she smirks, "I am standing here with no pants on."

I press my lips to hers, and slide my hands from Kaitlin's neck down past her waist, where I grab onto the hem of her shirt. Just as I'm pulling it up, she reaches a hand around a places it on top of mine.

I have a strong feeling I know what she's going to say next, and I don't know if I'm ready for it. My hands start to tremble.

"You know what I'm going to say, don't you?" she asks.


"You can have me naked, Jackie, but I would very much like the same from you."


"But, what, honey?" Kaitlin says. "You can lick me with my shirt on if you want. But if you decide we should both be naked, I promise I won't run away, if that's what you're worried about."

I nod weakly. The butterflies have left, and now all I can feel is a tightening in my throat. Part of me wants to tell her to leave her shirt on, that what we have so far is good enough. The other part of me is telling me that I may never find another moment like this.

I'm trying to be more spontaneous. It's Kaitlin's voice, from earlier in the evening, that I hear in my head as I clench the hem of my shirt tight in my grasp. I take a deep breath and pull as quick as I can, before I lose my nerve. From the corner of my eye, I see a flash of white as Kaitlin sheds hers as well.

We stand there, naked in the moonlight, both looking at each other's bodies, but so far unable to meet the other's gaze. Surprisingly, it's me who raises my eyes first. If I'm being honest, it's not out of courage, but rather that I want to catch her true reaction before she has a chance to soften it. My hands clench.

But there is no look of horror, only the moonlight reflecting in Kaitin's eyes, as she reaches to lightly touch the inside of my arm, just below my elbow. Her fingertip rests on a raised line of scar tissue. "Does it hurt?" she asks.

"Not anymore." I sniffle just a little as I stand there, hands still clenched, still shaking despite her calm reaction. "I guess I'm lucky," I say. "My mom found me."

I feel her lips on my skin, where her fingertip was resting only a moment ago, and I forget what I was going to say next. Whatever it was, it doesn't seem important anymore.

I unclench my hands as I feel her trying to weave her fingers in with mine. And suddenly, I am sobbing, as she begins slowly planting kisses up the inside of my arm, a part of my body I have rarely let anyone see, much less touch.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she whispers, her breath tickling my wrist.

I shake my head.

Kaitlin raises her head again and holds me tightly to her, as my own heart thumps. The feeling of her bare skin on mine is too warm and comforting to describe. I wrap my arms around her and cover her face with tiny kisses, until we both tumble to the mattress of her pull-out couch. I let go a final sob and take in a deep breath of relief.

"Thank you," she says.

"For what?"

"For your honesty."

I sense that Kaitlin's about to go all gooey on me, and start sharing her feelings. And then maybe expect the same from me. It might seem cold, but that's the last thing I want right now, and I decide to put a quick stop to it.

"And here I thought you were going to thank me for my tongue," I say, and take a swipe at her neck, all the way up to just below her ear, and whisper, "even before I have a chance to really get started."

Kaitlin chuckles as I start moving, but soon I've got her purring. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, since she really is my first real sexual experience, but I just do whatever I've always fantasized about someone doing to me. Amazingly enough, it works.

Kaitlin's back is arched as I swirl my tongue around her tummy, tracing out ever-tightening circles. I use the opportunity to get my hands under her hips and maneuver her closer to my waiting mouth. Kaitlin is my first taste of a woman, and it's a taste I will never forget. Sweet and tangy and musky, all together at the same time.

And very vocal. I won't soon forget that, either.

"Ooh, yes. Right there. Don't stop." These are the words flowing freely from her mouth, as her juices flow freely onto my lapping tongue.

I let go of one hip so I can begin exploring with my finger. As soon as I enter her, she squeezes down.

"That's it, baby, right there. Mmm."

I shiver, and come up for air with a huge cheese-eating grin on my face. She called me baby.

I want to keep her on the edge forever, since that's what she said she had intended to do with me, but I'm having a hard time holding back. It feels so good just having her body writhing under my touch, that I get carried away and send her over the cliff sooner than I had anticipated.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" she yells, as she bucks and squirms on the mattress.

I'm a little shocked, since I've never heard Kaitlin swear, but I'm still proud of getting an enthusiastic response on my first foray into the art of cunnilingus. I rest my head on her thigh and snicker, reminding myself that we haven't exactly been dating long enough for me to know everything about her.

"What's so funny down there?" Kaitlin's coaxing me up, to lie next to her.

"Nothing," I say, snuggling in. "I was just thinking about how long we've been dating."

"So, we're dating now?" Kaitlin rolls over and picks up her cell phone from the side table and concentrates on the display for a moment. "About six and a half hours," she announces cheerfully. "Unless you're thinking all those free salads count as dates. Then I really don't know."

"It's been a good six and a half hours."

"It has."

At her urging, I snuggle up with my head on her chest, and we are both content to stay that way until morning.

* * *

Kaitlin wasn't kidding about her Eggs Benedict, or the sunrise. Both were pretty awe-inspiring this morning. So was she, in her over-sized t-shirt and nothing else.

"I'm glad you stayed," she says. "More grilled tomato?"

"Thanks, but I'm stuffed." I smile and stretch. "Hey, have you seen my phone? I should text my aunt and let her know I'm still alive."

Kaitlin goes off to dig around on the floor where the couch is still unfolded into a messy bed. She raises her hand in victory, holding up two devices that she's found, hers and mine. She passes both to me as she stands to one side of the breakfast bar.

"When you're done texting Aunt May, I was hoping you might put your number in my contacts? Just in case I feel spontaneous again."

I peer up at her and grin. "Aunt Sarah," I say as I hold her phone in my hand to tap in my number. I pass it back to her. "So does this mean we're dating now?"

Kaitlin squints at the time displayed on her phone. "Eighteen hours and fifteen minutes. Unless you're going to count all those free salads."

I slip my hand behind her neck and touch my lips to hers.

* * *


Thanks for reading. May you all find your Kaitlin in this new year.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

Excellent … but I wonder just how many people missed finding their Kaitlin because of how that year turned out.

FandeborisFandeborisover 2 years ago

Your slice of life stories are the best. Just enough and you're done.

Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

Beautiful. So well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

As always a very good story. I think it's the first one on Lit that I've read that deals or even mentions suicide. You handled that very well. I also liked the whole sunset trip and how they returned the car.


stroudlestroudleover 4 years ago
Delightful as ever

Kaitlin and Jackie, two brilliant characters, both with their own baggage and scars, which keeps the story on the right side of sappy romance.

I do love your slice of life stories and this was brilliant as always

Thank you WP


🐳Whale watching

👵Aunt Sarah and her many names

🌇Sunset romance

🍦Icecream anyone

🌋A nice climax each

alexwatson62alexwatson62over 4 years ago
I LOVE THESE ,,,,,,,,,

......... short, sweet and sappy stories.

It sorta reminds me of another of yours ........ yellow something? or something like that rofl :P

As always, well written and full of amazing mental imagery.

LinneaLundinLinneaLundinover 4 years ago

Nice and sweet story. Thank goodness Cap'n Dave has such a nice car. I'm a fan of your sloppy romances. Please more of them! Thanks WP

Maddie624Maddie624over 4 years ago

This was really cute! :)

TSreaderTSreaderover 4 years ago
A lovely story!

Very real, and very sweet! Thank you!

metroalmametroalmaover 4 years ago

We needed this.

I know it was a day brightener on a day without a lot of lightheartedness. Thank you for showing the good side of spontaneity!

LilyVonSchtuppLilyVonSchtuppover 4 years ago
Short and sweet

You do these slice of life stories so well. A wonderful little feel good story to start the New Year off. I would love to hear the backstory to these two ladies though.

As always, thank you for sharing it with us.

dirtyricekingdirtyricekingover 4 years ago
Great story

I too, love sappy love stories! These two are adorable together, and deserve a sequel!

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicover 4 years agoAuthor
Grins and where I've been...

JPGmvny: The cheese-eating grin is just a milder form of the popular shit-eating grin. I don't know the etymology, but it's something I grew up hearing. I thought it was a good fit for Jackie's innocence. The girl can't even utter the word 'fuck' in the middle of an orgasm, so I'm pretty sure all her grins are the cheese-eating variety.

And for the anonymous Abi: I never really left. I've just been hanging out in SciFi/Fantasy for a while with a serial tale called Dance Until the World Ends. I chose SciFi/Fantasy because the setting is in the distant future, but in all honesty it could fit right in the Lesbian category with the heroine and her BFF being lovers throughout.

And for everyone else: Thank you for reading and taking the time to leave comments. I really enjoy reading them. Make the best of the new year!

VikingboyVikingboyover 4 years ago
Sweet & Sexy!

Thank you for sharing!

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