Catwoman Ch. 01: Superhero

Story Info
Batman converts a sexbot into the crime fighting Catwoman.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 07/22/2023
Created 08/31/2022
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1. I do not claim ownership of this property.

2. This story is made up and not a part of the original property, BATMAN, which was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.

3. I am not earning money from this story.

4. The characters used within the story were created by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, and Sheldon Moldoff.

Anyways, without further ado...

Catwoman - An Erotic Fembot Novella (Chapter I of VI)




The air was thick with drizzling rain; rivulets of water streaked off of the edges of Selina's reinforced carbon fiber cowl, splashing at her feet.

Her matte black mask, anti-reflective and subtly shaped like a cat's ears, was only interrupted with two small cutouts from which her hazel irises glimmered brilliantly. Those irises, which could fully change color in less than 50 microseconds, watched the clouds overhead light up as the bat signal turned on, illuminating the cloud-soaked Gotham sky.

She chuckled to herself and activated her 'Comms-Link' communications channel, "Looks like it's going to be a busy night."

A weathered voice on the other end responded. "Looks that way. I guess it's a good thing we upgraded your batteries when we did."

"Yeah. Just next time Bruce...let a girl know if her upgrade is going to add five pounds to her chassis. Creating all those software patches to correct my balance settings wasn't easy, you know!"

Bruce chuckled, "Understood, Selina..." He paused, shuffling around on his end of the connection. "...Look, I just want to say that I'm proud of you. That signal up there was first turned on 33 years ago and there's never been a time in which its call hasn't been answered."

He exhaled, "The Batman may not be the one answering the call these days, yet it is answered just the same. We are answering it. You are answering it, Selina."

She redirected her gaze from the bat signal down to the slick asphalt beneath her black thigh-high combat boots, water streaming underfoot.

"Oh Bruce. You're going to make a girl blush."

"Give them hell Catwoman. I'll be right here with you watching what you see, listening to what you hear." The Comms-Link shut off and Selina immediately got to work.


Tucked away in the dark of the Batcave, Bruce watched Selina's system readouts as she went about her night cleaning up the streets of Gotham. Spread across several large monitors, Bruce had Selina's camera feed, audio interpolator, Heads Up Display (HUD), and Main CPU command line all feeding him real-time data streams.

He had started work on her nearly three years prior, but had only let her out into the wild six months ago. Even over that short period of time, he had seen her abilities grow measurably and her personality core evolve, really beginning to come into its own.

He groaned audibly as he pushed back in his chair, his back seizing up painfully, as he watched Selina deftly handle two thugs who were trying to drag a woman into an alley.

His body was not what it used to be; the last three years of his time as the Batman before Selina's introduction had been excruciatingly painful. Now, with her in place as Gotham's 'cloaked vigilante', Bruce had only just begun to heal from a lifetime of hand-to-hand combat.

His thoughts began to wander to a time when he had fought side by side with a different Catwoman, but they were interrupted as he saw Selina's radio scanners lock on to her next targeted mission for the night. It looked dangerous.


Tuners embedded within Selina's carbon-composite ears activated and began scanning through the litany of Gotham Police Department (GPD) radio broadcasts.

Locking onto an urgent call from a high-end jewelry store, Selina kicked in the clutch of her motorcycle and took off. She had a detailed map of Gotham imprinted within her memory banks, and with just a cursory analysis of the store's surrounding area, she was able to generate a series of approach vectors.

She handled the heavily modified racing bike with precision, the dual-usage of her LIDAR sensors and traditional optics working in unison to constantly analyze the path in front of her. Her Main Processing Array then took this data and issued discretized digital instructions to the many servo motors installed throughout her lithe chassis. The servo motors fired with precision, allowing near flawless operation of the motorcycle.

She leaned hard into her turns and floored the accelerator coming out of each one; her multitude of Balance and Spatial Awareness subsystems were in complete control of the bike's movements as she weaved in and out of the sleepy Gotham traffic. Her shoulder-length brunette hair spilled out from beneath her cat cowl, flowing freely in the wind.

Throughout the ride, Selina had to actively tamp down her Arousal Subroutines as the front curve of the cycle's seat happened to push up through the smooth black crotch of her skintight catsuit making firm contact with her sensor-dense plastic clit. She couldn't help but to continuously grind her mound against the seat as each vibration of the road sent a flurry of activity through her Sexual Suite of software.

Covering the ground to the jewelry store in less than five minutes, Selina did a quick drive-by on the opposite street out front to get an assessment of the situation. She cataloged at least three men posted up on the inside of the store firing shots out at a single GPD car parked outside.

Two officers were seeking cover behind the vehicle, occasionally returning fire whenever the bombardment upon them slowed. Her ocular sensors flagged a potential two additional men further back in the store, but her systems failed to confirm this for certain and left it as an unknown variable in her ever evolving action plan.

She drove a block further and then cut back into an alley that dead-ended two shops down from the jewelry store. The first shop was a deli that was closed for the night.

"Easy enough." Selina thought to herself. She parked the bike against the alley wall and walked up to the bodega's alley-access door. Reaching to her utility belt, she pulled out a lockpicking set which she quickly put to use in successfully cracking the door open.

Moving inside and quietly pulling the door closed behind her, Selina carefully stepped through the back-kitchen area and found an access door attached to the next store over. She checked the handle and found it surprisingly unlocked. "Easy enough." She repeated to herself, in the same neutral tone as before.

Now finding herself in a small storage room for what she presumed was some kind of second-hand electronics store, Selina's ultra-sensitive audial sensors detected a suspected single individual directly in the room ahead of her. However, it was hard for her systems to make a determination with certainty as her audial sensors had to try to make out muffled footsteps separate from the renewed sound of gunshots emanating from the jewelry store next door.

She stealthily slid out from her position and surveyed the shared wall directly ahead. A visual and LIDAR inspection didn't reveal any means of direct through-access, but that didn't deter Selina. Switching to her Thermal Imaging Suite, she looked up towards the ceiling and identified a portion carrying utility piping between the two stores. She calculated the diameter of the dead-space where she would pass through to be just large enough for her nimble chassis to squeeze into. She marked the area on her 3-Dimensional spatial imprint of the room and flipped back over to her standard set of optics, expertly camouflaged within her lifelike eyes.

She reached towards her utility belt for her magnetized grappling hook but was interrupted just as she pulled it out of its holster.

"Stop right there. I swear if you're here to rob me too I'll put a bullet right....right between your eyes."

Selina turned to see a stocky man, likely in his mid-50's, standing in the doorway to the front of the shop, a gun pointed directly at her. She cursed her systems for not picking up on his silent entrance. Knowing that the quick switching between her different imaging systems most likely knocked her 360 degree motion sensing capabilities down several pegs in computational priority. She made an internal log to rectify the minor hiccup with a software hotfix later on.

She knew that her armored skull-plate could withstand several rounds of small arms fire, but not wanting to further complicate the mission she relented, putting her hands up in the air. "I'm not here to rob you. I'm here to stop them." She emphasized the last word with a gesture towards the sounds of gunshots next door.

She took a small step towards the man and readied a large amount of fast-acting, synthetic pheromones in a small pressurized chamber at the base of her plastic throat. Taking another step forward, she opened her mouth to speak again and released the fragrant aphrodisiac, "I stop bad men like them. I just needed to come through here to catch them by surprise."

She cracked a flirty laugh and played with her cowl's cat ears, "That's kind thing."

Selina ran a thermal analysis on the man and could already detect slight swells of temperature sprouting up in different areas of his body. She took another step towards him, now just a few feet away, and smiled provocatively, "Do you know who I am?"

"You're uhh...You're that that Cat Lady that's always beatin' people up and breakin' in places!"

Taking one last step closer to the man, Selina put a finger to his lips, "Shhhh. I only beat up the people that deserve it..." She leaned in, exhaling into his ear, "...and I only break in places to steal from those same people. The people that deserve it. Right?"

Lowering the gun the man stammered out, "Wow. Well okay. Say...Cat Lady...anyone ever tell 'ya that you're way prettier in person than all the reports and stories make 'ya out to be?"

Selina put both hands to her generous hips and stuck her chest out, "All the time."

She then leaned in for a quick kiss with the man while simultaneously guiding his free hand onto her sporty, and well-proportioned, backside. She let him explore her goods for several seconds before stepping backwards. "Now, I'm going to stop them. I need you to keep quiet and to stay out of the way okay? A hostage like yourself would only complicate this further for me."

"Yeah! No problem...errr Cat Lady. Is there any way I can help?

"You can help me the most by replacing this ceiling tile once I'm gone." She pointed up to the area of the ceiling which housed her entrance point to the jewelry store.


She fired her magnetic grappling gun at the spot, which thankfully just knocked the ceiling tile out of the way, and once a stable anchor-point was confirmed, she activated the grappling gun's built-in motor which rapidly pulled her upwards.

Now above the ceiling, Selina detached her grappling gun, and supporting herself from the utility piping, she climbed forwards until her LIDAR systems confirmed that she was directly above what she determined to be the jewelry store's back office.

Bruce chimed in over the Comms-Link, "That was very creative Selina. I'm impressed with how you handled that shop owner back there. Let me know if I can give you any more information; right now it looks like there's still only one set of cops out there, but at least four more are inbound. GPD-Net is saying they'll be there in less than five minutes, so those robbers will be looking for an escape in a hurry."

"Understood Bruce, I'll act fast." She blushed, "Thanks for the compliment by the way. I just wish that you couldn't see my Arousal Subroutine's reaction to my little interaction back there..."

Bruce chuckled, "It's not a problem. But...if you'd like I can make sure to personally look at your Arousal Subroutines later and make sure that they're operating just as designed?"

Selina's tight plastic pussy moistened at the thought. "I'm sure you just saw that little reaction as well? Sounds perfect, I can't wait."

"Good luck little cat."

"As if I need it."

Confirming the presence of a man just beneath her with the aid of her Thermal Imaging Suite, Selina dropped from the utility piping and kicked down straight through the foam ceiling tile which separated them. She blasted through it with an explosion of white dust before colliding the heel of her shiny, black combat boot with the skull of the man below. He went down in an unconscious heap with Selina gracefully perched on top.

It wasn't exactly the most subtle of approaches, but the seemingly never-ending rain of gun fire out front disguised the noise rather well.

Selina removed the two automatic pistols holstered at the man's hip, removed their magazines, emptied their bullets onto the floor, and broke them each in half with her strong motorized hands.

Her action plan, imprinted in her Memory & Operation Register, updated that one man of a definite three, and potential five, was now incapacitated.

Keeping low to the ground, her generous backside causing her snug neoprene catsuit to stretch, Selina slid stealthily across an exposed hallway and into another, larger back room. This one was filled with small lockers that were currently being emptied of their goods by two masked men. She reached for her dual tipped incapaci-TASER, but in a bout of bad timing, was spotted upon removing it from her utility belt.

Both men immediately pointed their guns at her and began firing.

Selina hastily dove beneath a nearby metal desk which furiously sparked as the frenzy of bullets ricocheted off its surface.

"Someone's back here with us! One of you guys get over here! We've got the sonofabitch pinned down!"

Selina's processors went into overdrive formulating her next steps just as the barrage of small arms fire momentarily subsided. Her audial suite picked up on the telltale sounds of guns reloading which triggered her to spring into action.

Laying against the floor, she pushed out head first and used her advanced targeting system to simultaneously lock onto both targets. She pulled the trigger and watched as one electrically charged tip shot out from the taser making direct contact, while the other deflected off of its mark.

The man who was hit crumpled to the ground as 50,000 volts coursed through his body.

The luckier of the two men ducked behind a low wall where Selina heard him complete his reload. She returned to her own cover just in time for another stream of bullets to fly her direction. She calculated that her time behind this specific piece of cover was limited, so she pulled out one of two small concussive smoke grenades from a secured pouch attached to her utility belt.

She primed the grenade and tossed it directly at the man. 1.5 seconds later it erupted with a blinding concussive flash before proceeding to fill the room with a coarse white smoke. Selina engaged her Thermal Imaging Suite, and combat rolled at an adjacent angle to the man, sneakily flanking his position. Staying low to the ground, Selina snuck up on the armed man from behind as he called out to his remaining counterparts, "I need you back here now! They used some kind of smoke grenade or something, I can't see a th...."

The man's plea for help was cut short as Selina, with a hand clamped tight over his mouth, caved in his knee with a motor-assisted inward kick of her heavy combat boots. She slipped a small injection of sedative into the back of his neck, and to prevent further noise, let him gently down to the ground.

Selina's Memory & Operation Register now logged three men incapacitated with an unknown number still remaining up front.

"Guys! Where are you?! I can't see anything back here."

One of the men from the front of the store had finally made his way back. Using the smoke as her cover, Selina crouched and charged the man from an angle.

"Jay, Tallon, Sascha - If I don't hear something from y'all I'ma start firing."

Selina was about 10 feet hard to the man's left when she accidentally stepped on a small piece of loose glass that had come free from her grenade's concussive force. Her processors were so focused on the armed man that a cursory warning from her Spatial Analysis Subsystem regarding the glass hadn't been processed quickly enough. She cursed herself for a sloppy usage of her vast processing capacity. Again, she made a note to correct this later on that night with a software hotfix.

The man turned faster than her systems anticipated and began firing his automatic rifle. Selina dove out of the way, but not before several rounds found their mark. Two bullets buried themselves in her left shoulder and another two impacted just beneath her left breast. Flexible kevlar mesh, embedded just beneath her soft synth-skin and haptic sensory-weaves, kept the bullets from damaging her internals, but a quick system analysis confirmed her shoulder's range of motion was significantly hampered.

Several alerts flashed across Selina's HUD as her damaged sensors delivered errant data streams.

"Rico! I hit them, I hit them! I think it's that vigilante cat bitch! Get that railgun ready. We need to finish her off now!"

Selina reached for her incapaciTASER but found it blown to bits. Automatic rifle fire continued to rain down all around her as her sophisticated processing arrays updated the incapaciTASER variable within her vast algorithmic repertoire of combat-oriented subroutines.

Switching over fully to her LIDAR array, and using the full breadth of her processing capacity, she quickly built a three dimensional map of the jewelry store which she loaded into her Memory & Operation Register. She spotted a hanging cable near her armed attacker and directed extra power through each of her leg's servo motors in preparation of her next move.

She pushed off the ground, and picking up speed, leapt into a wall run rounding the corner towards her assailant. He adjusted his aim and the wall beneath Selina's boots exploded as bullets ripped it apart. However, Selina was too quick, and untouched, she finished her wall run off with a superhuman leap.

The man yelled out, "Rico get over he...." right as Selina's fist cracked his jawbone in half. He folded over onto the ground, writhing in pain, muttering incoherently.

Crouching down, Selina ran an ocular scan on the front of the store and found the final man looking her way. However, her system's focus quickly shifted to the large shoulder-mounted weapon he had pointed directly at her.

Its barrel erupted in a turbulent explosion of fabulous blue energy. Selina's systems had no time to react as a hypersonic magnetized slug whizzed right by her face impacting the wall just behind her.

The blast violently flipped her into the air end-over-end, her chassis awkwardly slamming into the far wall with a mechanized whine of servo motors. A deluge of errors flashed across her HUD so fast it caused her Main CPU to stutter.

Attempting to push herself up, Selina found her Motor Management Subsystem completely unresponsive. Troubleshooting the situation, she tried to restart the subsystem but the process errored out over and over again. She laid there motionless for several seconds, save for some occasional erratic twitches brought on from errant servo motor activation requests. She could hear Bruce shouting through her Comms-Link but she struggled to transform the audio into anything discernible that her systems could interpret.

Her acoustic sensors were still operating though and they picked up on the sound of footsteps approaching. The sounds grew closer, yet all Selina could do was just lay there, completely immobile.

Her eyes tracked the man's face as he leaned over, leering down at her.

"Well well. What do we have here? If it isn't the cat woman who's got all of Gotham scared shitless...and she's..." He squatted down and reached a hand curiously towards her shoulder, "...and she's a robot!?" He laughed maniacally and tore a loose wire free. Selina's eyes blinked rapidly in and out of sync with each other as her Power Management subsystem worked to reroute power away from the affected area.