Caught You


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With that she plunged her fingers as deep into her pussy as she could get them and then pulled them out. They glistened in the light as she showed me, a drop left her fingers and landed on her pubic bone. By now all pretence had gone, Erin's breathing had changed, her fingers frantically rubbing her clit.

"Make a deal with you Daniel...."

Erin softly moaned and slowed down what she was doing with her fingers.

"If you can get naked and over here before I cum, you can have my ass tonight."

Shaking my head slightly I stood. The smile on her face got even bigger as I came over and sucked the fingers she had just offered. I could see her quicken her pace with her other hand. Her ass was the one thing she had dangled in front of me all through our relationship. To her it was a no go zone, Erin was happy with me playing with it but I was never going to get my dick anywhere near it, she had never tried it and never wanted to. Now she offered me a deal that she thought she couldn't lose, big mistake.

All I needed to do now was to play dumb for just a few seconds more.

"So, what you're saying Erin is that if I can get naked and you have not cum I get your ass and you will willingly let me have it."

She started to speed up the pressure on her clit. She could barely get the word 'yes' out of her mouth before she had to clamp it shut to suppress the closeness of her orgasm. Erin quickly closed her eyes and her head started to move upwards, her fingers almost a blur. I grabbed Erin's hips and lifted her clean off the bed. Her hand instantly stopped and her eyes shot open as I flipped her onto her front, her hands instinctively outstretched to protect herself if she fell.

Once she landed back on the bed I placed my knee on her ass as I started to undress, Erin looked over and see what I was doing. She tried to push her hand under herself so she could climax, my knee on her ass preventing her from getting anywhere near her pussy. When her hand tried sneaking behind her I quickly slapped it away.

"Daniel you bastard that's not fair, I need to cum I'm so damn close. You need to get your knee off my ass."

Once again she tried to get her hand under herself. That's when I sat on the back of her legs and I felt her body stiffen, my hand went around her wrist and I pulled her hand up and wrapped her fingers around my steel hard cock.

"I think you will find Erin that ass of yours is actually mine for the night."

Her shoulders visibly slumped and Erin's head once again rested on the pillow, those fingers around my cock started to move up and down my shaft.

"I suppose there is no use begging, is there?"

We both knew I had taken this as far as I wished it to go. Sending Erin the message that I won't be messed with ever again sometimes had to be reinforced and in ways that she could clearly understand. My hand once again took her wrist and she reluctantly released her grip on my cock. Her body stiffened as she felt my weight lift off her legs, I gave her ass a gentle slap as I walked back to my chair and sat down.

It took a moment for Erin to realize I wasn't near her anymore. She looked up from her pillow totally confused, her brow almost knitted together such was her lack of understanding. Eventually she moved onto her side and watched me for a moment.

"It's yours Daniel, I won't say you cheated but I will say you took the terms I set rather loosely."

Then she smiled that sweet smile of hers once again before saying. "You always were the one to think outside the box, I genuinely thought I had all the bases covered."

For perhaps the first time that evening I actually smiled. She just had to have the last word on everything. I suppose it was simply her nature. Even when she stood, walked over to her bag and pulled something out of it, I was still smiling. Whatever it was Erin had in her hand she kept it out of my view. She used that hand and placed it on my shoulder for support as she straddled my legs, her other hand went under her and guided me into her truly soaked pussy.

Erin both moaned and gritted her teeth all the way down. Once she got herself comfortable she looked directly at me and smiled that sweet smile that even now can still punch holes in my heart, we kissed.

"Fuck Daniel that did actually hurt. Maybe it did heal over with lack of use."

Erin held on tight I was laughing that much.

Every once in a while she would kiss my forehead and go back to hugging me, she never moved from her seat and who was I to argue. It was sure wet and warm in there and my cock was telling me it didn't want to come out ever again. For what felt like an age we stayed just like that, Erin the only one moving. I knew she had something on her mind, it was down to her to simply tell me so we could both deal with it. Until then this warm body was sticking (no pun intended) very close to that warm body.

"Daniel. You have to know I have loved you more intensely than I have ever loved anyone and you scare me sometimes, not in a harm me sort of way. But a make me face up to all these emotions sort of way."

Gently pulling her away from me so I could look at her wasn't all that easy, the tears had once again started to fall. I kissed them and avoided my first instinct which was to disagree with her, instead I waited.

"I came here because I want us back and now I have you I'm going to make sure I never let you go again. Change within me won't happen overnight, let's not kid ourselves here. But my heart tells me you will look out for me when I become vulnerable around you and I love that feeling, it's no longer a feeling of weakness for me anymore."

The rest of Erin's arm came from behind me and her hand opened up to show me a small bottle of lube. The little round bottle rolled back and forth in her hand, she was trembling that much.

"My ass is the one part of me I have refused you. That isn't going to happen anymore, my Love. All I ask is that this first time we do this on my terms, because I'm scared Daniel. Oh, I know you will be gentle that has always been your nature around me. But I need this once, please Daniel, give me this one time."

My hand went to hers and closed her fingers over her bottle. I understood what Erin was giving me but we both knew she simply wasn't ready yet. She started to cry, heart breaking sobs that got louder as her head came to rest on my shoulder. Erin once again tried to open her hand, I kept my fingers in place, the bottle of lube still sat snuggly in her palm.

"Erin I've asked you twice if I could have your ass, both times you have let me know in pretty vocal terms that it was out of bounds and if you remember I had never asked you since. This is not part of the deal to us fixing us."

This time I let go of her hand, the gentle sobs had now slowed as she listened to what I said and digested it. Her hand once again opened and I took the bottle from it. Her body stiffened slightly, I'm not sure she knew that I had noticed.

"Since we are cutting each other deals, how about I make you a deal."

The bottle of lube was placed on the small table next to the chair. Erin lifted her head to watch me place it there and then she turned to look at me. I didn't have the heart to tell her that for such a beautiful lady she looked like shit at the moment. I pulled a tissue from the box next to the bed and wiped away the tears, we could both feel my cock pulsate inside her reminding us both that we were joined together on so many levels.

"The next time you come to me with that bottle in your hand then we will use it, ok? Until then I have two holes in this lovely body of yours that keeps me busy enough."

For such a long time we just stared at each other. It was no test, merely an understanding. Erin slowly smiled.

"I love you so much and I need you to know that so very much. I can't live without you and I need your help to make us work."

"You just remember that one statement when my dick is buried in your ass and you're screaming in agony whilst calling me a bastard wont you."

Erin's whole body visibly shook. Her eyes grew almost as big as saucers and then took on a look of uncertainty until I could hold back no longer and smiled. That was when she punched me on the shoulder and did indeed call me a bastard. I held her head in my hands and we kissed, Erin softly moaned and almost instinctively her pelvic started to rock back and forth. Reluctantly our lips parted and with a sigh she once again rested her head on my shoulder.

"You're the only man that has ever made me go through such a kaleidoscope of emotions in such a sort space of time. Yet I always seem to come back for more."

"I suppose if nothing else Erin we sure make life interesting for each other."

Erin sighed and I watched her nod her head slightly in agreement before she said. "Well Daniel I know this isn't going to sound remotely romantic, but I need you to fuck me senseless so we can both clear the cobwebs away. The romance can wait until I get you hard a second time, it's going to mean much more for us both then."

My cock was once again twitching in her pussy sure letting us both know it was in agreement with what she had just said. The day I held that door handle in my hand and said goodbye, I swore I would never go back to being what she said she needed. I knew looking into her eyes I would break that promise to myself, otherwise the whole conversation we had just had would be meaningless. I had to accept Erin had a need and she had been forced by my leaving her to face those thoughts and feelings.

It was perhaps time to give her what she needed and trust her. I thought leaving her was the turning point in our relationship, now I understood I could not leave her just as she knew she couldn't continue down her own destructive path. Our lives had become so intertwined that it took me leaving even for such a short time to see what we both had to do, not for us individually but for us as a couple. We simply forgot and that coupled with our own stubbornness simply pulled us apart.

That stubbornness to be the more dominant in this relationship made us forget that we are now a couple and neither one of us was willing to sit down with the other and adjust even a little in our own attitudes to each other to find that middle ground. We were two fish in a fisherman's keep net, thrashing around yet the more we thrashed the more the water churned up hiding what was wrong with our relationship in the first place. In a sense we could only talk with our clothes on, once we got naked we simply got carnal and ignored the signals we gave out to each other.

"A dollar for your thoughts."

Erin was still rocking her pelvis back and forth her pussy juices trickling out of her leaving a damp area around my groin and the flush of her cheeks letting me know she was close to what was going to be her first orgasm of the evening brought me back to our reality.

"A dollar?"

Erin nodded, a gentle moan escaped her lips before her eyes closed for a long moment and even the smile that danced across her lips gave so much away about what she was not only thinking but feeling. She moved in and bit my ear before whispering into it.

"You've not heard of inflation?"

Her arms wrapped themselves around me again as I chuckled at her joke. I placed one arm on her back and the other on the arm of the chair. Even in her very aroused state, Erin sensed the movement, her pussy muscles clamped down on my cock and her head once again rested on my shoulder as I stood and cleared the chair her legs automatically wrapped themselves around me, my shoulder now wet with her tears and whispered thank-you that seemed to be in a cycle the closer we both got to the bed.

The sudden turn and slamming her up against the wall was met with a sigh of contentment as I held her again the wall and fucked her. My upward thrust into her earned me a groan that grew in pitch, as my thrusts became more frantic and the pain from my shoulder as Erin sank her teeth into it desperately trying to hold off her orgasm as long as she could simply confirmed it. Suddenly the pain became more intense as her pussy seemed to try to pull more of me into her. Erin shuddered and climaxed.

Erin then did the one thing that I knew her body craved, even after all our hours of talking. She had asked me for time, I suppose we all have to start with small steps. As her climax started to fade her legs around my waist relaxed and her whole body weight forced my cock deeper into her. Instinctively her upper body rested against the wall, her tits now in full view. My darling Erin was so easy to read even with the short time we had shared together.

With Erin's full weight bearing down on my cock I knew I had at best seconds before the discomfort turned to pain. My hand enveloped her tits kneading that pleasurable flesh back into her body. Erin's arms left my shoulders and for a second settled on my hands the middle finger of both her hands running along the back of mine before she raised them back to my shoulders. Not once had her eyes opened, the smile that started to spread across her lips finally gave way to one word that escaped her.


The ripple effect of her pussy had all but ceased, her legs had eased to the extent that her whole body weight was pushing down on my cock. My fingers became claws and slowly twisted her tits, a glint of discomfort made her smile falter. That warmth around my cock quickly increased as her mind yielded its secret once again to her body, my fingers finally reached for her nipples and twisted them as hard as I dared and then added just a little more.

That magnificent pussy of hers clamped tighter than I thought it could. Erin quickly took in a deep breath her eyes opened and her hands left my shoulder to grab my head pulling me close to her for us to what could only be described as eat each other. I bit down on her lower lip just as her next orgasm tore up her body from her pussy and exited through her mouth giving off and ear splitting scream as it did so, letting go of both her nipples at the same time sent a tingling feeling through her, chasing the remnants of her orgasm up her body.

Her body was little more than a sweat drenched, panting, groaning mess. I quickly let go of her nipples and lifted her off my cock. Erin was now too exhausted to protest, other than to watch me with lust filled eyes. Usually we stopped there, by now I would have been so disgusted with my action, that I would have called a halt to hurting her even though she had gone to great lengths to tell me that she used pain to get her that last orgasm which always seemed to be her most intense.

When I swiveled sideways and tossed her onto the bed. The shock on her face was total. She bounced once and came to a stop in the middle and on her back. Her mouth opened to say something. I didn't wait around to listen, by now I was between her legs and pulling them as far apart as I could. I saw her hands grab her legs and looked up at her, she was looking down at me still unsure, this was indeed new ground for us both but also in the process of pulling her legs up towards her seemed to signify she gave everything of herself and trusted me with it all.

Nature had bestowed on women the wonder of a pussy that is so beautiful to look at. Add to that the fact that it looks just amazing when it's been freshly fucked and that was the scene before me. My mouth attached to that cum dripping, blood engorged area and my arms around her hips telling Erin I was going nowhere for some time to come. My journey over that small area kept her moaning for an age.

Her hands finally gave out and her legs rested over my shoulders and across my back as her hands moved to hold the back of my head, trying as best she could to force more of me into her as one mini orgasm chased another through her body. Erin's pussy would buck and hump my face in return for more pleasure to be fed into it. As my fingers dug into her hips, my mouth moved to that little area and the assault on her clit began that had her screaming so much she had to pull a pillow off the bed and wrap it around her face.

As one orgasm would build within her I continued to hold onto her hips forcing her orgasm to take its revenge in other ways. Poor Erin was paying the price. Her screams into the pillow and her sweat soaked body attested to the fact that she was having one heck of a ride, but it was plain to see she was waning. My own cock was so solid it actually ached, lifting myself from her body Erin simply grabbed that moment of respite, trying as best she could to pull as much oxygen into her lungs as she could.

My hands once again went to her hips and turned her over, she didn't resist I don't think she could of if she had tried. Getting behind her and lifting her onto her knees, the mixed groan of despair and excitement over what was next made me smile. There was no longer any pretence, I pushed my cock into her soaked pussy and fucked her. Her own bodies hunt for pleasure must have forced her to push back against my thrusts.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck."

Her head once again sought out her pillow and she felt that build up to her orgasm. It was also seeing that ass of hers that gave me and idea, I know I shouldn't have, I had even said I would wait. But there it was right there glistening and ever so slightly open to me. So with one final thrust I came in Erin just as I slid a finger as deep as I could into her ass as well. Her whole body went rigid both her ass and her pussy refused to let go and my beloved Erin came one last time before she slumped forward totally spent.

Lying next to that panting, sweaty body of hers for the next fifty years was my life's dream. Erin seemed to read my mind set because she sure seemed to do her best to get in closer. I don't think there was one piece of skin on her back and legs that didn't touch the front of me, since she was spooned in so tight. A small groan left her lips as my hand rested on her breast. Realizing what I had done I moved it.

Quickly grabbing my wrist, the back of her head shook and relaxing my arm she placed it back on her breast, that soft groan returned for a moment before her ass gave a small wiggle into my groin area.

"They're still a little tender Daniel but it's a nice tender, a reminder of what you did to me and what I got from you doing it, so thank you."

For a long while Erin remained silent, for a while I actually thought she was sleeping.

"You're my fish."


"Oh yes you're my fish. I caught you and I'm not giving you back. It may have cost me a broken foot to find you and you sure keep wriggling on that line. But you're mine and I don't share."

I got to sleep with Erin that night; we even shared the wet spots as well.


It was the phone ringing that pulled me from my thoughts.

"I've just got off the phone with Jo-Anne she's going to swing by later and take the girls home with her for a sleep over, she said if we want she will even take them to school as well?"

I pulled the phone from my ear and actually looked at it, feeling stupid that I had done just that.

"Erin what are you talking about?"

"Melanie just phoned me, she said you've had that look on your face most of the day. I checked the calendar and I know where your mind's at. That was ten years ago Daniel and when you came home on that anniversary last year. We were kinda vocal all night and the next morning neither of the twins could look either of us in the eye without blushing for the best part of a week."

I laughed so much that Melanie had to get up out of her seat and close my office door.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
kaotic2kaotic25 months ago

I loved this.

Jalibar62Jalibar625 months ago

If it was me, and she gave me my business card back, I would take it as a sign that she didn’t want to know me any further.

When she started acting badly, I was confused; was she seeing other people? Or was it that she just wanted sex from him and then he needed to leave? Coz that’s cold-blooded. I seriously doubt that she could change her spots. Even when she came back to him, she seemed to just want sex.

OldmantruckerOldmantrucker5 months ago

Well 12282023. Good one... Folks can be Damb stubborn. Andbstupid at times... Till they get their hds out of theirbasses. And wrk things out.. 💯💯💯💯💯👍🤷🤷🤷👍👍👍👍👍🤷🤷😉😉👌😁🍕🍕🍺🍺

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Good story enjoyed handled situation and got all taken care of

Equal rights and sex great

Tell twins ear plugs or headphones

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