Cause And Effect


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I gaped at him for a moment but his eyes were focused entirely on the buttons on the wall as they rose. There were fifty floors in this hotel, including the Penthouse, and we were on the fourth.

"What's the matter?" I asked when the silence became unbearable.

"Nothing," he replied through gritted teeth, his hands balling into fists. "I'm just trying really hard not to tear your clothes off and fuck you right here in this elevator."

"Oh," I said stupidly, my inner-calm now a thing of the past and my erection now at full salute. I cleared my throat. "And why not?"

Carl licked his lips and turned to face me, his eyes blazing fire that threatened to set us both alight. "Camera," he said simply.

I looked up and to the left and, sure enough, a small camera was looking down on us from the corner of the lift.

"That's a shame," I muttered as I looked at the winking red dot above me, "I've never done it in a lift before."

"Oh God," Carl moaned and turned to glare once more at the buttons on the wall.

I tried to take out minds of things for a moment. "So tell me why you work as a security guard and live in Brooklyn when your family own a restaurant and you own a hotel," I asked, my voice shaky and my fingers itching to grab his ass and pull him up against me.

"Normality," he replied simply, not taking his eyes from the wall. "I was born wealthy and when my parents passed away my sister and I were left everything. I got sick of people only wanting to know me because of my money. She's happy being the centre of attention but I'm not."

"And the guard thing?" I persisted, glad that the conversation had turned less carnal.

"I like to people watch," he shrugged, "and the viewing platforms for Ground Zero are the perfect place to do that. You see a lot of honesty when people view tragedy. And in a city like this, honesty is hard to come by."

I nodded mutely for a moment, lost in my own thoughts but realizing with some astonishment that I could easily fall for a man like this.

Then the air thickened again as he turned to look at me and all thoughts of money and power and sensibilities left as he pulled me towards him and kissed me passionately.

"What about the camera?" I gasped as we came up for air.

"Who cares?" he muttered as he rubbed my aching cock with the palm of his hand, making me moan and writhe beneath his touch. "Besides, I can have security destroy the tape tomorrow."

Arriving at the penthouse suite was a strange experience because it took up an entire floor. The lift opened to a solitary door which Carl used his key card to open before dragging me inside and slamming behind him.

I didn't have time to take in the scenery.

"Can I get you a drink?" Carl asked as he pulled my coat from my shoulders and dumped it unceremoniously on the carpet, "Coffee, tea?" He tore at my belt, "I know how much you Brits like tea." Then I found myself pushed up against large rectangular desk, my jeans around my ankles and my cock in his mouth.

I gripped the edge of the desk and the crystal vase of flowers adorning it rocked dangerously as he began to blow me in earnest. I could feel his hot mouth surrounding me, his tongue tormenting me from inside the moist cavern before he released me only to increase the torture with licks to the tip of my penis that had me gripping the back of his head and whimpering in ecstasy.

He sucked me back in again and began to deep-throat me with such fervour that I was sure I would orgasm right then and there, but just as I was going to let out a warning he let go again with one final lick to the head that had me squirming before rising to his feet and returning his attention to my clothes.

"You have a beautiful cock," he said as he pulled my jumper and tee shirt over my head. He moved to lick and suckle at my nipples, grasping my butt cheeks in his hands as he did, "and you taste amazing."

"Take your clothes off," I moaned as he took one nipple in his mouth and tugged gently, his smile seeming to give away his awareness that the sensation went straight to my groin. "I want to see you."

He obliged, despite his apparent reluctance to stop touching me, if only for a short while, and within moments he was naked. I took that time to remove my trainers, jeans and boxers so that by the time he returned to me we were both naked, and I could see by his impressive erection that he was as aroused as I.

Carl really was beautiful naked. His toned body showed that he took care of himself, but didn't scream gym bunny, his chest was completely hair free, which has always been my preference and part of my beauty routine too, and his cock, though intimidating to say the least, did not have me running for the door at the first thought of having him inside me. All in all, he was really quite something to behold.

He grabbed my head in both hands and kissed me deeply, searchingly, as we ground our cocks together in desperation before pulling away and stepping back. "I need to get something from the bathroom," he murmured as he ran a thumb over my hardened nipple, "stay right there." And with that he disappeared off into another room.

I remained where I was, backed up against the table and desperately trying to control my breathing but he returned within seconds and I really didn't get much of a chance to calm myself down.

I glanced at the items he placed on the table beside me and my pulse increased again. Beside the bottle of lubricant he put a box of ten condoms. "One of the perks of owning the place," he said with a smile, "is that you can leave stuff behind when you check out and no one throws it out."

I nodded as I picked up the box and turned it over in my hand. "And how many times do you plan on fucking me tonight?" I asked nervously.

"Put it this way," he replied as he gently took the box from my tight grasp and placed it back on the table, "I have more of these in the bathroom." And with that he pressed himself against me once again and began kissing me in earnest.

I moaned as he grabbed my cock in his hand and began masturbating me in time to the stroke of his tongue against mine. I did the same to him and within moments we were both writhing against each other in desperation.

Abruptly he pulled his hand away and tore his lips from mine. I looked at him, startled.

"I gotta have you," he said breathlessly. "Next time we'll go slow. In bed or someplace else more comfortable than this, but right now..." he groaned again and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before turning me around and placing my hands on the desk before me.

Before I even knew what was happening, Carl was on his knees once again and I was writhing and bucking against the tongue invading my anus. I moved my torso forward slightly on the desk, placing my forearms flat to the elbow and spreading my legs on the floor so that he could have better access, then I closed my eyes and rode that talented tongue for all it was worth, not even caring when the vase of flowers rocked dangerously one too many times and went crashing to the floor on the other side.

Blindly I reached out for the lubricant and held it out behind me, muttering intelligible words and pleas for him to go further, to use his fingers, to just please fuck me and he must have understood because the bottle was taken from me and within moments I felt the first indications of pressure as one of his fingers joined his tongue.

I could sense his desperation was as bad as mine because no sooner had one slicked finger entered me than another joined it, then another. No time was taken for me to become used to the intrusion but it didn't matter to me because I was riding on a wave of complete hormonal madness and nothing else mattered.

I felt him stretch me, work my muscles for a moment as he licked my testicles, showing me once again that his demonstration back in the restaurant had nothing on reality, then he was tearing open the box of condoms and ripping one of it's foil rapper.

There was a moment of stillness as he lay his head on my back, his breath coming in short, heavy gasps that were warm on my spine by grew colder as the air filtered down to my buttocks, then "Are you ready?"

"God, yes," I replied as I looked over my shoulder. He pressed up against me from behind and kissed me deeply, grabbing my cock and manipulating another moan out of me before moving back into position.

I felt the first stab of pain as he pushed the head of his cock past the tight ring of muscle inside me, but I had long ago learned to love this sensation as a prelude for the overwhelming pleasure that was to come. I gripped the edge of the table tightly with one hand and Carl's hip with the other, "Please," I said when he stopped for a moment, "Please."

He pushed again, this time with more determination and the pain increased slightly, but I pushed against him and controlled my breathing and before I knew it I could feel his balls against me. He relaxed for a moment, allowing me to get used to the sensation of his cock inside me. And what an amazing sensation it was. I felt like I was filled, like I was in heaven and it was this curious, beautiful American man who had taken me there. I bucked slightly, indicating my desperation to continue and he got the point.

Carl rose up and pulled out slightly, only to plunge back inside me again, eliciting a deep groan from somewhere deep inside me. "Oh, yes," I murmured and so he did it again. Harder this time, and faster and harder and faster until he was pounding into me with desperation and I, who had found his rhythm, was pushing back against him with just as much.

The table beneath us creaked in annoyance but held firm as Carl fucked me as he had promised and fleetingly I tried to think of a time when it had been that good. Perhaps it was because of my current position, or perhaps it was simply that this man was the best I had ever had, but right at that moment and, if I am honest, since that moment, I could not think of any lover with whom I could compare.

He had somehow managed to locate my prostate and was hitting it with every stroke. My knees were weak and I could hear myself keening and pleading incoherently. I could feel my orgasm approaching and I cried out wantonly as Carl reached around to grab my cock. "I'm gonna come," he moaned in my ear as he thrust inside me once again, "come with me."

I obliged and as I felt his cock pulse and harden impossibly further inside of me, I came hard, shooting streams of semen all over the beautiful mahogany desk and covering Carl's hand. He cried out as I came and joined me in release, his movements stilling for a moment before he began to thrust again, this time small, short movements designed more to aid his release than to pleasure us both.

Neither one of us could move for a few minutes after that, so we stayed as we were, me leaning heavily on the table and Carl slumped over my back. Only an audible groan from the desk jerked us both unceremoniously back into reality. "We should move," I murmured quietly, reluctant to break the spell. "We already broke a vase and I for one don't want the owner to kick us out for trashing the hotel room."

Carl laughed quietly behind me and heaved himself upright, his now limp penis sliding out of me and causing me to shiver slightly at the loss. I turned as he removed the condom and tied it off before tossing it in the bin by the desk.

"You want a shower?" he asked as he looked at me, strangely shy for a man who had just blown my mind.

I nodded and smiled reassuringly, "Then we can see just how comfortable that bed of yours is."

My light tone elicited a hundred watt grin from him and he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom.


"You okay?" The man beside me asked as the seatbelt sign switched off and the cabin crew rose to open the doors.

I looked at him and nodded. "I'm fine."

He smiled at me doubtfully and rose to open the overhead locker, then looked down at me again. "It's just that you're white as a sheet."

I cleared my throat. "You'll think it's stupid..." I began.

He sat down again. "Try me."

"Well, I just had the most incredible holiday of my life. I saw things I never thought I'd see, did things I only dreamed of and," I paused, unsure.


"And I fell in love."

The man smiled gently. "All sounds great to me. So what's made you so scared of flying?"

I blushed then, suddenly ashamed of my own stupidity. "It's all too perfect. I was waiting for the something bad to happen to balance it all out, you know?"

He nodded in understanding. "Like a plane crash. Karma."

"Right," I looked at him sheepishly. "Pretty stupid, huh?"

The man cocked his head and looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before taking my hand in his and bringing it to his mouth for a gentle, reassuring kiss. "Not so stupid," Carl replied quietly, "But we're safe now."

I looked into those beautiful brown eyes for an endless moment, before leaning over and kissing him deeply.

Karma be hanged, I thought.

So long as they don't lose our luggage.

The End.

A/N: When writing this I came to notice the irony surrounding Carl's job and Matt's fear of flying. I was going to alter it but on re-reading I realised the two are mutually exclusive and I hope I have treated the tragedies both in America and London with the respect they deserve.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I absolutely love your stories

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
End was sweet and perfect

thank you

Haphaestion2004Haphaestion2004over 9 years ago
LMAO !!! Hehehehehehe !!

A great part of this story is hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at what happened at the Tapa-Bar and later on at the Hotel. Gosh, they were sooo turned on, they were really freaking out ! They managed to break a vase .... hehehehehe!!!!

I loved your story ! Actually, I absolutely love all your stories and I hope you will carry on writing !

This one touched on some strong emotions: being at Ground Zero is one experience which will give anyone a shock - it's just impossible to stand there totally aloof. We feel real empathy with the main character, Matt; as he becomes tearful, so would anyone of us in that situation, so we are at one with him - hell, we don't even have to be there !

Matt also remembers the London bombings, which, being an englishman, also makes it personal - obviously, this type of tragedy should feel personal to anybody "decent" ...

The other strong emotion is the incredible lust both Matt and Carl start feeling for each other - OMG the teasing at the Tapa-Bar - Really I would love to have been a witness to these two: I was roaring with laughter and wondering where they would be going to find privacy; Carl owning a Hotel was another surprise!

I'm so happy Matt fell in love and I'm sure Carl is crazy about the Brit as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

It can be hard to find someone who can both write poetically and erotically. I love your stories and how you describe things within them, so I do hope you'll write more. I like my literature to be both arousing and captivating in a literary sense. You did a lovely job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Very nice.

TheRealThinggTheRealThinggover 12 years ago

loved it ! not rushed at all . everything subsequent of Matt meeting Carl was perfect .

wingedchaoswingedchaosover 12 years ago

Admirable job...for a short story, you've managed to pack a lot within these pages. Excellent!

AngelFlynnAngelFlynnabout 13 years ago

I really love this story. It's amazing. Thank you so much for sharing and keep on writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I loved this sweet but SHORT!! Story..This is the first i hav read of ur stories bt am going 2 read more afta ths..PLZ PLZ write atleast two more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
yey you!

awww. what a sweet story. i love all your work. i would really love it if you tried your hand at longer story, that would be awsome!! keep on writing!

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