Celestial Wars Ch. 02


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The red haired Angel blanched, "I, um...yes..." Cariel was cut off as her face began to pale. She started choking on her words before she could get them all out.

Those of the Light cannot lie.

Devnik continued on, his voice pitched low and dangerous, "Tell me the truth then Cariel. I am giving you a direct command to tell me what you want."

The green runes around her collar flashed.

"I want to be yours!" She screeched as she fell to her knees. Her slim hands shot up to her collar. She tugged on the metal band. Muscles and tendons bunched up tight as she tried desperately to pull it off. But it didn't move.

And all the while she spoke...driven by the compulsion magic.

"I want you to fuck me. I want you to hit me. I want to forget that I ever even had free will," She took a deep breath, and then continued, her voice cracking with unrealized sobs.

"I want to crawl at your feet. I want you to touch me...I want to touch you."

Cariel paused, and her hands fell from her collar. She simply knelt there, and spoke as softly as a whisper of wind.

"But most of all, I want you to bite me...please... I just want you to bite me...I'll do anything...I'll even love you...if you want me too."

Now her tears started to fall. They slid down her cheeks in big droplets. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to recover from her litany of confessions. She looked wrung out...as if she had finally been squeezed of all resistance.

I knew exactly how she felt. Now that Cariel had put it into words, I knew exactly what I wanted as well. I needed to make the blood deal with Master. Throughout the entire journey to Ireland, I had felt an overwhelming need for...something.

Now I knew what it was.

Cariel and I were both addicted to Master's bite. We were sisters in service, pleasure...and mind consuming addiction.



Cariel didn't move from her place on the ground.

I didn't quite know what to make of the situation. It wasn't every day that a creature as powerful as a Seraphim kneels and cries in the middle of a room. I spared a glance at Devnik and I met his red eyes.

He nodded to me.

A servant's work is never done I suppose.

I drew close to Cariel, making sure to keep my movements slow and visible. It felt like approaching a spooked animal. If I moved to fast she would either flee or fight.

I placed one light hand on her bare shoulder. Her skin was hot to touch.

"Cariel," I said, "Let me take you to the guest room. I'll find you some clothes, and then maybe you can get some sleep."

She swung her head around and looked at me. There was a vacancy behind her eyes...almost as if some part of her had fled, in order to escape the intensity of her feelings.

"Will master be okay if I go?" She asked. Her voice sound soft and light...innocent like a child, yet sultry and concerned, like a woman.

"Master wants you to feel better," I said gently, in the caring tones I used to use on my own boy many, many years ago.

Cariel paused, and then nodded her assent.

"Come on then," I said, as I helped her to her feet, "It's just down the hall."

I held her hand as I led her from the room. As we passed Devnikolus at the door way, Cariel stopped, and looked at him with that same vacant expression.

"Would that be a fair deal Master?" Cariel asked, "If I give you my love will you take my blood?"

For a brief moment, the good and noble knight that I used to be cringed at Cariel's words. This Angel wanted nothing more than to give herself, body and soul, to our Demonic master. Was this how Maria felt on the inside?

"Go rest Cariel." Devnik said simply.

Cariel nodded, and I tugged on her hand, and she allowed me to lead her out of the room.

I closed the door behind us.



We were alone at last.

Maria stood in front of me, and I could tell simply by looking at her, that she had just realized this as well.

She was dressed in a dark brown traveling dress. Her blonde hair was mussed from the road, and a smudge of dirt was just visible on one cheek. Her silver eyes were looking down at my feet, and she was wearing a small, sweet smile. I noticed all of these things without meaning to.

Perhaps that is what love is...being painfully aware of someone. So aware that you almost wish you never met them, so that your mind could be free of their laughter...and the looks that they give you when no one else can see.

"Master?" Maria said, without lifting her eyes.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I missed you."

"You saw me when you walked in my dreams," I replied with humor in my voice.

Maria shook her head. "It wasn't the same. We were distracted. We didn't talk about what mattered. We couldn't touch properly."

I laughed, "Yes, we did plenty of improper touching if I recall."

Maria's cheek grew red, and she shook her blonde head.

"I was so scared....back in that field in France. I thought you might die."

Poor girl...she had been carrying such a great weight on her shoulders. Two weeks ago she was a prostitute in Paris. Now she claimed to love me, the Demon Prince of Destruction.

She had even saved my life.

I took two heavy steps towards her, and she fell back into my arms. She was soft and perfect. I took a deep breath. Her hair smelled like damp stone and clear autumn rain.

"Maria," I said, and I could hear that my voice had lowered, and taken on a serious tone.

"Hmmm," she muttered into my chest. I could tell she was quickly becoming caught up in how close we were. The awakening bond would cause her body to shiver with arousal in my presence.

"I want to say something to you...something that is rare for one of the Dark to say...and rarer still for them to mean it."

"What is it Master?" Maria asked without taking her cheek from my chest.

"I wanted to thank you for saving my life. The magic from our blood deal existed outside of myself. Because of this, when you made your wish, I was able to use that magic to whisk myself to safety...even though I was caught unprepared in the sun."

Maria drew away from me.

"Don't say that Master. If it wasn't for me you would have never been fighting in the first place. I'm so sorry that I've been so much trouble."

Before I could say anything...before I could point out how ludicrous that logic was...Maria dropped to her knees. She unbuttoned her brown dress, and it slide from her shoulders.

"Let me make it up to you Master," she said. Her voice was tinged with raw emotion. She genuinely believed that she needed to atone for some imaged infraction.

Her pale breasts swayed as she leaned forward, and put her hands against the buttons on my trousers. She looked up at me, her eyes silently looking for permission.

I nodded.

She gently unbuttoned my pants, and undid the laces holding the fly together. I was already mostly hard. She gave me a mischievous grin when she saw this. Her hand was caring and careful as she took hold of my manhood.

She inched herself closer, and lowered her head around my cock.

Satin soft lips glided down my sex slowly. She pressed them hard around me, giving just the right amount of pressure.

Then, her tongue swirled around the head of my sex.

I stiffened, and let out a slow guttural growl. I let my eyes slide shut, and snuck both of my hands up into the tresses of her long golden hair. She moved her mouth up and down at a slow indolent pace.

Every minute or so, I would hold her head still, and she would simply kneel there with my cock unmoving in her mouth.

My climax was approaching. She lowered her mouth again. My hands moved to the sides of her head. I started to thrust back at her while I controlled her head with my hands.

Maria didn't miss a beat, and she started to match my rhythm. She licked and sucked and moaned, and the combination of her wet tongue and the vibrations at the back of her throat undid me.

With a roar, I emptied myself into the back of her throat. Maria trembled in excitement and arousal, as she felt my cock pulsing on her tongue.

I pulled her from my sex, and lifted her like a doll up into my arms. She giggled as she wrapped her legs around my waist, and put her arms around my neck. Her soft breasts and pointed nipples pillowed against my chest.

She tilted her face to the side, and looked at me questioningly. Then, she pressed her lips to mine.

Our kiss was long and searching. It seemed to draw out for an eternity.

When she finally pulled away her eyes were lidded with sleep.

"The sun will be up soon," she said delicately. "You'll be wanting to go to sleep soon."

I grinned at her. "We're not done dear one. Not yet, not by a half."

She unwrapped herself, and I set her down on the floor.

"Go lie on the bed," I said. "Lie on your back with your hands clasped behind your neck."

She walked slowly across the room at a languid pace. The air was thick with tension, and the smell of her sex permeated every breath.

I let her lie on the bed for a while...so that she could suffer in wonderful anticipation. Then, I went to join her. With a soft hand, I spread her legs.

With my thumb and forefinger, I spread her sex, and gently trailed the pad of my middle finger across the sensitive flesh an inch deep in her channel.

"Master...so good," Maria muttered. Her legs gyrated as she fought to keep them parted. She drew a deep breath and said, "Are you going to hurt me tonight Master?"

I shook my head. "No pain tonight love, only pleasure."

I took her ankles in my hands and pulled them up to rest on my shoulders. She whined slightly, and she pushed her sex up at me...desperate for me to keep touching her.

I entered her slowly. I watched her wet sex hungrily stretch around my cock. Maria gave a sharp cry, and her body seized up before relaxing into a few tiny shudders. She was hot and tight, and her sex was clenching and welcoming.

I pushed a little deeper, and I watched the last inch of my sex disappear into her.

"Every surrender feels like the first...doesn't it dear one?" I said as I kept my cock fully seated within her.

Maria nodded with her eyes closed. Strands of blonde hair had fallen over her face, but she didn't move her hands from behind her neck. I could tell that her entire being was focused on my manhood...hard and thick and unyielding.

I pulled back all the way, and then back in...then out again. Soon, I built up speed, and the bedroom was filled with the meaty sounds of our flesh slapping roughly against one another.

Her eyes opened as I grasped her thighs and pulled her pelvis up off the bed, allowing my cock access to the deepest parts of her. Her sex glazed eyes could hardly focus on me.

"After you come, I want to bite you little one. I will need you to offer me the blood deal for the third and final time."

Maria moaned something that sounded like, "yes."

I quickened my pace to supernatural speeds. I slapped one of her breasts, and she shrieked in pain. I slapped the other breast, and she opened her mouth to cry out...but she uttered no sound. Her sex clamped down hard around me and her body became rigid and still.

Then, the tension in her legs and sex drained away, and her ankles slide off my shoulders. My cock slid wetly out of her.

Maria's eyes were closed again, and I watched her belly rise and fall as she struggled to compose herself.

"Maria," I said soothingly. "For the third and final blood deal, you need to say the words that you said for the first deal. All you need to do is say those words...I will take care of everything else."

I gave her one long look, she hadn't opened her eyes.

"Do you remember the words Maria?" I asked.

Without opening her eyes, Maria flashed me a lazy grin. "I freely give my own blood to fulfill my own desires."

Cheeky girl...I thought warmly.

I moved up and lay down next to her on the bed. I put one hand on her cheek, and the other on her shoulder. I softly sunk my teeth into the joining where the shoulder meets the neck.

Hot, blue, Angelic blood poured into my mouth.

I took long, deep, dark, draughts from her willing body...while her limbs twitched in fevered ecstasy.


When I had drained her dry, I pulled my teeth from her flesh. She lay still and unmoving. She was deeply asleep.

I was just about to pull up the covers, and slip in beside her to sleep, when I heard a tapping at the window. The window was the only one in the bedroom, and it faced north. It never admitted enough sunlight to reach the bed.

Upon the window sill was a large blackbird. It was tapping its beak against the glass insistently. Behind the bird, the sky was beginning to lighten into a tepid, hazy purple.

I moved across the bedroom, and opened the window.

The bird hopped inside. It twisted its taloned foot up at me, and proffered a note of rich vellum. I took the note from the bird. It hopped back up on the window sill. With one wing, the bird gave me a deep bow.

I nodded at it.

The blackbird chirped, and then fluttered out into the early dawn.

I flicked the note open, and read:

Orias says that he will not wait until nightfall to attack you. He will be upon you no later than noon. You will have to take the proper preparations to account for the sun. Lucifer says he needs at least half of an hour to achieve his goals. You will need to distract him for this time.





Cariel was sitting up on the guest bed, hugging her knees to her chest.

I was seated on the spare chair in the corner of the room. From my position, I had heard nearly everything that Devnik and Maria had done in the master bedroom.

For Cariel, a powerful supernatural creature with supernatural hearing, I was willing to wager she had heard everything with crystal clear clarity.

She hadn't said a word since we had arrived. We had both remained silent as we had listened to the passionate love-making down the hall.

"It's dawn," Cariel said suddenly.

I peered out the window. The sky had brightened into a lively orange hue. "So it would seem," I replied, unsure of what the Seraphim was trying to say.

Cariel's eyes suddenly sharpened. The dull glassy look that had covered them like a film washed away like it had never been there. In its place, was an expression of wide eyed terror.

"It's him," she yelled as she bolted from the bed.

She was halfway to the door when she froze. The green runes on her collar fizzled and crackled manically. The entire room was bathed in a unearthly green light.

"I'm a full-blooded Angel..." Cariel whimpered as she put a hands on her collar. "I have to obey...but to obey would be to disobey."

I moved to her cautiously, ready to help if she needed it.

"What are you saying Cariel?" I asked.

"He wants me to go outside and meet him...but the collar thinks this would be an attempt at escaping."

Cariel put a hand to her head...and her face scrunched up into an expression of livid agony.

"Who Cariel?" I asked frantically. I was mere seconds from running down the hall to get Devnik.

"Michael," Cariel whispered between gasps of pain.

"Michael is here."


Special thanks to Lady Ver for editing this story for me. If you enjoyed it, and more importantly, were not confused by it, you have her to thank. Any and all remaining errors are mine.

-Noble Truth

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I feel so upset, the love triangle makes no sense, Maria fell in love because of the bond magic, but Cariel just craved the demon after less than a day for no reason? Ahhh everything would be so much better without Cariel, she was always annoying but now it’s ruining the story :(

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You are a gifted writer and the story is interesting, but I wish Devnik had been true faithful to Maira, despite being a demon

TSreaderTSreaderabout 5 years ago

Wonderful in all aspects! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
love this

I love thus a lot noble truth buh pls in reality a lady is not happy with the knowledge that she is to share her man with another woman. So pls take note. Apart from that great story so far i am waiting 4 d nxt episode

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Soooo goood...

I love this series, and hope you can publish it someday, if it isn't already. Ypu write really well, and hope you keep on wrting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
good but...

I found Jon to be a more hero type material....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Was something special

This story actually has pissed me off. You had something special going before but now with Cariel added its just feels like a sick fanasty of having multiple women utterly devoted to a total asshole. The feeling of loving control between the two main characters feels compelety destroyed for me now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Awesome story

I love it. Dev is just hot hot hot!! I just wish he could be more loyal to Maria. After all she did save him^^^ and agreed. I feel kind bad for Maria.

LadyPartsLadyPartsabout 9 years ago
Excellent and engrossing story!

My goodness but you can spin a compelling and erotic tale.

I can't wait to see this play out. All of my plans for today have just vanished so that I can go on to the next chapter.

What I find so compelling is how you've created such potent inner conflict in every single character. Although Jon has resigned himself to his inner conflict and Maria never had enough time to really understand who and what she was for her conflict to be very compelling, still the reader knows it's there and wonders what each decision will be.

Fantastic story telling!

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