Celestial Wars Ch. 03


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Oreda pretended she didn't see.

She took us around the back of the throne, where a discreet door was positioned just behind it.

"This door will take you down a hall and up a flight of stairs. The Prince will receive you in his chambers."

Alarial already had a hand on the door before the she-demon finished speaking.


Devnikolus was sitting in a high-backed leather armchair. His red eyes were fixed on the fireplace before him. Orange light danced across his face, highlighting the strong length of his jaw, and his high cheekbones.

His eyes flicked up and over to us, and he smiled.

"I'm glad you all chose to come here."

He said it genuinely. With more warmth and emotion than I had ever heard from him.

Alarial bounded forward, and launched herself into his lap. She was all blond hair and enthusiasm as she nuzzled his neck with her mouth and nose. I watched her lick at his skin, and press her thinly clothed breasts against his chest.

Devnikolus put a slender hand on top of her head, and stroked her like she was a cat.

"Hush now, my love," he said, "There will be time for that soon."

Alarial stopped squirming and settled. Her eyes drifted shut, and her cheek rested against Devnik's chest.

I wanted to be there in his lap. I ached for those possessive touches.

Devnikolus looked up at Jon and me, still standing in the entranceway.

"I need to talk to all three of you," he said. "You will all start to experience the corruption soon, and I want you to know what to expect."

Jon cleared his throat, and took a step farther inside the room.

"Yes," Jon said, "I know that the...um...corruption involves us becoming true members of the Dark...but what does that mean?"

Devnikolus sighed.

"Basically," he said, "Hell will turn you into demons."

Devnikolus looked at us, perhaps searching for some hint of shock or surprise. We disappointed him. I imagine we had both suspected as much.

"Yes well," Devnikolus continued, "The process will occur gradually over a three day period. For the first day, you will find that you will be unable to access any magic that you once had."

Jon grinned, "No problems there."

Devnikolus shrugged, "That was directed more at the two angels rather than you...human."

Jon winced. "You're not mad about my slip up...are you?"

"Well discuss it after your change," Came Devnikolus's cool reply.

Jon's face fell, and he looked suitably miserable.

"On the second day," Devnikolus continued, "You will be confronted with tremors and uncontrollable discharges of magic. This is the day where the corruption will analyze your inherent magic and willpower. The type of demon that you are transformed into will be in accordance with the strength of those two."

"I'm not going to be an imp am I?" I asked bitterly.

Devnik's eyes met mine. My core clenched, and I immediately regretted my tone.

"Doubtful," he replied.

Then he said, "On the third and final day, your physical transformation will occur. After that, you will officially be subjects of my court."

"Well," Jon said. "That doesn't sound too bad."

"I'm going to be a demon," I said, my voice sounding strange to my own ears.

Devnik looked at me curiously, and then he looked at Jon.

"Jon," he said. "Go find Oreda. Tell her to give you rooms in the south side of the tower. I will visit you tomorrow to see how your corruption is progressing."

The butler looked at both Alarial and me, and then nodded. It might have been my imagination, but I thought I could see a tinge of red in his brown eyes.

"Yes Master," he said. Then he turned, and swept out of the room.

The door closed with a click, and suddenly my sister and I were alone, together, with our demonic Master.

"Stand up my sweet," Devnikolus said, as he patted Alarial on her head.

Alarial smiled mischievously against his chest. She didn't open her eyes.

"Send her away Devnik," she said. "I was a wreck while I watched you fight Michael and you need to make it up to me."

The demon prince shook his head.

"Sorry my dear," he said as he stood and carried her with him, "But I need to see to Cariel first."

"But Devnik..." Alarial whined as she glared at me.

"Hush now," Devnik said. He turned, and tossed Alarial underhanded towards the bed. She flipped over once in midair, and landed belly down on the bed.

As soon as she touched down, she spun around. Her playful face was gone, and she looked angry.

"Look," I said, "I'll just go."

I turned to leave.

"Do not move!" Yelled Devnik.

A whisper of cold settled onto the air, and I remembered that I was without my magic.

"Alarial," Devnik said firmly, "You will sit on that bed and you will not speak. I will take care of your sister's needs, and then I will come to bed. Understand?"

My half-sister glowered at him.

"Don't make me punish you pet," Devnik whispered, his voice taking on a spookily calm tone.

Alarial sighed, and flopped back down onto the bed. She closed her eyes, and didn't speak.

I stood shocked at the interplay I had just witnessed.

"Now," Devnik said, as he turned to me. "I imagine your body is quite eager for some more venom."

Suddenly, my heart was in my ears, and I could feel a fiercely coiled need well up inside of me. The need for the venom hadn't been so bad before he mentioned it...more like an ache that could be forgotten...but now...now I had to have it. I could feel my veins crying for it.

Devnik nodded, he must have seen something on my face.

"I understand," he said. "I exposed you to a good deal of it when I bit you last."

I could feel my hands trembling at my sides. This strange and powerful need was terrifying, but I tried to control my speech as I spoke.

"If...if it wouldn't be too much trouble...Master." I said. I cringed when I realized I hadn't been able to keep the tremor out of my voice.

The demon smiled. "No trouble at all. You have promised me free blood for eternity after all...and your blood will change in the coming days," he said. "In fact, I may want to save a few drops for later."

With that, Devnik turned, and wandered over to a corner of the chamber.

My eyes flicked over to Alarial. I didn't think she was asleep, but I could tell she was trying her best to ignore us.

Devnik rummaged around in a large mahogany cupboard. He produced a silver cup, and he placed it on a small circular side table. Then, he looked at me and, suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed.

Suddenly, there was a hunger in his eyes.

It was like he was invading me with his gaze...and something told me he understood more of me than anyone else. Something told me he could see the red-haired slut inside of me. The slut that would do anything for her master...because the master took care of her.

I had promised to love him...if only he'd satisfy my need.

My dark-haired master held his powerful arms out, and I stepped into his embrace. He enfolded me in his grasp, and I cooed before I could stop myself. I could not escape these arms. But I didn't want to. I was safe here.

His hands slid down my body. They cupped the sides of my breasts as the moved. Our flesh made a soft swishing sound as his fingers drifted down my bare arms.

Skin tingled and flushed underneath his touch.

Soon, my wrist was in his grasp, and he raised it up to his mouth. His breath was cool as I felt him exhale gently on me.

"In the Demon hierarchy, there are two ways to establish yourself above another demon." Devnikolus said, his voice as sweet and rich as honey over bread.

"You may fight, and demonstrate that your magic is superior to theirs."

A red spark jumped between us. And my body shivered.

"That way is temporary. Power can be gained and lost."

I looked into his eyes, and wondered who could possibly think to defeat this man with brute force. Michael hadn't been able to do it.

Devnik continued to speak.

"Or you may subject the other demon to your venom. If your venom and willpower is strong enough to dominate the recipient, then you have proven your superiority."

He smiled at me.

"I have already filled your body with my venom, and I can tell you already crave it."

I nodded against him, unable to deny the incredible need I felt. I wanted his bite. I needed it like a mortal needed air.

Devnik pulled my wrist even closer to his mouth.

"But I don't want you to simply be below me. I want you to be my bondswoman. My personal attendant. No task will be too lowly for you. If I told you to lick my balls for an hour, you will do it with joy. If I told you to bath me every day...you would offer to do it with your hair."

My lower stomach turned at his words...but not with disgust.

My demon master continued speaking, "The position of bondswoman is generally held by a weaker demon, unable to refuse me anything. This is why I will bite you several times. I will increase your addiction until you cannot imagine anything better than serving me."

His mouth was so close.

Bite me. Please bite me.

Then, he struck.

His teeth sunk into me. But it was so much more. I felt the rush of venom enter me, and it was like my soul was being pierced.

With each passing moment, I could feel his claim over me grow. My sex was wet. My breasts felt heavy and achy...but none of that mattered.

What mattered was that I felt at peace.

And I knew there could be no existence for me without him.

I climaxed gently with his teeth clamped on my wrist.



My mouth felt slightly dry as I pulled Cariel's wrist away from my teeth. I had injected all of the venom in my glands into her. A lesser entity's mind would have been broken by such an onslaught. As it was, Cariel was weak and languid, and I had to support half of her weight with my hand against her back.

Alarial's voice came from the bed. "Is that what I look like? When you bite me?"

I turned my head, being careful with the pliant red-head in my arms.

"Yes my dear," I said. "That look of rapture graces your pretty face as well."

My blond love frowned slightly, "Why do you have to have her too?" she asked. "Am I not enough? Don't you remember that she tried to kill you?"

I sighed, and brought Cariel's wrist over the silver cup. I hadn't drunk any of her blood. I had been too focused on infusing my venom to drink.

I allowed several large drops to splash into the cup, before healing Cariel's wrist with a dash of magic.

"I remember," I said slowly. "But she is your sister, and I believe you will come to love her...in time. I can tell she already loves you."

Alarial blinked her silver eyes in surprise. She fiddled with an errant blond lock of hair, and looked down.

I turned my attention back to my bondswoman.

"Cariel," I whispered, as I gently brushed her hair from her forehead. "Cariel, I need you to open your eyes for me. It is time for you to go."

The Seraphim's eyes opened with quick, cute flutters. Her eyes were wonderfully dilated, and I could feel that her soft body was generating an impressive amount of heat.

"Do I have to Master?" She said. Gone was the haughty voice she used most of the time. When she was aroused and in my thrall, she spoke like a shy girl. A shy girl who wanted nothing more than to be found pleasing.

"Yes bondswoman," I said. "Go out the door, and tell Oreda you will take the position from the late Turkik. She will show you to his old rooms."

Cariel nodded gently. Her face was serene in her submission, and her arousal. She was looked like the goddess of obedience as she padded to the door to my chambers.

She left without looking back.


I took a small swig of the precious blue blood in the silver goblet. Hot ecstasy rolled down my mouth. Soon I was drinking every last drop. It was too good to resist.

Power and arousal was suddenly pounding just beneath the surface of me...and I knew what I wanted.

And now there was nothing between me and her...and she was what I wanted.

There was no Michael, no plot. No vengeful half-sister chasing us across France.

Nothing could touch us here. Here we could just be.

"Devnik?" My blond love asked from the bed. The sound of my name on her lips made something warm and wonderful uncurl in my chest. I didn't know if that was our bond's doing or not.

I also didn't care.

"Yes love?" I asked.

"Is there any reason why you can't come to me now?" She said the last words with a brilliant smile on her face. She looked young and beautiful and perfect.

I blurred over to her. It must have looked like I appeared out of thin air, because she started backwards.

"None that I can think of." I said with a grin.

I leaned down, and she leaned back to accommodate me. She gave into me so easily. Despite all the times we'd been together, she was still breathtakingly lovely and yet also innocent.

She titled her head back submissively. Her eyes were searching.

"Your sister's blood is on my lips," I said. "I think you should have a taste."

Then, my lips touched hers. Her kiss was sweet and loving. My body pressed down against hers, and her soft, warm breasts pillowed against my chest. Our kiss went on for minutes before she pulled away.

"Undress me?" she asked breathily.

Moving my hands, I unbuttoned her worn traveling top, and then slipped her free of her travel pants.

As the top came off over her shoulders, her breasts spilled free. Her small pink nipples were hard and needy. I took one into my mouth, and Alarial moaned as she cupped my head to her soft flesh.

I gently suckled and nibbled upon her little bud. Then, I switched over the other, and she wrapped her legs around my back.

Finally, I pulled away, and removed my own clothes.

"Master," my lover said as she watched me disrobe, "I needed it a little rougher...please?"

I nodded.

"Get on your hands and knees," I said. My voice was dangerous now. Dark and commanding.

My pet didn't hesitate and she moved to do as I commanded. She presented her rounded bottom up to me. Like an offer.

Her sex was still covered by a wisp of silken panties.

I moved the silk gusset to the side to reveal the pink skin of her womanhood. Then, I slid my hands down her proffered buttocks. I moved my hand between, and found wetness between her legs.

She was wonderfully aroused.

I knelt up, and settled my throbbing, thick erection between her globes. The tip of my cock kissed her lower lips, and I could feel her waiting warmth leave a wet spot at the head of my cock.

Without warning, I entered her...hard.

I flung my head back, and roared. Her folds felt like heaven around me. Muscles all along her sex rippled as she tried to accommodate my entire length at once.

"Oh...Master...that hurt," she cried softly into the bed.

Her plea ignited my lusts further. I grabbed her by the sides of her ass, and completely controlled her. I moved her up and down my cock furiously as I fucked into her.

She whimpered, and struggled slightly as she tried to regain her balance.

I didn't let her. My arms were like iron around her, and she moved to my will as I parted her drenched pussy with my cock over and over.

Her pussy was soaked, and her cum leaked down her pale thighs as they quivered and bucked.

I ran a hand through her golden hair, and made a fist as I pulled at her tresses.

Her head snapped back, and I nipped her on the ear.

At that, her entire body began to quiver, and she arched her back as a shudder ran down her body. I felt a new gush of hot wetness coat my balls as her channel spasmed and coaxed the seed from my manhood.

I gave one final thrust, and held myself inside of her. Thick ropes of my pleasure splashed against the warm confines of her sex.

Alarial gave one last deep moan of pleasure, before her knees finally gave, and she slumped down into the sheets.

I followed her down, and I crushed her soft female body beneath mine. It felt good to lie like this. It felt like I was protecting the soft female with my harder form.

Below me, my love wriggled in contentment.

We lay like that for a time.

Finally, I shifted, and I raised myself up onto my arms.

"Don't go," she said. "We should just stay like this for the rest of our lives."

I chuckled. I felt sated and calm. "We are immortal my dear, that would be quite a long time."

Alarial turned slightly beneath me, and her eyes met mine. They were lazy and content. "Shush," she said. "This is our happily ever after. This is how I imagine eternity."

How sweet. How sad.

"Oh," I said, as I settled down next to my beautiful lover, "Do you think forever plays out so predictably?"

Alarial rolled over, and we lay side by side on the bed, staring into each other's eyes.

She gave me a small, submissive smile.

"You're here with me" She said, "That's all I need. You're my love. My master. My Dark God."

I snorted slightly, amused. "Is that how you think of me? Am I your Dark God little one?"

She nodded softly, and I took her in my arms.

Her blond head fit snugly under my chin, and her warm, curvy body pressed flush against mine.

I draped an arm around her, and my hand found the nape of her neck. It settled there naturally.


It would be tempting, I thought. To hold her for an eternity.

I held her for a long time...till eventually I heard her settle into the soft, rhythmic breath that accompanies an untroubled sleep.

"Oh my sweet," I said softly to myself, as I looked upon the girl whose mind was made mine by accident. "Sometimes I forget how young you really are. There are no true endings when talking of eternity. You have merely gotten a taste of this life. You have merely gotten a taste of Celestial Wars."


If you enjoyed this series, why not leave me a comment or send me an email?

Thank you to all who supported me. Words appeared on pages because of you.


Noble Truth

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CuriousdaisyCuriousdaisy2 months ago

I wish so much that it had a better ending, I agree with the others that there was no character development which was very anticlimactic, Cariel makes absolutely no sense and this bondwoman role is so horrible, there’s nothing positive I can say about that woman. I wish we got to know the characters more because this way when they say they love each other it means very little… it was an interesting and creative concept though, and the beginning was quite good, keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I have to echo cinnamon_nymph, I liked this story. Well written, despaired typos, but I do wish Devnik had been exclusive to Maria.

cinnamon_nymphcinnamon_nymphabout 1 year ago

I ate this entire series up! Still wish Devnik and Maria were exclusive though. Love lots to the author xxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

First, loved your story. Second, Michael casts a rape torture spell on all aethlings and nobody ever brings this up! What the hell! If an aethling doesn't want to fuck their awakener they feel severe pain. I thought this would be a pretty major plot point of how wildly corrupt angels at all levels could be. How the angels were fundamentally disconnected from how humans thought and they only cared about order instead of goodness. I was expecting Alariel to throw it in Cariel's or Michael's face that they are just disappointed she wasn't raped by the right person. Still a good story, but it felt really weird that this never came up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So does the awakening spell survive the transition from half angle/human to demon change? What happened to Jon?

So many questions!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I bet you read the comments on these stories still from time to time. I want you to know that this is my all time favorite series on Lit. Hope you continue this - you’ve put so much effort into the world building to leave it unfinished like this

SheSaidSheWas18SheSaidSheWas18over 1 year ago

So fucking good! I wish there was more .

AzuraDelacroixAzuraDelacroixalmost 2 years ago

wait, is this completed or is there going to be more chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

WTF?! Randomly ran across this story and whilst beginning was interesting, it just became predictable - no character development. I felt you had so much potential - so disappointed! You'd be great at writing the co-ed gangbang stories on this site

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Not sure how I can be the only person here to think this is a ridiculous ending. I was hopeful the characters (esp. Devnik) would evolve with the acknowledgement that Devnik and Maria's love was a lie that was forced upon them. I guess I forgot this is in the mind control category which explains why Maria and Cariel are both written as mindless one dimensional wanton sluts who are happy to live a lie because that's what mind control is - suppressing free will. Ah well - teaches me to steer clear of this category in future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Loved the story. Was confused for a long time over the two angels, Veriel and Vraiel…thought they were the same…a typo or something.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

only one word....FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love your work. Been waiting for the next one for years.

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